Chat April 17. 2007


[Mambo Sam] Hello everyone -- I will give people a few minutes to log in and then we will get started. In the meantime, if you have not read the guidelines of the chat, please take a moment to do that.:}

[Mambo Sam] Okay, as last time, I will get started and then take questions. Please remember to “put your hand up” and be recognized. Also, it was really helpful last time when people got their questions

[Mambo Sam] ready ahead of time and then pasted them into the send box. (It’s Control V for pasting in most systems.)

[Mambo Sam] I also wanted to say a big thank you to Simone for copying and sending the transcripts of the chat.

[Mambo Sam] We posted the link to last week’s transcripts on the forum. If you need it, please check the forum for the link or e-mail Berkeley, Bridget, Candelaria, Frankie, or Susie - any of them can give you the link.

[Mambo Sam] I had a little file corruption with the questions and answers I was working on from last week and that is why they aren’t posted yet. However, thankfully, I was able to retrieve and repair the file and will get that posted ASAP.

[Mambo Sam] Most of the questions that we didn’t get to are probably answered in that file! So tonight I want to focus our attention on the subject of petitioning in both adjunct work and regular spell kit work.

[Mambo Sam] Petitioning is an extremely important part of any type of magickal work - who are you asking for what and how are you asking for it? Good petitioning, mediocre petitioning, down right bad petitioning!

[Mambo Sam] Now, of course, most people aren’t experts at petitioning and, therefore, there are a lot of questions about it. First, let me reassure you that if you have done a lot of spell work and suddenly learn a bunch of stuff about petitioning that you didn’t know before, don’t worry!

[Mambo Sam] You haven’t “ruined” nor “desecrated” any spell work!

[Mambo Sam] Because before “petition” is the all important backbone of your spell work - INTENTION.

[Mambo Sam] So if you feel like you have flubbed, dubbed, and overall been tongue tied with your petitions, but your heart was truly in it, you have a big piece of that battle won!

[Mambo Sam] New Orleans Voodoo magickal work (and really all magickal work, but we will stick to our New Orleans roots for practical purposes) offers the practitioner a lot of wiggle room as far as “screwing up.”

[Mambo Sam] This is not necessarily true of some things - let’s say, High Ceremonial Magick.

[Mambo Sam] If you are practicing HCM (which you shouldn’t be unless you have a personal teacher) - then you have no real wiggle room - screw up and who knows what will happen with that spell work! LOL.

[Mambo Sam] But with our NOV spell work - there are some checks and balances.

[Mambo Sam] One of those checks and balances is the number of days that we do work - very few things are done in a “one sitting” spell - yes, there are exceptions - but most things are done over a time period. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of them is to make up for days that you weren’t maybe at your best.

[Mambo Sam] Probably our most important check and balance is Les Lois (the lwa)... having our back when we screw up, forget to light a candle or say a chant, drop the incense, etc.

Mambo Sam] So we are looking at a combination of things, like baking a lovely Voodoo cake: Our intention, Les Lois, using our blessed materials, using a valid ritual, etc., etc.

[Mambo Sam] So when we put that all together, we almost think, well, darn it, do I really need to petition??

[Mambo Sam] (grin

[Mambo Sam] Yep.

[Mambo Sam] You must put form and energy to what you want.

[Mambo Sam] You must say those words.

[Mambo Sam] Nothing new about this - every major religion has some form of petitioning in it...

[Mambo Sam] it’s called prayer.

[Mambo Sam] (Oh, and yes, Simone, you are right - it’s our Tuesday Night Prayer Group.)

[Mambo Sam] ;}


[adub] petitioning w/the spell work is the chanting that goes along w/the instructions of the spells?

[Mambo Sam] No.

[Mambo Sam] Not exactly.

[Mambo Sam] It’s The Reflection.

[Mambo Sam] It’s The Reflection.

Inserted after chat session: It seemed to really cause some upset that it seemed to be a "new idea" about burning your petition/scenario/whatever you want to call it. In every regular spell kit, such as LMMA, LMA, NOBM, etc., it is in the instructions. Where you did The Reflection, the instructions say IF you wrote it down, burn it in one of the candles - there is even a caveat to watch out for high flames! In adjunct products, those instructions are not there because they are adjunct products! That is why we are having these sessions, to learn how to better use the adjunct products! :-) So chill out, everyone! You haven't done anything "wrong!"

[Mambo Sam] Although the chanting certainly is a form of petitioning, that’s for sure.

[Mambo Sam] But that is an easy one for you - you don’t really have to make up anything to say,

[Mambo Sam] that was already done for you.

[Mambo Sam] Also, your Heart’s Desire letter is a form of petitioning.

[adub] So petitioning is more of what we say to the Lwa’s while we are not doing spells? like adjunct work?

[Mambo Sam] That could be a form of petitioning.

[Mambo Sam] But it is also in your spell work. When you get to the part where you are meditating on what you want to happen.

[adub] gotcha. Thank you


[ouanga_bottle] What if we are doing it the other way around? I find it much easier to completely write out my petition - and you know how verbose I am... but when I’m reading it, sometimes it’s all I can do just to read it. And I may not be feeling it. This is particularly true when I’m in the middle of the spell and I’m hitting a roller coaster low. But also with adjunct work. Sometimes I feel like I have to, but I am not really feeling it. And it’s much easier if I can just read my HD petition and get through it. From what you’re saying that might not be the most effective way, but is it better than not doing it at all?

[Mambo Sam] Do you feel it is more heartfelt when you are writing it?

[ouanga_bottle] absolutely

[ouanga_bottle] but I also have gotten into the habit of editing from previous petitions so it’s not completely original and from the heart every time

[Mambo Sam] Then you are definitely putting the right kind of energy into it. However, this is why it is called spell “work.” It is work. And you do have to work at mustering up the energy to pull that from the bottom of your heart... especially if you are doing regular spell work, and something such as the love doll.

