Chat August 28, 2007


[Mambo Sam] Hey guys, we will get started in a moment. I don’t know if anyone else is having connection problems but I had trouble getting on. We have a cable connection with Comcast and they claim it is the fastest thing EVER. Well, I beg to differ!!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, kids, just a couple of more minutes for everyone.

[Mambo Sam] I wanted to mention that I will definitely get the past transcripts up here in the next day or so. The eye doctor finally released me for working!! Yay!! So I will get those transcripts up and readings should be caught up by the weekend!! So back to business as usual — catching up is just no fun, though. Ugh.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so let’s get started here....


[Mambo Sam] So has anyone had a chance to work with Damballah for the usages we talked about last week?

[Mambo Sam] Anyone?

[nubis] yes

[simonegreenewpp] yes

[Mambo Sam] Do you mind sharing a little bit of how you felt? Did it help you with your case or just life in general?

[nubis] hand up

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, Nubis.

[simonegreenewpp] sure

[Mambo Sam] Then Simone.

[nubis] I made an offering to him and also acknowledged his partner.

[Mambo Sam] Good.

[nubis] I felt so much stronger, patient, calm

[Mambo Sam] Oh, very, very good!!!

[nubis] I ask him and his partner for patience and strength when I feel weary.

[Mambo Sam] And so many times we just need that.

[nubis] Thank you.

[Mambo Sam] Great!!! Thank you.


[Mambo Sam] Simone?

[simonegreenewpp] One thing I’m working on is removing negativity from myself, and started to include Damballah more wih that. I also made a really cool chaplet for Damballah. Well, I think it’s nice. :-) A good reminder to keep on my altar.

[Mambo Sam] Very nice. When we get to making rosaries and such we will definitely discuss chaplets!

[simonegreenewpp] I’ll have to send a picture of it. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Definitely!

[Mambo Sam] So do you feel that you are receiving from him what you are asking?

[simonegreenewpp] I do sense more calmness. It helps to have Damballah as a focus.

[simonegreenewpp] All the traits you told us about — good for adding to my work.

[Mambo Sam] The really awesome thing about Damballah is he such the epitome of the “strong silent type.”

[Mambo Sam] You can rest in his strength and just let him carry some of your burden, which he does quietly and strongly and is just such a go-to guy in that sense.


[Mambo Sam] So anyone else work with Damballah at all?

[Mambo Sam] Now remember, I know you guys! Some of you really NEED to work with Damballah. I will definitely get that transcript up for you by tomorrow so you can review it.

[Mambo Sam] I know a number of you are feeling very worn out from your spell work and this is the way to recoup your strength.

[ouanga_bottle] Raising hand

[Mambo Sam] Hang on one minute, hon.

[Mambo Sam] I also wanted to mention that you can use Damballah in the same ways we talked about for healing.

[Mambo Sam] If you are feeling actually physically drained, sick, etc., you can call on him for healing of that kind of illness.


[Mambo Sam] Okay! Go ahead, Ouanga, thanks for waiting.

[ouanga_bottle] I didn’t work with him this last week but I did get an awesome fuzzy snake and a great fake bird’s nest with a fake egg in it, and put the snake in it, and put it on my altar. So I have incorporated him into offerings I give from time to time and focus on him, and it’s really nice to talk to him.

[Candelaria] hand up

[Mambo Sam] Definitely! Very nice altar stuff.

[ouanga_bottle] The snake is really cute


[Mambo Sam] Cool! Go ahead, Candi.

[Candelaria] I wasn’t here last week, but I do have a Damballah story, of sorts...

[Candelaria] I did a Lots A Luck spell years ago and there was a chair I had near my altar at the time...

[Candelaria] It was on the left side of my altar, so I put a blanket in it and offered it to Damballah when I called on him the first day. I noticed that there was an imprint like a snake’s coils in it, so I left it there and told him to use it any time...

