Chat July 23, 2008


[Sister Candelaria] Everyone is being so quiet. heehee

[sister bridget] Hi Everyone ;-) 

[Sister Candelaria] Are we sure these are our clients? 

[falconmb] Hello

[simonegreenewpp] We fear the pointy stick...

[sister bridget] Maybe they are finishing their homework! hee hee

[Sunny] Hello, this is my first time on here.

[mamakate] Hi Sister B, Sister C and everyone!!

[Sister Candelaria] Yes, well, I do have it next to me. 

[sister bridget] Hi Sunny! Welcome

[Sister Candelaria] heehee. Hi MamaKate. Hi Sunny, Welcome!

[sister bridget] Be sure to review the chat guidelines ;-) 

[Sister Candelaria] That’s a good reminder for everyone. :-)

[Sunny] Hi, I read them. Thanks! Glad to be here

[sister bridget] They are right on the top of the screen when you logged on!

[she-wolf] That means put your hand up or you’ll get the pointy stick!

[sister bridget] Thank you ;-)

[Sunny] Hand up

[sister bridget] Very good , Sunny ;-)  Yes?

[Sunny] I did read that. I got in trouble for that at school too.

[Sister Candelaria] But look how much you’ve learned. :-) 

[Sunny] :-D

[ouanga_bottle] hand up

[sister bridget] Well, its not to get folks in trouble, it’s to keep things orderly so we can all learn.

[Aleck] : )

[Sister Candelaria] Yes Ouanga?

[ouanga_bottle] ha haaaa Actually I’m scared witless of the storm outside, it’s wicked! (Good to see all of you!)

[Aleck] Had to get things set up.

[ouanga_bottle] Torrential, even.

[simonegreenewpp] You have a storm too?

[Aleck] Is that Cristobol, Ouanga?

[ouanga_bottle] I think the wicked witch is on her way

[Sister Candelaria] Well, if anyone has to leave because of the weather, do so. I think there are storms all over. We will understand.

[Happy] Are storms Ogoun? Sorry no hand up — please accept apology

[sister bridget] No, Happy

[sister bridget] Sorry — its not Ogoun

[ouanga_bottle] ha ha snort (I am not Ogoun)

[sister bridget] It’s a cold weather front and a warm weather front ;-) 

[ouanga_bottle] I wish

[Happy] Ouanga — I know you are not Ogoun

[ouanga_bottle] xoxoxoxo

[sister bridget] OK, so its time to start gang?

[Happy] :-D


[sister bridget] Remember — Hands up please

[Sister Candelaria] So who did the homework? Anyone? I’m getting crickets. Nothing but crickets...

[vodoukat02] I did

[mamakate] comment

[sister bridget] Excellent!

[luke39] You mean the writing exercise? 

[Aleck] I did my homework

[Sister Candelaria] Awesome Vodoukat. Anyone else? Jump right in. Even if you tried it. 

[jweb1234] I did

[ouanga_bottle] I actually did a service over the weekend, but don’t have copy of petition on this laptop!

[Sister Candelaria] Yes, Luke the writing exercise to use Legba’s help with writing your petitions.

[Aleck] Dammit!

[luke39] Ok. yep, did it

[PATRICKinCALI] I tried it as well (sorry was away from computer!)

[Sister Candelaria] Awesome Patrick!

[sister bridget] OK— we have Vodoukat, Aleck and Jweb

[Sister Candelaria] Trying counts folks! Trying is sorta the point. ;-)

[sister bridget] and Luke

[simonegreenewpp] Sorta tried. Fell asleep. :-(


[sister bridget] OK Vodoukat, lets start with you ;-) 

[Sunny] hands up

[sister bridget] Care to share what you came up with?

[vodoukat02] My hand felt light as a feather and kinda shaky. My old petition dealt with a lot of feelings, but this one is very different.

[sister bridget] Very cool! Can you share a bit of it ? Only if you are comfortable ;-) 

[Sunshine] Comment

[Sister Candelaria] Vodoukat? You still there, honey?