[Mambo Sam] However, writing it out is excellent and puts a lot of form and matter to the petition.

[Mambo Sam] That is a very good thing to do.

[Mambo Sam] The other thing I would suggest is writing it down, reading it (you should - but photocopies are okay to use), and then adding a few heartfelt words to what you have read - put down the paper and just speak from your heart for a minute.

[ouanga_bottle] is it always necessary to burn it every time?

[ouanga_bottle] I usually do some original thought if I’m feeling inspired, so that’s good. Thanks!    

[Mambo Sam] There is a book, that I cannot think of the darned name of that talks about writing down your wishes.

Inserted: The name of the book that I was talking about is "Write it Down Make it Happen" CLICK HERE TO GET IT!. There are many great books for focusing on getting what you want and this works so well with magickal practices. It really does add extra strength and power to your magick to also approach things in this manner. REMEMBER, all of your magick is about your empowerment - you taking control of your life and making it the way you want it to be. Here are few others that I like:


[leigh01] the it The Secret? It says to write what you want down, then to write “thank you” for having received it already :-) 

[TTigersbg] and by the way...testament to “The Secret”!

[Mambo Sam] Yes, “The Secret” is very good. I am going to add it to my recommended reading in our Amazon bookstore.


[Mambo Sam] Anyway, writing things down is an amazingly good way to get your thoughts and petitions down. What you run into then, however, is running the risk of being pretty cut and dried in your petitioning. So you have to find a happy balance there.

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks sweetie


[Mambo Sam] Happy...

[Happy] Happy Tuesday Mambo my quick question is about the burning of petitions I written never ever do that I have them in a book

[Happy] is that wrong not to burn them

[Mambo Sam] Are these petitions that you did during spell castings, our regular kits, like LMMA, MYLM, etc.?

[Happy] adjunct work

[Mambo Sam] Not so important for adjunct work... however, why burn them you ask? Because you change that energy of that paper with your heartfelt words on it - you send it out into the air, the world, the spiritual plane.

[Happy] thanks

[Mambo Sam] Otherwise, you are just holding it close to you, why? If you have to refer back to what you are petitioning, then you don’t know what you want!      I am just kidding you, honey... 

[Mambo Sam] But seriously, don’t hang on too tightly to those petitions, petitions are meant to be sent off into the Universe.


(Weird thing happens & chat room shuts down)

[Happy] ouch

[Mambo Sam] Well, that was weird!

[Mambo Sam] Sorry, guys, I have no idea what happened -- I am the only administrator and I am pretty sure

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I will give us a moment to get back in.... that really was crazy.


[Marge] Ok, the idea of burning the petition is totally new but fascinating to me. My question is how about if I use a petition for say the pink image candles and I re-order them (because they’re dynamite, just like everything else), if I burn the petition that still applies to my pink candle sessions, how do I use it again?

[Mambo Sam] Rewrite it. If it is really juicy delicious, keep a photocopy of it.

[Marge] I have them in a looseleaf notebook

[Mambo Sam] However, let me say something.... everyone, be very careful about keeping this stuff and where you keep it. Most of us have heard some of the horror stories of people’s stuff being discovered by their HD’s.

[Mambo Sam] Hold on, I want to tell you guys a quick story... I know I have told it before, but it is pretty awesome


[Mambo Sam] So, about seven years ago this client has been working and working and working to get his wife to return to him. I mean this fellow bought everything three and four times. He could have had the Voodoo Boutique in his living room - no kidding (I know, some of you can relate!)

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, we kept at it and kept at it. I felt so sure that one day she was going to just show up (she had moved to another state with another man).

[Mambo Sam] Soooooooooooooooo

[Mambo Sam] sure as heck

[Mambo Sam] he is all set up with candles all over the place, two or three love dolls (yep), dolls from the deluxes, everything everywhere...

[Mambo Sam] he hears a car pull up in his driveway

[Mambo Sam] it’s a cab

[Mambo Sam] he sees his wife in the back seat

[Mambo Sam] he freaks out

[Mambo Sam] he calls the office while he is tearing all over the house with a big garbage bag and throwing stuff in it

[Mambo Sam] (yeah, it’s really a funny scene if you play it in your head)

[Mambo Sam] the really funny part is he is buck naked because he has just lit up to do the TURK on the intruder

[Mambo Sam] So, Maurice was working for us then and he runs into my office

[Mambo Sam] What to do what to do...

[Mambo Sam] the guy is keeps looking out the window - the driver is getting her luggage,

[Mambo Sam] etc., etc.

[Mambo Sam] this is all in a matter of minutes, of course.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, long story short, I am on the phone with him. He runs upstairs, jumps in the shower with the garbage bag.

[Mambo Sam] He got so nervous that when he heard her coming up the stairs, he threw the bag out the bathroom window.

[Mambo Sam] Mercifully, he was able to retrieve it, mail it all back to me for proper disposal, and they have two children now. The End.

[Marge] I’m sorry but LOL!

[Mambo Sam] My point was.... be careful where you are keeping those petitions.

[Mambo Sam] I know, go ahead, everyone laugh.

[irishrose] That’s a good story

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[rattle shaker] Hahahahahahahaha!

[phantodrac] I was on the edge of my seat!!! hahah

[SimoneGreeneWPP] So what was he using?         

[Happy] hey but it worked the spells worked

[Mambo Sam] I mean the idea of this buck naked guy running around throwing all this stuff into a garbage bag...

[TTigersbg] but of course they did!

[Mambo Sam] Yes, he was extremely dedicated to his cause!

[Mambo Sam] Tee hee.

