Chat April 10


[Mambo Sam] Okay. So I wanted to talk a bit more about the love doll(s) as many of you had some questions about what we discussed last week. 

[Mambo Sam] There were quite a few questions about the doll with the healing egg, most of this was concerning exactly what could you be healing and how exactly would you do that.

[Mambo Sam] First off, definitely, as we had talked about before, if your HD has any kind of substance abuse problem OR if you know that they have, for instance, any kind of bipolar disorder, OCD, anxiety, depression - these are true medical conditions and can have an adverse effect on your case

[Mambo Sam] when you are trying to get through to someone with those kinds of conditions, or, of course, substance abuse.

[Mambo Sam] There seemed to be some confusion about setting up for this kind of ritual and/or any kind of the combination rituals and we will talk about that. 

[Mambo Sam] Setting up the items from each of these kits can be something that you sort of “feel” your way through. Personally, when doing something like this, I like to put the doll in the middle and surround it with the items from its own ritual and the Egg ritual. I like to put the egg at the head of the doll. Now these are things that don’t have hard, fast rules. You do want to stick somewhat to the placement (if any) that is recommended in the instructions.

[Mambo Sam] However, you can definitely randomize some of the things, just being careful that you know what items go to what kit because it is much more important to have those items when you do that kit individually! So you don’t want to mix things up. But remember, these are your items to use, it is okay to make them your own, at least to some degree. 

[Mambo Sam] So back to the doll and the egg.

[Mambo Sam] Someone wanted to know if when combining these items you had to wait the 45 minutes between sessions - the answer to that is NO. However, if you are then going to do something else before or after the combination session, then yes, you do have to wait.

[Mambo Sam] There is also some room here for you to feel and know what you are comfortable with. Some of you are now such skilled spell casters that you could easily do part of the love doll ritual, do the Egg ritual in the middle of the love doll ritual, and then finish up the love doll ritual. That is an excellent way to do it.

[Mambo Sam] The middle of the ritual is probably somewhat arbitrary, but one important thing to start learning, especially if you feel that even when you reach your goal you want to continue on with improving your life with magick/

[Mambo Sam] You must start to learn to feel what is right and what is wrong for you! And that can be something very individual. It is important to know when you are going too far afield of the instructions, and for beginners, I would say be careful, ask us, ask your caseworker, ask tech support, ask here in chat...

[Mambo Sam] you have the resources to ask. But for you “old hands” it is time to start figuring out what feels right to you.


[irishrose] If you are doing the love me again spell, would you use the love doll as part of that, middle, end?

[Mambo Sam] No. You need to wait to do the love doll ritual if you are doing a regular or deluxe spell kit. The energy from the spell kits is very precise. It is something that you shouldn’t mix with any other kind of magick, not even products from us. You need to wait your 45 minutes because quite often Les Lois are continuing directly after your spell work to get more information, to sort of hang out and make sure they are infusing the right energy into the situation. 

[Mambo Sam] Combining is for adjunct work only.


[paperflwers07] I have heard others speak of the deluxe doll as being for the more difficult cases and being more soft and cuddly that was fine to take into bed with, mine is rather stick like, i do try to cuddle with him and take him to bed and talk to him, but I wouldnt call him cuddly

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, I suppose it might be hard to cuddle up to that little fellow. But you might want to dress him in something more cuddly or even put him on his own pillow or something like that.

[paperflwers07] maybe when HD get hit hard with spell work, doll will change too

[Mambo Sam] Maybe so!

[Mambo Sam] But yes, I can see that he isn’t terribly cuddly.

Mambo Sam] But that doesn’t mean you can’t cuddle and love him. I once had a dog that could have won that

[paperflwers07] yes that is what i have done, he has a wonderful red/green pillow/blanket thing to sleep on

[Mambo Sam] ugliest dog contest, no kidding. But we loved him jus the same.

[Mambo Sam] Seriously, you can wrap him up in the blanket and cuddle that, as well.

[paperflwers07] ty

[Mambo Sam] Sort of make a little swaddling clothes type of thing - like for babies.

[paperflwers07] exactly what is going on


[Happy] I do not think I do my love doll sessions enough what do you recommend for long cases who are stubborn

[Mambo Sam] There are a ton of things that you could do - lots of recommendations. You need to talk to your caseworker about that, sweetie. But I will say that the combination work we are talking about is very strong, and certainly would be good for stubborn cases!

