Chat August 14, 2007


[Candelaria] Hi Everyone. Let’s give other folks a chance to show up and let us all get settled in.

[Candelaria] Stay tuned... Candi has (GASP!) Announcements!!

[Candelaria] Hi Everyone. First of all, I do have a few announcements...

[Candelaria] Mambo fully intended to be here tonight, but unfortunately she is unable to make it. Now, don’t worry, because she is feeling much better, but she was working on readings today to try to catch up and she over did it a little bit. She will be back very soon and good as new! Promise!! She sends all of us her love and thanks for all of the kind well-wishes! The lovely and vivacious Bridget will be happy to hold another question and answer session for you though. That’s announcement number one...

[Candelaria] I will be with Bridget, as well. Forgot that part.

[Candelaria] We will be happy to answer any questions you have about product usage and what have you...


[Candelaria] Announcement number two...

[Candelaria] We need to set a date for the ritual...

[Candelaria] We want to give Mambo plenty of time to be her Mambo-ing self (you should see the woman dance!), So we were thinking the first Saturday in September...

[ouanga_bottle] hand up?

[Candelaria] I think the date is September 1st.

[Candelaria] Mark it down, because it’s going to be good!! :-)

[Desiree’] hand up for me

[Candelaria] Oops

[Candelaria] Ouanga first

[Desiree’] I just agreed the date was fine

[ouanga_bottle] would it be possible to delay it a leeetle bit more? I am moving to my new house a few days before that and I need a bit of time to unpack

[Candelaria] Oh, ok. Good!!! 

[Destiny] ??

[simonegreenewpp] ??

[ouanga_bottle] but if not, that’s ok

[ally] hand up

[Candelaria] OK, let’s shoot for the week after. Which would be the 8th.

[Candelaria] Bridgey, sound good to you?

[ouanga_bottle] That would really be awesome, if that’s not a problem

[bridget] Mambo had said the ritual would be repeated, I think for those who couldn’t make it

[bridget] I do think the 1st is Labor Day weekend, tho

[Candelaria] OK, but it is also Labor Day weekend, so that might not be good. 

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, it is Labor day weekend.

[Candelaria] Yes

[Candelaria] OK, so it’s the 8th. Mark your calendars.

[Candelaria] Alright Destiny?

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks everyone!


[ally] I am sorry for asking such a question, is there any place I can find out about the ritual?

[Candelaria] Yes, ally, there are transcripts posted and the info is on the forum.

[Candelaria] Please everyone put your hand up if you want to ask a question.

[Destiny] Oh, ok, cool, thanks!

[Candelaria] We will call on you in order. :-)

[Destiny] ??

[Candelaria] Yes Destiny?

[Destiny] Is Mambo feeling okay, she is just resting her eyes? 

[Candelaria] Sorry, I mentioned it earlier. She is fine, just overdid it a little bit today. She is getting much better though. Just needs time to heal. She was on the computer a little too much today. She sends her love to everyone!

[Destiny] And we send ours. 

[Candelaria] I will certainly let her know! Thank you!!:


[Candelaria] OK, announcement number three...

[Candelaria] We are in the process of lining up some really, really cool speakers for this year’s Vodou Conference! As soon as we have confirmation, Mambo will post them on the conference page on the website! This is going to be awesome! I can’t wait!! It should be posted in the next week or two, so watch for it!

[Candelaria] Honestly, this is going to be such a good time!! I encourage everyone to come, if you can!

[Candelaria] OK, so I think that concludes the announcements for this evening. Any questions thus far?


[Candelaria] OK, so what I would really love to focus on this evening is product usage, since that’s what we get the most questions about. Of course we will answer anything else you have too. Bridget and I are here for you. Take a bow, Bridgey!!

[bridget] Hi All!

[bridget] Good to see you all here

[Candelaria] OK, any questions for us. Show of hands?

[simonegreenewpp] ??