[TTigersbg] too funny

[irishrose] ROFL

[Mambo Sam] He actually got on the forum about a year or two ago, but he didn’t tell that part of the story, just shared his success!

vodoukat02] by the way ROTFL with tears





[Mambo Sam] Okay, hold on a moment with the questions, let me back up a little bit to Leigh. Did you have another question besides the name of the book?

[leigh01] What about petitions that just build on the same theme, just little variations each time... and pictures of these petitions? Lately, I’m making wishboards of my petitions, putting them up in a place where I can see them.

[leigh01] leigh, just a question, as it’s been a few months since I did any spellwork... have been working (literally) with pictures of what I want to achieve, but want to start some spellwork again soon. Just can’t stay away!





[vodoukat02] I want to thank ouanga bottle because I go through the same exact thing but I haven’t been doing anything for a long time; I don’t know exactly what is wrong; it’s either I am too tired or the girls, that ruining the spellwork that I have already done? I started the red mummy and have done that 2 times, but after that, I just haven’t found the time, or I go to sleep because of my medication or after working I am too tired, and on weekends, it is always something; I really think I just gave up or lost all hope of achieving my HD; it is like I am in a rut and I don’t know how to get out of it along with my depression and financial status; sorry, but I just felt that I had to let you know and share this with everyone here, as if I am supposed to tell you; you know that nagging feeling...****see, even TTigersbg forgot their question

[Mambo Sam] Vodoukat: I have gone as far as to tell people to put all their stuff away in a closet, don’t think about it for three months, and don’t feel guilty about not doing anything - guilt is a negative emotion. You are not taking a clean break from work, you are worrying about it. I bet a clean break will give you renewed energy and spirit for this!


[TTigersbg] When dealing with the ultimate intruder and adjunct can we focus on banishment of “the other (which is negative to a degree) without adversely affecting all the positive progress we make with our HDs? I’ve got a real stickler of a case. I’ve already gone through to the deluxe LMMA to tell you where I’ve left off at in my spellwork. 

[Mambo Sam] Sometimes one just needs a break. I know you know to talk to your caseworker. But sometimes even a long break is well deserved and needed.

[vodoukat02] Thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. 

[Mambo Sam] Tiger: Banishing the intruder is not negative energy -- no matter what you are using to do it.

[Mambo Sam] The only way it is negative energy is if you have no right to do it.

[TTigersbg] agree

[Mambo Sam] It is just cleaning house. Getting rid of the dirt on your floor isn’t doing something negative.

[Mambo Sam] Just cuz the dirt is dirty, doesn’t mean you are.

[TTigersbg] i like it

[TTigersbg] she’s a tough one though

[Mambo Sam] Now, I know that we can get into a whole discussion of who has the “right” to do what, BUT you know in your heart (not “you” Tiger - rhetorical “you”) whether or not you are doing something wrong.

[TTigersbg] agree....

[TTigersbg] it’s a situation where health concerns impact kids....not to mention she’s a bit of a controller

[Mambo Sam] But none of that is something negative that you are doing.

[TTigersbg] and not wrong here

[TTigersbg] i just feel as if “she” is the only remaining barrier to my success and “she” is a doozy! I don’t wish harm on anyone


[Destiny] Very funny story by the way! I was really laughing out loud here in my room! :)My petitions are just short phrases like HD loves [my name inserted] HD is constantly thinking loving thoughts of [my name inserted] etc. Is this the right way to petition. It doesn’t really seem like it is from the bottom of my heart because it seems rehearsed or chant like. What do you suggest for petitions?

[Mambo Sam] Destiny: Short doesn’t meant not heartfelt.

[Destiny] Thank you.

[Mambo Sam] And there is nothing wrong with that petitioning. However, even with adjunct work, you can do a reflection of how this is supposed to happen. Let me just talk about that for a moment and I will get back to the questions..


[Mambo Sam] I know that none of you are petitioning “wrong.” If you just follow the instructions as they are written with the products, then you have done a good job! LOL. But, if you want to go deeper than that...

[Mambo Sam] then you need to use all of your senses....

[Mambo Sam] Put the petition down on paper or just say it from your heart.... and, yes, Destiny, cool to keep it short because NOW....

[Mambo Sam] let’s do a little exercise if some of you are in a place where you can say something out loud.

[Mambo Sam] otherwise, practice this when you can...

[Mambo Sam] relax a moment

[Mambo Sam] get ready...

[Mambo Sam] get a short petition in your mind about your HD or something you want to happen

[Mambo Sam] we aren’t doing actual work, calling on Papa to open the gate and all of that (he’s here, believe me)

[Mambo Sam] but okay, get that short petition ready...

[Mambo Sam] now hold your head upwards towards the sky and say it softly as you are breathing out

[Mambo Sam] now just relax a moment..

[Mambo Sam] feel what it feels like when that petition happens.... imagine how your skin feels the moment

[Mambo Sam] you realize it has finally happened for you

[Mambo Sam] breathe in deeply and taste/smell what the air is like the moment that finally happens for you

[Mambo Sam] relax a moment

[Mambo Sam] say it again, head upwards towards the sky, breathing it outward - letting it go to the ears of the lwa, God, your HD, the saints, whomever!

[Mambo Sam] relax a moment

[Mambo Sam] now read this and then do it

Mambo Sam] pick an object that is a few feet away from you if you can - focus your eyes on it until you are sort of out of focus

[Mambo Sam] when you are a little out of focus or even tearing up a little bit, see that petition happening like a movie playing out in front of you

[Mambo Sam] Now, that, my friends, is a petition.