[Happy] nope I just thought once a week might not be enough. I love you Mambo

[Mambo Sam]    Love you, too! (I have the advantage of knowing who all of you are!) Once a week might be a little lax, but I know your circumstances don’t allow for much more. However, this is a very good example for the group...


[Marge] Question?

[Mambo Sam] if you have only, for instance, one day a week that you can work, then you might definitely want to consider (yes, Marge, you are next).... doing combination work!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, sorry Marge, just wanted to get that in there - please go ahead with your question, honey.

[Marge] Ok, for a person working on someone with with drug addiction problems, can I combine the Cosmic Healing Egg with the white image candles. Also, how about if I know the person I’m working on does love me. How does the Love Doll help in that situation? Just curious

[Mambo Sam] Yes, I have the question here in my notes already about the white image candles - I will definitely get to that - a number of people did ask about it. As to the love doll helping even though you know the person loves you:

[Mambo Sam] If you are not with your HD, then the love they feel for you is buried, damaged, or otherwise compromised. Therefore, working with the love doll will certainly help bring those feelings to the surface, as well as helping repair damaged loves, etc. It is all in how you petition them, what you tell/ask the doll.

[Mambo Sam] Of course, that is individual and therefore each person will have to decide what they are working on with their love doll. But as long as your HD is away from you then your love doll is still your ally.     

[Marge] Ok, thanks. It just seems in the haze of a drug addicted person, the messages just don’t get through the same

[Mambo Sam] Right, thus using the combination of the healing egg with the love doll is a stronger way to do that.

[Marge] Thank you very much!


[Mambo Sam] So back to that since so many asked how to do that. As I was saying before, (you are welcome, Marge!), you can set up however you want with that ritual, staying within some basic guidelines of the regular instructions.

[Mambo Sam] The key to really working it is at some point in the ritual, rubbing the egg all over the doll, just as if you were healing a person (because you ARE) and then finishing the egg ritual. Doing this specific kind of healing, I would say at whatever point you rub the egg on the doll and ask the egg to take all those “illnesses” from the person, you should then finish the egg ritual, whether you have finished the doll ritual or not.

[Mambo Sam] One thing for sure about combination work, you absolutely MUST finish both rituals.

[Mambo Sam] That is true with all combination work we talk about - you must finish both rituals.


[ouanga_bottle] hi my dear mambo, that actually clears up a confusing issue for me that i’ve wanted to ask for a while. question!


[Mambo Sam] As I was mentioning for you old hands... many of you have branched out to other things, other products, other services, that is fine, I don’t have a problem with that. However, don’t mix them up with mine. Don’t do a ritual that combines my products with someone else’s, you will find that it ends up being very unsatisfying; things break, altars burn, and some other interesting stuff goes on! LOL. Seriously, like I said before, demons won’t come flying out of the

[Mambo Sam] ceiling or anything, but you will end up with a mess.

[Mambo Sam] Hi Ouanga Bottle! Ask away!


[ouanga_bottle] is it completely ineffective when I just cuddle and talk to my doll without doing the ritual? or when I sleep with her?

[ouanga_bottle] i often do things like kiss her, push on the pin gently, but i don’t always light the candles, and i just talk to her and hug her

[Mambo Sam] No, not at all! There is definitely something to be said for putting that kind of energy into a magickal object of any kind - the more you use it, the stronger, more empowered it becomes. This, of course, doesn’t take the place of doing the ritual - you do need to do the ritual, also, at some point. But loving on those dolls is a good thing!

[ouanga_bottle] and the other question is - is ok if i wake up and i realize i’ve been squishing her? also how do we clean the doll? she’s looking kinda ragged

[ouanga_bottle] and is it ok if i made her a new tag and re-baptized her?

[Mambo Sam] Well, your HD might wake up with a neck ache (okay, I am kidding, too many movies). Just think of it as “saturating” her with your love. Ah, cleaning the doll - no such thing, really.... just put some fresh clothes on her or something like that. They are gonna get dirty and ragged, but that doesn’t mean they are ineffective.

[Mambo Sam] You can make a new tag, but KEEP THE OLD ONE ON. This is a mistake that people make.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can do new things to the dolls, but keep the old things intact. They are infused with so much energy.

[ouanga_bottle] oops. ok i will for next time.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so are we understanding the doll/healing egg ritual?

[ouanga_bottle] thanks for your awesome guidance

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, Ouanga.

[ouanga_bottle] if i dont get to say it later, i love you    

[Mambo Sam] Love you, too!


