August 21, 2007

[Mambo Sam] Hello everyone — we will give everyone a couple of minutes to
get in!
[Mambo Sam] Wow, it is great to be back!!
[phantodrac] It’s great to have you back!
[Mambo Sam] Good to see you all! Thank you, Phantodrac!!
[Mambo Sam] I am not 100% yet, but still it is better than the way I was!
[Mambo Sam] I can’t help but keep telling everyone to take care of their
[Mambo Sam] I am definitely on the better end of things, but still have a
ways to go with it.
[Joye] May I ask what is wrong with your eyes, Mambo Sam?
[Mambo Sam] Okay, I am going to give everyone just a few more minutes, I
know people were perhaps expecting that chat might not happen.
[Mambo Sam] Hi Joye.... Yes, I had an ulcerated cornea. It basically sort
of took three weeks out of my life!
[Mambo Sam] I couldn’t be on the computer and then could only be on first
for two hours, then four, now I am up to six! Yay!
[Joye] Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry to hear that!
[Mambo Sam] Thank you, I am much, much better now.
[Joye] Good!
[Desiree’] Was this because of contacts lenses and straining your eyes Mambo?
[Mambo Sam] I want to wait just a minute for those who may have gotten the
e-mail late saying that we would have chat tonight.
[Mambo Sam] Desiree — certainly because I wear contact lenses I was more
at risk. But I am pretty careful and the doc said sometimes it is just the
luck (or unluck) of the draw — you touch something with the virus on it
and rub your eye and there you go.
[Mambo Sam] But I do spend many more hours on the computer and in my
lenses than I probably should, so I am getting new glasses so that I can
take my lenses out after 8 hours from now on.
[Mambo Sam] I mean I would have them in 16 hours at a time.
[Mambo Sam] But I have been wearing lenses for 30 years so I guess my
track record isn’t too bad, this is the first time I have had something
[Mambo Sam] But truthfully what was really spooky was the eye doctor told
me that back “in the day” you could lose your eye or even your life from
this kind of infection!
[Mambo Sam] Yikes!
[Joye] Is it like a staph infection?
[Mambo Sam] Something like that.
[Joye] Serious stuff!
[Mambo Sam] Yeah, I mean the doc gave me his home phone and told me the
first night if the pain didn’t subside in four hours to call him and he
would meet me at the emergency room. Well, that scared the heck out of me!
[Joye] I would have asked him to let me spend the night with him.
[Mambo Sam] LOL. No kidding!
[Desiree’] There is nothing quite like eye pain — I once sun burned my
cornea with a sun lamp — Wow! So I understand the pain that you have been
going through.
[Mambo Sam] Holy cow!!! That sounds terrible!!
[Joye] Is it like a pressure on your eyes?
[Mambo Sam] It’s like someone sticking a hot stick in your eye. No kidding.
[Joye] The worst I’ve every had is burning, watery eyes from allergies and
that’s miserable.
[Mambo Sam] Yes, I have that, too!!!
[Desiree’] For sure, and constant tearing.... Right ?
[simonegreenewpp] Ow! I asked St. Lucy to help — I hope it had a good
effect. :-)
[Mambo Sam] Okay, kiddos, let’s get started. It is well past start time
and late for those on the east coast.
[Joye] Yep, can’t even see.
[Mambo Sam] Oh, thanks for mentioning that Simone! I appreciate everyone’s
prayers and thoughts. Matt read me all the “get well” e-mails. It was kind
of funny because they made me cry and I had to keep reapplying my eye
medicine! LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so tonight I wanted to talk about two things — slowing
down and hurrying up!
[Mambo Sam] In looking over the forum and e-mails and people’s cases,
right now there seem to be a lot of people who are in a long term waiting
period. It happens — sometimes there just seems to be a large group of
those who are waiting... and waiting.... And waiting for results.
[Mambo Sam] Needless to say, this can get terribly frustrating.
[Mambo Sam] Not to mention that the frustration can turn into anger,
sorrow, and lots of other things that turn out to be putting negative
energy into the very thing that we are trying to get positive results
[Mambo Sam] While I was down with the eye problem, I had a lot of time to
think. Other than doing people’s spell castings, I didn’t do much else.
[Mambo Sam] I took the opportunity to ask for and accept some guidance on
this subject of having a long term wait with one’s case.
[Mambo Sam] I would say, “ironically” but of course there is no irony to
it, the grand and glorious lwa Damballah came through with his special
brand of guidance on this subject.