[Candelaria] He did and I felt his presence many times, especially when I needed it. Well, a year ago I moved and moved the chair. I completely forgot about it until Mambo told me she was going to do a session on Damballah...

[Candelaria] so I put the chair back and put the blanket back in it and I instantly felt better, and as Mambo says you can use him for healing as well. This ties in, because I was not feeling well for a few weeks and started to feel better the minute I gave him his chair back.

[Candelaria] Soooooo, he is with me again, in full force and I can feel his calming and healing presence. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Perfect!

[Mambo Sam] So just remember, everyone, you can call on him for many, many things. I mean, obviously, last week we were focused mainly on using him to help us through long term cases, or other kinds of stressors.

[Mambo Sam] But, as Candi was pointing out, many times he is just wonderful when we need to feel better for almost any reason.

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Candi!

[Candelaria] You’re very welcome! :-)


[Mambo Sam] So before we move on, did anyone have any questions regarding Damballah or how to best use his awesome power?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so if you recall, last week I had started the session saying we were going to talk about slowing down and speeding up!

[Mambo Sam] We got the slowing down part — Damballah, but we never got to the speeding up part — St. Expeditus!

[Mambo Sam] So just by a quick show of hands, how many of you have used a St. Expedite candle?

[simonegreenewpp] yes

[phantodrac] hand up!

[bridget] hand up 

[Candelaria] hand up

[NOLAlives] hand up

[Desiree’] yes

[Azulea] yes

[ouanga_bottle] hand up

[ouanga_bottle] several

[leigh01] me too! Love it:-)

[Mambo Sam] Okay, cool — just about everyone here!! LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Awesome!!


[Mambo Sam] So, let’s talk just a little bit about him. First off, he is not a lwa. He is a Saint in the true meaning of that word, i.e., beatified by the Catholic church.

[Mambo Sam] There was at one time a lot of controversy about him, to the point that there was some concern that he had been “made up” and didn’t really exist at all!

[Mambo Sam] There is a tale that a statue of an unknown saint was sent to a church in New Orleans and the box was marked “spedito” or “rush — special delivery”.

[Mambo Sam] And that it was really a statue of some other saint and there was no St. Expeditus.

[phantodrac] hehe

[Mambo Sam] However, records were found of a St. Expeditus believed to have been born in Armenia.

[Mambo Sam] (I know, it is such a fun story!)

[Mambo Sam] He was martyred as a Christian and later on beatified in the Catholic tradition to become a bona fide saint.

[Mambo Sam] He is pictured traditionally as a Roman soldier.

[Mambo Sam] He is raising a cross with the word “hodie” on it.

[Mambo Sam] Hodie means “today.”

[Mambo Sam] His right foot is stepping on a raven which is speaking the word “cras.”

[Mambo Sam] Cras means “tomorrow.”

[Mambo Sam] So, our dear friend St. Expeditus became the patron saint of doing it today, not tomorrow!


[Mambo Sam] He became popular in New Orleans Voodoo in the 1800s as a way to “hurry up” the magick being done.

[Mambo Sam] He is petitioned to hurry things along and get them done today, not tomorrow!

[Mambo Sam] Now a thing that I found most interesting was that in many Catholic saint books, he is listed as the patron saint of “procrastinators.”

[Mambo Sam] Now besides making me smile, that also made me think a lot about how many people are working on HD’s that seemingly procrastinate.

[Mambo Sam] And how useful to pinpoint a petition towards St. Expeditus to get that procrastinator of yours off his or her butt!

[Mambo Sam] Now traditionally, such as in the Times-Picayune newspaper in New Orleans, you will see a lot of little ads in the classifieds saying things like “thanks to St. Expedite for favors granted.”

[Mambo Sam] The traditional belief is that if St. Expedite (they do it for St. Jude, too) grants your petition, you should put a classified ad in the paper to announce his glory to all!

[Mambo Sam] There is a whole school of belief that if you don’t thank him publicly, the petition granted will be summarily withdrawn!

