Chat August 14, 2008

A Note from Mambo Sam: After looking back over the transcripts from the discussions about calling upon Papa Legba in his Trickster aspect to enhance spell work, it seems to me that there is a communication problem between myself and some class members. Some of you have written to me regarding this particular way to call on Papa Legba and there doesn't seem to be a clear understanding of how it is done. I am going to try to explain it here and then we are moving on with our studies of Papa Legba.

I am not going to go over all the information here - it is already in the transcripts. But where the breakdown seems to be is in a few areas:

The Trick: You ask Papa Legba to have your HD hear a song three times in one day that was special to you and him/her. Also in that same day, your HD meets a girl/boy with your first name. Also in that same day, your HD sees three people that look exactly like you (to him/her).
The Result: You ask Papa Legba to have your HD call you after s/he has been bombarded with these crazy "coincidental" happenings that all remind him/her of you.

Where some of you are going off track is that you want to tell Papa Legba HOW to do the trick, how strong to make it, etc., etc. You don't have to tell him that; he has been pulling pranks for thousands of years. But you do have to do your part in helping plan the mechanism of the trick; but the how and when and how strong isn't your worry at all. You don't have to worry that your "idea" for a trick isn't "strong" enough for your HD. That isn't the point of this at all; the point is to work with Papa Legba to help plan the joke, but then let Papa execute the joke/prank itself. The point it to be a team with Papa Legba and then let him do what he is the expert at.

I realize that many of you are thinking that your HD's stubborness is a factor in what you choose to pull the prank, but it isn't. That has nothing to do with it. What is important is that you and Papa work as a team; that you show Papa that you want this to happen and you can sit down and work out a little "prank" that will get your HD's attention and what you want to happen.

It also doesn't matter what you want the result to be: In other words, it doesn't hurt to ask for whatever result you want. As with all magick, it doesn't necessarily mean that you will get it, but it does mean that you have added another magickal weapon to your arsenal that you can now use.

I hope this helps!


[Mambo Sam] Hey you!

[simonegreenewpp] Hi!

[Mambo Sam] Hi Simone!

[luke39] Hmmmm this is beginning to sound like the Waltons except we aren’t saying goodnight.. Ha

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[simonegreenewpp] We start at 9:30, right? “-)

[Mambo Sam] Hey Sister B., have you heard from Sister C.? Yes, your time is 9:30 p.m. for starting class.

[sister bridget] I got an e-mail at 530 p.m. my time ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Did she mention about being here tonight or not?

[sister bridget] she didn’t but I will check....

[Mambo Sam] Okay, thanks. Kisses! I didn’t have time to check before I logged on. I know she has company, so I wasn’t sure.

[sister bridget] I think she will be right along ;-) 

[Mambo Sam] Thank you!

[Rattle Shaker] Hey all! Sorry, I was just finishing supper.

[Mambo Sam] :-) Hey there.


[Mambo Sam] Okay, so let’s get started. Tonight I wanted to go ahead and continue our discussion about Papa Legba and the idea of using his “trickster” side to assist us in different ways. Did anyone work on petitions or anything that they would like to go over? Or any other sharing that you would like to do, i.e., did you try some things already and how did they work for you? Just give me a hands up. :-)

[schweety] Me

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead Schweety Schweet.

[schweety] :-D  Well actually I was only going to share a funny thing... I was looking for a statue of Niño de Atocha and I ordered it thinking it was little. IT IS HUGEEEEE! Papa must REALLY want to talk to me :-D

[Mambo Sam] :-D  See, the trick was on you! :-D

[schweety] :-D  It was

[Rattle Shaker] :-)

[schweety] But I like it I just have to figure out where to put it.  :-D

[Mambo Sam] I am thinking there is a reason for that, though! The other thing is that Niño de Atocha is also a protector of children, especially boys. Now... I am just sayin’.... ;-)  Also very good for helping with all kinds of things regarding children, besides the obvious protection.

[schweety] But the only thing I have to add is I haven’t talked to my HD in a long time and last week after class, I sat and talked to him (WOOOOOOOHOOO I didn’t know that ) and my HD e-mailed me the next day and called me Monday

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[schweety] ty Mambo :-)

[Mambo Sam] Awesome!

[schweety] Yes it was :-)  *gets off her podium and sits back down now :)*

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Schweety. (You will be back on the podium soon enough!) So did any of you think of ways that you could use the information from last week to work on anything you were trying to accomplish?