[sister bridget] Vodoukat? While we are waiting — Sunshine did you have a comment? Oh, and Sunny, too — I’m sorry

[Sunshine] Also felt similar to Vodoukat, very weak following but then felt such a cleansing— however, feel it’s too personal to share— sorry.


[Sunny] That’s ok. What is this homework that you are talking about?

[Sister Candelaria] That’s OK. 


[vodoukat02] HD, what are you waiting for? Call Kat. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Kat still loves you. HD, you know you can do it. Let the love you have for Kat drive you forward instead of a stalemate. HD, you must move forward with Kat. HD, if you don’t act now, you will forever regret it. HD the only woman for you is Kat. HD do not wait. You waited long enough. Now is the time to act upon your love for Kat. You and Kat have waited so long for this. What are you waiting for? Act now. There’s no better time to act on this than now. Move in with Kat. (This was a new one for me..... lol) You know you want her to be yours alone. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Kat will be there for you with love and understanding. Kat doesn’t care about money. Kat loves you HD. HD, you wanted this so quit waiting and act now. HD, no matter the circumstance, act now. You have waited long enough. Everyone else is happy except for you. Go ahead, it’s your turn. 

Sorry, had to edit

[sister bridget] Awesome!

[Sister Candelaria] OK, so this is with Legba’s help? Very good!!

[vodoukat02] yes

[Sister Candelaria] OK, do you want to share what it was before? I would love to see the difference.

[vodoukat02] No, too long, but it dealt a lot about my personal feelings instead of his.

[Sister Candelaria] OK, that’s good. We don’t need to know the whole thing. So how do you feel about this one?

[vodoukat02] I have not practiced a lot of the automatic writing I haven’t had the chance to use it yet and then I was thinking on trying again with Papa

[Sister Candelaria] That’s OK. It’s one of those things that you can go in and practice whenever. 

[she-wolf] Comment

[Sister Candelaria] Does it sound more like what your HD would say?

[Sunny] hands up

[Sister Candelaria] More like his manner? Hang on folks. We will get to you.

[vodoukat02] kinda yes

[Sister Candelaria] OK, well, why don’t you give it a try this week and then next week you can tell us how it went. If you felt a difference between this one and your own words. OK?

[vodoukat02] sure

[Sister Candelaria] Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing.

[vodoukat02] thank you


[sister bridget] Just in case anyone missed what the homework was, we did some chatting about Legba and Mambo Sam gave an assignment:

Rewrite a petition that you have been working with for awhile, using the method described above. Share both the old and new “Papa-ized” petition with the class next week (7/23/2008). (Please remove any identifying information from the petition such as full names, etc.) Share with us your experience in working with Papa to write the new petition.

Here is the link:


Ok, so we had some questions — Patrick dear?

[PATRICKinCALI] My petitions are normally flowery, litanies. After doing this with Papa’s help, it was VERY direct, concise, straightforward. Almost demanding.

[ouanga_bottle] hand up

[PATRICKinCALI] And much briefer than my usual.

[Sister Candelaria] That’s good! That means it wasn’t you but it was Papa! Very good!

[PATRICKinCALI] Almost like it was “distilled”

[Sister Candelaria] I think Aleck is next and then we will have you share. :-D  Distilled is our friend! 

[Sunshine] comment

[PATRICKinCALI] It came out very fast.

[Sister Candelaria] Cool! 

[PATRICKinCALI] No BS, strictly business.


[Aleck] Ok, is it my turn?

[PATRICKinCALI] I’m done Aleck!

[Sister Candelaria] Hang on Aleck, we had some comments. 

[Aleck] Sorry, I can’t stop trying to rewrite everything.

[Sister Candelaria] Who was next Bridgey? Just comments?

[Aleck] Ok, just let me know. : )

[Sister Candelaria] We will. :-)

[sister bridget] Comments from Shewolf, then Sunny and Ouanga — just comments please. If you want to share then we will put you on the list to share. OK?