[rattle shaker] Sorry I was late Mambo Sam, is that like, the more attention and energy you put into it, the better the connection between the doll and the person?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, rattle shaker, please ask to be recognized, honey.     


[Marge] Is the love doll still invused wih so much energy if you haven’t used it in weeks? I’m just curious. Mine still has articles from my HD, DNA, the whole nine yards but I haven’t used it for a while. Is the energy still ihtact?

[Mambo Sam] Remember what I said about energy? You can’t destroy it. It may be dormant in there, but it is there.

[Marge] sorry, not typing will tonight

[Mambo Sam] That’s okay.

[Marge] ok, that’s great to know, thank you so much!


[Eager2learn] what is the most effective way for the order of adjunct work like i try to do white, deluxe love doll and black mummy and if i have the energy even red candle

[Mambo Sam] HAHA.. yeah, it is a lot, I know. And sometimes a case warrants all of that. As for order, I don’t have a particular preference. Sometimes it depends on what is happening in your case, what would it benefit the most from right now. Definitely that is something that your caseworker can help you with. 

[Eager2learn] every single day, whether doing combinations or alone will a particuar order be more effective for hd?

[Eager2learn] k thanq mambo    

[Mambo Sam] I do think that the love doll is probably the most important long term.


[Mambo Sam] if you don’t type terribly fast, and you have questions, open up a word processor, type your question in there - copy it and you can paste into the send box by hitting control V at the same time. That will save us some time.     


[Happy] is it ok to glue on or stick on hd face on my doll?

[Mambo Sam] Okay Happy, yes, it is.


[SimoneGreeneWPP] Did you have info about using the Dx pair of dolls? Or is that in the Doc?

[Mambo Sam] Hopefully I will get to it tonight, if not, it will be in the document. 

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Ok, thank you!


[longhornlatinahh] i just wanted to say to everyone. The love dolls work so keep the faith and put all your heart and soul into it and the results will come when the time is right. Mambo you are the best.

[Mambo Sam] AW, thanks Longhornlatinahh, I am really happy for your success.

[Mambo Sam] I am glad you stuck around - most people get their success and POOF they vanish!

[longhornlatinahh] Well i have other areas where I’m trying to polish up      


[paperflwers07] I was wondering if you might discuss candle work, specifically brown candle work and how/what to petition for to get rid of that darn intruder

[Mambo Sam] If we don’t get to candle work tonight, that will definitely be next week, but I will definitely talk about petitions tonight.

[paperflwers07] only asked cause i am in the midst of brown candle work and was hoping for really good tips tricks to get rid of her

[Mambo Sam]    okay Papers, we will talk about petitioning.

[paperflwers07] ty, love ya mambo!!

[Mambo Sam] Love you, too, sweetie!


[phantodrac] If you combine the LOVE egg and deluxe doll, would you just put the egg and candles at the head of the doll and begin the ritual, then do the egg ritual, then finish the doll ritual? Also, is there a way to combine the Red Mummy with the doll?

[Mambo Sam] Good question, Phantodrac -- you can definitely use the Love egg pretty much the same way as the healing egg (well, except for the rubbing all over the body). And yes, you could definitely combine the Red Mummy with the love doll! Another good way to open up communication.


[Mambo Sam] But NOT the black mummy, by the way, while Vodoukat get her question going.

[Mambo Sam] Many of you asked about using the black mummy with your love doll. Huh? No way.

[riocorazon] no combo work with black mummy??

[Mambo Sam] The black mummy is not something that you should be using AT ALL with a love case unless it is to get rid of the intruder or break down communication between the intruder and your HD.

[Mambo Sam] No, riocorazon, I didn’t say NO combo work with the black mummy! ;}

[riocorazon] ok, thanks..

[Mambo Sam] What I am saying is that the black mummy (and please ask to be recognized next time, thanks, honey, just trying to keep some order.      doesn’t belong

[Mambo Sam] in with your love products - no way, no how, and whomever is telling you that is wrong.

[riocorazon] sorry about that, just confused!    


[vodoukat02] would I be able to use the St. Expedite candle with the love doll and red mummy candle and my mojo bags from 4 years ago, rubbing the mojo bags over the doll as suggested by Orleanna, all together in one ritual or what are your suggestions? Thank you

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Vodoukat, you can definitely do that. This gets back to the “old hands” vs. the newbies.

[Mambo Sam] Everyone was a newbie at one time.

[Mambo Sam] So, be a newbie - take your time, don’t try to do a million things at once thinking that “more better faster” is a good way for YOU to work.