[Mambo Sam] Now, just briefly, we will talk about Damballah himself for
those who are not familiar with him:
[Mambo Sam] He is known as the serpent god.
[Mambo Sam] He is extremely benevolent, kind, fatherly, and above all, wise.
[Mambo Sam] Getting guidance from him is somewhat of a challenge sometimes
because he does not speak.
[Mambo Sam] At least not in words that we can normally understand.
[Mambo Sam] Many times I see his “talk” described as hissing, but it is
more like a long sigh to me, that is the best way I can describe it.
[Mambo Sam] I find that he DOES speak words.
[Mambo Sam] But they are long and drawn out and do have a breathy quality
to them.
[Mambo Sam] So, yes, I suppose it is a hissing of sorts.
[Mambo Sam] He is strong.
[Mambo Sam] He is just a beautiful lwa.
[Mambo Sam] But one thing I can definitely say about him is that he is not
[Mambo Sam] He doesn’t really believe in hurrying!
[Mambo Sam] He believes in getting it right, not getting it quick.
[Mambo Sam] Of course, if you have done our Milk of Damballah white bath,
he is the patron of that bath and is there to help remove negativity,
pain, trauma, etc.
[Mambo Sam] In our long term cases, his guidance was very much that you
should be calling on him for his strength, wisdom, and constant removal of
[Mambo Sam] Naturally, doing the white bath is awesome and a way to do it.
[Mambo Sam] But you don’t have to constantly keep doing them.
[Mambo Sam] For sure, if you have a long term case and are feeling
negative, pain, exhaustion, etc., from it, then you should do at least one
white bath!!
[Mambo Sam] This will get rid of heavy build up.
[Mambo Sam] AND, most importantly for this discussion, it will help you
build a relationship with Damballah.
[Mambo Sam] From Damballah’s perspective, it is just as important to keep
yourself clear and positive as it is to do any other part of your spell
[Mambo Sam] As I have often told many of you, you don’t want to become
your own worst enemy. You don’t want to be the very thing that blocks your
own good results!
[Mambo Sam] We are human beings and we lean towards the negative anyway.
We have to have books, tapes, TV shows, counselors, shrinks, etc., to
teach us techniques for being positive!
[Mambo Sam] We don’t need any of that to be negative — that seems to come
much more naturally to us!
[Mambo Sam] Let’s face it, we don’t have books of de-affirmations! We have
books and literature and a myriad of things to teach us to be happy!
[Mambo Sam] We don’t need anything to teach us to be sad.
[Mambo Sam] So this is a very important concern for me, as one of your
spiritual mentors, and with Damballah giving me guidance.
[Mambo Sam] So, doing some service to Damballah to help with removing
negativity, pain, and trauma from you that has been generated by your case
(or past relationships for that matter) may very well be the difference
between success and failure. Not because Damballah is dictating whether or
not you have success or failure...
[Mambo Sam] But because he is there to help us remove that negativity,
thereby clearing our road for success and making sure that we don’t become
the saboteurs of our own success.

[Mambo Sam] So before I get into talking about actual service for
Damballah, any questions thus far?
[Mambo Sam] Or comments?
[nubis] Comment
[Mambo Sam] Yes, please go ahead, nubis.
[nubis] I am crying. Apparently, he came to me in a dream a few weeks ago.
Now I know what the dream meant. Thank you!
[JamboJambo] comment
[Mambo Sam] OH that is awesome. And often he will come in dreams because
that is a good way for him to connect.
[nubis] And it was in line with the recent readings you have given me.
[Mambo Sam] JamboJambo and then Patrick.
[Mambo Sam] That’s perfect, Nubis!!!

[JamboJambo] I called on Damballah a few months ago. He was swift and
quick for me. I left an offering in HUGE thanks. But I never thought to
call on him for the removal of negativity
[JamboJambo] Makes sense. I need it greatly.
[Mambo Sam] Yes, that is one of the main things he does, which is why the
white bath is named the Milk of Damballah bath — that particular name is
“ours” at Spellmaker, but the bath is the traditional Haitian bath for
[Mambo Sam] And yes, he is often swift — if everything is circumstantially
already right — he is fast and strong.
[Mambo Sam] Awesome!!