[she-wolf] I didn’t try writing things down yet (although I’m going to be trying that this week, when I have more time)… I was getting messages from Papa while I was working my GGBs and Love Doll. I would pause and wait for his guidance – he put the words in my head in simple phrases – then repeated what he’d told me to say.

[Sunny] k

[sister bridget] Cool.

[Sister Candelaria] That’s very good she-wolf! Making that contact is so important! You can share next week, too if you are ready. We would love to hear it.

[she-wolf] Really, it was just more repetitive than my rambling originals.

[Sister Candelaria] OK, well that can happen sometimes. Sometimes a point needs to be driven home. :-)  Just go with it and see what happens. ;-) 

[she-wolf] Especially when you’re working on a MAN’s brain! :-P

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[vodoukat02] :-P

[Sister Candelaria] I’m not saying a word! :-D


[Sister Candelaria] OK, Sunny? Did you have a comment?

[Sunny] Well I was so lost there. I think that I’m starting to figure out what you are talking about here. If I click on that link for the class will that tell me more?

[Sister Candelaria] Well, it’s your first class, so it might take a little bit to get up to speed. You can check out the link. Yes, that is where the lesson is. OK?

[Sunny] Great! Can I do that at anytime or just on Wed?

[Sister Candelaria] You can do it anytime.

[sister bridget] Anytime ;-) 

[Sister Candelaria] :-)

[Sunny] Thanks


[Sister Candelaria] OK, Ouanga? Comment only?

[ouanga_bottle] I think? I also felt Papa helped me to be very succinct. It was one of the shorter sessions I’ve ever had. Got right to the point. Put my needs out there, made my case, it was very matter of fact. The thing I petitioning for does not involve a person at this point, it’s more in the hands of the financial markets at this point. (For those of you who remember, the house I bought from my ex, well... the mortgage company just got seized by the feds, OMG. What will happen next???? Continuing saga...). So I did a quick service, and Papa brought me straight to the point, and I was direct right back. In and out. The end. :-)

[vodoukat02] thank you

[Sister Candelaria] OK, that’s very good. 

[Sister Candelaria] Shorter probably means that was Papa, since I know you tend to be a bit long-winded.

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[ouanga_bottle] snort..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Sister Candelaria] Couldn’t resist hon. :-)

[ouanga_bottle] love you

[Sister Candelaria] Love you, too.


[sister bridget] OK, Aleck — go ahead please

[Aleck] My old petitioning was stream of conscious, whatever came to me is what I would say. So, for this exercise, I actually wrote down what was coming to me. After I started, it just flew from me onto the paper. My hand was moving like granny on the freeway in comparison with my mind. I have tried my best to “change the names to protect the innocent”, but it became very case sensitive and personal. When I tried to type it out, I just couldn’t stop rewriting it. So, this is what I have:

When I started this exercise, I started with the Love Doll and the question, what do you want to accomplish with it? So, that is how I started. I want to use this to let HD know that I still truly love her. It is time to let go of the past. Things are different now that she has been actively working on overcoming her addiction. In that, with this accomplishment, she should feel proud, and good about herself. I want her to use that energy and outlook to be able to say that , “I don’t care what anyone says, I love Aleck. Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell. Together, we have everything to make each other happy, and we both deserve to be happy.”

I want her to tap into the strength that is within her because of her accomplishments to continue to make progress in her recovery. And once she feels more comfortable with taking the next big step, that she will use that strength to continue to better her life. I want her to remember the feelings that we shared, and work her way back to the point that we can not only share those feelings again, but share them for the rest of our lives.

There was much much more, but I can’t stop trying to rewrite it as I type it, and like I said, it is very personal. But, the great thing was that the words that I came up were way more to the point than what I had been using. The were very case specific, and not what I had been focusing on in the past.

[sister bridget] Very Good!

[Aleck] TY! I really wish I could share more.

