Chat July 17, 2007

[Candelaria] Hi Everyone!! Let’s wait a second to give everyone a chance to log on.

[Candelaria] Hello everyone! We are so glad you could join us for this week’s chat session. First of all, we would like to thank everyone for coming. Also, as we get further into the session, please do be sure to keep your questions as generic as possible, so that all can benefit from them.

[Candelaria] We aren’t saying that you can’t ask about things that are bothering you or things that you feel need to be addressed, but try to make them more open so that we don’t shut others out of the Q & A. And, as always, the same rules apply as when Mambo is conducting the chat session, please raise your hands. We will try to get to as many of you as we can.

[Candelaria] And of course I have the lovely and vivacious Bridget with me. Bridgey, wanna take a bow?

[bridget] Hi all :-)

[ouanga_bottle] hi to the both of you!

[Candelaria] This session was basically here for those that have questions that don’t pertain to the topics Mambo has been covering. So, I’m sure some of you have questions ready.

[Candelaria] Hi Ouanga

[Candelaria] Can we get a show of hands, to start this off?

[JamboJambo] showing hand?

[Candelaria] OK, Jambo, you’re on. :-)

[Paris] hand

[JamboJambo] How are CW’s assigned? Is it random or is it by case? Do CW’s have areas of expertise? Did you start off with cases of your own initially?

[JamboJambo] Or maybe even just a little background on how you came to SM and became CW’s?

[bridget] Caseworkers are actually assigned by Mambo Sam herself.

[bridget] We are each trained especially by Mambo Sam, and we all have the same training, so there aren’t any that have more expertise in one area over another

[bridget] Pretty much, to become a caseworker, Mambo picks you :-)

[bridget] After she has known you for some time, and has confidence in someone.

[bridget] Then she asks, and then the training begins.

[bridget] does that answer your question, Jambo?

[JamboJambo] generally, yes. Thanks!

[bridget] Paris?

[Paris] The oil to the love doll — can you use other oils or does it have to be the one with the kit? I have so many.

[Candelaria] Hi Paris...

[Paris] Hi Candy

[Candelaria] Generally the “tools” that come with your spell kits are the ones that are best for the situation...

[luke42] ?

[Paris] thank you

[Candelaria] Mambo has crafted them in a certain way to get the best result for you....

[Candelaria] However, since every case is different and every HD is different, different things may work better for different cases...

[Candelaria] If there is a specific oil you would like to use other than the oil that came with the kit, you can always e-mail Tech Support to ask. Generally...

[Candelaria] I wont “hurt” anything, but you most likely will get the best results with the oil that came with the kit. Now, having said that...

[Candelaria] I do like to recommend that a love potion be used on the love dolls, as well. Don’t get too nuts and use too many things, but you can, in addition (if you have the deluxe doll, still use the Storyville Desire Me Oil to baptise it) and then you can also put some love potion on the doll, as if it were your HD.

[Candelaria] Does that do it for ya?

[Paris] I have the regular doll but yes it does answer my question.

[bridget] Luke?

[luke42] hi... as long as you are doing adjunct work, is spellwork still considered active?

[bridget] Pretty much, as long as you still *want* what you petitioned for, and are using at least the ggbs or talisman, then the spells stay active.

[luke42] k

[bridget] Adjunct work is totally optional., It is great to do, but not doing it wont hurt the spellwork any.

[bridget] It’s the ggbs/talisman and your desires.

[luke42] right... still doing those too

[bridget] :-) 

[bridget] that will keep things going for you.

[Candelaria] More hands?

[Candelaria] Or did we miss someone?

[luke42] ?

[simonegreenewpp] hand

[Candelaria] OK, Luke again, then Simone.

[luke42] Communication still a problem.. Any suggestions, tried red mummy, using deluxe love doll.

[Candelaria] Have you tried the Red Mummy and White Image Candle work that Mambo talked about in one of our early sessions?

[luke42] Not together, no. Sorry, I have used the mind, body, spirit on 2 different occasions as well.