[Mambo Sam] Oops, sorry... go ahead, Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] Completely off topic — I’m getting this annoying “bloop” noise with every single post. Did somebody reset something on the chat?

[Happy] Me too

[waitingforastar] I’m getting the bloop noise too

[schweety] You can turn it off by muting the speaker

[Mambo Sam], not that I know of. I know they did some upgrades, but you should be able to turn off the sound down there by muting the speaker.

[simonegreenewpp] Papa playing tricks? :-)

[Mambo Sam] :-)  See that little speaker down there? Right click on it and you can mute the sounds.

[waitingforastar] Got it

[simonegreenewpp] But then I lose all the noises!

[ScarlettGirl] Yep, that worked for me.

[Mambo Sam] Other than that, we didn’t do anything in particular. What other noises are there? I have it all muted. Oh, like “welcome” and all that?

[Sister Candelaria] I will check the settings later. Might be something they did in the upgrade.

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, and a chime when someone logs out.

[waitingforastar] And I guess if you crack the whip or meow?

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, thanks. 

[Mambo Sam] Yep, probably.... It probably reset things to some sort of “standard.” Okay, well, if everyone can live with just muting it tonight, I will get the whip cracking back at you ASAP. ;-)

[waitingforastar] :-D

[Happy] :-D

[Rattle Shaker] :-)

[Mambo Sam] Oh Sister C. will, I hear she has a wicked whip!

[simonegreenewpp] I miss the spanking nun.

[Mambo Sam] And we don’t even want to talk about Sister B.’s whip! :-)

[Rattle Shaker] Don’t forget the pointy stick!

[Sister Candelaria] HAHAHAHAHAHA

[sister bridget] I hear she cracked that poor pointy stick of hers!

[waitingforastar] :-D

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[Sister Candelaria] Oh, Yes, we have our weapons, so watch out! They are Voodoo Weapons!

[waitingforastar] :-O

[Mambo Sam] Yeah........ We got Voodoo and we are not afraid to use it. So anyway...........

[Sister Candelaria] EXACTLY! 

[waitingforastar] :-D


[Mambo Sam] Back to the subject at hand, dear Papa Legba! So, did anyone else have a chance to think about how what we learned could work for them in their case? Try anything? Work out a petition?

[sister bridget] Hand up

[waitingforastar] Yes hand up

[Mambo Sam] Oh thanks, I thought I saw a tumbleweed blow through. Go ahead, Sister B. And then WFAS.

[sister bridget] One thing that was made clear to me was that my petitions were way too serious, that I needed to add some levity. ;-)

[Mambo Sam] That is a good point; it can all get really heavy.

[sister bridget] Lighten up a bit — even a really dry sense of humor was very welcomed! And seems to have helped out !

[Mambo Sam] Humor and fun is very healing and nurturing. :-)  And so, yes, certainly I could see a that lightening up could help things a lot. 

[sister bridget] Yup, and I think Papa appreciates a good sense of humor! Anyway — that is what I learned this week ;-)

[ScarlettGirl] A sense of humor when dealing with the Lois, you mean?

[Mambo Sam] Obviously, we are all going to have those heavy, intense, days of spell work. Awesome.


[Mambo Sam] ScarlettGirl, I am sorry, I did not yet get to put the transcripts up from last week, but we are talking about how using the “trickster” aspect of Papa Legba could help us in petitioning in our different types of cases. 

[ScarlettGirl] No prob! I’ll catch up eventually! :-)

[Mambo Sam] :-)  Yep, just hang in there and I will get the transcripts put up and that will help a lot.

Thanks, Sister B. I couldn’t agree more — and it illustrates another good point and that is that all of the magick we do and petitioning to the Lwa is a two way street... They have appreciation for what we do and we appreciate what they do. So for sure, I could definitely see how that would help you.

[sister bridget] :-) Thank you!

[Sunshine] comment

[Mambo Sam] Have you (or anyone) (I will be with you in just a moment WFAS), tried telling Papa Legba a joke?

[Sister Candelaria] Hand up

[Mambo Sam] If you haven’t, you should try it. He likes them just a little bit racy (not raunchy like the Ghede), or with very clever endings!


[Mambo Sam] Anyway, sorry, I got sort of off the list there — WFAS, Sunshine, then Sister C.

[waitingforastar] Mine was simple, to hear/see my name everywhere and also a certain song be put in front of him and for him to connect it with hearing my name and think good thoughts, knock some sense into him, give him a “light bulb” moment ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Simple is good sometimes! :-D  — sometimes we can get too elaborate and accomplish nothing.