[TTigersbg] bravo

[Marge] Very short bur it felt soooooooooooooooooooo good, so powerful

[Destiny] wow

[Destiny] I get it

[vodoukat02] yes, thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] Okay, hold the questions for just a moment... sorry

[TTigersbg] this is the heart of “The Secret”

[Destiny] thank you so much

[Mambo Sam] So, yes, you may have a short petition or you may have pages. If you have pages, especially such as the reflection part of a spell kit - you can break some of that down into doing this.


[Destiny] so we are saying things during the petitions and we can stop talking for a moment and just imagine?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Destiny, but it is more than imagining, it is experiencing.... that is what you have to remember and do - experience it as real as you can.


[mspnslg] what about interruptions during petitions. I have an 8 month old who likes to wake up in the middle of a session. Usually I get a good session in but there are those times where I don’t even get to the min time frame. Can I start over at a later time during the same day or is it a lost cause and I should wait until the next day?

[Mambo Sam] Interruptions... they happen. But they happen in real life, too - you just go back to what you were doing, right? If you can? Same for this - get back to it.

[mspnslg] k


[Mambo Sam] Okay Eager... did you have a question?

[Eager2learn] I took a printout of my petitions during the regular spellwork lmma, mylm nobm. I didn’t continuously read it for my reflection but used it as a guidance to how i wanted to reflect them when i got stuck and didn’t burn them and in fact still use it as a guidance for adjunct work. has the spell work been compromised? what to do now?

[Mambo Sam] Since you are actually still using them, I would not call it compromised, but I would also not call it completely “released.” You can kind of do a bit of a “mini” spell from your original spell work...

[Mambo Sam] get some appropriately-colored candles, your gris-gris bag from the spell, if you have any of the oils or want to get some.... you get the idea - there are no hard, fast rules for this - just a bit of a re-creation of your original spell work...

[Mambo Sam] just set it up, ask Papa to open the gate and accept your petitions once again, burn them

[Mambo Sam] let those candles burn out.

[Eager2learn] burn all of them on the same day?

[Mambo Sam] Now you can get pretty fancy with that, or keep it simple - the purpose of this is to get those petitions fully released.

[Eager2learn] thanq

[Mambo Sam] You’re welcome!

[Mambo Sam] I mean, you’re welcome!


[mspnslg] back to pesky intruder. I have been using black mummy on intruder, petitioning to leave HD alone and go find love and happiness elsewhere. I fell like I am playing it to safe

[mspnslg] i don’t want to get medieval but...

[Mambo Sam] but what?

[Mambo Sam] what is the question, honey?

[mspnslg] I want to sometimes just to get her out

[mspnslg] it really is not my nature but she just does not get it

[Mambo Sam] Okay, we have to stick to more general things. Those are good questions for your caseworker, sweetie.

[mspnslg] k

[mspnslg] I guess my question is where is the happy medium

[Mambo Sam] That is a case-by-case.... and, for the group - there is really no “general” happy medium, this is where it is important for caseworker input.


[paperflwers07] first was what on earth is TURK and why was he nekid, and second, was hoping for helpful tips for brown candle work.. 

[Mambo Sam] TURK is the Ultimate Revenge Kit. It is recommended to do naked or with just a robe on. Candle work tips are in the file I was speaking of earlier and once I get that done, we can revisit it again - perhaps next week - we can refine the questions about that. (After you all have a chance to read that file.)

[paperflwers07] I ask pappa to open the door, and send her on her way before i begin, but i too feel like I am bringing negative, i actually ask for there to be negativity in the relationship between the two malcontent kind of stuff, bikkering etc.


[rattle shaker] Oh Mambo! I know about scrying for divination, but I never thought of it the other way. Thanks for the insight! Sometimes you are watching a movie, sometimes you are making one. But here’s my question...

[rattle shaker] How do you deal with all of us!?! : ) But seriously

[Mambo Sam] LOL. Very funny...

[Mambo Sam] Rattle will be at the Comedy Store, tip your wait staff...

[Mambo Sam] Really, what is your question??

[rattle shaker] Ok, this might be a little deep, but I have to ask. I know that it gets tricky doing spellwork for someone else. But, I know that there are times when you can “baptize” yourself in your HD’s name, and so some adjunct work to affect HD as if they were doing the work on themselves. Would this be a better approach when trying to work on HD for stuff that would be considered “self help” type of stuff? Like the self improvement doll, or the white candle for instance?

[Mambo Sam] Rattle, I do entertain that question in depth in the file I was talking about. Most of the time, I only make that recommendation (or caseworkers do) on a case-by-case basis. A lot of times I base that recommendation on the spell caster, frankly, and what I feel to be their abilities.

[Mambo Sam] Some people can, some people can’t, and some people I don’t know well enough to feel comfortable in recommending that they do that.

[Mambo Sam] But your two examples, the self improvement doll and the white candles are ones that could be done that way. For the short term, I would recommend that everyone ask before they do that or at least make sure you know what you are doing.

[rattle shaker] Ok, I will ask my caseworker

[rattle shaker] Thank you


[SimoneGreeneWPP] Ok, about that petition burning

[SimoneGreeneWPP] I remember the spells saying you could write them out if you wanted to

[SimoneGreeneWPP] But I sure don’t remember an instruction to burn it afterward

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Is that from some other spell I did not do?

[Mambo Sam] It’s optional. And that is for sort of “legal” reasons....

[Mambo Sam] No matter how many times I put it in instructions... you have to not burn down your house.

[SimoneGreeneWPP] But I can do that with adjunct work, I guess...

[Mambo Sam] For sure.

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Thank you!

[Mambo Sam] Or as I was mentioning above - refresh your spells and do it as I mentioned above.


[Happy] another petition burning question with adjunct work - do you do it after each session or only when it is time to bury it? My hd is tough nut to crack and I try to be perfect in my work since he is difficult....