[Mambo Sam] Now, I wouldn’t attest particularly to that, but many people do believe it.

[Mambo Sam] So, most of you have done the candle to him and basically we just have you light it, and say the prayer that comes with it.

[Mambo Sam] So for St. Expedite it is always best to use a yellow or red candle.

[Mambo Sam] There is an island named Reunion somewhere in, I believe, the Indian Ocean (don’t quote me on the geography) where they put up these really cool blood red shrines to St. Expedite and on April 19 they light candles on all the shrines all over the island and ask that all bad weather and disease and bad luck be quickly removed or bypass their island altogether.

[Mambo Sam] So anyway — red or yellow candles for him.

[Mambo Sam] Of course, it is great to use the candle with his image and that has been consecrated for him, but if you don’t have that and need his help right away, just use yellow or red candles.

[Mambo Sam] I am not exactly sure what the history behind it is, but I have been taught since I was a child to never leave him meat as an offering. That he likes bread and fruits especially... or almost any sweet thing.

[Mambo Sam] And a glass of water to drink.


[phantodrac] Question

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Phantodrac, go ahead, please.

[phantodrac] I used Saint Expedite when doing a recast of a spell. I couldn’t leave it burning all the time, but I relit it when needed. I said I would give an offering when it was finished burning. However, before it burnt all the way down, the candle was lost during transport. So I didn’t make an offering as I didn’t have a candle to bury with it. So, I bought another one and plan to use it then make an extra big offering to him. It has been over a month though, Does this sound okay?

[Mambo Sam] Oh for sure... I mean sometimes things happen and that is just life. I don’t feel that there is any harm done and certainly you will make up for it.

[phantodrac] *sigh of relief*

[phantodrac] thanks a bunch!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, honey.


[Mambo Sam] Now, an important thing to remember is that even though St. Expedite is not a lwa, per se, he is still a very powerful deity in the New Orleans tradition. And, after all, what is a lwa but a saint?? They happen to be our name for “saints” in the Vodou religion, but it is important, I believe just for teaching purposes, to remember that there are differences between saints, orishas, lwa, and other beings.

[rattle shaker] Can I comment?

[Mambo Sam] So, I want to give you some supplications to use besides the one on the candle that you get from us. You can add it to that prayer that is on the candle, of course! Now these are pretty “Catholic” in terminology and speak of Jesus Christ and Mary, etc.

[Mambo Sam] Rattle shaker, of course, go ahead.

[rattle shaker] St. Expidite was deemed a saint, and from what I understand, the remnants arrived in a package that was marked “expidito”, without much other information, is that correct?

[Mambo Sam] Yes.

[Mambo Sam] Actually it was a statue. There is some debate as to whether or not relics were included.

[rattle shaker] That was supposed to be remains to prove sainthood, but the pertinent information was lost along the way, so “he” became St. Expidite

[Mambo Sam] Like I said, there is some debate about that — the statue actually in the St. Jude shrine in New Orleans, but the part about the relics is somewhat questionable. Other records were found to prove that an actual person named Expeditus lived and was martyred.

[Mambo Sam] No, he didn’t become St. Expedite.... Like I was mentioning above, there is some debate about the statue, but they were able to find records in Rome that a man named Expeditus was actually martyred as a Christian and then beatified as a saint.

[Mambo Sam] There is a lot of mythology surrounding our good friend!

[Mambo Sam] Does that make sense, Rattle shaker?

[rattle shaker] Yes, absolutely

[Mambo Sam] Great!


[Mambo Sam] Anyone have any questions thus far?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so as I was saying, the prayers to St. Expedite are pretty much like standard Catholic prayers. If they are in any way offensive to you, all I can say is, well, don’t use them!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so the first one goes like this:


[Mambo Sam] Oh Lord, I ask of you, through the intercession of Martyr Saint Expedite, who is next to your Divine Goodness, that with his aid may be accomplished that which I alone cannot. Lord, I request of you, who blesses my thoughts, words, and actions with your Grace, that you proceed with haste, promptitude, and quick speed, to bring my affairs to successful continuance and to reach a happy end with my troubles, through Jesus Christ. Thus it is.


