CHAT HELD 04/03/07

CHAT TOPIC:  Adjunct work.  (Adjunct work is a term we use to designate extra work that is done on a case above and beyond the Creole Voodoo® spell kits.  Adjunct work would include, but is not limited to, items such as candles, charms, potions, dolls, etc.)



Questions that were sent in by clients are answered by Mambo Sam.


PLEASE NOTE:  Due to the overwhelming response to this chat subject of "Adjunct Work" - it is planned to talk about some of the more genalized subjects and next week talk about more specifics.




1.  Are adjunct works beneficial to all cases? or are there cases that simply respond to spell kit only?


ANSWER:  Definitely there are cases that respond to the spell kits and nothing else.   We get into adjunct work a number of ways:  The main way is that as the spellcaster, you KNOW your subject!  J  What I mean is that you start out knowing your HD pretty well, right?  So you know if s/he is stubborn, prone to mood swings, a substance abuser, or other things that are important to know.  If you DON'T know these things, many times spell work will bring this information to you in some way.  This is to let you know what you are really dealing with! 


Therefore, when you know that your HD is a hard sell, you know that probably you are going to end up doing some adjunct work.  Additionally, of course, you may have adjunct work recommended by your caseworker or through a reading.  This is usually recommended due to a particular circumstance that you describe and ask about. 


Personally, I feel that most love cases could benefit from at least a little bit of adjunct work.  Let's face it, most break ups aren't pretty.  There is often a lot of negative energy from one or more parties, things said that shouldn't be said, etc., etc.  Almost any case could benefit from a white candle magick kit or two! 


2.  What is a good way to see that the adjunct work is taking effect?


ANSWER:  This, of course, would vary widely from case to case.  Obviously, if you are a person who is in touch with the person you are doing the adjunct work on, you can see that for yourself.  Another way would be to get a reading either with myself, Bridget's tarot readings, or a psychic reading with Mary Lee.


Sometimes you will get "signs" (hearing your HD's favorite song over and over, seeing your HD's name everywhere - clear cut things like that are, indeed, signs).   Signs are Les Lois (the lwa's) way of letting you know that your work is out there and is reaching its target.  While signs are sometimes hard to interpret, the main thing to look for is something that "startles" you into thinking THAT is a sign!  If it is something that seems just a little too "coincidental" - that is generally a "sign."  J


3.  How long should one keep at doing adjunct work?


ANSWER:  Again, this is something that would vary from case to case.  However, the short answer would be "until you see results."    There is also certainly personal preference!  Many clients really love to do their adjunct work.  I have been told by many clients that they felt a great deal of comfort from their adjunct work.  It made them feel like they were extremely proactive in their case even though their spell kits were done and they were in a waiting period.  I have been told that clients feel more connected to their HD and more connected to their case by using their adjunct work.  Certainly those are extremely good reasons to continue with adjunct work.  If you feel good about what you are doing, then that is the best "sign" you could get to continue.  If you start to feel bad or negative about your adjunct work, then it is time to re-examine what you are doing.


Sometimes we just get burned out doing too much work.  There is nothing wrong with taking a break from your adjunct work.  Adjunct work is NOT like a regular spell kit where you are locked into doing nine days straight of spell work (yep, whether you feel like it or not!).  You should always (I repeat ALWAYS) feel good about your adjunct work.  If you do not, then you definitely need a break.  You may need to have a reading or talk to your caseworker to get some feedback on potential reasons that you are feeling badly about your adjunct work.  Most of the time it is just plain old human nature, burn out, time to take a break!!!  It is far better and much more effective to do your work when you are feeling good about it.  Adjunct work is a choice, not a necessity.  Therefore, you have the choice to take a break.


Most of us fear that we will "lose ground" by taking a break from adjunct work.  This really isn't true.  You run more of a risk of losing ground by doing work when you are feeling negative and resentful of having to do it! 


4.  What type of adjunct work do you suggest after you finally receive contact after a long stagnation, but your HD runs backs off and don't hear from them for another long period of time? In other words, is there a specific type of adjunct work you suggest to keep the communication flowing continuously to avoid constant stagnation?