[Mambo Sam] Patrick?
[PATRICKinCALI] On negativity removal... difference between Milk Bath vs
Holy Hyssop Bath?
[Mambo Sam] Milk of Damballah bath is much stronger.
[Mambo Sam] Holy hyssop is great for removing negativity.
[Mambo Sam] But the MOD is a whole ritual and connection to Damballah and
super duper negativity removal.
[PATRICKinCALI] And milk bath brings you closer to Damballah
[Mambo Sam] Yes, it does. He knows that is his bath.
[PATRICKinCALI] thanks
[Mambo Sam] And you can definitely, if you desire, use it to make a strong
connection with him.

[Joye] How do we get introduced to Damballah? Or Milk of Damballah Bath.
[Mambo Sam] We will talk about serving Damballah here in a minute. The
Milk of Damballah bath is at
[Joye] Thank you!
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, did I miss anyone who had their hand up?
[Mambo Sam] Okay, now, of course, many of you have already done the Milk
of Damballah white bath. So before we go on, did anyone have any comments
about that experience? Did anyone feel a stronger connection to Damballah
after doing it? Care to share your experience?
[bridget] hand up....
[Mambo Sam] Please go ahead, Bridgey-bear!
[bridget] I have done , um, a few of these
[Mambo Sam] LOL.
[bridget] In my full time job I am a nurse and things are pretty
stressful, so I get a build up of *ick* pretty regularly. The white bath
ALWAYS helps me feel better , and helps me be quiet in my head
[bridget] Like when I have these run away thoughts and such and just cant
be quiet and go to sleep, for weeks after the bath I sleep like a baby
[bridget] OK — I’m done now
[waterlily] hand up...
[Mambo Sam] That’s awesome... and a good point. We have a lot of clients
who are in jobs that cause them a great deal of stress. They use this bath
on a regular basis just for that!!!
[Mambo Sam] Go ahead waterlily... thank you, Bridget!
[bridget] you are welcome!

[waterlily] I have also used the Milk of Damballah bath and I noticed that
it worked well, but it felt like I needed something stronger.
[waterlily] What either form of cleansing can you do or is it that I did
something wrong?
[Mambo Sam] Then you should probably do the Hex Removal kit.
[Mambo Sam] If you have a lot of negativity build up — then the hex
removal kit is probably a step that you should take. You don’t necessarily
have to have a hex or curse on you to do it — it is also for removing
severe negativity. You might also want to consider doing the bath again —
a lot of people do it multiple times because they have been without that
kind of help for so long that they just need some extra!
[Mambo Sam] You certainly didn’t do anything wrong!
[waterlily] Thank you, Mambo Sam!
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else?
[nubis] ?
[Mambo Sam] Yes, nubis.
[nubis] Can living in a stressful environment affect your spellwork? My HD
just helped me move out of one, and I feel so much better!
[nubis] Like things can finally work out for us...
[Mambo Sam] Yes, it can simply because you start to build up that
negativity. But getting out of the stressful environment is usually enough
to get rid of it. If you feel you are carrying a bit of residual from that
or are worried that you might be, then that makes a good case for doing
the holy hyssop bath.
[nubis] I had the dream about Damballah right before the move...
[nubis] Thanks
[Mambo Sam] It is refreshing to the spirit and removes a certain amount of
[Mambo Sam] And it is pretty simple to do — pour it in and take a bath!
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead waiting forastar.
[waitingforastar] Can you do a Hex Removal kit on someone else, or on
their behalf? Unknown to them?
[Mambo Sam] Not really. But there are a few exceptions that I have made —
such as a mother did it for her whole family in the family home, but they
didn’t know it. Things like that. But the short answer is “no” for the
same exact reason that I do not offer it as a solo casting — it is the
spiritual equivalent of having someone else take a bath for you. You
aren’t going to get too clean!
[Mambo Sam] But on a case-by-case basis I have made some exceptions and
given special instructions for it.
[Mambo Sam] It is best if it is a direct family member. Mother for
children, that kind of thing.
[waitingforastar] So not your HD?
[Mambo Sam] Not really — though for sure you could do it for yourself and
name him — petition that you and he be cleansed of negativity coming
between you. But truthfully, the effectiveness of that may be minimal for
him or her.
[waitingforastar] Okay, Thanks so much
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else before we move on?
[Mambo Sam] Okay, so let’s talk briefly in some generalities about serving
Damballah and then get some specifics towards helping your case.
[Mambo Sam] He is all things white.
[Mambo Sam] Now, as a lot of you know, I am a firm believer that if a lwa
is part of a couple, then I believe you should at least give a nod to the
partner. Damballah’s partner is Ayida Ouedo.
[Mambo Sam] She is represented by rainbow.
[Mambo Sam] So where is everything white, she is all multicolors!
[Mambo Sam] Sort of a ying and yang type of effect.
[Mambo Sam] So even though you may be calling on Damballah, I do suggest
that when doing a service to him, that you find a little rainbow picture
or figurine (pretty simple to find) and offer to her, also.
[Mambo Sam] So, in building a little altar to him — just think white.
White cloths, white candles, white foods.
[Mambo Sam] He likes to have a whole egg, raw, in the shell — white
[Mambo Sam] White rice. Milk. White cornmeal. Coconut milk.
[Mambo Sam] Matt and I did a ritual for him about two years ago and
offered him white wine. It was really funny — he got super big and we
could literally feel him filling up the room! We were like, oh my
goodness, did we get Damballah drunk on white wine???
[Mambo Sam] But anyway, he really seemed to like it!
[Mambo Sam] He also likes silver and white gold.
[Mambo Sam] As far as saints are concerned, if you want to use a saint
representation, you use St. Patrick.
[Mambo Sam] So those are your basic offerings.
[Mambo Sam] Oh, and Matt gave Damballah a Twinkie. That was well received,

