Dream Control, Voodoo Dreams, Dream Magic, Dream of Me
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Voodoo Dream Magick

voodoo dream bags
Each Voodoo Dreams Pillow Bag Kit includes the complete ritual/instructions,Voodoo Nights Magick Dream Oil™, & Pillow Bag

Voodoo DreamLand™ Gris-Gris Pillow Bags

Putting "pillow bags" under or into one's pillow can be traced back for nearly as long as there have been pillows! Herbs, stones, and talismans were put underneath pillows to facilitate wishes coming true, prophetic dreaming, and astral projection in many ancient cultures. Based on historical texts, we offer you three different Voodoo DreamLand gris-gris pillow bags to send you off for magickally sweet dreams. All DreamLand gris-gris pillow bags contain our special blend of Voodoo magickal herbs and other ingredients that are ritualistically consecrated for their particular purpose. Each bag also comes with a complete ritual as well as a bottle of Voodoo Nights Magick Dream Oil™. Each gris-gris bag slips into or under your own favorite pillow! Complete instructions are included.
  • Voodoo DreamLand™ Vivid Dreams Gris-Gris Pillow Bag: Slip this into your pillow for intense, vivid dreaming. Also use this bag to petition for someone else to dream of you. This is especially useful if you are doing spell work on a particular person and want them to dream sweet dreams of you. Simply follow the directions and fall asleep thinking of the person and what you want them to dream about you, naughty or nice!
    Qty: Order Vivid Dreams Pillow Bag $19.95

  • Voodoo DreamLand™ Magick Dreams Gris-Gris Pillow Bag: Sweet dreams are made of this! Sleep with this bag in your pillow to enhance and strengthen magickal work. Great for magick practitioners, those learning magick, or those just looking for magickal dreams.
    Qty: Order Magick Dreams Pillow Bag $19.95

  • Voodoo DreamLand™ Astral Travel Gris-Gris Pillow Bag: If you have ever wondered about astral projection, use this bag to teach yourself how. It does take practice, but this bag is definitely an enhancement for practitioners and students of astral travel.
    Qty: Order Astral Travel Pillow Bag $19.95

Exploring Dream Magick

Dream magick is a fascinating and mystical realm of magick that encompasses various practices aimed at influencing and understanding dreams. This article delves into different aspects of dream magick, from affecting the dreams of others to enhancing your own dream experiences, and even exploring the mystical practice of astral projection.

Historical Background of Dream Magick

Dream magick has roots that extend back to ancient civilizations. The Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans all placed significant importance on dreams, viewing them as messages from the divine or the subconscious mind. Temples dedicated to dream incubation, such as the ancient Greek Asclepieions, were built where individuals could seek healing and guidance through their dreams. Over centuries, various cultures developed rituals and techniques to harness the power of dreams for divination, healing, and personal insight.

Types of Dreams in Dream Magick

People often seek different kinds of dreams through magick. Some may desire prophetic dreams that provide insight into the future, while others might seek lucid dreams where they can control the dream narrative. Healing dreams, which aim to bring physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, are also highly sought after in the realm of dream magick.

  • Prophetic Dreams: These dreams are believed to reveal future events or provide warnings. Techniques for inducing prophetic dreams often involve setting strong intentions before sleep and using specific herbs or crystals known for their divinatory properties.
  • Lucid Dreams: In lucid dreams, the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can often control the dream's content. Practices such as reality checks and keeping a dream journal can help increase the frequency of lucid dreams.
  • Healing Dreams: Healing dreams are sought for their restorative powers, helping to address physical ailments, emotional wounds, or spiritual imbalances. Rituals may include the use of dream bags filled with healing herbs or sleeping in a sacred space.

Magick to Affect the Dreams of Others

One intriguing aspect of dream magick is the ability to influence the dreams of others. This type of magick can be used for various purposes, such as sending messages, providing guidance, or even offering comfort. Practitioners might use specific spells, rituals, or dream bags to gently steer the dreams of a loved one or to connect with someone on a deeper, subconscious level.

In ancient times, shamans and healers would enter the dream world on behalf of others to seek answers or deliver messages. Modern practitioners might create a dream spell that includes personal items or photographs of the person whose dreams they wish to influence, combined with specific herbs and symbols of connection or protection.

Magick to Affect Your Own Dreams

Enhancing one's own dreams is another powerful application of dream magick. Techniques can include using herbs, crystals, or specially crafted dream bags placed under the pillow to promote vivid and meaningful dreams. Many practitioners also use affirmations and visualization techniques before sleep to set intentions for their dream experiences.

Herbs such as mugwort, lavender, and chamomile are commonly used in dream magick for their ability to enhance dream recall and clarity. Crystals like amethyst and moonstone are often placed under the pillow or near the bed to promote peaceful and insightful dreams. Affirmations such as "I will remember my dreams" or "My dreams will provide me with clarity" are repeated before sleep to program the subconscious mind.

Astral Projection in Dream Magick

Astral projection is a profound and advanced aspect of dream magick. It involves the practice of consciously leaving the physical body and traveling in the astral plane. This experience can provide deep spiritual insights, connect with higher realms, and explore the universe beyond the limitations of the physical world. Techniques for astral projection often include meditation, visualization, and the use of protective magick to ensure a safe journey.

Historical accounts of astral projection can be found in ancient texts from various cultures, including the Tibetan Book of the Dead and ancient Egyptian writings. Modern practices often involve creating a protective circle, using specific crystals for protection and guidance, and following a step-by-step process of relaxation and visualization to achieve an out-of-body experience.

Dream magick is a rich and multifaceted practice that offers endless possibilities for exploration and growth. Whether you're looking to enhance your own dream experiences, connect with others on a deeper level, or embark on astral journeys, dream magick provides the tools and techniques to make your dream world as vivid and magical as your waking life.

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This page is for and in honor of Papa LaBas, Alegba LaGrille .