[sister bridget] And I am sure Papa will be with you helping you make your revisions and more succinct and such. You did a great job!

[Aleck] Thank you! I truly can not type what I wrote.

[sister bridget] That’s fine — that was in the instructions, to leave out the really personal and identifiable parts. We understand. ;-)

[Aleck] Thanks! It truly did get way deeper that I had been going with my petitions in the past.

[sister bridget] And you set the intent to write a petition — which helps — rather than stream of consciousness, OK I’m done now ;-)


[Sister Candelaria] OK, good work! Jweb, Luke and then Patrick. So Jweb you are up! Ready?

[jweb1234] My initial one was about opening his heart and realizing we were meant to be together, removing all obstacles and having us love each other and only each other forever. A little flowery. The one after the writing was more about forgiveness — one of the parts was I forgive your trespasses and ask forgiveness for my own. He broke up with me on my birthday saying he needed to find himself so I don’t know if it is sign that he is afraid to contact me due to his fear that I will not be open to it. I had not even thought about that just that we needed to open up and find each other again.

[Sister Candelaria] OK, so you made a new discovery then, right? Jweb?

[jweb1234] Yes, I had not even thought that he felt bad about it. I did not feel it needed forgiveness, just openness.

[Sister Candelaria] But does that sorta jive with you? I mean, it sounds to me like it fits.

[jweb1234] I guess I understood what he was going through at the time but now that it came out it makes sense.

[Sister Candelaria] That’s another thing Les Lois are very good at, btw, they are good at revealing things to you. If you just open up to them, they can show you things, you never thought of before, that can help. Papa is very good at that, as it opens roads!! ;-)

[jweb1234] It changed my approach — turned it from him to us.

[Sister Candelaria] Right! Awesome work, Jweb! Let us know how it works the more you use it. And for everyone, you can always go back and try it again, to change things up or get more guidance from Legba.

[jweb1234] We needed to open up — not just him.

[Sister Candelaria] RIGHT! So important to see it from their point of view!

[sister bridget] Yes, keep trying and refining

[Sister Candelaria] So you felt good about it, Jweb? Sounds like a great change to me!!!

[sister bridget] Like rewriting a script or a book ;-)

[jweb1234] I plan to — hoping for the perfect words to turn it all around for us both. It also made me see the situation in another light — one I could address instead of maybe just hopeful feelings.

[Sister Candelaria] Awesome!! Good work!! 


[Sister Candelaria] OK, Luke? Ready Freddie?

[luke39] Well I have say that Alegba has really come through for me, I believe. My problem was twofold — trying to get through to those who can hire me and trying to get through to HD. I did the stream of consciousness writing as Mambo suggested and just starting writing my feelings. I lit a candle and kept asking Papa to help me. And kept writing. After about a page or so, I hit upon something that I thought would appeal to HD... i.e., valuing me like he values his customers (he is salesman) and things along that line. Tried to think of different phrases and kept asking Papa to give me inspiration. I feel like something worked, because HD called me on Friday. And the really strange thing is I could tell HD was really wanting me to talk to him and tell him things! On the job front, I think Papa has helped in getting through to the decision makers... I have an interview tomorrow that I feel really positive about! I have kept Papa’s veve out on my coffee table and asked him every day to give me the right words. 

[sister bridget] Wow!

[Sister Candelaria] AWESOME!!!

[Aleck] Excellent!

[sister bridget] Sounds like you got some really good guidance there.

[luke39] As Bridget well knows... Communication has always been a big deal between HD and me

[sister bridget] Yes, and I think if you keep at this, it will really help!

[luke39] Yeah, I really feel different about it this time... Like we will continue to talk on regular basis

[sister bridget] Awesome! It’s a great job — how does this feel compared to earlier petitions?

[luke39] I tried not to concentrate so much on feelings as to facts, and maybe used more business language.

[sister bridget] And you are reading my mind — or did Sister give you my part of the brain tonight?