[Mambo Sam] Questions?
[waterlily] hand up...
[Mambo Sam] Yes waterlily, go ahead please.
[waterlily] I had a dream about Damballah after doing the milk of
Damballah bath and in it was a angel food cake. Can that be an offering to
[Mambo Sam] Sure, it’s white. And yummy!
[Mambo Sam] Sounds perfect.

[JamboJambo] question
[Mambo Sam] Yes, JamboJambo.
[JamboJambo] I left an offering of a white egg washed in a mix of rose
water and
Florida water (couldn’t get Pompeii lotion in time) in a white
plate on a bed of white flour. I didn’t leave anything for Ayida though.
Doesn’t seem like what I leave him I can also leave for her... like I can
for the Baron and Maman. Is there anything I can offer to them dually?
[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can offer them the same things, basically, but make
sure that you acknowledge her.
[Mambo Sam] Their offerings are basically the same.
[JamboJambo] okay, thanks
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Desiree’] What is the day you honor them?
[Mambo Sam] Thursday is their “day” but really I find that any day is a
good day.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Bridget, go ahead, please.
[bridget] Is white cake with white frosting cool?
[Mambo Sam] Yes, indeed for both Damballah and Mambo!
[Mambo Sam] LOL.
[waitingforastar] ?
[bridget] hee hee
[Mambo Sam] But yes, white cake is perfect.....
[bridget] Thank you.
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. OH, and another thing — white rice with cream
poured over it went over really well.

[Mambo Sam] Waitingforastar, go ahead, please.
[waitingforastar] Where do you get
Pompeii lotion
[Mambo Sam] Oddly enough, we can get it in the Wal-Mart here and the
Walgreens. It is in the sort of “ethnic” section of hair care and toiletry
products for men. However, as wonderful as it is, just a plain old clean
egg will do just fine for Damballah!
[waitingforastar] Thanks, I do have
Florida water
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[phantodrac] hand up
[Mambo Sam] Yes, Phantodrac?
[phantodrac] I have an altar to Damballah and Ayida in my room. Due to
circumstances, there was a long period of time where I couldn’t give
offerings to them. I have recently begun to do so again and have felt
tremendous energy when doing so. I’ve given them white cupcakes and an egg
on a mound of flour. My question is: is once every other week too much
time in between offerings? Also, is it okay to honor them and then give
offerings to other lwa on the same night?
[Mambo Sam] Once every other week is just fine! And you can give offerings
to many lwa on the same night or day. Heavens knows we do it all the time!
[phantodrac] Awesome! Thank you!
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome (and it is good to see you back, by the way!).