[waitingforastar] Keep it buzzing around him like a love mosquito, :-D

[Mambo Sam] And that is perfect — and it works quite well — to ask Papa to put your name, songs, things that remind them of you, etc., in front of your HD in such a way that they cannot help but think of you. :-)  Good job! Thank you, WFAS.

[waitingforastar] Thank you, that’s what I was going for, wondering what you thought.

[Mambo Sam] :-)  Perfect.

[waitingforastar] Thank you


[Mambo Sam] Sunshine, then Sister C.

[Sunshine] I have noticed that since I have changed my petitions— I am getting answers to things I wondered about, and also my attitude has changed — for the better I think. I am seeing things differently now. 

[mamakate] ?

[Mambo Sam] Oh that is wonderful, Sunshine! It is so great to start getting clarity and answers!!! Amen to that!

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Sunshine.

[Joanne1023] comment


[Mambo Sam] Sister C., Mamakate, then Joanne.

[Sister Candelaria] My comment was about telling Papa jokes. I haven’t tried telling him a joke, per say, but I joke around with him. I sort of play coy and tease him like I would a sibling or a good friend and he seems to like that sorta thing. Not so serious. He will respond to the serious, but you really form a relationship with him when you relax and have fun with him, at least from my experience. And I have found since doing this that my relationship with him is stronger.... Much stronger!

[Mambo Sam] Right. And again, illustrates a good point about ALL the Lwa. Building relationships with them makes things much easier to petition.... There is a comfort level that you start building. It is different for different people and different Lwa, i.e., how you go about it. But it is definitely worthwhile on many, many levels to do so. :-)  It builds that stronger relationship, like Sister C. said, and it also builds what I call a “911 relationship.” What I mean by that is that sometimes you need a particular Lwa’s help and you need it now. There can be thousands of reasons why.

[luke39] ?

[Mambo Sam] If you have that relationship already built, then bam, you can call them to your side if you need them immediately. But that is sort of a subject for a different night... We could spend a whole night just on that! Thank you, Sister C.!

[Sister Candelaria] You’re very welcome, MaMa!


[Mambo Sam] :-)  Mamakate, Joanne, then Luke. 

[mamakate] I did a GAW and am still working with the Black Mummy... I wracked my brain all week trying to come up with something and there was just nothing. I couldn’t think of anything... Having her hear our names, see things that remind her of us, etc. isn’t going to help and I just couldn’t come up with anything. Does this mean that there is nothing for the “trickster” in this type of spell?

[Mambo Sam] Not at all.... the “trick” wouldn’t have to involve you at all. The “trick” could be something that would “move” her. It doesn’t have to involve you in particular, it has to involve HER though.

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[mamakate] I was thinking along those lines but just couldn’t think of anything.

[Mambo Sam] Something that would make her think, “gee, I think I need to get away from here.” It could be scary without being dangerous. It could be another way, too — something so wonderful ....and so far away... that she just can’t get off her mind.

[mamakate] There’s really not a whole lot that scares this woman, she’s almost pure evil.

[Mambo Sam] I don’t remember who said it, but someone said, if you want to know what scares your enemy, use what they use to try to frighten you. So my point is, take yourself out of the equation. And if all else fails, tell Papa what you want to happen, for instance, her to go away... Tell him that you want him to do a trick on her, but you don’t know what’s best. And ask him to please take over for you.

Now, the only thing about that is, and this is not just for you, Mamakate, it is for everyone — don’t get lazy. TRY to come up with things. If you can’t, then and only then just hand it over to Papa.

[mamakate] Something so wonderful... might work; okay, I’ll take myself and the others here out of the equation and see if I can come up with something. And I’ll definitely talk to Papa, I’ll ask him. Thanks so much Mambo. 

[Mambo Sam] If you don’t keep trying, you won’t get good at this, and the point is for everyone here is to learn and get good at these things. ;-)

[mamakate] The something so wonderful part might work because she’s all about herself!

[Mambo Sam] See.... There you go! Just keep working at it!

[mamakate] Thanks Mambo!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Sunshine] comment


[Mambo Sam] Joanne, Luke, Simone, then Sunshine.

[Joanne1023] I wanted HD to see my name up on a store and then hear my name in a song on the radio. 

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so Joanne... Very good... and did you have a  specific result that you asked for?

[Joanne1023] I wanted HD to think of me. He has been away for about a month.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, good! Awesome, and that was a very good way to do it. Thank you.