[luke39] :-D

[sister bridget] cool! That is the language of a salesperson!

[Sister Candelaria] I dropped it. I think Luke might have picked it up! :-D

[sister bridget] Well, dust it off please. I hate meningitis.

[luke39] Plus I did say for him to stop running, something I have never used before.

[Sister Candelaria] :-D  WOW! Very Good!!

[sister bridget] Wow — well, keep at it, in just a short time, you have had some significant results.

[luke39] thanks

[sister bridget] Very very good. OK I’M DONE, Sister!


[Sister Candelaria] Thank you, my dearest Sister. Patrick my love?

[PATRICKinCALI] Do you think that we are meant to learn through this that short and direct is better petitioning?

[Sister Candelaria] I think that depends on what your HD responds to. Let me explain... What we are trying to do here is ask Legba to give us the language that will speak to our HDs, so... it seems that a lot of the HDs are men, so direct is probably going to be a theme here tonight, but it really does depend on your HD.

[luke39] comment

[Sister Candelaria] That is what our goal is, is to find the language, through Papa Legba that your HD will understand the best. Make sense?

[Sunny] question

[Sister Candelaria] Patrick? 

[PATRICKinCALI] OK, gotcha!

[Aleck] ?

[Sister Candelaria] OK, cool. Let me take these comments and then we will let you share, Patrick. OK?

[PATRICKinCALI] Yes, I get it! :-)


[sister bridget] Luke, comment?

[luke39] I was just going to add that I continually ask Papa to talk to HD in language of his soul, Mambo kept emphasizing that so I kept asking Papa for it.. It seems paramount.

[sister bridget] And it seems to be helping!


[sister bridget] Sunny? Did you have a comment?

[Sunny] Ok, how do I ask Papa to help me with this?

[sister bridget] Ok, that is in the lesson we did last week

[Sunny] Is that going to be described in the lesson, because I can just read it there if it is.

[sister bridget] You can get that info by clicking on the link we gave you ;-) 

[Sunny] Great

[she-wolf] Comment


[sister bridget] Ok, Aleck, comment?

[Aleck] I was just thinking about using this with the rosaries! It really seems like it would be very beneficial in using this information while using them. Start off asking Papa help us petition to the other Lwa, and translate our words to best connect with the Lwa we are praying to. For whatever we are petitioning for. To the other Lwa

[sister bridget] I’m not sure this applies to the rosaries or the Lwa. They do for sure know what is in our hearts . Our HDs sometimes, well, not so much. The Lwa are not human— they all speak all languages. It’s the human ego, that barrier, we are trying to break through. Make sense then?

[Aleck] Yes. I see what you are saying.

[Sister Candelaria] :-)

[sister bridget] Good!

[Aleck] The Lwa don’t need a translator.  : )

[sister bridget] Nope, they don’t!


[sister bridget] Shewolf, comment?

[she-wolf] I can actually share this week, if you’d like, after the others. I just typed up what Legba had been telling me the past few nights.

[Sister Candelaria] OK, honey, we will add you. Thank you so much! And did we miss any comments before Patrick shares? ;-) OK, Patrick, the floor is yours.

[PATRICKinCALI] Oh no! I’m fine here! Nothing to share, just had that last question is all! :-)

[Sister Candelaria] OK, great! Did you want to say anything more about your experience thus far? I know you aren’t done yet. If not, it’s cool.

[PATRICKinCALI] My petition was for getting rid of someone, so I’ll just keep that to myself!

[Sister Candelaria] Awesome! :-D

[sister bridget] Okie then!


[Sister Candelaria] Sorry, folks, I’m familiar with Patrick’s case, so I had to chuckle a bit. :-D

[PATRICKinCALI] I’m nice, really I am!

[sister bridget] ;-) 

[Sister Candelaria] Sure you are. :-D

[sister bridget] With support!

[Sister Candelaria] OK, Sister Bridgey, who is next to share?

[Happy] :-D


[Sister Candelaria] Bridgey?