[Joye] Question?
[Mambo Sam] Yes, Joye. Go ahead, please.
[Joye] I’m new to this.... is there more information about Damballah?
[Mambo Sam] For sure... you can do a web search and come up with a pretty
decent amount of information. And stick around because in the future, we
will be doing more indepth teaching. This was just something sort of
unplanned because Damballah was guiding me to impart this information. So
I didn’t really get together a lesson plan.
[waitingforastar] ?
[Joye] Thank you, now I must leave because I’m in a great deal of pain.
[Mambo Sam] Oh no, I am so sorry. Healing energy coming towards you!!
[Joye] Thank you!
[Mambo Sam] Poor thing!

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead waitingforastar.
[waitingforastar] Does Damballah help only with cleansing for us, or does
he help with the HD in other ways?
[Mambo Sam] That is what we are getting to here in a minute.
[Mambo Sam] So any other questions about offerings, etc., for Damballah?
[waitingforastar] sorry
[Mambo Sam] No worries, waitingforastar.

[phantodrac] one more question
[Mambo Sam] Yes, please go ahead Phantodrac.
[nubis] ?
[Mambo Sam] And then nubis.
[phantodrac] Should we put up a white sheet covering the altar after we’ve
given them food?
[phantodrac] It was just something I heard — that they like to eat “in
[Mambo Sam] I know there are a lot of schools of thought that say so, but
in New Orleans Voodoo especially, the answer to that is no.
[phantodrac] okay!

[nubis] Can you make an offering to him on your ancestor shrine? Set my
shrine up immediately but still unpacking.
[waterlily] ?
[Mambo Sam] If you use that shrine for other things, then yes. Otherwise,
just do it on a little table or something — just put down a white napkin
or something like that.
[nubis] Thank you.
[Mambo Sam] Remember, everyone for all the lwa, you can do little
makeshift things here and there — not everything has to be a huge altar or
huge production. A lot of times, just the smallest gesture done from the
heart goes a long way!
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead waterlily.
[waterlily] Along with that question I also saw Damballah as a firey LOA.
Can there be different forms of a LOA?
[Mambo Sam] There can certainly be different interpretations, especially
in a dream. Using something like fire to get your attention, making sure
you see him.
[Mambo Sam] And yes, with some loa there are definitely different aspects
of them, but Damballah is generally only represented as mentioned above.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so we pretty much know something now about what to offer
[Mambo Sam] So how is this helping our case.
[Mambo Sam] Remember that we started out talking about long term cases and
the frustrations that can go along with that.
[Mambo Sam] Of course, in a case that has just started, working with
Damballah could perhaps avoid some of the pitfalls of frustration and
negativity that can build up — so this is really for everyone who is
working on a case! Or anyone who is working in the “real world” in a
stressful situation.
[Mambo Sam] What we are wanting to assist ourselves with in our cases is
making absolutely sure that we haven’t built up such negativity that we,
ourselves, become one of the reasons we are not getting the results we
[Mambo Sam] Um, not sure that sentence made sense, but I think you know
what I mean: We don’t want to block our own case from being successful!
[Mambo Sam] So, in serving Damballah for this specific purpose, we want to
ask him first and foremost to bless us with his strength. He is extremely
strong. Think of all that you have seen on the Discovery Channel about big
snakes, their strength and power.
[Mambo Sam] We NEED that strength many, many times to keep going with our
[Mambo Sam] When we get to that point of thinking we need to throw in the
towel, we can’t go on with this any longer, and we just feel like the life
has been sucked out of us, we want Damballah’s incredible strength to
sustain us.
[Mambo Sam] So you are going to ask him to infuse you with that incredible

[Mambo Sam] Patience.
[Mambo Sam] Ah... patience.
[Mambo Sam] Many of you are learning that most useful lesson of patience.
[Mambo Sam] It’s tough for us of the microwave generation to know about
[Mambo Sam] It is something we have to learn.
[Mambo Sam] If anyone has seen those cable commercials with the two
turtles, the Slowskys?
[Mambo Sam] I often think of our spell work with those commercials. Those
turtles WELCOME things to slow down and come slowly to them.
[Mambo Sam] Damballah is the world of patience.
[Mambo Sam] So you are going to ask him to infuse you with his amazing and
long lasting patience.