[Mambo Sam] Okay, so that is the first one. As you can see, as with most prayers of Vodou, Catholicism, etc., there is a formality to it. And almost always an ending — such as So Mote it Be, in this case, Thus it is.

[Mambo Sam] This is the way of putting a final thought with the prayer that it WILL happen.

[Mambo Sam] You know my theory that Catholicism is just voodoo in a big hat!

[Mambo Sam] And I am a Catholic so I can say that!

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] So as you can see from the prayer, it is all about making haste with your request, that you need it to happen now!

[Mambo Sam] So the second prayer goes like this:


[Mambo Sam] Oh Saint Expedite! I honor you by this acknowledgement: I invoke you for a most urgent matter. I beg of you with all humility that you obtain from the kind mercy of our Lord, by your intercession and that of Immaculate Mary, Mother of Divine Grace, that assistance which I request of you. I offer this oration to you so you will attain for me that which I request. Thus it happened.


[Mambo Sam] So I find it really interesting that this particular prayer ends with “thus it happened” as if just in the time it took to say the prayer the request was already granted.

[Mambo Sam] Definitely a nice line of thought and the epitome of positive thinking!

[Mambo Sam] Notice that it is all about intercession.

[Mambo Sam] Just as with the lwa we are asking for intercession on our behalf, it is the same with the Catholic prayers — we are asking Jesus, Mary, Divine Grace.... We are leaving no stone unturned in asking for help.

[Mambo Sam] And it is because of this intercessionary nature of Vodou and Catholicism that I say that if you are an atheist, you can’t be a Vodouisant.

[Mambo Sam] In Vodou as in many other religions — God is always the headmaster!



[simonegreenewpp] Comment

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone.

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, please.

[simonegreenewpp] For those who find Catholic style prayers offensive or oppressive — it might help to see it more as your taking back the power rather than giving in to something you don’t like.

[simonegreenewpp] Just a thought!

[Mambo Sam] For sure.... Really, even though there is a lot of “supplicating” in the Catholic religion or, well, any religion, I suppose — it really is, in the end, about empowering yourself.

[Mambo Sam] I have worked with many people who have a lot of trouble in wrapping their heads around getting back into some kind of organized religion — especially if they have had a bad experience at some point in their lives.

[Mambo Sam] I always tell them to look at this as a tool.

[Mambo Sam] It is something to use to empower yourself — I mean, most of you know me well enough to know that I am about empowering you, not disempowering you! LOL. I want more than anything for you to stand up and be counted and be heard!

[Mambo Sam] But, yes, Simone, that is definitely a way to look at it!


[Mambo Sam] And definitely, if you guys want to discuss a little bit about religion and how you can make things work for you, please do ask or comment!

[Mambo Sam] Anyone??? 

[ouanga_bottle] question

[nubis] comment

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Ouanga, go ahead please.

[Mambo Sam] And then nubis.

[ouanga_bottle] I’ve only really used the St. Expedito candle as a supplement along with adjunct work or spell work, could you comment more on the best ways to use it in combination and/or to service him on his own?

[Mambo Sam] Certainly using the candle along with spell work is a very powerful way to use it.

[Mambo Sam] But you could use the candle (or the whole offering/candle/prayer sequence) with any of your adjunct work that needs to be “moved along.” 

[Mambo Sam] It could be love spell work. It could be your love doll — asking St. Expeditus to carry your words swiftly to your HD.

[Mambo Sam] It could be luck or money work — again asking him to hurry the results along.

[Mambo Sam] It seems a little contra indicated, I know, because we are always asking you guys to be patient!