[Mambo Sam] But yes, you can use all of those things above - just remember, if you are doing love work, don’t use the gris-gris bag from LMMA to rub over the doll. 

[vodoukat02] I didn’t know that

[Mambo Sam] Well, do you want him to leave you alone? Of course not, so be careful.

[vodoukat02] I was using the LMMA gris-gris bag

[vodoukat02] for getting rid of the intruder.....sorry

[Mambo Sam] Don’t use that one -- but with all the work you have done, I think that is a minor concern, just stop doing it. I don’t think there is any real adverse effect from it.

[vodoukat02] thank you and I love you Mambo


[REDANGEL] my HD has found a place holder, so for now the intruder has been almost pushed out i hope, is there anything that i should petition for to get rid of the place holder or should i let her be there while HD is processing

[Mambo Sam] Redangel - that is sometimes a sticky situation. There are a few of you here tonight that I have recommended personally to just leave the placeholder alone for now.

[Mambo Sam] Sometimes they are there for a reason. To find that out for yourself, I would say get a reading. There is no true way to know otherwise. It isn’t something that has a general answer, but it is a good question! 

[REDANGEL] Thats what i thought too, shes there to hold my place till HD is ready to be with me, Thanks so much Mambo for everything, xoxoxox

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, Red Angel!


[ouanga_bottle] isn’t it more important what our intention is? i know that the lwas can’t read our minds, but do they know our intention? in case we do something wrong or ineffective...

[Mambo Sam] Yep, that is why little mistakes aren’t a big deal. People start freaking out over little mistakes (if they could even be classified as mistakes) - and then they end up putting more negative energy into things!

[ouanga_bottle] that’s a relief, since i’m sure i’ve done many ineffective things over the last year thanks mambo xo

[Mambo Sam] LOL.


[santi] Is there such a thing as using too many adjunct products...RM, Blk Mummy, St Expedito, Healing Egg, LD and Peace Charm...

[Mambo Sam] There isn’t much risk of doing too much adjunct work, Santi. The most harm from that will probably be to your wallet! LOL. Seriously, adjunct work has a nice steady stream to it, it ebbs and flows, and there are very few times that I have thought a person was doing too much adjunct work. However, if you happened to read what I mentioned last week - you have to take care of yourself, too, and make sure that you have

[Mambo Sam] energy and rest and all of that.

[santi] My petitioning has started to get a little crazed...I recently began using the charm during the LD sessions, whilst rubbing the healing egg on the LD.

[santi] thank you.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Santi, and you can wear yourself out! So that is the main thing to watch out for!


[adub] what if you have 3 gri gri bags, one from each love kit, but dont recall which is which? (and U want to use them along w/your love doll...)THANK YOU!!

[adub] 1 was from the lmwa/// the other 2 were love kits, i meant!! Sorry 

[ouanga_bottle] (good question - i also forget which red gris gris bag is which)

[Mambo Sam] If they are all love ones, it doesn’t matter. As long as it was on the same person. If you have a LMWA then you need to keep that separate. Was it red, too???

[Mambo Sam] Doesn’t matter too much if you mix up the love ones?

[adub] Good question!! Actualy, i think one was black,, the other 2 may have been red 

[Mambo Sam] There was not supposed to be a ? mark there.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, it should have been black - so just use the red ones in that manner.

[adub] Awesome.. Thank u


[Eager2learn] what kind of combo work can we do with black mummy or this already mentioned in the document? and when doing the combo of red mummy with the white gender candles whch ones do we start with first red mummy or white gender?

[Mambo Sam] I will write out some things you can do with the black mummy - brown gender candles for sure, revenge doll, things like that.

[Mambo Sam] As to the red mummy/white gender - doesn’t matter too much.

[Eager2learn] thanq so much mambo    


[vodoukat02] Mambo, you are one awesome person that really truly loves us and I have had the pleasure of knowing you for many years before the spellmaker group was around

[Mambo Sam] Thanks, Vodoukat!

[vodoukat02] speaking the truth; you have not once changed


[waitingforastar] Hi alll, Im so upset, I forgot tonight was chat night till a forum friend emailed me, so sorry

[waitingforastar] are we all still here? Is there a file or transcript of tonight avialable?


[eveningstarmystic] I find myself talking to the lwa all the time. But then realize I am talking to my self. Do they hear me or know. or does everything need to be spoken out loud

[Mambo Sam] I do it, too!