[Candelaria] go ahead simone

[paperflwers] ??

[simonegreenewpp] I had a good system for telling my gris gris bags apart, but now I’ve got myself confused. Any way to tell between the MYLM and NOBM?

[ouanga_bottle] question

[bridget] I’m not sure there is — I know the ALTM has A LOT of lavender in it, and that makes that bag easy to tell apart

[bridget] You can send them to the office, if you want, and Mambo can tell them apart

[simonegreenewpp] They both feel about the same.

[bridget] But be sure to insure them :-)  Because they cant be replaced without recasting 

[simonegreenewpp] I may wait & bring them to the convention!

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, hopefully it won’t annoy the Lois if I mix them up. :-(

[bridget] otherwise, I would hold them both, and chant —one of them has to be right!

[simonegreenewpp] Ooooh, good plan! Thank you!

[bridget] Nope, they don’t get annoyed

[bridget] OK?

[ally] ??

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, thank you. 


[Candelaria] OK, paperflwers, then ouanga, then ally

[paperflwers] I am working on the deluxe castings and it seems as though hd is getting closer and closer to that darned intruder, they’re like glue, what’s up with that and how long is that going to last... it is very discouraging to watch and hard to stay positive

[Candelaria] OK, normally we ask during the chat sessions that you keep it kind of generic, but this does happen sometimes, so this might be good for others, as well...

[Candelaria] When you cast spells, many times the person you are trying to get away from your HD will seem to get closer to the very person you petitioned against. Why is that? Seems kind of backward, but actually it’s not...

[Candelaria] You see, sometimes, people have to get closer together to realize they don’t belong together. Think about it... if two people don’t see each other that much or only see each other casually, but then end things, they might feel like it’s unfinished between them and they will always wonder what might have happened with that other person...

[paperflwers] That’s reasonable 

[paperflwers] Thanks, this better than therapy

[Candelaria] Well, when you ask the lwa for help, they want to be sure that there is no doubt that in these people’s minds that they don’t belong together, so they will sometimes have them get closer so that they can see that they weren’t meant to be...

[Candelaria] Basically, the lwa use the best means possible to make a lasting result for you. In some cases, this is the best way for them to prove their point, so to speak. 

[Candelaria] Does that answer your question, Paper?

[paperflwers] Oh yes, thanks

[Candelaria] We try on the therapy part.

[Candelaria] You’re welcome.


[Candelaria] Ouanga?

[ouanga_bottle] This is about burning of petitions, but a twist. I’m curious if when we are disposing of a large amount of burned petitions/mementos/readings/letters/items (which I burned to fully release the energy from my work to the lwas/universe), is it best to bury them or dispose of them in a garbage can in a paper bag? And if I bury it, should I do that on my property or somewhere else?

[bridget] You shouldn’t ever bury anything on your property related to spellwork

[ouanga_bottle] Oops

[ouanga_bottle] Not even adjunct candles?

[bridget] You can dispose of them in any way that you dispose of other things. You can also release the ashes out into the wind as well. That is acceptable.

[paperflwers] ??

[bridget] Yes, nothing should be buried on your property — even candles.

[ouanga_bottle] Where would be the most appropriate place?

[paperflwers] Please forgive interruption but what if..... One did

[ouanga_bottle] Since this spanned multiple spells and adjunct work

[ouanga_bottle] And yeah, what if we did? Should we dig it up and bury it somewhere else?

[bridget] Anyplace off your property, at the base of a tree or any intersection is fine. If you have already done this, but didn’t know better — no worries — just don’t do it any more

[bridget] Because now you know better :-) 

[ouanga_bottle] heh

[ImaniGirl] ??

[ouanga_bottle] Paper bag would also be ok?

[ouanga_bottle] In trash can? Or something more ceremonial?

[bridget] No need to rebury stuff — just do differently from now on. 