[Sister Candelaria] Ok, She-Wolf. You are all over this. Go ahead. ;-)

[sister bridget] sorry, I was refilling my glass

[Aleck] :-)

[she-wolf] Ok, originally I just spoke my mind, going with whatever concepts were weighing most heavily at the time… at times I tended to skip around, or ramble, or sound too pleading. When I quieted my mind and waited for Legba’s guidance, though, things became more declarative…

“[HD], I, [my name], love you, and you love me. It is time to admit these feelings to yourself and the world; there is nothing wrong with the way you feel. Embrace these emotions; they will lead you to happiness and fulfillment. Do not be afraid to act upon these feelings. Do not be afraid to make the changes in your life that will allow you to be with me. I will not desert you in times of trouble. I will stand by your side, proud and strong; I will lend you courage and strength in bad times, and I will share your joy and cheer for you in good times. I have sent powerful helpers to lend you strength and lead you to me. Allow them to bring us together. I will love you truly, honestly, and completely, and you will never regret making the bold choice to be with me. I will satisfy your heart, mind, body, and soul.”

[Sister Candelaria] Really good work!

[Aleck] Wow! That is terrific!!!

[sister bridget] Much more direct and declarative. Very good!

[Sunny] that was really good

[PATRICKinCALI] just beautiful

[she-wolf] I also asked Legba to carry my words to HD’s Higher Self in the language of his soul. I do that every time I work the Love Doll now. My HD is a bit of a wordsmith, so the kind of poetic nature DOES seem to suit him.

[Sister Candelaria] OK, then that’s great!!! As I said, this is all about speaking the language of your HD. And that seems to be his. How do you feel about it? 

[she-wolf] I feel really confident about it.

[sister bridget] great!

[she-wolf] Papa seemed to be giving it to me line by line.

[sister bridget] Very cool connection!

[Sister Candelaria] Good stuff!! 

[sister bridget] Good for you!

[Sister Candelaria] Awesome!!!


[sister bridget] So, we have a few more minutes, anyone else, or any questions about the assignment


[sister bridget] crickets, sister, crickets

[Sister Candelaria] Hmmmm

[sister bridget] yes! Patrick!

[Sister Candelaria] Patrick

[Happy] That’s my weather bug going off

[PATRICKinCALI] Should we be burning these petitions? The written page?

... crickets... :-)

[Sister Candelaria] Silly Patrick! :-D

[sister bridget] Happy if you have to go, that’s fine, be safe.

[Sister Candelaria] Yes, they have to be sent. Remember that Burning a petition is like sending an e-mail to Les Lois.

[sister bridget] no one likes a smart a**, Patrick ;-) 

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[sister bridget] hee hee

[PATRICKinCALI] I thought Mambo said something like that a while ago.

[Happy] :-D  Love to everyone see you next week. 

[PATRICKinCALI] Just checking.

[Sister Candelaria] Yep, you are right on the money, my dear! :-)


[sister bridget] ok, Simone, bead goddess!

[Sister Candelaria] OH, MIGHTY BEAD GODDESS!

[Sister Candelaria] What was your question?

[simonegreenewpp] :-) But we can save the original and write one to burn, right?

[luke39] ?

[Sister Candelaria] Yes, if your intention is to save it to use for reference. But eventually you should burn it. OK?

[simonegreenewpp] If we want to use it a couple of times and have a poor memory? :-)

[sister bridget] Well, then ask for more guidance — maybe things changed! 

[simonegreenewpp] Ok. After a few times maybe I would remember it... Thank you!

[Sister Candelaria] Yes, that’s fine, but burn it eventually, so you release it. (Hope you don’t mind the bead goddess comments. We love your beaded ways!)

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[Aleck] :-)

[sister bridget] She is the Goddess, she taught me to bead while I was rather, um, drinking

[simonegreenewpp] Anyone need beads? I need $... 

[Aleck] Hahahaa!