[adub] GOOD Q!!

[ouanga_bottle] yes excellent question

[Mambo Sam] I love you guys, but let’s wait to be recognized, please.

[Mambo Sam] For spell work, you definitely need to do your petitions outloud. The lwa are not mind readers, of course. HOWEVER, the longer you work with them, the more connected you get, that is a fact.

[Mambo Sam] Due to that, the talking and asking for guidance that you ask for is quite often heard. Sometimes I will be just saying something like “please, Legba” but the rest of it is in my head. And lo and behold, he hears me! Of course, he is King Communication.

[Mambo Sam] But for sure, when doing “formal” work - try to petition out loud.


[waitingforastar] Mambo Sam, Can we use brown gender image candles to banish certain negative things in our hd’s, such as usiing a male image candle on our Hd to banish certain behaviors habits orthings of that nature?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can use brown gender candles in that way, but frankly, I prefer using white ones for that. The “other” uses of brown candles have sort of a negative connotation to them. I would rather see you guys use white ones.

[Mambo Sam] BUT

[Mambo Sam] having said that, yes, technically you can.


[Mambo Sam] Did I miss anyone who asked to be recognized?

[Mambo Sam] I will definitely add a LOT to the text files, which is why I decided not to do it before the

[Mambo Sam] chat tonight.

[Mambo Sam] I will add in more things about combinations and how to use them!


[ouanga_bottle] could we spend a session (or several) talking about service to the lwas?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Ouanga, that is in the plans already.     

[ouanga_bottle] excellent darling

[ouanga_bottle] thank you soooo much


[waitingforastar] Mambo Sam, I have a second part to that question.

[waitingforastar] I was thinking more in terms of working on his end to banish any potential intruder, and badhabits but I guess as you’re saying, the white candle is better for the second part of my question.

[Mambo Sam] Yep, definitely. If you want to banish the intruder, do the brown candles on her.


[santi] Can you give a brief example of an effective petition when using the Blk Mummy or will that be in the text?

[Mambo Sam] I want to talk about petioning in general, but yes, I am going to address the Black Mummy big time in the text files because I think the little guy is misunderstood!     

[santi] thank you...


[rattle shaker] Question?

[Mambo Sam] Go rattle shaker, baby! (I need to talk to you... email me.)

[Mambo Sam] But go ahead with your question.

[rattle shaker] Ok, is there a combo you can do to first help open the way for the energy to hit the target?

[Mambo Sam] Certainly I would say opening up the way with the white male candles and the red mummy would be awesome -- while definitely it will open up communication, it could also open pathways

[Mambo Sam] to the person for accepting/listening to your petitions.


[Happy] sorry but I am confused about the white genders and the red mummy. Light all together then do each petition for each doll sep. this one does confuse me.

[Mambo Sam] The white genders and the red mummy did not involve the doll.

mummy. Light all together then do each petition for each doll sep. this one does confuse me. 

[Mambo Sam] The white genders and the red mummy did not involve the doll.

[Mambo Sam] Look at my post on the forum.

[Happy] ok sorry

[Mambo Sam] No apologies, baby!!!

[Mambo Sam] It is all confusing!!

[Mambo Sam] I will clarify it more in the text fiiles.


[Destiny] Is there a reason to use a brown image candle if I already have a Black Mummy to get rid of intruder. Would it be more powerful to use them both in a combination?

[Mambo Sam] Now that’s a combination!!!!

[Mambo Sam] Yes indeed, you could definitely use the brown image candles and Black Mummy together.

[Mambo Sam] Remember this about your intruders, though -- did they hurt you purposely? If so, then you can petition for whatever hurt you want to match your own. If they didn’t, then you need to

[Mambo Sam] petition for them to just GO. 

[Destiny] Would there be a reason to use a brown image candle instead of a Black Mummy or is it better to use the Black Mummy over the Brown Image?

[Mambo Sam] Destiny, it depends a lot on what you are trying to accomplish, the level of necessity, and the level of harm that has been inflicted upon you on purpose.

[Mambo Sam] I would say ask your caseworker on that - that would be an individual case question.


[rattle shaker] In combo work, it is like stringing things together, but the instructions say to wait 45 min between spells. How do we compensate for that time frame in combo work?

[Mambo Sam] The combo work eliminates the 45 minute wait.

[Mambo Sam] Unless you are doing a spell kit first - then you have to wait.

[Mambo Sam] See above (or the transcript when I post it - hopefully.)

[rattle shaker] So just link them together like an adjuct chain?

