Chat May 1, 2007


[Mambo Sam] Hello everyone. Good to see you all! If you didn’t get a chance, some of the questions that had been asked have been posted at

[Mambo Sam] I know that quite a few of you have looked at them because I did get questions from some of you - especially about the Black Mummy/brown image candle work that I describe there.

[Mambo Sam] I will give everyone a moment to get logged on. I have noticed that sometimes it won’t let people log on the first time - I think that is when a lot of people are trying to log on at once. It wouldn’t let me in for a minute!

[Mambo Sam] Now that would be something if I couldn’t get into my own chat room!

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] So I will give it a minute here.

[Mambo Sam] Okey dokey - let’s do get started!

[Mambo Sam] So, I do have some questions that some of you already sent me.


[Mambo Sam] So before I get into those, did anyone else have any questions about the Black Mummy/brown image candle usage for eliminating an intruder?

[Mambo Sam] If you haven’t read it yet, don’t ask anything! LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, then I will just go ahead with the questions that you sent me:

[Mambo Sam] All right, someone wanted to know if you could use it on more than one intruder.

[Mambo Sam] You need to do it one on one. So if you have more than one intruder, you will need a different set of stuff for each intruder.

[Mambo Sam] It is not a ritual for, as I mentioned in the file, something such as “all women but me” or anything like that. This is for very focused, pin point work on one person to get that one person away from your one person.


[ouanga_bottle] what if you have a whole laundry list of non-human targets? like fear, shame, guilt, etc. and a human target as well

[Mambo Sam] Not for that ritual. For human targets only.

[ouanga_bottle] just for that combo? or for black mummy and/or brown candle?

[ouanga_bottle] oops

[Mambo Sam] Just for that particular ritual; not those products individually themselves.

[ouanga_bottle] gotcha, thank you sweetieeeee

[Mambo Sam] We are just talking about the ritual that I put in the file today.

[ouanga_bottle] that makes total sense

[ouanga_bottle] but you have to devote two candles and do the whole ritual to that specific target

[Mambo Sam] Yes - three candles actually.

[ouanga_bottle] that sounds totally effective

[ouanga_bottle] ok thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome - Marge, then Desiree...


[Mambo Sam] Yes, but I did debate on whether or not to put that out for sort of “public consumption” because we have a tendency to get wrapped up in our cases and it is of paramount importance to keep yourself totally out of the equation with that ritual.

[Mambo Sam] Really, you should almost do it as if you were doing it for someone else - like you are not involved in it at all.

[Marge] Ok, say the spell caster doesn’t know who the intruder is but definitely knows there is one/or two or three? Can they put “Intruders” in their petition?

[Mambo Sam] Not for that combo. It just isn’t that effective in that way. It needs to be very focused.

[Marge] So should they just put intruder then?

[Mambo Sam] This is a case where you need to know who the intruder is.

[Mambo Sam] Or intruders.

[Marge] Oh God, this is complicated; sometimes people get word there is an intruder but they don’t have a name

[Mambo Sam] This is not complicated. This is a specific ritual for a specific purpose. The bottom line is, if you don’t know the intruder’s name, you should not do this particular combo.

[Marge] How about just a single Black Mummy Candle?

[Mambo Sam] That is different, and not what we are discussing right now. I am talking specifically about the combo that I put in the file earlier today.

[Marge] Oh, ok, I’m sorry

[Mambo Sam] No apologies necessary! Just trying to sort out the difference between the combo work and single work. Right now, just about the combo work.

[Marge] Ok


[Mambo Sam] Hold on - Desiree, then Charlie

[Desiree’] Desire’’ I’m confused- you mentioned three candles- the black mummy- the brown image and then what color?

[Mambo Sam] It’s two brown image candles and then the Black Mummy in the middle.

[Mambo Sam] One image candle for your HD, one for the intruder, and the Black Mummy in the middle.

[Mambo Sam] Please, everyone, read this ritual carefully before you do it. You are using a brown image candle to represent your HD because you want him/her away from the intruder. 

[Mambo Sam] Desiree - does it make sense now?

[Desiree’] Yes thanks

[Mambo Sam] Good! Charlie?


[CharlieInez] how does the black mummy candle compare to TURK, if they are both geared toward the same person, and can you use just one. the revenge IS justified.

[Mambo Sam] The TURK is way more powerful than the Black Mummy.