ANSWER:   When one gets that communication and then it backs off again, it is extremely frustrating.   Additionally, this usually signifies that there is still some sort of blockage that hasn't been dealt with.    Here is a little trick that sometimes will help with that:

            a.   Use two gender-specific white candle magick kits - one to represent you, one to represent your HD and a Red Mummy candle magick kit.

            b.   Prepare the candles as per the instructions.

            c.   Set the Mummy candle so that it is facing you as you stand in front of the candle. 

            d.   Set the White candles on either side of the Red Mummy, but facing each other - so what you have is the two figure candles facing each other, with the Red Mummy between them.

            e.    Follow the regular instructions for the candle magick kits.  Add in a petition that your HD will allow strong, continuous communication between you and him AND that all blockages to communication be removed.  Important:  Use this specifically for communication - NOT to remove all blockages between you and him in a general sense -- just communication blockages.


5. What do you do with your unfinished and completely unused/unstarted adjunct work when your particular case is over (gris gris bags, dolls from spell kits, unfinished black mummys, love dolls, unused candle kits).


ANSWER:  Burn them or bury them.  If you have unused items, you can use them for something or someone else.  However, these must be completely unused for any other purpose.


6. Can adjunct work be used on someone who is impaired - like through the use of drugs and/or alcohol?  Especially if they appear to be so impaired that a reading on them proves to be impossible?

            6a.  When a HD is under a substance abuse, what is the best adjunct work to penetrate their subconscious?

            6b.  Is there an adjunct ritual to cleanse HD in case of drug abuse?


ANSWER:  This is just such a tough thing to work on with magick!  However, certainly your first line of defense would be a Cosmic Voodoo Healing Egg.  I would strongly suggest if someone you love is suffering from any kind of addiction that you use this tool.  Additionally, you should send us a letter (handwritten, send it in the regular mail, not email) to put them on the metaphysical healing list.   White candle magick kits are helpful for this, also.  So, what we are looking at is to first try to get some spiritual healing underway for them.  A person's Higher Self is hungry for healing when in this kind of situation.  Therefore, healing will help clear at least a little bit of a path for your other work.


Next, your best tool for working on someone with an impairment of this kind is a DELUXE love doll.  This is exactly the kind of situation that the deluxe love doll is meant for.  A deluxe love doll is for tougher, harder to get to types of people!  Obviously, someone who is impaired with drugs or alcohol is someone who is hard to get to spiritually.   Remember, more than any other magickal tool, your love doll is a direct pipeline to your HD.  For all practical purposes, the love doll IS your HD, only it is better to talk to!  I will discuss dolls more below.


7.  How long is adjunct work helpful?  What if your spells were done 1-2 years ago - is it still building on them?


ANSWER:  As long as your case is "open" to you - adjunct work can be helpful.  Spell work does not dissipate, it does not go away.  You cannot destroy energy; it can be, however, transformed.  So even though a case may be 1-2 years old, that doesn't mean the spell work energy is "gone."  It may be transformed, especially if it has been absorbed by your HD, but it is still there.  So, yes, adjunct work will continue to build on your original energy.



8.  What adjunct work someone can do on oneself during the waiting period to stay relaxed, focused and faithful without becoming crazy and impatient?


ANSWER:  I did have to have a bit of a laugh at this one!  Wouldn't it be great if just every day in every way we could stay relaxed, focused, and faithful without becoming crazy and impatient??

I think I am going to make that my daily affirmation!! 


Seriously, definitely using tools such as white candle magick kits on yourself (and this is something that we tend to overlook - we are always so focused on removing those negativities from our HD's that we forget that we can use those white candle magick kits on ourselves, too!) is great.  The Milk of Damballah white bath is useful.  One completely underused product is the Voodoo Self-Improvement Doll.  This little doll is so useful for something like relaxation, petitioning to be a better spell caster, things like that. 


Listen, getting impatient and going a little nuts with this is part of human nature.  Allow yourself some craziness (just a little) and then get back to work!


9.  Would you consider a cleansing on someone's house (like Hex removal) part of adjunct work?


ANSWER:  This is a very interesting concept and, again, something that is a little underused.  Most people do not need the WHOLE Lady's Samantha's Hex Removal kit (something you can discuss with your caseworker). But, yes, for sure I would consider cleansing adjunct work. Using the Marie Laveau House Blessing kit is something that almost everyone can benefit from - especially if you have had an extraordinarily hard case, a lot of negativity surrounding your case, an extremely long waiting period, etc.  Negative energy build up in your environment is no joke - removing that negative energy, or I suppose we should say changing it into positive energy, can be very helpful in spell work.  A spiritually clean environment is always going to be more conducive to spell work than a negative environment (and more conducive to almost anything, right???). 