[Joanne1023] Thank you, Mambo Sam!

[Mambo Sam] :-)


[Mambo Sam] Luke?

[luke39] Just wanted to chime in about the LWA and immediate responses... Well I have had several 911 deals in the last 2 days and I really feel like Papa has responded in a quick way. My HD was overreacting about something so I asked Papa to calm him down

[Mambo Sam] :-)  Perfect.

[ScarlettGirl] ?

[luke39] that is all for me.. Thanks



[Mambo Sam] Thank you... Simone?

[simonegreenewpp] I have a similar question to Mamakate, having a hard time formulating something. I was traveling and did some pondering during “waiting” times. I had a very sad reaction at the airport, since HD is long-distance and airports were always a part of it. I definitely had contact from Papa Legba, what with the door mutts and all. :-)  Anyway, I have a no-contact HD, so I was thinking in terms of him contacting me. So then I wondered what he might do that about... And that maybe he would have a question for me about travel or something... And I realized I did not even have to know the answer to the question, since the point is having contact.

[Mambo Sam] Simone, yes, exactly! :-)

[simonegreenewpp] I’m just not sure how much more I need to work on fine—tuning it?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so Simone, it isn’t so much perhaps that it needs fine tuning, but you can kind of “build” on the trick... I don’t know if that makes sense... it is like the difference between a small joke and a huge, elaborate practical joke.

[simonegreenewpp] I was coming up with keywords (for lack of a better word) but not fitting them together just yet.

[Mambo Sam] Just keep working at it... and keep doing it. Like I said, you can build on this — start out simple and work your way through it. :-)  Thank you!

[simonegreenewpp] Considering my case, why would he contact me (beyond his immense stubbornness) so maybe a question he thought only I could answer? Which would be a trick!

[Mambo Sam] Maybe.... But you don’t have to orchestrate the exact result. I mean, you don’t have to come up with why he contacts you. Simply that he is so overwhelmed with things/places/etc., that remind him of you that he does contact you. If you try to orchestrate the contract then you are restricting it. Leave it open. If you petition that he contacts you because there is a question he needs answered, then you are restricting it to him just contacting you for that and nothing else.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, got it, but the “trick” would be to push him past the stubborn nature.

[Mambo Sam] No, that would be the result of the trick. :-)

[simonegreenewpp] :-D

[Mambo Sam] ;-)  But seriously, do you see the difference? I think it is important for everyone to see the difference. :-)

[simonegreenewpp] I do see it, just that it seems he would need a push to get him past his resistance to contact me at all.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, that is the point of doing the trick. The trick pushes him past his stubbornness; not the trick is to push him past his stubbornness.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, so that’s where I leave it to Papa?

[Mambo Sam] No, you can ask for that to be the result of the trick. That he pushes past his stubbornness and contacts you. But you come up with the trick.

[simonegreenewpp] That’s just it, I can’t think of the trick that would work!

[Mambo Sam] You don’t have to think of whether or not the trick would work.... You are over thinking it, sweetie. Honestly, I think you are too intelligent for your own good! ;-)

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, there is that! :-P

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[Sister Candelaria] Um...

[Mambo Sam] Stop thinking about whether or not the trick will work. Stop thinking about HOW it will work. Think about what you want to do.... you have a fairly common real first name... If it pops up 20 times in one day and you ask that the end result is that your HD pushes past his stubbornness and contacts you — you have done the trick. ;-)  You can get more elaborate, but you have to start somewhere.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, I’ll give that a try. Thank you!

[Mambo Sam] And, honestly, I am just using your situation to help everyone else... so thank you!! 


[Mambo Sam] And before we get to Alilem and Scarlett, I wanted to just say there are many ways for someone to be reminded of you — 

your name in print, in song, in someone else’s conversation.... 

there are places,



things you shared...

remember to think in terms of all of your senses when wanting to overwhelm someone with thoughts of you.


[Sunshine] I have been trying for so very long to find out the Intruder’s name— so I finally told Papa that I was desperate and could not do it alone anymore— to help me..... I paused during my petition— and low and behold a name came to me... So I went on the search engine— Sorry computer goofed or me.. anyway I went on the search engine and the name was exactly what Papa had given to me. It checked out. My computer lines are running into each other— sorry I goofed above— anyway— the name that Papa gave me during my petition checked out completely with the search engine, to my surprise. 

[Mambo Sam] Sunshine.. That is awesome... and definitely information we can use! :-D  That is an outstanding example of working with Papa to bring information to you — using the whole idea of removing obstacles and opening the road. :-)  So that is great. Thank you!