[Mambo Sam] But, can you hang on with that line of thought and let’s stick to the combo ritual for a minute.

[CharlieInez] ok that’s fine

[Mambo Sam] Remind me to get back to that if it needs more clarification.

[CharlieInez] ok I will thanks


[Mambo Sam] Ouanga, please go ahead.

[ouanga_bottle] theoretically, what if you have a picture of the intruder (or some other identifying artifacts) but you don’t know his/her name? would that still be effective enough for this ritual?

[Mambo Sam] Really you should know who you are working on.

[Mambo Sam] This isn’t actually “revenge” work per se - even though you are using a black mummy..

[Mambo Sam] by the way.

[ouanga_bottle] will first name be enough?

[Mambo Sam] This is a specific way to try to turn two people away from each other and cause major discord between them.

[Mambo Sam] I mean, a picture would be useful, but who is it???

[ouanga_bottle] heh heh

[ouanga_bottle] wouldn’t we all like to know


[Mambo Sam] Yes, Candelaria.

[Candelaria] This is not a ritual where variables come into play...period! You caseworker can give you other ways to tackle this where you don’t know the intruder’s name. This is very specific, as Mambo has said.

[Candelaria] It’s basically just the way it is!

[ouanga_bottle] gotcha! (hi candelaria) and thanks

[Mambo Sam] LOL. Yep.

[Mambo Sam] Pretty much it is what it is and that is what it is.

[Candelaria] Hi Baby. You’re welcome. OK, on to da Mambo Lady

[Mambo Sam] Like I said, I know how much people like to fool around with stuff and so I was reticent to publish it, but there ya are!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, did I miss anyone up there with a question?

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Candi.

[Candelaria] You’re welcome!


[Destiny] ??

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Destiny, please go ahead.

[Destiny] Is first name enough, and how long would you recommend to do the ritual?

[Mambo Sam] As to how long to do the ritual - until it is done!

[Mambo Sam] First name is enough if you know who it is... I know that sounds funny, but what I mean is if you just heard that your HD is going out with some chick named Nancy, then you could still do it, but it won’t be as effective. However, if you know Nancy, or stuff about her, then you sort of “know” her and first name is fine.

[Destiny] I am working on a black mummy for that very same purpose, so I can just add the brown candles to add more energy to it?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, as long as you are doing it for a specific intruder.

[Destiny] okay, I get it thank you.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.


[Mambo Sam] Babycakes!

[babycakes] At what point is this combo appropriate? After the standard trio of spells? After Deluxe Kits or is it something done on recommendation by our Caseworkers?

[Mambo Sam] Any of the above. 

[Mambo Sam] Seriously, you could do it at any time.

[babycakes] ty

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. Anyone else?


[Mambo Sam] Okay, quickly, let’s get back to Charlie for a minute...

[CharlieInez] thank you

[Mambo Sam] So, I am not completely sure that I am understanding your question - was it TURK vs. Black Mummy or something else?

[Mambo Sam] I understand you are justified, for sure.

[CharlieInez] justified yes

[CharlieInez] nope that’s it.. if the turk is more powerful is it also faster for results

[Mambo Sam] Not necessarily.

[Mambo Sam] It depends upon what you are asking to happen, which you can discuss with your caseworker, of course. But the TURK is very carefully crafted for a number of reason and can actually take probably the longest of any kits.

[Mambo Sam] But it depends on the case.

[Mambo Sam] There are a lot of safeguards that are necessary in the TURK.

[Mambo Sam] And they are there.

[Mambo Sam] But those safeguards are not necessary for every case and it depends quite a bit on what you are trying to do with it.

[Mambo Sam] So did we cover it, Charlie?

[CharlieInez] I think so I will have to read over this to make sure I’ve gotten everything OUT

[CharlieInez] thank you for now

Mambo Sam] You are welcome.


[Mambo Sam] Okay, go ahead Marge.

[Marge] Is it justified to use the Turk on an intruder if the person doesn’t know the intruder?

[Marge] the spell caster I mean

[Mambo Sam] Marge, only if the intruder knows about the spell caster and knowingly hurt the spell caster.

[Marge] ok, that’s all I needed to know. thanks

[Mambo Sam] Otherwise, the spell caster is out of bounds.