Many folks feel they will have a problem doing the Marie Laveau House Blessing kit because it involves a lot of cleaning.    A little tip for you, our valued clients:  Do a shorter version of it.  Use it just to clean the area you will be doing your spell work in.   There is a step about wiping down the walls -- just do what you can, as far as you can reach or as much as you personally can do.  Believe me, doing some is better than doing none in this instance!   If you use this kit just in the room that you are doing your spell casting in, you will see a remarkable difference in how clear you feel doing your spell work!


10. I have been doing adjunct work basically every single day after my Love Trio Spells were completed (I have the time to do this work) - If I stop for about 2-3 days is that OK?!

10a. Sometimes, I am very tired and do not feeling a huge desire to do the doll or candle work-it’s not that I DON’T want to, it’s just that I am not energized. However, I have noticed when I do the doll and candles more consistently, I get better results. So, I will the work a bit tired, but still trying to send loving energy. Is this okay?


ANSWER:  As I mentioned above, consistency IS important, however, your health and well being and good state of mind are also equally important.  The answer to this truly lies somewhere in the middle.  Be consistent, but take some breaks.  So if you are doing your love doll for three days in a row - do three great days.  Take two off.  Or something like that -- renewal and rejuvenation of YOUR body, mind, and spirit is extremely important for you and the ultimate success of your work.   Remember, generally speaking, the reason you are doing this work at all is because you have experienced some kind of loss, a negative experience.  Many times you are already run down, feeling sad, depressed, angry -- all negative!  Now that you have chosen to do something positive and proactive in your situation, it is important to keep yourself strong, positive, and spiritually nourished throughout.   YES, it might seem like it is taking longer to get your ultimate results, but really it isn't -- you are working towards what might be one of the most important goals in your life.  It is worth the wait and it is worth doing it right. 


11.  How to phrase petitions for Love Doll/adjunct work/Red Mummy stuff like that. I'm confused by the love doll ritual (deluxe) we do the chant and then after that we do our petitions?


ANSWER:   There were so many questions about petitions, especially for love dolls, that I will address this as a separate topic next week!  Once I saw how many questions there were about petitions (especially for the love dolls), I realized that we need a whole session just to address proper petitioning and usage of these important tools.   I will give examples of good petitions vs. not-so-good ones, etc. 


I will say this, if you are not using a love doll in your love case, you are doing yourself a disservice.  A love doll, as mentioned above, is your direct pipeline to your HD.  Especially in cases where you have limited or little contact with your HD, this is the tool to use to talk to them, to get your loving points across to them, etc.


12.  What do we do when we have done the trio and the deluxes, with some results but not together yet, can you repeat the deluxes? I'm talking about for a situation that from readings just seems to need more time, where there really is love there?


ANSWER:   I don't have hard, fast rules about repeating spell kits of any kind.  This is something that would usually be determined on a case-to-case basis through getting a reading or asking your caseworker.  However, generally speaking, it would be rare to recommend redoing something like the deluxes.  There have been some very pointed examples of recommending redoing:

            a.  The client asks because they feel that they now have much more insight into their situation and feel more comfortable doing the spells.  They feel that they didn't do it as well as they would do it now and want to repeat the spells.  I always give the green light on this one!  It is my belief that you know your case better than anyone else.  You know yourself better than anyone else.  If you feel that your first effort was lacking in any way, through no fault of your own, or through plenty of fault of your own, and you want to recast, then by all means you should do so.  You definitely need to feel some confidence in what you have done!  

            b.  There is completely new information that was in no way accounted for in your first castings.  Sometimes you can just do some adjunct work to fill in the things that you now know that you didn't know before.  But if you find out something major that wasn't worked on, then you should probably repeat that kit.  For instance, if you find out that there is an intruder that you didn't know anything about in the first place, then you should repeat the Leave My Man (or Woman) Alone spell kit.   If you had a dual casting, usually it isn't necessary to have a repeat on the dual.  And you do not need to repeat the other kits you did, just that one.  So there is no need to repeat a whole Trio just because you found out new information.

            c.  You feel like you are SO CLOSE to your goal and, yet, it isn't happening.  You have seen some pretty good results, but just aren't closing the deal.  This is a frustrating place to be at in your work and, here again, sometimes adjunct work can close the gap.  If there were any kit that I would say to repeat in a situation like this, it would be the No One But Me kit.  Why?  Remember, the NOBM is NOT just for shutting out present and future intruders; it is for putting you as number one in a person's life, it is for making your presence, your opinion, your beingness the most important thing in a person's life.  This is not selfish or in any way negative; it doesn't mean that other people cannot be important to your HD!  It means that you are the MOST important, the most desired, the "go to" person for your HD.  Here again, if you are in this position of feeling that you are close, then I usually will suggest redoing the NOBM.