[Mambo Sam] And telling you that things have to happen in their proper time.

[Mambo Sam] Sit down, shut up, and wait!!!! No, we would never tell you that!!

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] BUT...

[Mambo Sam] despite all that, there is nothing wrong with asking that if things can be hurried that it be done.

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks Mambo!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!


[Mambo Sam] Nubis?

[nubis] I have been down the last couple days regarding my HD. But, I find myself singing little songs of faith from my childhood, and praying more. It’s helping. Thanks for the St. Expedite prayers. They were comforting.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, yes, yes!! And thanks for bringing that up. Nubis brings up a very good point. We have all been down some time in our life. Reaching back into your past for things that comforted you, is a very good thing to do. It helps to ground us and solidify us in our roots.


[Mambo Sam] Which actually sort of brings me to the point of these two seemingly opposite approaches to our cases — Damballah and St. Expeditus — it is all about balance.

[Mambo Sam] And that is extremely important to remember in any and all magickal workings.

[Mambo Sam] Of course, it is important in our every day lives and we all have different ways to strive for that.

[Mambo Sam] But it is exceedingly important in magick and is a very important key to success.

[Mambo Sam] Striving for balance in our magick is something that seems to not get taught very often for some reason.

[Mambo Sam] But as much as you want things to happen NOW, and hence use dear St. Expedite, you must also remember that there are things for you to learn along your magickal path.

[Mambo Sam] That you must experience growth in order to be successful.

[Mambo Sam] And so we turn to Damballah to keep us steady and strong.

[Mambo Sam] Questions about that? Hopefully it makes sense!


[Mambo Sam] Okay, great! So definitely this is something that you should work on when you can. Especially when you start feeling frustrated about your case! Or life in general!! Remember, really all of these things that you are learning, well almost all of them... transfer into life tools, as well!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so we the idea on that. So let’s talk a moment about the ancestor ritual. We are still set for September 8.

[Mambo Sam] Does anyone have any questions left about the ritual?

[Mambo Sam] If you weren’t here, then definitely go look back at the transcripts where we discussed the ritual in detail.


[Mambo Sam] Okay, well, we are ending up a bit early!!!

[Mambo Sam] Does anyone have anything they want to ask about?

[ouanga_bottle] question

[nubis] hand up

[phantodrac] question

[waterlily] question

[rattle shaker] : )

[Mambo Sam] Wow! Okay, Ouanga, Nubis, Phantodrac, then Waterlily!

[ouanga_bottle] This is still a question/comment about that balance you just talked about. I think that’s the really a hard balance to achieve, especially at first. That you must experience growth to be successful, that you are learning things while on the path, and so you might not get immediate results. But the way that the spells are structured, and the adjunct work that goes along with it, increases our anticipation, and so it actually fuels the idea that we might get quick results. I think that was one of the hardest challenges I faced until I finally got to the point where I more or less was able to let go of the outcome and “let go and let god” or “give up….ward” which I think in turn released a lot of negative energy I didn’t even realize I had been putting into the case

[Mambo Sam] Indeed, if you can achieve balance, even just part of the time, you will release a lot of negativity.

[Mambo Sam] And the spells SHOULD increase in you the idea that you can get something wonderful!

[ouanga_bottle] I probably need more time to articulate what I’ve been learning in this whole process, but it’s a thought that has occurred to me.

[Mambo Sam] You must believe that, job one, before anything else.

[Mambo Sam] If you go into the process believing it won’t work, well.... I guess we all know the answer to that.

[Mambo Sam] But, yes, I know what you mean.

[Mambo Sam] Cool! Thank you!

[ouanga_bottle] thanks


[Mambo Sam] Nubis?

[nubis] I usually have balance. I think part of it is that my HD and I are so close and work together. But sometimes...

[nubis] I get frustrated (every few months) and feel like, what is the holdup with this person?...

[nubis] Can you speak to what role free will and timing have in love spellwork?