[Mambo Sam] OH, or if the intruder harmed someone you love knowingly and on purpose - then you are justified. Especially if it is a family member.

[Marge] Understand


[Mambo Sam] Yes, Destiny.

[Destiny] What if the intruder did not know about me when she first got with HD but knows about me now?

[Destiny] And now is holding onto HD with everything she has and is keeping him away from our children

[Destiny] is that justified?

[Mambo Sam] I would say that is justified, just for different reasons. Even though she didn’t know about you in the first place. Once she did know, she should have backed off. Of course, we can get into the fact that the HD shouldn’t have gone along with it.

[Destiny] ok, just want to be careful of going out of bounds. Thank you

[Mambo Sam] But, yes, I would say that is justified.

[Destiny] he shouldn’t have!    

[Mambo Sam] Yep!

[Destiny] Thanks Mambo!


[hopethegoddess] Mambo I have a question regarding justified and turk

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, Hope.

[hopethegoddess] Am I justified if it was a friend that convinced her to leave and got with her in a relationship knowing we were together?

[Mambo Sam] Oh good grief, yes. In fact, that is an excellent example of justified.

[Mambo Sam] Some friend...

[Mambo Sam] Geez.

[hopethegoddess] awesome  well wasn’t my friend was hers, but I knew she couldn’t be trusted

[Mambo Sam] Oh, well, still.... yes.

[hopethegoddess] thank you Mambo :-D

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.


[Mambo Sam] Redangel! Go ahead. 

[REDANGEL] Can I still do the turk even though I know the intruder is out of the pic for now but she always finds a way to get back in, and I am very justified 

[REDANGEL] She lied to my ex about being pregnant so he would go back to her

[Mambo Sam] Well, sure. I mean the TURK is not necessarily just for an intruder, but for anyone who has caused you harm and misery through no fault of your own. Heck yeah, just because an intruder is gone, doesn’t mean you can’t TURK ‘em!

[REDANGEL] Awesome!!! Thanks Berkeley will be getting my order soon then!!! 

[Mambo Sam] Some people go through incredible misery with the intruder doing terrible things to them! There is no reason not to TURK them even after they are gone.

[hopethegoddess] mine too berkeley lol 

[Mambo Sam] LOL.


[Mambo Sam] Charlie?

[CharlieInez] so in hope’s case would the black mummy be better than turk? or isn’t that any of my business, but it’s close to what I was asking before and close to my situation

[CharlieInez] or turk better than black mummy

[Mambo Sam] I don’t really want to get into discussing personal cases. One item being better than another

[Mambo Sam] is decided on a number of factors: Your case.

[Mambo Sam] What you want to happen - do you want to needle them a little or cause them the abject misery they caused you.

[Mambo Sam] Even finances might be a factor.

[Mambo Sam] Obviously the Black Mummy is less expensive than the TURK and if you feel that you can get your own personal satisfaction from that, and finances are an issue, then Black Mummy it is.

[hopethegoddess]    for me the turk makes me happier

[CharlieInez] wow lots of things then...are factors...

[CharlieInez] ok thanks again, 

[Mambo Sam] And then there’s that - the TURK makes Hope happier! 

[CharlieInez] will I’m with hope then


[Mambo Sam] And this brings up a good point - definitely you guys should always remember that your caseworker is there to help you.

[Mambo Sam] I get this kind of comment all the time, “I didn’t want to bother my caseworker with _____”

[Mambo Sam] fill in the blank...

[Mambo Sam] Um, what?

[Mambo Sam] You are not bothering your caseworker unless you are e-mailing her 10 times a day.

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Don’t be afraid to ask your caseworker legit questions. That is why I have caseworkers!

[Mambo Sam] For you.

[Mambo Sam] Okay.... that was that.

[Mambo Sam] Where are we? Did I miss anyone? (Oh, and God bless those caseworkers! And chat workers! And tech support!)

[Destiny] And they are awesome, I have to add. Bridget is great!

[bridget] :-) awww, shucks.

[Candelaria] Loves me some Bridget!!! Honestly folks, she’s the best!! Embrace your Bridget! You can’t ask for a better caseworker!

[bridget] yes, you could ask for Candi!!!!

[Mambo Sam] Bridget, Bridget, rah, rah, rah.

[bridget] Candi Rocks!

[Mambo Sam] I like Candi

[ouanga_bottle] love love love to all of you!