[Mambo Sam] Or do them together... like I was saying with the love doll and healing egg - start the doll ritual, cue in the Egg ritual, finish the doll ritual - just be sure to finish all rituals.

[REDANGEL] Oh, thanks rattle shaker just about asked to same ?? i was thinkin of!!:}

[rattle shaker] Ok, I see, one overall work with others in the middle.

[Mambo Sam] Rattle shaker - it coule be in the middle, yes, we don’t even want to get into combining three things yet! LOL. Defintely stick to two at a time for now.


[ksig1998] A little off the subjuect but when doing adjunct work, our energy plays a huge part. Correct? Is there a way to control our energy while doing the adjunct work. My energy will shift dramatically while in the middle. 

[Mambo Sam] Ksig - your energy certainly is important (I will get back to that rattle shaker). And your attitude, and all of that. BUT mood swings through all of this is pretty normal. Just do your best to keep them under control, but it is going to happen, just move on after you have a “bad” session. We all have them!

[ksig1998] Is there a way to somehow block my empathy so I can to the work effectively

[Mambo Sam] Oh that sounds like a good idea Ksig, but, honey, the empathy is actually a good thing. Try to channel it into something positive, if you can. Your “empathy” is your link to your HD - controlled, it is avery good thing.


[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you Mambo for this great experience tonight. I hate to be off topic, but I was wondering how the conference plans were going. Tonight has solidified my desire to be there in Oct. Can we still register? I cant imagine spending a weekend with all you loving people...Heaven!

[ouanga_bottle] you will definitely not regret the experience of meeting mambo in person

[Mambo Sam] We have solidified speakers, and classes, and I am hoping that you all come! It is truly going to be a wonderful experience. We will open with a special blessing that will open your learning abilities and allow you get the most from it.

[Mambo Sam] So, I hope you will be there Patrick!

[Mambo Sam] And let me say this to all of you about the conference and then I will get back to the other questions...

[Mambo Sam] There are still “personal conferences” time slots left with me. I am still holding off a bit in advertising this other than to clients. (I really don’t want to give those slots to just “people,” ya know??). But even if you don’t get that formal personal time with me, we will meet, we will talk, we will have some fun together - each and every one of you. I promise you that! (Candelaria and Bridget just DIED because they are in charge of “me” at the conference.) But anyone who

[Mambo Sam] has been to the lave tets can tell you that I will spend some personal time with you! And there will be just some amazing things going on!

[ouanga_bottle] (oh i miss you so much!!!!)

[PATRICKinCALI] Thanks Mambo. And thank you for the light/hope and addition to my spirituality you, vodou and spellmaker has brought to my life. Honor to you Mambo. Good Night!

[Mambo Sam] Good night, honey!


[REDANGEL] is it ok to go over the peition time in the instruction, like some say min of 9mins max of 30, should we try to finish them all up in that certain time frame?? even if were using a few differnt combos at once, and some days i have more energy to petition longer than others too

[Mambo Sam] Okay, red angel - yes, it is fine to go a bit over - if you are in the ZONE, there is no harm to it.

[REDANGEL] Great!! Thanks:


[ksig1998] I know the empathy is a good thing. However, when my HD is processing, it will distort my energy and muddle my aura no matter how I am feeling. Basically my energy is directly related to and reflects HD’s, I want to make sure that when I am petitoning I am not sending negative energy because of my energy being so off balance.

[Mambo Sam] Yep, that makes sense.... are you cleansing regularly? And this is important for all of you, let me elaborate a little bit.

[Mambo Sam] Someone mentioned to me the other day that they feel like they need to always be cleansing...

[Mambo Sam] and that is true for most all of us. 

[Mambo Sam] Especially if you are an empath -- some of those white gender candles need to go for you, too!

[ksig1998] What do you mean by cleansing

[Mambo Sam] Obviously the Milk of Damballah white bath is important, but regular cleansing such as doing white gender candles to cleanse yourself of what may be hindering you - such as Ksig is talkinga bout - the empathy thing is great, but not when it turns negative, so doing a session with a white candle for yourself before doing other work would be helpful (not every time, but once in awhile).

[Mambo Sam] Does that make sense?

[Mambo Sam] Also the holy hyssop bath additive, just using a bit of that in a bath can be very helpful before spell work.

[Mambo Sam] So Ksig, you may need to just do some spiritual cleansing to help you along with the process.


[Mambo Sam] Oh, and let me address something else that someone asked - they asked about the Body, Mind, Spirit candle pack...