[Sister Candelaria] BTW, teaching anything to Sister Bridgey while she’s drinking is a major FEAT! :-D

[sister bridget] Yup, needle, thread, alcohol,. high altitide... All bad for coordination!

[Sister Candelaria] Equals a happy Sister Bridget!

[simonegreenewpp] Then you don’t feel it when you sew your fingers together...


[Sister Candelaria] OK, Luke, shoot!

[luke39] does it matter what kind of paper we use? 

[Sister Candelaria] Parchment is best, but paper is paper at this point. So use what you have.

[luke39] cool

[she-wolf] Comment

[sister bridget] It’s the burning and releasing that is important

[simonegreenewpp] comment


[sister bridget] OK she wolf, comment

[she-wolf] Kind of a non sequitur, but… anyone else here have experiences with Papa’s sense of humor? He messes with my iPod sometimes. I always have it on random shuffle. I was driving home from a friend’s house last night… I was talking to Papa a little and thinking about some brown candle work I’m planning to do on the intruder, and an old Blondie song came on… called “Just Go Away”.


[mamakate] :-D

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[Aleck] <— I have had electronic issues.

[she-wolf] A few minutes later, I got stuck in traffic, so I took out the NOBM GGB and prepared to chant. As I was reaching for the volume knob to turn down the car stereo, ANOTHER song from the same Blondie album came on: “One Way Or Another” (“…I’m gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha…”)!!!lol 

[sister bridget]Yup, quite the trickster!

[simonegreenewpp] He stole my luggage at the Lave Tet.

[Aleck] Hahahaha!

[vodoukat02] lmfao

[Aleck] Love it!!


[Sister Candelaria] Well, I won’t go into too much detail, but Papa knew that Sister and I would be conducting class tonight and he was messing with my laptop at work and with my cell phone. I had to tell him I knew it was him and I appreciated it. Patrick knows what Papa can do.

[luke39] I have weird things pop all time in apt like TV, computer, or whatever, sometimes I worry if it isn’t him!

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[mandee21] Papa has been getting me up at 2 am telling me to do a LD session. And the other night, I knew it was him because all these dogs started to show up in my dream


[PATRICKinCALI] I sure do! I was speechless! :-)

[Sister Candelaria] Patrick, Hate to put you on the spot, but want to share that with everyone?

[PATRICKinCALI] You are a faster typist! :-)

[sister bridget] Yes, but .....

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[PATRICKinCALI] Please do!

[Sister Candelaria] Go ahead, Patrick. Type it in segments.

[PATRICKinCALI] Well, Sr Candi and I live near one another. So I went to her place for her to bless a few things. So mid way thru, we took a break, and Sr set her head scarf on the table. When we came back, it was gone, so she went to get another one. I suddenly notice this bulge in my front pocket

No! Not that! 

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[simonegreenewpp] snort

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[PATRICKinCALI] It was her scarf!!!

[sister bridget] DOH!

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[PATRICKinCALI] I was shelled for the evening

[Sister Candelaria] Patrick and I are JUST FRIENDS!!!


[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[PATRICKinCALI] I can’t explain how that happened, but it was VERY moving

[luke39] why do you think it happened?

[vodoukat02] :-D

[Sister Candelaria] ok, SO to finish, Patrick found my head scarf in his pocket. I have to use a head scarf, as an initiate, and I needed it and we had been talking about Papa all evening and his cane was near us while we consecrated his items. So, Papa Wanted us to know he was there.

[PATRICKinCALI] That has stayed with me to this day, I am not one who gets many signs or manifestations

[Sister Candelaria] Was that too convoluted? :-D

[sister bridget] Thank you for relaying that , you two!

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[she-wolf] That is too kewl... and too funny!

[sister bridget] awesome!

[PATRICKinCALI] I told you Sr C she have told it!

[Sister Candelaria] I was in the bedroom looking for another scarf when Patrick said, “I found it!” and it was in his pocket. :-D  No worries you did great dear.