[Candelaria] Awww thanks!!!

[Mambo Sam] Yes, all these great helpers deserve a lot of credit.


[ouanga_bottle] hey mambo?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, dear.

[ouanga_bottle] did you get my question about the accidentally laundered gris gris bags?    

[Mambo Sam] Getting to it, it happens more frequently than you think! LOL.

[ouanga_bottle] ha

[ouanga_bottle] I feel like a schmuck

[Mambo Sam] So, nice segue.... if there is nothing else about the other subject, we will move on.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway...

[Mambo Sam] SOMEONE asked the question What if we accidentally put our gris gris bags through the laundry? They were in my pillow case and I totally spaced it when I did my sheets about two months ago. They were pretty mushy afterward but were still intact and look fine and even still have their scents, but are they still effective? Should I do anything to rebaptize them in any way, or are they ok? A similar question is... can I wash my deluxe love doll and then rebaptize her? Like give her a bath?

[ouanga_bottle] hee hee

[Mambo Sam] Actually, the bags should be fine. So no worries.

[Mambo Sam] Some people have destroyed them in the laundry!

[Mambo Sam] Or really damaged them, but if you do that, and they seem pretty much intact, then cool.

[ouanga_bottle] whew!

[Mambo Sam] If they start getting raggedy, though, because now they have been in the water, you can actually put the whole bag into another cloth bag for protection.

[ouanga_bottle] that’s a great idea, but yeah, they look good


[Mambo Sam] As to the doll -- it is best not to wash them - I know they get grungy, but redress it or something. 

[ouanga_bottle] gotcha - it’s infused with our energy

[Mambo Sam] Yep.

[simonegreenewpp] Sometimes I give my doll a little squirt of HD’s scent when it gets grungy.

[Mambo Sam] Oh, that’s a nice idea Simone!  I like it.

[ouanga_bottle] awesome

[ouanga_bottle] thanks mambo


[ksig1998] Every now and then you hear of someone using the GAM/GAW. How effective are these spells at removing an intruder compared to using a black mummy?

[Mambo Sam] Kisig. It’s a choice. 

[Mambo Sam] As I was mentioning in the file questions, GAM/GAW is certainly a choice for getting rid of an intruder. This assumes one has already done LMMA/LMWA - which, as I had mentioned sometimes get spread a little bit thin when we are working on all sorts of things with that one kit.

[Mambo Sam] The GAM/GAW, of course, will pin point the exact intruder.

[Mambo Sam] The question of effectiveness and power really has to do a lot with who you are working on.

[ksig1998] With the GAM/GAW do you need to know their name?

[Mambo Sam] And what else you have done.

[Mambo Sam] Ksig, it works best that way.


[rattle shaker] ???

[Mambo Sam] Rattle shaker, go ahead please.

[rattle shaker] Ok, speaking of adjunct work

[rattle shaker] Can you chain a “go away” product with a “healing product”?

[rattle shaker] Like to banish the negative, and bring in the positive?

[Mambo Sam] Don’t do them together - for that you need to wait the 45 minutes between products.

[Mambo Sam] Those are two separate things.

[rattle shaker] Ok, thanks


[godfaithful] Mambo, when we do our love doll, which Lois do we connect to? Because we don’t call upon any specific ones...Sometimes when I leave an offering for the doll sessions, I usually end up saying thanks to all the Lois who helped me in the session  ...Are there any specific ones who ALWAYS are there to help us during our doll session? Same for any of the image candles...

[Mambo Sam] Those products are more “broad based” and actually most of them are based on New Orleans Traditional Witchcraft.

[Mambo Sam] Now...

[Mambo Sam] because we are first and foremost New Orleans Voodoo, we, especially after having worked on a case for awhile, want to involve Les Lois in all of our work! And that is a good thing!

[Mambo Sam] So, in the case you are talking about, you can call on, work with, any lwa that you are comfortable with and feel close to.

[Mambo Sam] Thus, you would want to leave them an offering.

[Mambo Sam] The dolls themselves are consecrated “on the point of” Erzulie Freda.

[Mambo Sam] The reason you don’t necessarily have to leave an offering or anything within that kit is because I already did it when I consecrate the dolls.

[godfaithful] so in cases where we do not call upon any specific Lwa during the doll session, we are asking Erzulie Freda for help ?