[Mambo Sam] they wanted to know if they could “break” it up -- in other words, did they have to always do that packet as BMS - no - you get a discount for buying the three and you can split them up.

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Thank you!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, Simone!


[paperflwers07] Mambo will you be having a txt version of this chat for us to read and review, my computer froze and i missed alot of your good info with regards to the candle work

[paperflwers07] paaaleaaaaaaaaase

[Mambo Sam] I am going to try.... it may be too big, but I will address a lot of things in the text file.

[paperflwers07] hate to ask waste your time asking for a review, wanted tips tricks on how to petition for getting rid of intruder with brown candle work

[Mambo Sam] Hang on, folks. 

[Mambo Sam] Let me get everyone up to date:

[Mambo Sam] I will try for a transcript, but no promises.

[Mambo Sam] I will address petitioning in the text files.

[paperflwers07] you are the best mambo

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Sorry to jump in - I’m copying & pasting into a transcript. If needed, I will send it to Mambo to edit & use. 

[Mambo Sam] Thanks, Simone!!! I appreciate it!! I would love a copy.


[REDANGEL] This is kind of a personal one but I feel at home with all of you so im ok with sharing. I have just recently been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder, so my emotions are always all over the place, i have done a cleansing, (Milk of Damballah, Thanks Bridget for the suggestion it was definately worth while) would this have any effect on my HD when I petition, becuause some times I cant controll my emotions and they get the better of me, I am on Medication but it doesnt always keep everything in check. I just want to make sure that im not giving HD negative energy.

[Mambo Sam] Redangel, keep up with cleansing yourself as I mentioned above. Use white candles on yourself, use the holy hyssop bath additive and a healing egg for yourself. It is important to work on you, too, and keep your illness at bay - that will help a lot!

[REDANGEL] Thank you, but sometimes its easier to focus all my energy on someone else than myself!! I just need to remember that

[Mambo Sam] What a group!


[Mambo Sam] While we are waiting, I wanted to mention that someone asked if they could use their

[Mambo Sam] solo casting talisman on their doll - the answer is yes, just like the love charm.


[waitingforastar]    Hi, Can you combine oils or oils with potions for greater power with candle work or lovedolls?

[Mambo Sam] you can combine “like kind” oils and potions. Love oils and potions on candles - some people have had such amazing results with putting Love Potion #999 on their gender candles

[Mambo Sam] and Velvet Man Trap and Silken Lady Trap on their candles.

[Mambo Sam] Those in touch with their HD’s have had some good results with Bedroom Bourdeaux on gender candles, on their dolls, etc.

[Mambo Sam] Now, the Bedroom Bourdeaux is great, well, if you are in contact with your HD and trying to get them in the sack.

[waitingforastar] Hmm I’ll have to try that on the candles, not in contact right now. So like oils and potions, is there any that should NOT be combined?

[Candelaria] Yep, I’ve used Bedroom Bourdeux on love candles. Works great! 

[Mambo Sam] If you are in contact with your HD in any way, using Bedroom Bourdeaux in conjunction with your love products is a good way to take things to the next level!

[waitingforastar] Thank you so much xox

[Mambo Sam] Thanks, Candi!

[Candelaria] You’re welcome! 

[Candelaria] Hubah, hubah

[Mambo Sam] Things that shouldn’t be combined are things that aren’t of like kind!

[Mambo Sam] Don’t mix money and love... don’t mix revenge and love, etc.

[Mambo Sam] Stick to one category and you are on the right track!


[waitingforastar] How about road opener with others to open the road with those things for them to get through?

[Mambo Sam] Waitingforastar - yes Road Open (Abre Camino) is another thing (and thank you for mentioning it) that should be in everyone’s bag of tricks

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[waitingforastar] So I was on the right track with abre camino, thank you so much 

[Mambo Sam] Abre Camino is an excellent, all purpose oil - use it on everything - yourself, your products, it is just an awesome little oil to remove blockages. I find it works the best when used in conjunction with other things.


[ksig1998] Is there a way to have a paricular lwa assist you with certain adjuct work.

[Mambo Sam] Ksig, we are going to talk about the lwa in upcoming sessions. Each lwa has particular things they are best at!

[Mambo Sam] But, yes indeed.

[ksig1998] Also, if you do a service to a particular lwa is there a time frame to wait between that and doing adjunct work

[Mambo Sam] Ksig, no, if you are serving Les Lois - (the lwa) move right into your spell work.