[simonegreenewpp] Or you could move... :-D

[ouanga_bottle] Ahh haaaa, yes but technically this will still be my property also

[bridget] Paper bag in the trash is one of the acceptable disposal methods IF burial is not possible

[ouanga_bottle] Lovely, thanks so much

[bridget] But the simplest thing for ashes is to just release them to the wind

[bridget] No muss no fuss

[ouanga_bottle] Good to know

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks Bridgie


[Candelaria] OK, Ally, Paper (unless that was your question) and then Imanigirl

[paperflwers] All set

[ally] Can we use gris-gris bag when we are working on white candle or love doll? Do we chant the incantation during those sessions? How do we address or say our petition in each session? When we work on the candle, do we talk to the candle like we talk to the doll? When we meditate on the doll do we tell the doll what we see in our meditation?

[Candelaria] Cool, thanks

[Candelaria] OK, one question at a time.

[ally] Sorry

[Candelaria] As far as using the gris-gris bags and love doll with your candle work, there is a whole transcript on that very thing, which I think you should go back and read. I think it was the first two sessions we did. Lots of good stuff that I won’t go over again here. You can also simply lay your love doll and gris-gris bags in front of your candle as you work with it. You can hold one of your gris-gris bags, as you chant, as well. Just make sure you don’t mix work... for instance, make sure if you are doing a candle session for love, don’t use a gris-gris bag from the Leave My Man Alone spell. Alrightie, next...

[Candelaria] When you use your gris-gris bags during a candle session, you don’t use the chant that came with the bag. Just hold it in your hands, or place it before your candle and let it kind of absorb the energy from the work. :-) And...

[Candelaria] When you petition during candle sessions, there are many ways you can do it. You can talk to the spirit that has come to help you... tell them exactly what you want in plain language. Or, you can talk to your HD and tell that person exactly what you want from them, lay it all out for them. OR you can actually speak tell exactly what you want to happen, like it’s a movie and you are narrating the action. You can even do a combination of all three of these things.

[Candelaria] As far as meditating on your doll, when doing a love doll session, talk to your love doll as if you were talking to your HD. Keep it sweet and loving, ALWAYS, nothing negative! But you can just talk to your love doll and tell the doll what you want him/her to do. It’s really just that simple. Always be sure to speak out loud what you want, when doing any petitioning. Your met tet is the only lwa that can read your thoughts, so tell what you want to have happen.

[Candelaria] The love doll is also a tool that I feel anyone doing love work should have. It in fact becomes your HD. Just talk to the doll and say things like, “You want Ally all the time. You want to be with Ally, because Ally is your girl...” or something such. Make up your own words, but you get the idea.

[Candelaria] Did that answer all of it for you?

[ally] Yes. Thank you

[Candelaria] Awesome


[ally] Where can we find the script

[Candelaria] There is a post that Bridget did on the forum not too long ago with all of the links to the transcripts. Just do a search for Bridget’s name on the forum and it will come up. :-)

[bridget] Its in the files section as well

[Candelaria] Bridge, did you put it in the files section, too?

[Candelaria] Good!

[bridget] Look for the one called Tuesday night Chats

[bridget] Or something very much like that

[Candelaria] heehee


[bridget] Imani?

[ImaniGirl] First, Bridget, thanks SOO much for the reading and understanding:} My question is about the talisman given for a solo cast spell. Can I continue to use that after the casting is over for additional help? Most of what we talk about is love spells for our HD (which I went through and it worked great!!) But can you talk a little about possible adjunct work and Lois we should honor for money spells?

[bridget] Yes, you may continue to use your talisman for as long as your are working/waiting on your case

[bridget] You are very welcome for the reading

[bridget] For money spells — anything Green is very good. I REALLY like the green seven knob candles

[bridget] They are really wonderful — and if you get the 3 pack you get 21 knobs to wish on!

[bridget] They are really bringing about some great results!