[Sunshine] Thank you. And sorry I interjected out of turn.


[Joanne1023] comment

[Mambo Sam] Okay! So now, Alilem... sorry to make you wait (then Scarlett, then Joanne)

[alilem] Can Papa play tricks to help break up a marriage and return my HD?

[Mambo Sam] Alilem, are you already doing spell work on your case?

[alilem] How can Papa help break up a marriage. We were engaged, had a huge fight and he remarried 6 mos later. 

[Mambo Sam] Are you already doing spell work? Because doing these things we are talking about won’t take the place of doing regular spell work. :-)

[alilem] Yes and I am doing dual with you. I am on my last NOBM.

[Mambo Sam] Perfect. Yes, you can definitely use this technique to help things along. I promise I will get the transcripts up ASAP so that you can go back and read how we are doing this. But you can use these techniques actually a couple of ways in that case — on the wife, on him.

[alilem] I cannot contact him since he is living with her in anther state. It would be rude. 

[Mambo Sam] Oh of course. But it will make much more sense when you get the rest of it. :-)  That’s why we do magick — it helps us get in there when we can’t in the physical world... well, one of the reasons. But yes, definitely, this can help.

[alilem] So far I have not heard any news about his marriage. I am still in the wondering phase.

[Mambo Sam] We will be discussing this more next week, so once you have a chance to look at the transcripts, we can get back to some ideas of how it might help you. You are very early on in spell work actually. :-)  Thank you; we will be discussing all of this much more.

[alilem] Yes I am very new to this. This is my first chat session. Thank you. I hope to get a reading when all the spells are completed. Thank you

[Mambo Sam] :-)  You are welcome!


[Mambo Sam] Scarlett? Go ahead, please.

[ScarlettGirl] Well, I am brand BRAND new to all of this! In fact, as soon as we’re done here, I will begin my first spell kit.

[Mambo Sam] OH awesome!!!!

[ScarlettGirl] I’m very excited... and nervous...

[The3rdwish13] comment

[Mambo Sam] Well welcome to you both! And any other newbies! :-)  It’s okay... you have to start somewhere. :-)

[ScarlettGirl] I guess my main question is one that may be answered in the previous transcripts.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, no problem.

[ScarlettGirl] I’m just wondering about daily communication/interaction with the Lwa. I don’t want to say or do anything disrespectful!

[Mambo Sam] Oh, of course!

[ScarlettGirl] I don’t know if I can just start talking, or must it be in a ritual setting, or what?

[Mambo Sam] When you get a chance, do go back and look at some of the earlier transcripts, it is all well covered and in great detail. BUT...

[ScarlettGirl] I will do that!

[Mambo Sam] There are some protocols to follow. You can just start talking and they will listen and not be offended. But as you do your kit, you will see that you call on Papa Legba first and that is normal protocol.

[ScarlettGirl] Right. To open the gates, yes?

[Mambo Sam] But as you move along and develop more relationships (yes, right!) with more Lwa you will see that there are very easy ways to have those conversations. Right now, just the very idea that you are concerned about being disrespectful means that you would not be considered disrespectful.

[ScarlettGirl] Ah... good!

[Mambo Sam] Les Lois (the Lwa) are very aware of those who are new and just beginning their journey. :-)  I believe you are definitely on the right track! ;-)

[ScarlettGirl] Okay, that helps so much! Thanks, Mambo Sam!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Happy] ?


[Mambo Sam] Okay, Joanne, and my screen blanked out so I don’t know who is next after that, or if I missed anyone.

[Joanne1023] This is so funny! When my HD and me used to work together he used to hide and scare people at our job. He also did it to me. We used to laugh about it. That reminds me of Papa playing tricks on people.

[Mambo Sam] HAHAHAHAHAHA.... that’s great! Ooops, I think I missed 3rdwish, then Happy, I think.

[The3rdwish13] me me :-)

[Joanne1023] :-D  :-D

[Mambo Sam] And definitely that is a good thing to keep in mind, that your HD likes a good joke! :-)

[Joanne1023] :-D

[Mambo Sam] Sorry 3rdwish..... you’ve been gone so long I couldn’t believe it was you! :-)  Thanks, Joanne!

[Joanne1023] Your welcome?

[Mambo Sam] Did I miss anyone else up there?

[The3rdwish13] hahaha I knowwww!


[Mambo Sam] If I missed you, please put your hand up again, otherwise, 3rdwish, then Happy.