[ouanga_bottle] wow you rock

[godfaithful] Awww, thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] God faithful, yes, and you could be working with, calling on any other lwa that you are comfortable with. This is an awesome subject and I would love to explore this in depth when we talk about the lwa over the next few weeks!

[Mambo Sam] Terrific!

[godfaithful] thank you mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, Godfaithful.

[Mambo Sam] So, I hope that makes sense for now, and we will revisit this in depth. Okay, Phantodrac, Simone, and Patrick... in that order, I think.


[Mambo Sam] Go ahead Phantodrac.

[phantodrac] Does it matter what clothes we wear while doing adjunct work? For example, is wearing black clothes during a love doll session a poor choice?

[Mambo Sam] Not necessarily at all. Just be comfortable.

[phantodrac] Great!, lol. Thanks.

[Mambo Sam] There are some exceptions to that.... but unless you are working as a Houngan or Mambo, you don’t need to worry about it.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[simonegreenewpp] Oops I have Erzulie Dantor on my altar at the moment. Is that a problem since the dolls are on point with Erzulie Freda?

[Mambo Sam] No.

[Mambo Sam] Not at all. If I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t know. 

[simonegreenewpp] ooh, good! Thank you! :-)


[PATRICKinCALI] Is Marie Laveau a Lois? Can she be called upon for assistance? I really have a “thing” for her

[PATRICKinCALI] Is it ok that I have a picture of her on my altar?

[Mambo Sam] In New Orleans Voodoo she is. Please DO ask me about this when we discuss the lwa.

[Mambo Sam] It is definitely okay to have her picture on your altar. A lot of the products you guys use are consecrated on her point.

[Mambo Sam] Awesome!

[PATRICKinCALI] Great! I also have a crucifix and rosary on my altar, that OK??

[Mambo Sam] Yep, Patrick I have them on my altar, too.

[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] OH, someone remind me when we talk about the lwa

[Mambo Sam] to tell you how to say a rosary to the lwa!


[Desiree’] Desiree’ -Is it important that we wear a bright and colorful scarf to call attention to the LWA when we petition?

[Mambo Sam] Desiree - unless you are an initiate you don’t have to wear a head scarf.

[Mambo Sam] However, you sure can if you want to. 

[Desiree’] Desire’ Thanks for clearing that up for me Mambo


[godfaithful] Mambo, sometimes, when I am walking, or in my office...and for any reason need to “share a word” with Alegba, or other Lwa’s that I have worked with, am I allowed to do that? :D Without lighting the formal candle etc? Especially with other Lwa’s like Ogoun, Erzulie etc? I am not sure if for talking to other Lwa’s without asking Papa to open the gate in a situation like this is advisable?

[Mambo Sam] Godfaithful - yep. We discussed this and it should be in one of the chat transcripts. If you haven’t read them, please do. The short answer is yes, you sure can.

[godfaithful] okie     thank you    

[Mambo Sam] Bridget, go ahead please.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, Godfaithful.


[bridget] can we talk a little about how to use the dolls from the deluxe love spell?

[bridget] after the spell?

[ouanga_bottle] awesome!

[Mambo Sam] Yes, for sure. Did you have something specific? Or is just some general discussion in order?

[bridget] just general -- I get a lot of questions about it

[Mambo Sam] Cool... so I shall ramble on here for a moment!     

[Mambo Sam] I mentioned in the chat questions a little bit about using all the dolls together -- how you could pin point specifics with each of the dolls - so I won’t discuss that too much as you guys can read that.

[Mambo Sam] But with just your deluxe love dolls... think about this..

[Mambo Sam] those dolls are you and your HD.     

[Mambo Sam] You can “refresh” that spell by doing candle work and having those dolls there.

[Mambo Sam] You can use pink, red, or white figure candles and have the dolls there

[Mambo Sam] And I meant to say deluxe love spell dolls, not deluxe love dolls - I don’t want to confuse things

[Mambo Sam] I am talking about the dolls from the deluxe love spell on a man or woman - sorry if that was confusing.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway...

[Mambo Sam] these dolls can be figured into combo work.

[Mambo Sam] A Healing Egg is a good example of something that you could use these dolls with.

[Mambo Sam] Do the healing egg ritual and rub the egg over the dolls (keeping them together) asking that your relationship with the HD be healed.