[Mambo Sam] OH... let me say a word about being “perfect.”

[Mambo Sam] We must remain balanced throughout all of this - if you get caught up in being too “perfect” then you are missing the spirit of the work (intentional pun). If you are just sloppy, then you are missing too many details! (I know, MEAN MAMBO.. can’t make up her mind.)

[Mambo Sam] But you have to relax into your work, melt into it, wear it like your second skin...

[Mambo Sam] Yes, try to do things right, but don’t agonize over what you have done wrong...

[Mambo Sam] anyway, either way, Happy. Personally, I like to do it each session.

[Happy] that sweet mambo

[Happy] ops thank you


[waitingforastar] When using a brown female image candle, can you petition for any and all potential intruders to be banished or can it only be used for one specific person?

[Mambo Sam] If you know specifics - like if you know that there are 3 different intruders, then you need to use a candle for each one. If you are just doing a general “all intruders” -- people you don’t know - then you can use just the one.

[waitingforastar] Great!! Thank you so much


[phantodrac] For the Love Egg (which is amazing :)) we are only supposed to use one simple sentence and write what we wish to manifest down. I sometimes feel really inclined to say out loud everything I wish to happen, esp. if it is combination work with the love doll. Should I just visualize everything I am inwardly petitioning for while just saying the simple sentence? Or should I speak my mind about everything I wish to manifest?

[Mambo Sam] Use the simple sentence as a focal point, use the exercise that we practiced above. Then you can do more of a “reflection” - especially with combination work. Do it in increments.

[phantodrac] Great! Thanks so much! <3


[Marge] ]Also, how about if I set up an altar to petition my favorite LWA, the one most suited to my needs, and the petition is just perfect; one that I want to use over and over again? Does burning it (even if I make copies) have any real impact if I’m going to use it again? Sorry, I’m must fascinated and curious

[Marge] I hate to keep beating a dead horse here but I’m truly intrigued with regard to the petition burning. Now, if I’m doing the image candle sessions and I have the petitions written out and they’re perfect (even if I make copies), isn’t it kind of like indian giving to burn the petitions only to use them again for the next set of image candles I do?

[Mambo Sam] Hey, not a dead horse at all! Petition burning is important!

[Marge] I’m sure it is but I LOVE my petitions and to burn them and use them again seems, I don’t know kinda hypocritical?

[Mambo Sam] No, I don’t think it is at all -- you are reinforcing them. The burning is a spiritual act. Fire is a very elemental part of the spell work. I am not sure how it is hypocritical at all.... burn, say again, burn again, part of the great spell work cycle.

[Marge] I DO love the idea of sending my messages up by burning them; don’t get me wrong

[Mambo Sam] Okay, now, and oh sorry, Marge, about to be made an example of..... sorry, honey...

[Marge] I love it and it does make sense. Thank you. I will do that now

[Mambo Sam] This is worrying about something and putting negative energy into a beautiful thing.

[Marge] You’re right and I thank you

[Marge] That’s all I have - goodnight

[Mambo Sam] Good night!


[REDANGEL] Im just a little confused as to which image candle you use on whom, like i want to get the female intruder out so do I do a brown female candle to get her out or do i use a male candle to petition for him not to want her anymore?? Or this is kind of on the medieval side as was earlier stated could i use this to say make HD not want to have sex or be for lack of a better word impotent towards the intruder, or is that considered sending him negative energy??

[REDANGEL] I know that sounds harsh but this is something i want, for him to never want to sleep with her or even think of it again

[Mambo Sam] In the adjunct work, I usually recommend that you use the gender specific candle on the person you are working on: Brown female for the intruder.

[Mambo Sam] As to making someone impotent for anyone but you, I know there are lots of popular voodoo/hoodoo ways to do this. HOWEVER....

[Mambo Sam] I don’t recommend it.

[Mambo Sam] Not in the true sense of the word.

[Mambo Sam] Instead, I recommend doing that another way.

[leigh01] do tell! :-)

[vodoukat02] yes because I have studied hoodoo and rootwork

[Destiny] my ears are way open now!

[waitingforastar] Yes do;

[Mambo Sam] Rather than doing something negative (like those of you who were asking about the black penis candle - sigh... I know, I know).... do something POSITIVE...

[Mambo Sam] dedicate something like a red male candle

[Mambo Sam] or a pink male candle

[Mambo Sam] or even a love doll that you use only as a “sex/love” doll...

[Mambo Sam] and yes you can use a love doll that you designate just as “lust” doll assuming that you truly love the person...

[Mambo Sam] anyway...

[Mambo Sam] Focus just on them wanting you

[Mambo Sam] why even bring the intruder’s name into it???

[REDANGEL] K thanks so much Mambo!!!!!:}

[Mambo Sam] All the time I see hoodoo work where the petition is “johnny can’t get it up for judy” - 

[Mambo Sam] WHY bring JUDY into it????

[waitingforastar] Hmmmm interesting;

[Mambo Sam] Keep her name out of it...

[REDANGEL] That sounds sooo much better, I think it would make me feel better to do it this way too!!

[leigh01] true ... i mean if you focus on the intruder, then you give them energy and importance, right? Why do that? Is that what you mean?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Leigh, exactly.

[Mambo Sam] Instead, set aside some of your product supply just for sex usage.

[waitingforastar] So kind of tell the doll to only feel that feeling for you?

[Mambo Sam] And keep it loving and sexy and wonderful -- no need to be negative about it and tell someone they can’t get it up or can’t get off with so and so

[vodoukat02 [vodoukat02] or can we just use our love doll

[Mambo Sam] For sex magick I recommend using separate products. That is an earthier level of the relationship (important, of course), and using a product just for that will give you much better results.] So we need a separate doll instead of the voodoo love doll

[leigh01] what kind of separate products for sex magick? same things, just use them for sex only?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, the same products.... just keep some aside for sex magick.