[bridget] As far as Lwa

[bridget] The Big Money spell is Capitaine Agwe. Check the Lwa database to read about him, but he likes anything to do with the sea. Toy boats, things like that

[bridget] Just do NOT give him and seafood outside the spell. That is a no no

[bridget] Also, for long term money / luck issues, the cosmic voodoo money egg is WONDEFUKL

[bridget] Oops

[bridget] Wonderful, that should have been

(I think that’s a great new word! ;-> -SG)

[bridget] The eggs last FOREVER and get stronger the more you use them

[bridget] All you need to get to replace for them are candles (which you can get locally if you want) and the incense. The oils last forever

[ouanga_bottle] Question? About an above comment?

[bridget] So you can do A LOT of sessions for little money with the eggs (and helps keep the money in your pocket!

[bridget] How’s that Imani?

[bridget] :-) 

[ImaniGirl] Perfect, thank you Bridget you’re awesome

[bridget] you are welcome! Hang in there!


[Candelaria] OK Ouanga?

[ouanga_bottle] You said don’t give him and seafood outside the spell — do you mean do not offer him seafood when you’re not doing the big money spell? Why is that?

[ouanga_bottle] It’s a bit confusing because with Sirene, we’re told not to feed her seafood because they are her children, yet I could swear in mambo’s cookbook don’t you offer tuna to her in one of the rituals in the recipes?

[simonegreenewpp] ??

[Candelaria] Yes, don’t give Captain Agwe seafood, outside of the spell. During the spell you give him mini shrimp and that’s fine, to him, it’s like giving him his children back, and that work within the confines of the spell. However, normally this should not be done, because the creatures of the sea are in fact his children, so for normal service, do not give him seafood.

[Candelaria] It’s a bit like giving him um... children that have passed on, for lack of a better way to put it.

[ouanga_bottle] Heh heh. But what about the tuna offering? I swear tuna was the spiritual gift

[ouanga_bottle] For Sirene, in the cookbook

[Candelaria] There are circumstances, when in ritual you are instructed to give them seafood, but in normal service it’s a no-no! The same goes for La Sirene.

[ouanga_bottle] gotcha, ok so noted!

[ouanga_bottle] What do they like? I’ll check the files — sorry

[ouanga_bottle] And thanks!

[Candelaria] Anything to do with the sea. Agwe likes toy boats, shells, champagne... anything rich and opulent, is good for him, too. La Sirene likes things of the sea also, pretty shells, combs for her hair, sweets...

[simonegreenewpp] What about pearls or mother-of-pearl? I thought shells were ok, not sure where to draw the line...

[Candelaria] That’s OK. No worries. You can also give them both salt water, as an offering.

[Candelaria] I think pearls are fine, Simone. 

[Candelaria] Pearls are from their children, but not the children themselves. :-)

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, gotcha. Thank you!

[Candelaria] You’re welcome. Any time.


[Candelaria] OK, who was next?

[ally] ??

[bridget] OK ally, go ahead

[waitingforastar] ?

[ally] You mentioned not to use two different work together. Does that mean I can’t work on my love doll and white candle on the same time period?

[bridget] You mean at the same time? Or on the same day?

[ally] During different time on the same day

[bridget] You can use them in the same day — just leave 45 min between them, at least

[bridget] No prob doing them on the same day at all

[ally] Cool thanks a million

[ImaniGirl] ??

[bridget] :-0

[bridget] Ok, so now I’m emoticon challenged as well


[bridget] waitingforastar, then Imani

[waitingforastar] Her question ties into mine. Once on chat we discussed the use of combining red Mummy with white image candles, can you do the same with the red witch?

[Candelaria] Well, not really. It would not have the same purpose as what we discussed with the Red Mummy and the white candles. That is to open up love and communication, so the red witch, while a good product, would not be good for that. If you want to know if a red witch would be good to use in combo work for your case, that would be on a case by case basis, so e-mail your caseworker.

[luke42] ?