[Mambo Sam] The Vivid or Magick dream bag is something else you could use with those dolls (or other dolls, for that matter) to petition that your HD dream of you (sweet, wonderful dreams, of course!)

[godfaithful] Mambo, how do we use the vivid dreams bag for that?

[godfaithful] like on a regular love doll?

[Mambo Sam] I wrote it in the file with the questions. 

[Mambo Sam] You could put a love charm on those dolls.

[Mambo Sam] Definitely there are a number of ways to use those dolls from the deluxe kit. I will stop a moment for questions on those dolls - Bridget are we covering some of what you wanted to know?

[Mambo Sam] Bridget?

[bridget] yes, thank you that is very helpful

[Mambo Sam] So the dolls from the deluxe love spell....

[Mambo Sam] as you can see, you need to get them out of their box from their “compromising position” - you know who you are!

[Mambo Sam] I would say that it is a pretty safe bet to use those dolls much as you would a regular love doll or deluxe love doll -- just that remember there are two of you there - so you want to focus on all things that would relate to you both, helping you both in the relationship.

[Mambo Sam] I know Ouanga has her hand up, but Bridget, please, do you have questions about any of this?

[bridget] can the love egg also be used with them?

[bridget] like the healing egg was recommended?

[Mambo Sam] Oh for sure... the Love Egg would be excellent to use with them!

[Mambo Sam] Candi

[Mambo Sam] go ahead, please.

[Candelaria] Also remember that the energy from your deluxe love spell is in those dolls. they are very important, so don’t just put them away in their box and not touch them. They are excellent for continuing that energy!! Work with them.

[Mambo Sam] Yep, that is for sure.

[Mambo Sam] Thank you!

[Candelaria] you’re welcome     

[Mambo Sam] Ouanga?

[ouanga_bottle] can you bring your deluxe love doll, and your dolls from the deluxe love spell, together, for adjunct work? or pick one or the other for a specific candle/etc? also, if you decide to use them, do you have to keep it up for the whole candle?

[ouanga_bottle] also... re: the dolls from the deluxes... I tied mine together - is that ok? or is that too much like bondage?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can. I did mention that in the file, I think. Tied together is fine....

[ouanga_bottle] and WOW - put the love charm on the dolls - what an excellent idea! put it around the doll’s neck like a necklace?

[Mambo Sam] You do that in the spell!

[ouanga_bottle] but I REALLY tied them up

[Mambo Sam] You need to read last week’s chat!

[ouanga_bottle] oops sorry

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] It’s okay.

[ouanga_bottle] thank you love

[Mambo Sam] And no, you wouldn’t have to keep it up for the whole candle, you could switch them out.

[Mambo Sam] Any more about the dolls from the deluxe love spell?

[Mambo Sam] Hope that helped, Bridget.

[simonegreenewpp] It’s very helpful, thank you!

[bridget] Yes, thank you 

[Mambo Sam] Great!

[bridget] I have some ammo now :-)


[godfaithful] While doing our petition for the adjunct work, can we meditate on our petition instead of speaking it sometimes? I have a bad sore throat these days and can’t speak for 20 mins     So was wondering if meditation on the petition is also equally effective like speaking it? Or does speaking punch in an extra boost?

[godfaithful] sorry if this has already been discussed    

[Mambo Sam] Godfaithful, do you want to ask that question again, please.

[godfaithful] While doing our petition for the adjunct work, can we meditate on our petition instead of speaking it sometimes? I have a bad soar throat these days and can’t speak for 20 mins  So was wondering if meditation on the petition is also equally effective like speaking it? Or does speaking punch in an extra boost?

[Mambo Sam] You don’t have to speak the whole 20 minutes. Meditation should be part of it. In one of the chats we talked about petitioning and reflecting and such. Check back on the transcripts. You do need to speak aloud at least part of it. (Sorry you aren’t feeling well!)

[godfaithful]  ok I will check that...thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. Remember, you have to speak out at least a little bit.

[godfaithful] Sure...I will 


[Mambo Sam] Charlie...

[CharlieInez] what about being in front of the candle

[CharlieInez] sometimes my dogs want in or out and will get noisy if I don’t get moving

[CharlieInez] and this has happened after lighting the candle a number of times

[CharlieInez] I say the petition as I go to and from the door tho

[Mambo Sam] If you have to get up, that is understandable. Try to stay focused if you get interrupted. If you can’t stay focused during the interruption, just take a deep breath and get back to it when you are back in front of the candle.