[Mambo Sam] Definitely. Ah... Free Will — we hate it, we love it! 

[nubis] LOL!

[Mambo Sam] Now, for sure, Free Will has to remain intact in any and all ethical magick.

[Mambo Sam] Of course, the reasons for that are myriad but short story is simple: It’s the right thing to do.

[Mambo Sam] If you do manipulative magick to get someone to come to you, you will do it forever to keep them there.

[Mambo Sam] Any thinking person doesn’t want someone that way.

[nubis] Right.

[Mambo Sam] However, when you do ethical magick, such as ours is, you enter a realm of persuasion.

[Mambo Sam] And you never ask for anything that you are not willing to give back 100%!

[Mambo Sam] Remember, when we are asking for someone to love us, it better be our intention to love them back just as much as we are capable of.

[Mambo Sam] So now, we are in persuasion mode. Now we are going to assume for a moment that we have already worked on removing negativities and clearing our path.

[Mambo Sam] Which can be ongoing work!

[Mambo Sam] But this is the very reason that ethical magick can take time.

[Mambo Sam] Because the person’s Free Will must remain intact, we must use our powers of persuasion, our intercessionaries (les lois, saints, ancestors, etc.).

[Mambo Sam] It IS a lot of work, but mostly that is because we aren’t sitting down face-to-face with the person.

[Mambo Sam] We are working subconsciously, through the Higher Self. It’s harder, it takes longer, but it is the way to get a lasting result.

[Mambo Sam] Did that clarify it, Nubis?

[nubis] yes, thank you.

[Mambo Sam] Thank you for the question.


[ouanga_bottle] Question

[Mambo Sam] Is it related, Ouanga, or new?

[ouanga_bottle] It’s related

[Mambo Sam] Because other people are waiting.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, go ahead.

[ouanga_bottle] What about the flip side, fate....?

[Mambo Sam] Then Phantodrac and Waterlily.

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks everyone

[Mambo Sam] Eh?

[Mambo Sam] I don’t know what you are asking me.

[ouanga_bottle] What if some things are fated to happen at certain times, can those things really be influenced?

[Mambo Sam] I don’t know that anyone can truly answer that question, but if a good psychic tells me I am going to die on flight 123 to Bumfart Egypt, I am not going to get on that plane. Did I usurp fate? Who knows? I might then step out of the airport and get hit by a bus because it was my time.

[Mambo Sam] No one can tell us what role “fate” plays in our life. That’s the Divine Power’s little secret joke on us, I suppose.

[Mambo Sam] So we must continue on trying to get what we think is best for us while full well knowing that someone out there probably knows even better! 

[ouanga_bottle] It’s just an interesting intersection of thought between influence through magic and fate, because it’s almost like two schools of thought, and I’d love to see them discussed in an integrated way.

[Mambo Sam] Well, it is extremely hard to discuss fate, because who knows what it truly is???

[Mambo Sam] I mean, I know people who don’t try at anything because they feel that “fate” has their whole life planned out for them anyway.

[Mambo Sam] And every single one of them has amounted to nothing.

[ouanga_bottle] good point!

[Mambo Sam] Accomplished nothing.

[Mambo Sam] So, “fate” to me is often a cop out for not wanting to try to change one’s life.

[Mambo Sam] Okay!!

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Ouanga!

[ouanga_bottle] Even references to appropriate timing are perhaps in part due to the necessary growth that must occur before things can align.

[ouanga_bottle] And thank you Mambo!


[Mambo Sam] Okay, Phantodrac, waterlily, and I think rattle shaker, too?

[phantodrac] My question isn’t nearly as deep as everyone else’s, lol! I just wanted to know if we had picked a time for ritual on the 8th.

[Mambo Sam] Ha ha ha haha. Thank god! 

[Mambo Sam] I think we were going with just the regular time of the chats.... Or am I wrong? I was sick that night and Candi and Bridget were filling in for me.