[Candelaria] Now, the Red Witch alone is one of my favorite products! Love that candle! It is a very good way to ask for help on just about any love situation, just on it’s own.

[Candelaria] Does that answer your question, Waiting?

[waitingforastar] Second part of my question. Then it is okay to have a white image burning doing the appropriate ritual first, and then start the love doll while it’s still going to help it get through with less blockage?

[Candelaria] The love doll can be used with white candle work for healing, and that was discussed in one of the first chats, so you might want to check the transcripts on that. :-)

[waitingforastar] Also, any special tips for using the Red Witch to it’s best advantage.?

[waitingforastar] I will do that, check the file I mean, thanks

[Candelaria] It’s actually a pretty straight forward product. You ask the red witch to help you with whatever you want. I find it works best when you take your petitions in baby steps. Don’t ask right off, “Make Johnny love me!” Ask instead, “Have Johnny initiate ore contact with me.” Then when he does that, ask for another step forward. That’s a good, general way to handle love candle work... baby steps.

[Candelaria] I love the red witch. I’ve always had great success with her and I recommend her quite a bit to my clients.

[Candelaria] Does that do it for ya?

[waitingforastar] Yes, that does, thank you so very much

[Candelaria] You’re welcome. 


[bridget] Imani, then Luke

[ImaniGirl] (Good to know about baby steps w/candles) Quick question, I have a self-improvement doll that I haven’t used in quite a few months because my life took a new direction. I know we’re supposed to use one doll for one purpose, but since its been so long, when I rebaptise it, can I adjust the purpose a bit?

[bridget] The doll is just for one purpose, so without saying what it is , is it still the same purpose? Just a bit more specific?

[ImaniGirl] Yeah exactly

[bridget] Yup, you can do that.

[ImaniGirl] Not going from make me rich to make me thin

[bridget] Can’t be too much of either!

[bridget] I really do think the self improvement doll is underused by folks!

[bridget] really, some of the best work we can do is on ourselves!

[Candelaria] AMEN!!

[ImaniGirl] Right! Thanks, I’ll let other people talk now

[bridget] I know, I have two , and even tho I only use them once or twice a week. I really do feel better after using them, knowing I have done something for MYSELF for a change!


[bridget] OK, I think Luke was next ....

[luke42] Sorry I realized my question is too specific to my case

[Candelaria] Can you water it down? If not, e-mail your caseworker. ;-)

[luke42] Well was just curious if an offering to Captain Agwe would help if HD is into all that stuff — sea, sailing, etc

[JamboJambo] Question

[Candelaria] Hmmmmm... well, that could mean that your HD is a child of Agwe, although I serve Agwe and I’m not the most sea-worthy Candi on the planet. However, any lwa can help you with anything, and while some are more prone to helping with certain things, that doesn’t mean that others should be discounted. If you are feeling drawn toward Capitain Agwe, that might his way to of telling you that he wants to help you with your HD, so give him some service and see what comes of it. It can’t hurt to ask him and he’s actually a nice guy! :-)

[luke42] Cool thanks

[Candelaria] You’re very, very welcome! 


[Candelaria] OK, Jambo?

[Candelaria] Right... did I miss anyone?

[JamboJambo] I know the rule of thumb is to finish all the work started but if I’ve hit a low and don’t feel I can do any work in a positive frame of mind, is it okay to leave a lapse between something like the Mind, Body, Soul candles until I’m in a better frame of mind? How long can I go between finishing one candle and going on to the next?

[bridget] No, I don’t think so — candi

[bridget] There is no written time frame for between candles — but for sure if you are feeling crummy, you should just put them on *hold* for a bit till you are feeling better

[JamboJambo] Thanks

[ally] ??

[bridget] Give yourself permission to take care of yourself and recharge your batteries!

[bridget] Ok — ally?