[CharlieInez] oh good thank you


[Mambo Sam] Some asked this: About the timing of adjunct and/or spellwork...I understand that 12:01 am begins the new day with respect to spellwork, but if I begin late in the evening, (say 11:45 pm) and I am working on my love doll and red male image candle does it count on 2 days work??? Or is it like I only worked on one day. I am mainly concerned with my timing of the actual spellwork...

[Mambo Sam] The answer is that the time you start is what counts, not the time you finish. So as long as you start before midnight, then you are technically considered only as working in that day.

[ouanga_bottle] question then about timing

[Mambo Sam] Yep, go ahead.

[ouanga_bottle] because you did say that if you miss the timing or miss the day, you could “catch” up and there were several times that I was too exhausted and slept and got up early to do it

[ouanga_bottle] I know that’s the exception... but it’s ok right???

[Mambo Sam] Once in a 24 hour period. The 24 hour period is midnight to midnight -- so if we always start at some point before midnight that day, we are good.

[Mambo Sam] It may SEEM like we are doing it twice in one day 

[Mambo Sam] because of the timing.

[ouanga_bottle] so the next evening, I should move it to a.m.?

[Mambo Sam] You can only “start” a spell once in a 24 hour period.

[Mambo Sam] Does that make sense?

[ouanga_bottle] I just want to be clear, if I normally do it at 12, and I sleep instead and do it at 6 a.m., then the next evening I wait until the following morning?

[ouanga_bottle] and I see now that 11 and 12 are not the same, so if I started out the first night at 11, the next night at 12, the next night at 6 a.m., I screwed it up a bit huh

[Mambo Sam] If you start at 11:59 p.m. you started during “that” 24 hour period,

[Mambo Sam] and if you then started at 6:00 a.m. the next morning, you did “that” day - it’s the start time that is important, not the finish time.

[Mambo Sam] I am not sure how to make it clearer, my dear.

[ouanga_bottle] gotcha, I’ll be better next time!

[ouanga_bottle] and get more sleep    

[babycakes] maybe use dates for Ouanga? Like if a session is done on 11 pm of 4/5, then done again at 7 am on 4/6, it should NOT be done again at 11 pm on 4/6, you must wait until 4/7 for the next session, is that correct?

[ouanga_bottle] my head is spinning!

[Mambo Sam] Good grief.... tee hee. Yes, thank you, actually what you are saying made sense to me -- use the DATE, not the time. 

[Mambo Sam] Yes, absolutely.

[ouanga_bottle] makes more sense now

[Mambo Sam] Thank you!!

[ouanga_bottle] thank you!

[babycakes] ty!


[CharlieInez] I left 2 offerings for Papa Legba yesterday didn’t realize it until later is that ok? and do we mark the tree with the chalk EACH TIME because the mark was still on the tree from the last time. and how close to the intersection does the tree have to be? I have one picked out about 40 feet from Intersection? is 2 offerings in one day a bad thing?

[Mambo Sam] Two offerings is not a bad thing at all.

[CharlieInez] YEAAA

[Mambo Sam] Go over your chalk mark from the last time.

[Mambo Sam] It’s okay, the tree doesn’t have to be near an intersection, but it is great that it is. You are making a “crossroads” with the chalk.  That is the purpose of it.

[CharlieInez] well, then I wasn’t doing so badly after all. thank you very much .:} 

[Mambo Sam] So basically, you are making your own intersection (crossroads) with the cross on the tree.

[Mambo Sam] Nope, you were doing fine.

[CharlieInez] OH ok..

[CharlieInez] I hadn’t thought that the cross was my crossroads. makes sense now

[waitingforastar] Good to know     


[Mambo Sam] Yes, Phantodrac.... I made a typo and it said Pantodrac, which was pretty funny.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, go ahead.

[Mambo Sam] Sorry...

[phantodrac] Hehe! pantodrac! :)///Is there anything special we should do if the ouanga bottle we made at the lave tet breaks?I had a string of amazingly good luck, and right after it all occurred, my bottle broke.

[ouanga_bottle] I wondered what happened to me (haaaaa)

[Mambo Sam] E-mail me....Phantodrac...

[phantodrac] okay!    