[Mambo Sam] Candi?

[Mambo Sam] Bridget?

[Mambo Sam] Time?

[Candelaria] We didn’t specify, so I think the regular time is good.

[phantodrac] The normal time sounds great to me. 

[Candelaria] :-)

[Mambo Sam] Perfect.

[Candelaria] I’ve made a management decision, if the boss thinks it’s OK. heehee

[Mambo Sam] If that works for everyone, then I would say stick to the regular time.

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Candelaria] :-)


[Mambo Sam] Okay, Waterlily, you’re on, honey, thanks for waiting.

[waterlily] This question is in regards to a conversation early. I wanted to know if you are a Christian with a Baptist background how can you incorporate Voodoo into your religion?

[Mambo Sam] Well, half the battle is that your religion believes in a Supreme Being, or God, whatever you want to call it.

[Mambo Sam] That is extremely important in the voodoo religion.

[Mambo Sam] I don’t think so much that you will actually incorporate voodoo into your religion.

[Mambo Sam] But that you can practice them side by side — your religion offers prayers to God.

[Mambo Sam] Now, where you might run into some issues, depending upon how strictly you follow your religion, is that you don’t believe in saints or intercessionary types of prayers.

[Mambo Sam] So that part of your religion may be hard to wrap your head around with the voodoo.

[Mambo Sam] Are you having some issues with that?

[waterlily] I do actually believe in prayers to the saints and read psalms, but I don’t understand how some of the lwa take the place of some of the saints?

[Mambo Sam] The lwa do not take the place of saints.

[waterlily] I’m confused?

[Mambo Sam] Certain lwa are represented by certain saints because back in slave days the slaves were not allowed to pray to their own deities. So they chose certain saints to represent them.

[Mambo Sam] So we use those saints today to represent certain lwa.

[Mambo Sam] Just as it was done historically, but we can also pray to the saints separately.

[Mambo Sam] The lwa are completely separate entities.

[waterlily] Okay, because I was trying to read up on some of the history of voodoo and my history and I didn’t understand that part. Thanks!!!

[Mambo Sam] No problem!!! That’s why you are here! To learn!!


[Mambo Sam] Rattleshaker, did you have your hand up?

[Mambo Sam] Earlier?

[Mambo Sam] Rattleshaker??

[Mambo Sam] Are you there? 

[rattle shaker] Just wanted to say that I am glad that you picked the 8th, because my mom’s birthday is the 7th, so this is perfect timing for me for an ancestor party! But, I was wondering.. I am planning a trip up north soon, and was wondering what to do while I am there, when I visit the cemetery, for mom and dad.

[Mambo Sam] Ah, yes....

[ouanga_bottle] hand up

[Mambo Sam] Definitely you will want to clean the whole area of their grave site.

[rattle shaker] Should I do a small service, and feed them there..?

[Mambo Sam] Oh for sure — I would definitely leave a little sumpin sumpin even though you are going to do the ancestor ritual.

[Mambo Sam] OH, and bring music.

[Mambo Sam] Wow... definitely bring them some music. There is a song.

[Mambo Sam] Do you know what it is they want?

[Mambo Sam] They think you do!

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, bring a little tape player or something and play “the” song.

[Mambo Sam] And, hmmmmmm, there is a call for water.

[Mambo Sam] I am not sure what that is about, but pour water for them.

[Mambo Sam] You know, for people I never knew in life, they will zoom up on me very quickly!

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[rattle shaker] I always put on “oldies” for them when I do a service for them, and give them control of the music.

[Mambo Sam] Ah, okay. Well, that’s a big hit with them apparently.

[rattle shaker] And, every time I have gone to the cemetery since they passed, I always feel hot

[Mambo Sam] Do you feel hot in your head?

[rattle shaker] The headstone is always really hot, and I wash it with cool water when I am there.

[Mambo Sam] A HA! Well, that explains the water.