And a word about suggesting that you redo something:   Caseworkers are not here to sell you product.  A lot of times they won't even suggest redoing a spell kit simply because they are trained by me to not push products on you.  Now, this may result in some under-recommending, but I feel it is important for you not to feel pressured by us.  Perhaps this is in some ways a bit of underkill, but I would rather have that than overkill.  The bottom line - don't be afraid to ask!   We never think you are stupid or crazy for asking. 







NOTE:   As above, there about three times this many questions about the love dolls!  Mostly the questions revolved around petitioning and wanting to know if there were any "tips and tricks" for using the love doll.  Well, yes, as a matter of fact!  J  However, I will save this subject mostly for next week (04/10/07).  However, I do want to touch base about it and elaborate more later.


1.  I have heard amazing testimonial on how powerful the love doll is. I have one and i do the love doll session now and then. Is there a most "proper" way to do the love doll session?


ANSWER:  Certainly following the directions is the proper way to do it.  There are things you can add in and extras you can do to help this powerful tool along.  We will discuss those next week.  Some basic things are: 

a.  Don't do the love doll when you are feeling angry or negative towards your HD.   The doll is NOT for telling your HD all the things that are wrong with your relationship or what s/he did wrong.

            b.  Do treat your love doll with respect and love.  I know it just looks like a funny little doll.  Know this:  That doll has spirit. That doll has something that I put in it and something YOU put in it.  Those two things combine to make a spiritual object.  Treat it accordingly.



2.  Some tips on using the Deluxe Love Doll effectively because i find that hd finds it very difficult to respond to them.


ANSWER:    Definitely the trick is in the petitioning, the talking to the doll.  For most people (and obviously everyone's case is individual) talking to the doll as if you are talking to your HD is the way to do it.  The truth is, it is better than actually talking to your HD.  You can take this opportunity to tell your HD everything wonderful you feel about them if only s/he would listen and believe you.  This is the time to remind them that they love you, too!  That they want to be with you, that they will be so much better off with you because you will always treat them with love and respect.  (And if you have an intention other than that, your HD's Higher Self will know it.)   When you use a love doll, you are talking to the purest, clearest part of your HD - the part that can accept and process information without mounting a defense, without arguing, without question - speak wisely.


3.  When doing the love doll, you have emphasized the importance of being positive and easy-going with our HD’s. Sometimes though, complex feelings arise (with doing any of the adjunct work for that matter) and though I am still feeling loving towards my HD, the feelings become so strong I do cry. Am I sending negative (or “overwhelming”) energy this way?


ANSWER:   Honest, loving tears are natural in this process.  You are frustrated and your love may even be frustrating to you!  Why do you so love this person who isn't seeming to return the love? That is frustrating, but not necessarily a negative energy.   EXPLAIN yourself to your HD through your doll.  Tell him/her why you are crying.  Let some tear drops fall on your doll.  Tear of love are pure.  And if you are using your doll properly (meaning, you aren't angry) then those tears are pure love.


There is a little bit of misconception about "overwhelming" one's HD.   Overwhelming them is generally temporary, and just means you need to pull back a little bit from your work, just a little break from it.  It isn't going to destroy your case because you are sending them TOO MUCH love!  It might scare them a little bit and they run and hide, but they will want to feel that again, wouldn't you??


4.   I often feel that instead of being overly casual during a love doll session I should “tell” HD what I want to happen. For example, “HD, you are in love with me. Feel the love grow inside you. You need me, come to me, etc”. I complement this with sending energy to him through my hands. What do think overall? Would you generally recommend being this direct in love doll work?


ANSWER:  It isn't so much that you need to be overly casual -- there is nothing wrong with being direct as you mention.  Just remember, that a whole session should not necessarily revolve around telling your HD that they are in love with you - remember to tell them how much you love them. 







1.  Personally I find it very difficult to do the black mummy petition to get rid of the intruder in the case of a love situation. I use the Hex-o-gram potion. How to make the black mummy more effective, even if we are using only for a short 15-20 mts?