[Mambo Sam] Calmness.
[Mambo Sam] Approaching your spell work with passion is important, but we
need to pace ourselves with an underlying calmness. Calm, strong, patient.
[Mambo Sam] That is extremely empowering and brings you great power for
your spell work.

[Mambo Sam] And peace.
[Mambo Sam] Damballah is the very symbol of peace and serenity.
[Mambo Sam] Sitting quietly after giving the offerings and asking
Damballah to just wash over you with peace and serenity, calm and strength
and patience. Just picture those things coming over you in waves again and
[Mambo Sam] Breathe deeply in the still, quiet room — listen for a
whisper!!! You will know he is there!!!
[Mambo Sam] What you are doing is asking Damballah to take away all your
doubt, fear, negativity, pain, trauma, etc., where your case is concerned
and replace it with his strength, patience, peace, calm, etc. Remove and
replace, remove and replace. Very simple petitions. If you do this,
especially before doing spell work or adjunct work, you will feel a
refreshed and renewed power in your work.

[Mambo Sam] Now, here’s another petition that can help with love cases.
[Mambo Sam] Remember how we talked above about Damballah being married to
Ayida Ouedo? They are an extremely powerful and loving couple.
[Mambo Sam] Ask them to bless you and your HD with the same powerful love
they experience.
[Mambo Sam] Of course, that won’t take the place of spell work or your
adjunct work, but for sure, it is putting a powerful petition out there to
be blessed to experience that love they experience together.

[Mambo Sam] Questions?
[Mambo Sam] Yes, Patrick, go ahead, please.
[PATRICKinCALI] Can you phonetically spell out her name?
[Mambo Sam] Yes.
[Mambo Sam] Eye ee duh way dough.
[nubis] ?
[Mambo Sam] Long e sound on the double ee’s up there. Does that make sense?
[PATRICKinCALI] yes, thanks
[Mambo Sam] Cool!

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, please, Nubis.
[nubis] Are Damballah and Ayida Ouedo like what we’d call soulmates?
[Mambo Sam] They would be the original soulmates. They are considered to
be the representation of the world and human sexuality. Metaphorically, it
is said that Damballah holds the world together to keep it from
disintegrating and Ayida holds the world up. :]
[Mambo Sam] I have seen them represented as Adam and Eve, also.
[Mambo Sam] They are considered to be two of the oldest lwa known.
[nubis] Wow. Cool and very similar to my relationship with my HD. He
compares me to his sister in their friendship; they are very close.
[phantodrac] ??
[nubis] Thank you.
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, please, phantodrac.
[Mambo Sam] and then Patrick.
[phantodrac] Would it be okay to ask for Damballah’s help when using the
white male trio for an HD? Or it better to just ask while making an
[Mambo Sam] Do the offering first and then start your white male candles
and use the petitions as we mentioned above in addition to whatever your
regular petitions are.
[phantodrac] thanks!
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Mambo Sam] Patrick?
[PATRICKinCALI] Do we light a white candle on the altar? How to dispose of
[Mambo Sam] You can light a candle, that is always good. A white one.
Offerings can be left under a tree or thrown away after you feel certain
they are done with them. (Offerings that are thrown away should be put in
a brown paper bag and thrown away separately from your regular trash).
[Mambo Sam] If your offerings spoil, for instance if you left milk as an
offering, get rid of it right away, it means they are done with them.
[Mambo Sam] Under most circumstances, three days is a good rule of thumb.
[PATRICKinCALI] And serving them will not offend my Met Tet?
[Mambo Sam] No, of course not. Serving your met tet does not preclude
serving and honoring the other lwa.
[Destiny] ??
[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you, just making sure!
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. (You can do no wrong in her eyes, anyway! LOL.)

