Toussaint L'Ouverture

With this lesson we are continuing our exploration of the great and powerful lwa, Ogoun Feraille. By now many of you have participated in the Ogoun Ritual either with us online or on your own with the Ogoun Ritual Pack. In this particular ritual, we call upon Ogoun Feraille, but also honor St. George as one of the saints with which Ogoun is syncretized.

Continuing with the idea of syncretization, there is a fascinating line of thinking of "reincarnation" of Les Lois as certain figures in history and modern day. This is a subject that is not revealed nor discussed very much in Vodou/Voodoo circles. However, it is considered a "secret" weapon that is used by many learned Vodouisants depending on what they are trying to accomplish with a ritual to Ogoun.

In Haitian history, military personalities such as Toussaint L'Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and Henri Christophe have all been linked with or compared to Ogoun. It is said that it is no coincidence that the modern-day Haitian Flag is bright red and blue, the colors of Ogoun.

In American history, military history makers such as Crispus Attucks, Martin Delaney, and Henry Flipper have been linked by southern U.S. and New Orleans Voodoo practitioners to Ogoun.

Knowing what we know about the traits of Ogoun Feraille (his strength, character, power, military strategies, etc.) it is easy to see how these linkings or syncretizations to Ogoun could occur. These linkings definitely follow along the lines of the belief that almost all of the lwa were once actual people who lived on this earth. But what do you think?

Questions for Class Discussion

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. We will discuss the questions in class, May 7,2007 and talk more about the optional assignment below.

Optional Class Assignment

ASSIGNMENT: Choose someone from history (not a living person) that you feel embodies the spirit of Ogoun and may very well have been the living incarnation of Ogoun. Using what you know about how to do a ritual, describe how you would call upon Ogoun Feraille and the person you think may have been syncretized with him while they were a living person. What offerings would you give? How would your altar look? What type of spell goal would you try to accomplish with this person? Why?

Those who choose to do the assignment and wish to share their work may present it to the class on May 14. I do hope some of you will choose to share with us!