ANSWER:  The Black Mummy is an extremely powerful tool all by itself -- and I think 15-20 minutes is fine.  Using the Hex-o-Gram potion ups the power without you doing anything other than using it!  The Black Mummy candle has a very special energy to it!  You can actually ask the Black Mummy to do your bidding.  There is a spirit that corresponds with the Black Mummy (see, this is the kind of stuff that you have to learn - I can't put too much of that in instructions, it is too hard for people to learn all of this at once; it's overwhelming for most people to even read our instructions and understand them).  If you notice in the instructions, "Amoun" is mentioned in the petition - this is a spirit, a diety.   There is a ton of complex information around Amoun (Amun, Amoun-Ra, etc.) but for our purposes, it is calling on the creative energy, the Universal Power, God, whatever you want to call it, to animate the Black Mummy and have it do your bidding.  Now, that sounds like we are diving off into a Hollywood movie, I know, but we will definitely talk more about this when we talk about petitioning next week.



2.  Sometimes when doing the red male candle, i find that hd uses those feelings with intruder instead of me again this is in a love situation. Is there someway to avoid this?


ANSWER:  Use YOUR NAME in the petition, not "me" or "I" -- "Johnny loves Susie", not "Johnny loves me."  It is actually almost impossible for this to happen (that the intruder gets the benefit of your work).  It may seem that way, but most of the time it is simply that things are starting to happen that will transfer to you when the time is right. 


3.  What other adjunct can we use to get rid of intruder for a love situation besides black mummy?


ANSWER:  Brown image candles, revenge doll (if the intruder actually stole your HD from you and knew about you).


4.  For what situations are Brown Image/Mummy Candles used for?!

            4a. What are examples of uses and petitions for black mummys?


ANSWER:  See above.


5.  Can a love doll, white male image candle, and black mummy be used for someone else - like if you have a child with your HD but he has abandoned having anything to do with the child mainly because of the intruder?  Can you use those things to at least TRY to help the child know his/her father and have a relationship with him?


ANSWER:  Yes, just be careful about how you petition for this -- to be discussed next week.


6.  For white candle magic ( male/female) in case there is difficulty in burying each candle afer the session ( when fully melted) beneath a tree  place offering, is there any other way we can do this and offer our thanks?. Or can we bury it within our house garden? There is always a fear of being spotted in a public place and one feels very nervous.


ANSWER:  It is better not to bury things on your property, if you can avoid it.  If you are going to a public park or some place like that - always look like you belong there.  Bring a trash bag - pick up some trash.   Have a small picnic (I can't tell you how many things I have buried under my picnic blanket and then picked everything up and walked away).   If you have no other way to do it, wrap everything in a brown paper bag or any kind of brown paper and dispose of it in a trash receptacle away from your home.


7. For the mind body spirit candle magic, is there a stronger affirmation ( other than that mentioned in the supplies) to unblock the energies from our target and make it reach them( in case the target is blocking the spell work by their thoughts)


ANSWER:  To be discussed next week.


8.  . what do we do with the herbs and oil ( left over) when all the candles are used up ( mind, body & spirit).


ANSWER:   Use them!  J  Seriously, use them on just regular candles - the kind you can buy in any store.  Use the same affirmations to continue your work.  Since you already did the candle work, this is just a little extra boost.


9.What signs can one get to know that the candle magic is working on the target.


ANSWER:  See above, about getting signs.


10. Should one repeat the candle magic, if so after how many days?


ANSWER:  It depends on the situation.  One thing you can never, ever overdo is white candle magick.  Depending upon your HD and the difficulty of your situation, it would not be unusual to do more than one set of them.   There is no rule about how many days one would have to wait.  See above about wearing yourself out, though!






1.  What is the best use of charms and their petition?


ANSWER:  I feel that charms, also, are an underused product!  Love charms are especially useful and you can make them extremely powerful by wearing them while you are doing your spell work or adjunct work.  They really pick up the energy of the situation.  The great thing about charms is that they sort of keep on working on their own.  Just carrying them and occasionally touching them throughout the day sends a nice bit of energy into your case.   Keeping them in a pocket is great (if you can, see below), it is something that you can just touch now and then throughout the day, a spiritual reminder of your goal.  A charm is a very tangible reminder of what you are after, and the spiritual energy is pumped up by its usage.


2.  Do charms HAVE to be worn next to the skin?  (My job is around lots of moving machinery and jewelry is not allowed at all.)


ANSWER:  No, you can keep it in a pocket or simply wear it at night or sleep with it under your pillow or nearby.  Certainly we do not want you getting hurt around machinery from your charm!

One of our dear clients sewed a little pocket on the inside of her uniforms and put her charm there.  Some people put them in little cloth "envelopes" that they make and pin them to undergarments.  There are a lot of ways to use them without anyone knowing.