[longhornlatinahh] Good Night all. Thanks Mambo 4 taking time out 2 do this chat. Can’t wait til next weeks chat. WE LOVE YOU MAMBO!:


[eveningstarmystic] to back up a bit, i’m not using any bedroom potion, but i’m in the sack all the time with HD and he lives with intruder. is there such thing as too much in the sack? or is a case by case situation

[Mambo Sam] eveningstarmystic - no I don’t think so. Definitely case by case - and this is as long as you are willing and feel good about it! You should not be forced into anything. Talk to your caseworker.


[vodoukat02] Mambo it seems that I feel closer to a certain lwa and I call on her a lot, what is up with that

[Mambo Sam] Vodoukat, is it your met tet?? 

[vodoukat02] is there a special reason a person feels closer to a certain lwa

[vodoukat02] I have no idea

[Mambo Sam] Well, you need a met tet reading!

[Mambo Sam] That is usually the reason, but you need a reading to be sure.

[vodoukat02] I am not able to come there

[Mambo Sam] I do them by phone.

[vodoukat02] oh, ok

[Mambo Sam] Call Berkeley.

[vodoukat02] ok, will do

[vodoukat02] it seems as tho she understands me and quick to help is that normal too

[Mambo Sam] Yes, vodoukat.

[vodoukat02] thank you Mambo

[vodoukat02] I love you Mambo and this family forum and I just want to say thank you for all that you do and all the support you give us; it’s like the sister I never had


[Mambo Sam] Okay, a few more questions, get them ready. The rest will have to be in text files or next week. God, I LOVE you guys so much - you really have no idea.


[paperflwers07] ok, off to bed, early day tomorrow, ty so much mambo, we love u too

[waitingforastar] I love you too Mambo. Youre the best

[Destiny] We love you so much too!!!! xoxoxo

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead with your questions!

[paperflwers07] i was just saying mee 2 to getting met tet reading, calling berkeley right away


[vodoukat02] I have to say good nite everyone and Mambo thank you for your time; this chat room really shows how much you truly love us

[eveningstarmystic] after my bad day with HD I’m surprised I’m here. but glad I am.

[Mambo Sam] It happens!


[rattle shaker] So is it acceptable as combo work to add other oils and/or potions to candle kits to help amp them up besides the oils that come with them?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, rattle shaker.... the important then to remember is that some things are stronger than others - like the potions are stronger than oils - a little bit goes a long way. Sometimes more is not better. 

[Mambo Sam] So you want to be a bit selective.


[cobalt] is there much difference in using oils vs potions? (I think u might have just answered this.)

[Mambo Sam] Potions are much, much stronger. The oils are of a lighter magick and are generally meant to go along with something else, i.e., as a “step” in something else. Potions are much stronger and can be added to candles, etc.

[cobalt]    thank you


[Mambo Sam] Okay, kids.... that is about it for tonight. I will let you know about the text files and thanks to Simone for keeping the transcript together - I really appreciate it! 

[Mambo Sam] Same time next week!


[Candelaria] Bye!!!

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Thank you and I love you too!

[eveningstarmystic] thank you mambo. love you bunches and you to bridget

[rattle shaker] G’Night Mambo!

[cobalt] Thank you. Have a good night. 

[Bridget] Bye

[Mambo Sam] Bye, nighty night!!!! Much love to you all!!!!

[rattle shaker] G’Night Mambo!

[cobalt] Thank you. Have a good night. 

[Paris] Thank you and love you

[REDANGEL] Thanks Mambo, goodnight, love ya!!!

[sexychicaferrari] thank you very much mambo sam!!!

[ouanga_bottle] thanks mambo and good to hear from everyone tonight!

[Happy] Mambo thank you and I think we all know How much you do love us. Get a good nights rest. You too Bridget and Candelaria and Ms Berkeley:}

[waitingforastar] Goodnight Mambo, thanks so much and Candelaria too xox

[Candelaria] Thanks, Happy! Later, Sweetie.

[Candelaria] You’re welcome, Waiting

[phantodrac] I love you Mambo! Goodnite!

[ouanga_bottle] hugs to bridget and candelaria too xo xo

[Candelaria] Hugs, Baby Ouanga Chicky! Love ya!

[ouanga_bottle] hee hee

[ouanga_bottle] love you too    

[riocorazon] hugs, mambo...thanks for everything! xoxo good nite!

[REDANGEL] Goodnight everyone, see you all next week!!!