[Mambo Sam] VodouKat, go ahead, please.

[vodoukat02] I always wondered why spells are never started on a Sunday?

[Mambo Sam] Really it is a tradition... day of rest for the Mambos and Houngans! LOL. I am only half kidding...

[Mambo Sam] it came into being through Christian tenets being infused into Vodou/Voodoo tenets

[Mambo Sam] and now there is the tradition behind it.

[vodoukat02] :} 

[vodoukat02] oh ok, thank you

[Mambo Sam] Vodou/voodoo is really big on tradition and a lot of things are based on “because that is how we do it” - structure and all of that!     

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, vodoukat!

[vodoukat02] :} 

[Mambo Sam] Waitingforastar, are you there?

[waitingforastar] What’s interesting is that somehow Christian tradition calls Sunday the Sabbath, likely with the resurrection of Jesus on a Sunday, but from the beginning the sabbath was Saturday and nothing biblical indicated a change.

[waitingforastar] Just an observation, but it seems Saturday was always meant to be the Sabbath.

[Mambo Sam] Yep... I think the preachers just wanted a day off. 

[waitingforastar] I agree


[Mambo Sam] Alrighty.... so folks. There were other questions that I didn’t get to, I will answer them in another file like I posted today.

[waitingforastar] Yes, even Mambos need a day’s rest     

[Mambo Sam] Yes, we do, I just never get one! LOL. Ask my husband. Or Candi, or Bridget, or Berkeley! LOL.

[Mambo Sam] So I will answer those things that I didn’t get to tonight.

[waitingforastar] I believe that:


[Mambo Sam] Next week I want to start with some basic teachings about the law.

[Mambo Sam] I mean the lwa.

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Well, they are the law.

[vodoukat02] lol

[godfaithful] :D

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, do feel free to ask send in some questions ahead of time so I can gauge what is needed to be covered the most and we will take it from there.

[Mambo Sam] A Houngan I know has a shirt that says, “Possession is 9/10’s of the lwa” 

[simonegreenewpp] Nice!

[CharlieInez] and I bet people think its a misspelled word

[vodoukat02] Mambo, I have to log out; I wasn’t able to use the computer because of the storms we are having tonight; I just popped in to basically say hi and that I didn’t forget about your awesome class

[Mambo Sam] Anyway.... just send those questions in and we will get started next week on talking about the lwa. (Yep, Charlie, you are probably right!)

[Mambo Sam] That’s Vodoukat - stay dry.

[Mambo Sam] I meant, thanks....

[Mambo Sam] I need to eat.

[Mambo Sam]    

[vodoukat02] bye everyone

[godfaithful] Thanks so much Mambo     

[ouanga_bottle] thank you so much, again, mambo! get a good night’s rest tonight! and everyone else too!

[Destiny] You are so awesome Mambo, you are soooo amazing, thank you so much!

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, I also wanted to give you a heads up that I will not have chat on Tuesday, uh.... May, darn it - 

[Mambo Sam] Tuesday after next - I think...

[Mambo Sam] I forgot the date.

[godfaithful] 15TH?

[Mambo Sam] YES! That’s it.

[Mambo Sam] I think...

[Mambo Sam] Something preplanned before the chats started.

[Mambo Sam] But we will pick right up the next week.

[Desiree’] No prayer meeting that night huh?

[Destiny] Aww, you are coming to my house for my birthday, yes! That’s it!       

[Mambo Sam] I wish!!

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, definitely next week - we will have fun!

[Mambo Sam] As usual.

[bridget] Thank you Mambo!

[Destiny] Good night, Mambo. Love you.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, kiddos, see you next week. My love to you all!!!!!! Kisses and hugs. 

[phantodrac] Thank you! <3

[godfaithful] Good night dear Mambo

[Candelaria] Don’t we have the best Mambo on the planet?

[bridget] Night!

[simonegreenewpp] Love to you too!

babycakes] thank you all! Good night    

[Desiree’] Good night everyone and have a wonderful week all of you. Thanks so much Mambo - Chat was terrific as always. Get some rest...

[waitingforastar] Mambo is the best:

[Mambo Sam] Thank you all so much. See you soon!!!

[REDANGEL] Goodnight all!!:

[waitingforastar] Good night all, love and xxxx’s

[godfaithful] Good night DEAR:)

[waitingforastar] xox