[The3rdwish13] I had to miss the last two classes (I miss you ALL by the way) But I want to share something that happened in the mean time. It might be off topic a little but it showed me how much all this is working and how much closer I am to Papa Alegba.

[Mambo Sam] Awesome!

[The3rdwish13] I have been writing with him, and talking to him, etc... I made a cup of coffee for me and one for him several times. A few days ago my 3-year-old asked me who was drinking the second cup, I said me... and he replied oh I thought it was for God like the other times!!!

[Mambo Sam] :-D  :-D  :-D  That’s beautiful!

[The3rdwish13] I know.....

[Mambo Sam] Thank you for sharing and welcome back!

[Joanne1023] My 9-year-old also asks who the coffee cup is for!

[The3rdwish13] Thank youuu 

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[The3rdwish13] I miss you soooo much!


[Mambo Sam] Happy?

[Happy] Well I was wondering about this trick because I do not think my HD normally would do this unless tricked. They are going to do carpentry work in his place and will need access to his place, as you know hd lives out of state mostly now. I want to know if Papa can trick him into needing me to let these people in and give me a key? That way he is relying on me.

[Mambo Sam] You can ask for that to be the result of the trick.

[Happy] interesting

[Mambo Sam] The trick is whatever you choose to have Papa manifest for you — that HD thinks of you because he sees your name everywhere, or hears songs that remind him of you and reminds him that you are right there where his place is and that he can trust you.

[Happy] Yes, maybe it would open up the lines more.

[Mambo Sam] Remember, keys are sacred to Papa and asking that the result of the trick be that HD gives you a KEY is a pretty powerful petition and result of the trick.

[Happy] I had another trick but thought it was petty. I was going to say every woman he is with he compares to me. :-D

[Mambo Sam] That’s a petition. ;-)  But not a trick.

[Happy] I know but he needs tricking

[Mambo Sam] That is the result of a trick.

[Happy] Thank you Mambo I love you so much

[Mambo Sam] You are looking to place a spiritual jack-in-the-box in front of him — something that just startles the hell out of him and makes him do what you are asking!

[Happy] Who, Mr. Stubborn?

[Mambo Sam] I mean if he saw three girls in the same day walking down the street who looked exactly like you — and yes Papa can do that — and you asked for the result to be that HD called and asked you to help him out — that is

A. The Trick.

B. The Result.

:-)  Love you, too!

[falconmb] comment


[Mambo Sam] Okay, so before we wrap it up and get to our prayers, are we clear on the difference between The Trick and The Result? Remember to think outside of the box.... don’t put your human restrictions on Papa Legba. Papa Legba can make three girls in a row look like YOU to your HD... not that he has to conjure up three girls that look like you for real — but he can trick your HD’s mind’s eye to believe that is what he saw, by the time he double takes, they are gone. ;-)


[Mambo Sam] Sorry, go ahead Falcon

[falconmb] That is ok. :-)

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[alilem] Comment

[Mambo Sam] Just go ahead with your comment when you are ready, then Alilem after you.

[falconmb] I just wanted to comment that Papa has done that for me, only it is with my vehicle. I have a brightly colored particular SUV that there aren’t many of in his area of town, and when I see him HD will comment how he keeps thinking he sees me all over! :-D

[Mambo Sam] :-D  There ya go! Lovely! Thank you!

[simonegreenewpp] comment

[falconmb] So I know he thinks of me, even though he is with an intruder. And I have to comment also that I asked Papa loudly in my head a few weeks ago “Are you listening to me?!?!?!”

[Mambo Sam] Did he answer? ;-)

[falconmb] Well, he showed me when I was looking at house models with friends. One of the houses had a room with butterflies all over it for a little girl and I laughed when I saw it and said, “Ok, I know you hear me.”

[Mambo Sam] Nice! :-)

[falconmb] And I couldn’t stop thanking him enough in my mind the whole rest of the day.

[Mambo Sam] Aw.... Wonderful. Thank you for sharing that!

[falconmb] You’re very welcome. And thank you so much for all you do! :-)

[Mambo Sam] Aw, you are welcome! 


[Mambo Sam] Alilem?

[alilem] Where can I find information on Mahmah Brigette? 

[Mambo Sam] Look in the transcripts — we have discussed her. :-)  And we will again! We have quite a bit of information in there.

[alilem] Thank you I will. It had been a pleasure tonight.

[Mambo Sam] Thank you! We will be wrapping up and doing prayers here in a moment. 