[simonegreenewpp] comment


[sister bridget] OK, anyone else? It’s getting late on the east coast

[vodoukat02] That is great

[sister bridget] We have jujuing to do! hee hee

[Sunny] I have to get going. Thank you very much for putting up with my questions tonight. I’m going to check out the lesson!

[sister bridget] Night Sunny, no problem

[vodoukat02] bye sunny

[Sister Candelaria] Papa knows all of you, so use him. We will talk more about this next week. Those that didn’t share, be prepared with your homework. OK?

[vodoukat02] I am going too, meds kicking in.

[falconmb] ok

[Sister Candelaria] And thanks to those that did share!!!

[vodoukat02] good night all

[sister bridget] Yes, thank you all for your efforts! Outstanding!

[simonegreenewpp] Hello, comment!!!

[Sister Candelaria] Love you, Patrick!! Thank you!

[sister bridget] Yes, bead goddess?

[pamunkeyjo] East coast, late check in because we have storms. bye yall.

[Aleck] Good Night all!

[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you for sharing this stuff you guys

[The3rdwish13] Good Night :-)

[Sister Candelaria] Night everyone!!

[simonegreenewpp] I’ll save it for next week, I guess, everyone seems to be leaving. 

[Sister Candelaria] More next week and MaMere (Mambo) will be here.

[REDANGEL] Night all

[mamakate] Love to all! Goodnight!

[Sister Candelaria] Sorry, Simone!

[PATRICKinCALI] Night all!

[Sister Candelaria] Love you, Baby! Night!!

[sister bridget] Sorry, I didn’t know you were ready to share ;(  Apologies.

[Sister Candelaria] Simone, I didn’t hear you say you were ready to share. My bad!

[simonegreenewpp] I put it right before Patrick told his story.

[Sister Candelaria] UGH! Sorry!!! Didn’t mean to do that to you. Can we do it next week? I am beating myself with the pointy stick!

[simonegreenewpp] Oh, yes, it was a hint for people but not much use if they aren’t here. :-)

[sister bridget] I missed it, I’m sorry, I was keeping the list

[waitingforastar] Sorry I couldn’t get on until late:(

[Sister Candelaria] Ok, so next week you are first. I promise!!

[sister bridget] Its ok WFAS there will be more next week

[simonegreenewpp] And a transcript!

[waitingforastar] Thank you

[Sister Candelaria] OK, sorry Simone! We really both missed it. UGH! Next week. I promise. 

[waitingforastar] Sister Candelaria, did you get my latest update I sent in response to your last reply?

[simonegreenewpp] I better make it good, then...

[sister bridget] That’s what we get for chatting sober

[Sunshine] Nite ladies— good job. 

[Sister Candelaria] yes, I did WFAS. 

[sister bridget] OK — night all

[simonegreenewpp] BTW, where is Mambo?

[waitingforastar] Ok good

[sister bridget] We have to be quiet so Simone can grab the transcript

[Sister Candelaria] Thanks, Sunshine. Night!!

[waitingforastar] Goodnight Sister Bridget xoxxo

[Sister Candelaria] Mambo just had another engagement. She will be back and she’s fine. :-)

[sister bridget] Night all

[simonegreenewpp] Good!

[Sister Candelaria] :-) Thanks for asking Simone! 

[ladydarke] Thank you! Goodnight.

[she-wolf] ‘Night all!

[simonegreenewpp] One other thing if I may... When people are still logged in, I don’t know if they still have something to say. If not, it helps to log out. I promise if someone says anything good afterward it will be in the transcript. ;-)

[Sister Candelaria] :-D  OK, Simone. Good point.

[falconmb] Good night all! (sorry, my computer is running a little slow)

[waitingforastar] Yes, I have something to say, Love to all of you:} 

[sister bridget] OK, closing the roon, night all ;-)

[Sister Candelaria] Thanks, WFAS, love you too.

[waitingforastar] xoxox



copyright, ©, Samantha and Matthew Corfield, 2008