[rattle shaker] Can I con you into a Caribbean getaway to get more detailed information? But seriously...

[Mambo Sam] ABsolutely...

[rattle shaker] I know that the lwa need to hear our requests, and that the 45 min rule is because they may linger around to get more info on the case. But, which has more bearing, your words, or your intentions (inner thoughts) on the spellwork?

[Mambo Sam] Neither, both. Cue in the mysterious music.

[rattle shaker] do do de da

[phantodrac] hehe 

[Mambo Sam] They are hand-in-hand, my dear.

[rattle shaker] Ok, the Caribbean it is!


[vodoukat02] going to say good night to everyone here and tonight really rocked; Thank you so much for such valuable information Mambo......You are too good to be true.....don’t know how you do ya Mambo and will see everyone in the mail or in chat next week

[leigh01] thank you! you’re the best Mambo Sam 


[babycakes] In regard to energy, intention and focus sent toward and intruder - it was stated to leave the intruder out because to give focus to them, is basically to “feed them”. However, isn’t this what we’re doing when we do LMMA or use the LMMA gris-gris? When I say the incantation and focus on getting the intruder AWAY am I not actually giving them energy?

[Mambo Sam] That is different babycakes -- it depends on what kind of work you are doing. That is exactly what to do in the LMMA - you are not feeding them in that kit - you are petitioning for them to go away - that is a very specific product for just that.

[babycakes] okay then! Thank you!


[Destiny] back to the love doll for sex magick, I have a standard love doll for giving HD loving thoughts of me. I just ordered a Deluxe doll for the same thing. Can I use the standard love doll I already used for the sex magick?

[Destiny] or do I purchase another love doll?

[Mambo Sam] Destiny, yes, you can use that since you are going to use the deluxe doll for the loving petitions. For those of you who already have two -- you can use one for one thing and one for another, don’t get me wrong... sex is an integral part of love.

[Destiny] cool, thanks!

[Mambo Sam] But sex magick is something very powerful and in my opinion it works better when worked on its own.


[Happy] My hd comes to town every other weekend but never asks to see me. I have been rattling my brain for a petition to get him to ask me over and not just talk on the phone. I feel like he hides when he comes to town every other weekend but I also feel he would like to see me. Stupid but that is how I feel. 

[Mambo Sam] That is very case specific, but since it IS your birthday....

[Mambo Sam] Your petition is kind of in your question.... keep that one pretty basic, I would say use a red mummy for that

[Mambo Sam] use the exercise from above

[Happy] thanks

[Mambo Sam] leave out the “not talk on the phone”

[Mambo Sam] just “Fred, ask Happy over” -- sorry, that took so long I put both of your real names in there first - I have to be careful!!!!!

[Happy] hey who is fred

[Mambo Sam] Try to always leave the “nots” out of petitioning, turn them into positives where possible and appropriate - obviously sometimes it has to be in there.


[REDANGEL] Does it make a difference if we carve HDs name or anyone else that we are working ons name on the candle, and if this is something that we should do what can we use to carve the candle with or does it matter what you use??

[Mambo Sam] Are you talking about gender candles?

[Mambo Sam] All regular instructions remain intact for all of this work, folks -- we are just adding to it.


[waitingforastar] When using the old standard love doll for sex magic, do we still do he regular ritual first with the same chant?

[Mambo Sam] The ritual remains the same, the chant can be somewhat reconfigured as appropriate.

[Mambo Sam] All of this extra work does not supersede the regular ritual.

[waitingforastar] How do we do that? Any specifics we should say according to voodoo principals?

[Mambo Sam] Sex magick can be very graphic; you aren’t going to break any particular principals by changing the chant and/or petition to reflect the desire for sex. Remember, this is still for LOVE. This is not sex magick just for getting sex with random people - it is for the one you love.

[waitingforastar] Oh of course. Thank you


[Destiny] Hopefully this is not case specific. You mentioned once for me to petition for HD to choose me. Is it okay to say, “HD wants [my name inserted] NOT [intruder]. If I can’t use “not”? What is a better way to petition this?

[Mambo Sam] HD chooses me over all others.

[Mambo Sam] “your name” for “me”

[Mambo Sam] There are no others in HD’s life.

[Destiny] oh, ok, thank you.    

[Mambo Sam] They fade into the distance as he chooses me.

[waitingforastar] Ooh this is good stuff. :p 

[Mambo Sam] Petitioning is poetry!

[Mambo Sam] Jeez, I guess that could be a whole night’s worth, right?


[Paris] can you use the NOBM GGB with that petition

[Mambo Sam] Yes, indeed, Paris!

[Paris] thank you


[Mambo Sam] Anyone else who has not spoken (ouanga and rattle - don’t make me come over there!) tee hee


[ouanga_bottle] there has been some discussion in the files and in the past on the forum about whether to use first or third person. could you clarify the difference and uses of this?

[ouanga_bottle] you can come over any time - always!

[Mambo Sam] Okay... the best way is to use some of both -- if you use too much “Judy wants Susie to love Judy” then it is just too stilted - who talks like that, right?

[Mambo Sam] But you also have to remember that we are speaking and sending messages on a spiritual plane.

[ouanga_bottle] nice mambo nice

[ouanga_bottle] hee hee

[ouanga_bottle] i remember some folks saying mixing it up a little was effective

[Mambo Sam] A rule of thumb is that when you are first working on something, be very specific, but as time goes on, Les Lois know who you are talking about! You know. They know. Still, throwing their names in no matter how long it has been that you are working on it is a good idea. It is isn’t necessary to say, “Judy Doe, of Bangor, Maine, born on December 3, 1975, loves only me.”