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, Destiny.
[Destiny] Silly question: How do you dispose of milk in a paper bag? I
have wine that I have had on my alter for a while.
[Mambo Sam] Put it in a plastic bag and then in the paper bag.
[Mambo Sam] It wasn’t a silly question at all!
[Destiny] Thank you
[Destiny] Duh, on my part!
[Mambo Sam] You can also pour liquids outside almost anywhere. They suck
the life out of liquids pretty fast!
[Mambo Sam] No, not duh — it is just one of those things that you don’t
think of!

[JamboJambo] comment/question?
[Mambo Sam] Yes, please go ahead JamboJambo.
[JamboJambo] I always have trouble remembering about disposal, so I’ve
adopted what I call the “4 B’s”
[JamboJambo] bury, burn, bag or bind it
[JamboJambo] It helps, but I don’t know if it’s truly appropriate to do that?
[JamboJambo] I know the times when binding vs burning is okay, but I mean
is it okay to follow this as a general rule?
[Mambo Sam] Hey they are all good methods. Sometimes it can depend on what
it is, but all are good rules of thumb.
[Mambo Sam] Definitely.
[JamboJambo] Okay thanks
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Destiny] ??
[simonegreenewpp] comment
[Mambo Sam] Destiny, then Simone, please.
[Destiny] If the wine is old or the milk is spoiled, is it best to put it
in a bag rather than pour it by a tree or outside?
[Mambo Sam] Doesn’t matter, remember you are disposing of it, not offering
it. If you are pouring it in the ground, then you don’t want to say
something such as “Damballah this is for you.” Because it isn’t — you are
simply disposing of it in an organic way — back to the earth kind of
[Mambo Sam] You already offered it and now you are disposing of it.
[Destiny] Oh, ok, good to know! Thank you so much.
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Mambo Sam] Simone?
[simonegreenewpp] Usually I pour liquids at the base of a tree the next
morning or that night. For foods, I keep them on the plates and hide them
in the growth under a tree and retrieve the plates later. But I tend to do
it fairly quickly — not have it on my altar very long. Is that reasonable?
[Mambo Sam] Yep.. for sure. Most of the time I can feel whether or not
they are done with it. But truthfully, I find they get done with offerings
pretty quickly. They take that essence right in most of the time.
[ouanga_bottle] question for clarification?
[Mambo Sam] Make sense, Simone?
[simonegreenewpp] Ok, good, when I hear other things sometimes I worry I’m
doing it wrong! :-)
[simonegreenewpp] Thank you!
[Destiny] ??
[Mambo Sam] Well, for sure you will hear a lot of different “theories.”
But sometimes I really wonder if some of these good folks are really
spending time in getting to know what the lwa want and don’t want as
opposed to just parroting something they heard. Unfortunately, there are a
lot of folks out there spouting “knowledge.” Scarey.
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Ouanga, then Destiny.
[ouanga_bottle] So if you offer a drink and put it on the altar, you say
‘this is for you...” but when you put it outside under a tree, I always
say it again? Is that ok? Or just dispose it from here on out and do not
say ‘this if for you... xxxx. Thank you,” etc.? I’m confused now, I
thought I had it down. And not just drinks, but food, too!
[Mambo Sam] It depends on what you are doing — for instance, in spell work
you have specific instructions on what you are doing and when. That’s
different and doesn’t always translate to service you are doing on your
own. The spells are written for specific reasons. But it depends on what
you are doing on putting it outside under the tree — are you disposing of
it? Or are you offering it?? If it is spoiled and yucky, you are disposing
of it! If it is still good — you are offering it.
[ouanga_bottle] are there situations where you would make an offering
anywhere but the altar?
[simonegreenewpp] Aha!
[Mambo Sam] Made sense, didn’t it? LOL.
[ouanga_bottle] I don’t mean to be dense! But I am blonde...
[Mambo Sam] Of course, you can make offerings at the crossroads, under a
tree, at the sea, there are tons of place besides an altar that you would
make an offering. While we were moving the office, I casted everyone’s
spells at this beautiful spot right behind our property where the
runs. It was awesome!
[ouanga_bottle] Wow, I wish I coulda seen that!
[Mambo Sam] Hey, Candelaria who isn’t here tonight, is a blonde and has a
shirt that says, “speak slowly, natural blonde.”
[ouanga_bottle] har har
[Mambo Sam] So did that make sense, and then Destiny’s question, please.
[ouanga_bottle] Ok, so if it’s not spoiled, you can offer it again as you
put it out by the tree.. If it’s spoiled, don’t say anything
[Mambo Sam] Yep.
[ouanga_bottle] Yep, thanks so much!