[rattle shaker] No, hot like it is here in FL

[Mambo Sam] Okay, well, it sounds like what you usually do is well received because mostly I was picking up on music and water. So, stick to it!

[rattle shaker] Then I fill the little flower holder that comes out of the headstone with water and put a few flowers in it.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, sounds perfect.

[rattle shaker] But it has been a few years since I have been there.

[Mambo Sam] Oh, I think you are going to have a very good visit this time.

[rattle shaker] Is it okay if I burn candles on their headstone?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, for sure.

[rattle shaker] Ok, because that is one of the things I “saw.”

[Mambo Sam] Definitely.

[Mambo Sam] Sounds like it will be a really good visit. Bring something to write on. A notebook or something like that.

[rattle shaker] Yes ma’am.

[Mambo Sam] Go for it!


[Mambo Sam] Okay, Ouanga’s hand was up?

[ouanga_bottle] Interesting to point out that the day after Sept. 8 is Sept. 9 … love potion day!

[Mambo Sam] Yep! Good point!!! 

[rattle shaker] hehehehehe

[simonegreenewpp] Oooooh!

[phantodrac] Ooo, we will be busy!

[ouanga_bottle] And have fun rattlebaby.

[Mambo Sam] For those of you wanting to make Love Potion Number 9 — 9/9 is the best day to do it.

[Mambo Sam] Ah, such is the life of the vodouisant!

[Mambo Sam] Next week, someone ask me about Love Potion Number 9 — I will tell you some secrets that aren’t on the website!

[Mambo Sam] Cuz I wuvs you all so much.

[simonegreenewpp] Hopefully I’ll finally be able to use it!

[Mambo Sam] Simone, you mean — you WILL be able to use it! LOL.

[rattle shaker] <-- wuvs u 2


[simonegreenewpp] Yes! And may I ask...

[Happy] Do you throw out last years if you never got to use it?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, and go ahead Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] If anyone has some extra energy to spare, I’m working on using my free ticket to go to HD’s country in a month or two. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Prayers coming at ya, honey!

[simonegreenewpp] Thank you!

[Candelaria] Of course, Baby. You are now on Candi’s prayer list. :-)

[simonegreenewpp] Yay!

[Candelaria] :-)

[Mambo Sam] That’s the list that she shakes her magickal pointy stick at and all things good happen.

[Candelaria] Yep, lots of shakin’ goin’ on!

[Happy] I need to be on that list

[simonegreenewpp] I would hope! :-D

[Candelaria] I can add you Happy. Send me an e-mail. 

[Mambo Sam] Yes, indeed!!! I highly recommend the Pointy Stick Church of Candi.

[Candelaria] I’ve started my own religion!

[simonegreenewpp] (with tap dancing)


[nubis] last question before bed

[Mambo Sam] Yes nubis, go ahead please!

[nubis] When do you know when/if you need to do marry me now?

[Mambo Sam] Most of the time, very generally speaking, it is after you are with your HD and things are going well, but you just haven’t taken it to that level yet and you are ready.

[Mambo Sam] However, each case is different, so you definitely want to discuss it with your caseworker.

[Mambo Sam] In some cases it is recommended for different reasons even before you are together.

[nubis] Ok. Thank you and good night. Late here in Florida.

[Mambo Sam] I know, good night sweetie.


[ouanga_bottle] Good night loved ones, thanks once again for a beautiful session.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, folks, love to you all, but time to run!

[simonegreenewpp] Love you, Mambo Sam, and thank you!

[Mambo Sam] Good night, see you good folks next week! Thank you, Simone, love you, too!

[Happy] bye love to you Mambo Candi, Bridget et al

[Candelaria] Bye Happy and everyone! Love to all! :-)

[Mambo Sam] Nighty night!

[rattle shaker] Night everyone!

[phantodrac] goodnight!

[simonegreenewpp] Goodnight!


© copyright, 2007, Samantha and Matthew Corfield