[ouanga_bottle] heh hehe

[ouanga_bottle] thanks darling

[Mambo Sam] Remember, that is too stilted, gotta make it flow, poetry in motion and all of that!


[rattle shaker] Sorry, but I thought that sex magick was something you did with your “partner” during sex to achieve a common goal. Is there something I missed that is specific to getting your HD to be sexual with you in the petitioning during spellwork? If so, what are the hints? And does rhyming make petitioning better?

[rattle shaker] Or, more effective?

[Mambo Sam] Sex magick has many faces. Certainly what you mention is one way. But what if you can’t get to that point just yet??? Then you can use magick to help you get there.

[Mambo Sam] I don’t really recommend mixing it up into regular spell work (kits, I mean - except as where appropriate in passing, i.e., describing the facets of a wonderful relationship in the reflection).

[Mambo Sam] That is why I recommend using completely separate products to engender some passion your way! 

[Mambo Sam] AH, rhyming.... I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you...

[rattle shaker] Hahahhahahahhaa

[Mambo Sam] Rhyming brings out a hypnotic, chanting effect... it mellows out the petition and it becomes 

[rattle shaker] !!!!!!!

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Only if your HD is from Nantucket.

[ouanga_bottle] stop it!!!

[Mambo Sam] easy to say, easy to roll those words out of your mouth (into the bucket!)

[Mambo Sam] ;}

[ouanga_bottle] groooaaan

[Happy] OMG the room has lost it

[ouanga_bottle] bangor maine

[waitingforastar] Awww come on Mambo Sam, share and don’t kill us we wont tell

[Mambo Sam] I am telling you...

[waitingforastar] Oh, duh 8) 

[Mambo Sam] think about hypnotic, chanting effect.... think about that..

[rattle shaker] O $hoot!

[Mambo Sam] what’s wrong, rattle?

[rattle shaker] Thanks, Luv Ya!

[rattle shaker] <-- Can’t stop laughing


[Destiny] I use the Red Mummy for HD to love me and want me so bad and have loving thoughts of me, he wants me so bad, he has to see me because he misses me so much,...etc. (names inserted) if the petitions starts going into choosing me over intruder, and over all others, no other’s in HD’s life and they fade into the distance....etc. would this require another Red Mummy, or is this still the same intention for the same Red Mummy candle?

[Mambo Sam] Pretty much the same. I feel you can still use the same Red mummy for that.

[Destiny] cool, thanks!


[ouanga_bottle] question about feeding... 

[Mambo Sam] lord.... is it simple?

[ouanga_bottle] do we need to feed them every day or can we give them something and let them chew on it for a week?

[Mambo Sam] Depends on what you want! 

[Mambo Sam] As a general rule -- once a week is perfect.

[Mambo Sam] If you are asking for something special... well, you know.

[ouanga_bottle] like for instance i just made one of the erzulies some gumbo and i’ve had it on her altar for a few days now

[Mambo Sam] I don’t like to let things like that spoil on the altar - if it is smelling funny, get rid of it. Always.

[ouanga_bottle] i saw that berkeley fed your altars once a week so i was wondering if there is a timing appropriateness to types of food, etc. etc. ....

[Mambo Sam] Oddly enough, I have had things like that seem to last forever - like the food was “cured.”

[Mambo Sam] We do fruit, candies, cakes, things like that.

[ouanga_bottle] good thanks so much! 


[riocorazon] witj my love doll I speak directly to it like I talk with my HD

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Rio.

[riocorazon] do I need to add petitions (written or improvised) to make that work more effective??

[Mambo Sam] You can... or you can just talk to the doll - follow the ritual. Also, see last week’s transcripts where we talked a lot about the doll.

[riocorazon] ok thanx!


[Happy] should some of your adjunct work be the same petition as your original love spells? If so I mucked up and never did that I asked for other stuff because mine were solos and I have a talisman.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can and should do some of the original petitions -- just because they were solos doesn’t mean you didn’t “petition” - that is what the talisman is for - and your Heart’s Desire letters. Use your talisman for that.


[Destiny] Since we were on the subject of feeding...A moth died in Erzulie’s pink champagne after a couple of days after I served it to her (I had left it on her alter). I dumped it out and poured her a fresh glass and then took it to a tree. is this okay even though it was not the glass of champagne I offered her during cocktail hour?

[Mambo Sam] Yes. I am sure she appreciated the gesture of not serving her a moth. 

Destiny]    lol, now I feel silly.    

[Mambo Sam] AW.... don’t feel silly, you did the right thing.

[rattle shaker] Maybe that was an Ogoun.. ? : )

[Mambo Sam] Ogoun is a butterfly, not a MOTH... silly!!!

[Destiny] oh, hehe I didn’t get the Ogoun joke. ROFL!


[rattle shaker] Ok, this is kinda on the vein of Ouanga, and service

[rattle shaker] HD is home now, and I think he has been snooping...

[rattle shaker] What is the best way to handle a situation where your HD “discovers” your things? I mean, like seeing altars around, and thinking you might be doing voodoo on them?

[ouanga_bottle] oiks

[Mambo Sam] Deny, deny, deny.... it’s a research project, it’s homework, it’s something new you are exploring, offer to share what you are learning.... 

[Mambo Sam] it depends, of course, on the HD!

[rattle shaker] Hahahaha, ok. 

[Mambo Sam] But the best way is by offering to share some of it with them, show them what you are learning, spiritual journey and all of that!

[ouanga_bottle] if you leave your gumbo out for a week, that will really be a research project

[Destiny] lol! science experiment!

[rattle shaker] Hahaha!