[Mambo Sam] Cool — Destiny?
[Destiny] My question is basically the same as Ouanga Bottle’s....When I
offer cakes during cocktail hour, the cake is fresh and yummy and then
when I take it to the tree the next day, it is not so fresh, I say, “this
is for you” so even though I said “this is for you” they had it when it
was fresh and yummy, when I offered it during cocktail hour? ......I was
beginning to wonder why I was being dense, I just turned blonde the other
[Mambo Sam] LOL!!!!
[Mambo Sam] If it is the next day, you could still offer it, but probably
they took the essence right out of it. But as long as it isn’t spoiled you
are in the clear.
[simonegreenewpp] Would a good indicator be if we would still eat it? Day
old cupcake can be yummy...
[Destiny] oh, ok, cool, thanks!
[Mambo Sam] Yes, for sure, Simone. Like we always say, treat the lwa like
you would treat people... or yourself. I would eat a day old cupcake! In a

[Mambo Sam] Okay, did I miss anyone? If so, please speak up and then I
will cover something really quickly and then I have to get off the
computer!! LOL.
[Mambo Sam] Okay, so at the beginning I said we were going to discuss
slowing down and speeding up!
[Mambo Sam] So Damballah was the slowing down part.
[Mambo Sam] But what we didn’t get to was the speeding up part — we will
do that next week.
[Mambo Sam] Now that we will be fresh, calm, strong, patient, and strong!
Wow! We will start out talking about St. Expedite and more indepth ways to
petition to move those cases along — calmly, of course!
[Mambo Sam] We can also talk more about Damballah, especially if some of
you have a chance to get to work with him — we can discuss how that went.
And remember, even if you don’t have a case going on right now, definitely
call on him for just every day life — we could all use his qualities in

[Mambo Sam] Also, I know that we set a date for the ancestor ritual, so as
we are going along, we will discuss that one more time before we do it.
[Mambo Sam] And I am behind in putting up the transcripts, I will try to
get to that tomorrow.
[Mambo Sam] And we are lining up exciting stuff for the conference! I
cannot wait to see those of you who can make it. I hope you all can!!
[Mambo Sam] Okay, so anything else before I have to run?
[Destiny] Just that we love you and continue to pray for you and your eyes!
[Desiree’] Take care of your eyes Mambo so you will join us again next
week — we all missed you terribly.
[phantodrac] Feel better! *Hug*
[Mambo Sam] Thank you — believe me, all the prayers and well wishes really
helped me!!!!
[simonegreenewpp] Keep getting better — love you lots and lots!
[Mambo Sam] I love you all for it!!
[luke42] Thanks Mambo... this is a lesson that was extremely timely for me
[Mambo Sam] I am glad!!
[Desiree’] Loved the lesson tonight.!
[Mambo Sam] I am glad!!!
[Paris] thank you I am here a long long time, and I needed this
[Mambo Sam] See you guys next week. Much love and thanks to all of you for
[ouanga_bottle] thanks mambo, sorry to be late!
[PATRICKinCALI] Love you Mambo! Thanks for all you do, cant wait to see
you in October!
[JamboJambo] Thanks Mambo, glad you’re doing better.
[bridget] Thank you, Mambo!
[Mambo Sam] Ditto, Patrick!! I cannot wait!!
[Mambo Sam] Thank YOU, Bridget, for everything.
[waitingforastar] Thank you Mambo Sam, and healing energy to you, love,
hugs and squishes
[Mambo Sam] Thank you all!!! Good night!
[Mambo Sam] Thanks, waitingforastar.
[PATRICKinCALI] Night waiting for a star!
[waitingforastar] Night xox
[Destiny] good night everybody.
[phantodrac] goodnight!
[simonegreenewpp] Ok, everyone, no Candelaria with her pointed stick —
bedtime for all! :-)
[waitingforastar] Goodnight all xo