[ally] I am in the same situation as Jambo... I worked on my candles on and off

[Candelaria] OK

[ally] Are we suppose not to have lags between candles? Is one or two days lagging okay

[Candelaria] No, not necessarily. The candles are meant to be done as you feel them, and don’t need to be done for days in a row. Of course, you can get momentum with them if you do them on a frequent basis, but you certainly should not work on them if you are not feeling up to it and there is nothing wrong with taking breaks from candle work. So, only do them if you feel it. Now, skipping one or two days in between is certainly fine, as well, and I really don’t consider that to be taking a break between. They don’t have to done every day. 

[Candelaria] Cool?

[ally] Yes, thanks

[Candelaria] You’re very welcome. My pleasure.

[Candelaria] Alrightie folks. I’m flickering the lights. Last call. One more call for questions.

[Candelaria] Anyone?

[Candelaria] Bridgey any final words?


[waitingforastar] I have one ?

[Candelaria] OK waiting

[waitingforastar] When you put a charm in the sun for 3 hours, does it have to be outdoors or can it be inside say, on a windowsill or something where’s there’s bright sun hitting?

[bridget] The best choice, of course, would be outside in direct sunlight. But do the best you can — a lot of folks don’t have that much sun

[bridget] So just do the best you can

[bridget] Anyone else???

[Candelaria] OK, then...

[waitingforastar] I see, I have the sun, just know a forum friend who put hers outside and it disappeared

[waitingforastar] Thank you Bridget

[Candelaria] As Bridget said, do the best you can. Just put it someplace where you can watch it.


[bridget] Last call, all.

[bridget] OK, then

[bridget] Thank you all for coming!!!

[Candelaria] We want to thank everyone for coming tonight.

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks you guys, you rock!

[ally] Thank you

[Candelaria] Don’t forget the ritual on September 8th.

[waitingforastar] Thank you both for answering our questions

[Candelaria] You’re welcome.

[simonegreenewpp] Thank you very much for your knowledge and attention! :-)

[bridget] Night all! 

[Destiny] Thank you so much!

[Candelaria] You’re very welcome, my dear! Any time!!

[Candelaria] Night everyone!!!

[waitingforastar] Good night and xoxo and squishes

[Destiny] Good night. Love you guys!

[Candelaria] don’t forget to sign up for the conference!!

[waitingforastar] Good night all, xox

[Candelaria] Simone Sugar, let me know when you get what you need.


[Candelaria] Phantodrac, you’re so quiet my dear. Just wanted to say Hi. ;-)

[phantodrac] Hey!

[Candelaria] heehee

[simonegreenewpp] Hi Phantodrac!

[phantodrac] My hd is talking to me!!!

[phantodrac] Right now!!!!

[phantodrac] :)))))

[Candelaria] Then my all means, go and talk to your HD!!!

[phantodrac] *hug*

[Candelaria] YEAH!!!!

[phantodrac] Have a good one!

[Candelaria] Hugs, back to you, Angel! 

[simonegreenewpp] Squee!

[Candelaria] You, too!

[Candelaria] heehee


[simonegreenewpp] Ok, I’m off. I have to work on my tap dance dress for the convention...

[Candelaria] What color are you going with?

[simonegreenewpp] I was going to ask you!

[Candelaria] Well, I think I will go with blue and you could wear your signature color green. How is that?

[simonegreenewpp] Green, with little leaf-shaped Czech crystals.

[Candelaria] Stunning!!

[Candelaria] :-)

[waitingforastar] If you two dance I will pay someone to video tape it for me — lol 

[Candelaria] Nope, you have to come to the conference no video cameras allowed.

[Candelaria] OK, I’m gonna shut ‘er down now.

[simonegreenewpp] Now I just need the shoes and the lessons... 

[waitingforastar] Drats

[Candelaria] Lessons? What are lessons?

[Candelaria] Alright, good night all. 

[simonegreenewpp] Good night!


© copyright, 2007, Samantha and Matthew Corfield