[Mambo Sam] One other thing about the HD seeing “stuff” -- while it is important to deny any involvement

[Mambo Sam] with “them” and the voodoo - it is still a good idea to be very casual about it and talk to them about what you are “learning” -- at least to some degree - it sets up a bit of a comfort zone. If you want, after some period of time - “disappear” your stuff and mention that you are now on to studying, um, Tai Chi or something else - deflect the focus.


[godfaithful] when we want to leave an offering for alegba or other lwa’s, after the session, or just like that (as a gesture of thanks), do we need to call the lwa’s officially (like asking papa to open the gate) etc?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, we are going to dedicate a couple of sessions to service, the lwa, etc., but go ahead and then godfaithful.

[Mambo Sam] Yeah... godfaithful -- certainly it is good practice to speak out a little bit to whom you are leaving the offering, it can be as simple as “Papa, this is for you.”

[godfaithful] ok  so if i have to leave something for Erzulie, I do not need to ask papa to open the gate ?

[godfaithful] i can just speak to her and leave the offering

[ouanga_bottle] i have a pat answer for offering to the ancestors, and most religions have some type of ancestor offering so it’s not voodoo specific

[Mambo Sam] Godfaithful - 

[Mambo Sam] you don’t have to, but I always like to ask him anyway.

[godfaithful] :D got it

[godfaithful] also mambo, when i do a session for any lwa, or a cocktail session, it is ok if it takes some time (maybe 2-3 days) to leave the offering at an appropriate place? I sometimes have to wait for the appropriate moment

[Mambo Sam] Yep, godfaithful, that’s fine.

[godfaithful]    thank u so much    

[godfaithful] sometimes when i see hearts in candy stores, jewellery shops etc, I somehow feel that they are from Erzulie..Is there a way I can talk to her and thank her instantly...if I say thanks at that very moment, doe she get my hearty feelings? coz sometimes, you don’t have the time/privacy for requesting papa to open the gate    

[ouanga_bottle] i saw it too    

[godfaithful] and likewise for butterflies to Ogoun

[Mambo Sam] Yep, just speak out, Godfaithful! Nothing wrong with that!!

[godfaithful]    Thanks


[waitingforastar] Okay, it was just about transcripts you mentioned before, are there any from the last sessions and if so, where are they?

[Mambo Sam] I put a link on the forum -- any caseworkers or Berkeley can give it to you.

[waitingforastar] I haven’t seen anything posted

[bridget] Its there :-) 

[Mambo Sam] Last week’s chat transcript is available at

[Mambo Sam] Additionally, I changed the chat questions file (the one from 04032007) so that it is more readable online, so that address is changed, too. It is - I am working on the other file. 

[waitingforastar] Thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!


[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, Paris.

[Paris] where do you get all your energy from?

[Mambo Sam] LOL. Funny thing is, I have been up since 4:30 a.m. 

[Paris] you are amazing

waitingforastar] 3 cheers for Mambo Sam:} 

[ouanga_bottle] you really are

[Mambo Sam] I am probably completely delirious at this point!

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Aw, shucks... thanks!

[mspnslg] i think it comes from love for all of us

[phantodrac] We love you! 

[REDANGEL] You may be delirious but we still love ya

[Mambo Sam] Love is a powerful energy, that is true!

[rattle shaker] Hahaha, the neverending cup of coffee...\

[godfaithful] love u soooo much     

[bridget] Thank you , Mambo!!!!!

[Destiny] wow, you are such a hard worker and so dedicated to us! You are so amazing Mambo Sam!

[Mambo Sam] I love you all.... I really wouldn’t want to do anything but this!

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Thank you!

[waitingforastar] You don’t sound delirious to me

[Mambo Sam] Thank you all!!!

[rattle shaker] Luv U

[ouanga_bottle] i love you

[babycakes] Good thing cuz we sure do need lots of guidance!

[Paris] thank you for your wonderful patience and time and love for us

[godfaithful] Mambo, can we do any particular kind of petition to help our HD’s soothe when the spellwork makes them crazy?

[godfaithful] or is that not required coz they are supposed to get crazy?

[Mambo Sam] Mucho love to you all!!! 

[bridget] See you all next week!

[Mambo Sam] OH, Godfaithful, that is good, can you ask me next week???

[ouanga_bottle] see you next week!

[godfaithful] okie dokie

[Mambo Sam] I would love to address that more. Thanks! Remind me, okay>

[babycakes] Thank you Mambo and all. All the info is much appreciated

[godfaithful] Thank you so much mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are all welcome!!! Have a good night!!!

[riocorazon] good night and thank you, Mambo!!!

[godfaithful] I will remind u...thank you 

[godfaithful] Lots of love to all 

[REDANGEL] Good night everyone!!!!

[rattle shaker] Will you sit beside me on the beach and tell me stories?

[waitingforastar] Love to all of you

[Mambo Sam] Yes, rattle, I will!

[rattle shaker] You are amazing!

[sexychicaferrari] Thank you Mambo Sam and everyone on the forum! 

[Destiny] good night, I love you Mambo!

[godfaithful] ME TOO, the stories, if i ever get to see u in person :D

[REDANGEL] Love you Mambo and Bridget for all the love and support!!!!

[godfaithful] will i get the stories too mambo, please    

[bridget] Night All -- 

[rattle shaker] Good Night, sweet dreams!

[Mambo Sam] Oh, I have plenty of stories to go around!

[godfaithful]  thank you so much

[waitingforastar] Good night Bridget

[Mambo Sam] Good night everyone!

[godfaithful] good night all

[jade] nite!!!

[waitingforastar] Good night and Love to you Mambo Sam:

[waitingforastar] Good night all

[REDANGEL] Good night everyone

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Goodnight - the transcriber is going beddy-bye


© copyright, Samantha Corfield, Sheer Goddess®, The Voodoo Boutique®