[Candelaria] That is excellent for communication and when using it, petition that a pathway of love and communication will be opened between you. I would do it in trios to cover Mind, Body, and Spirit... all areas of your HD. Try it with this combo work. ;-)

[luke42] What about abre camino oil?

[Candelaria] Abre Camino is what we call a Road Opener oil. It is meant to kind of be a catalyst, as a sort of “to go with” for other oils that you are using. If you have some, you can anoint your candle work with it, to speed things along.

[luke42] k

[Candelaria] It is really not so much meant to be used alone, but with another oil, it is very powerful, so if you have it, use it!

[Candelaria] Does that answer your question?

[luke42] Using it on love doll with regular oils... yes, thank you

[Candelaria] OK, use it on the candles. ;-)

[Candelaria] Simone?

[simonegreenewpp] An extreeeeeme general question — from the book Voodoo or Voodon’t, we get a sense of the caseworker being very involved. I’m not in contact with my HD, so I don’t have the immediate need for a lot of advice, however, I was wondering how involved or detailed a Caseworker tends to get.

[simonegreenewpp] For example, where is the line between Caseworker and getting a reading?

[bridget] It really depends on the case and the client and the caseworker. Mambo has the caseworker system in place so that each and every client can have individual attention if they ask for it or need it. Not every customer asks for a caseworker. Some clients ask and e-mail once or twice and don’t need a lot of support. And, well, others need much more

[destiny] ??

[bridget] So it all really depends on the players in the situation. As far as readings go — that is totally up to the client.

[bridget] If there are issues that can only be addressed thru a reading, then the caseworker will recommend one.

[simonegreenewpp] I guess when I have had caseworker questions, the answers have been general. So it’s hard for me to know how much detail to go into.


[bridget] It depends on the question and how it is worded, I think.

[bridget] There are questions that can only be answered thru a reading, or if you don’t get the answer you were looking for, try rewording it and resubmitting it.

[Candelaria] And just to add to what Bridget has said, there is no right or wrong way to do it. Some folks like to communicate more than others. It’s up to you and we kind of look to you to guide us and tell us how much you want or need from us. It’s up to you, but we are here if you need us. :)

[Candelaria] If you need more, just tell us. :-)

[Candelaria] Right, Bridge?

[bridget] yup. Mindreaders we aren’t :-) 

[simonegreenewpp] Ok. :-) I’m kind of giggling about re-wording the question — are we there yet? How about now? How about now? :-D

[JamboJambo] LOL!!

[bridget] Well,. see , that’s where the mindreader part comes in

[Candelaria] Well, that works! We promise we won’t give you a swat! 

[simonegreenewpp] Badger you until you admit that showing up naked on HDs doorstep is actually a great idea...

[simonegreenewpp] :-D

[Candelaria] OH, and that brings up another point and then we will get to Destiny...

[simonegreenewpp] Anyway, I’ll try to remember to ask in more detail then.

[Candelaria] Don’t be afraid to tell us things, even things you are ashamed of. That’s what we do. We are all human and we all make little mistakes with our cases. You need to tell us, so we can help you fix them. ;-) don’t be afraid of your caseworker. We’ve pretty much heard it all.

[Candelaria] You aren’t the only one that’s done it, whatever it is. Trust me! Wouldn’t you say so, Bridget?

[bridget] I’m afraid to say I have heard it all, because then someone will surprise me :-)

[Candelaria] OK, Destiny?

[Candelaria] Thanks for waiting.

[destiny] A quick question about the MBS white candles with the Red Mummy for communication (I tried to jump in when we were still on that subject, sorry. Do we get the Mind Body and Spirit for both the male and female image candles and then keep petitioning for a pathway of love and communication will be opened between us?

[Candelaria] Yes, you get a full set of candles for each one, even the red mummy...

[Candelaria] Now, I have had clients ask me how this works, so get our your pens and paper, cause here I go...

[destiny] cool, thanks!

[Candelaria] The strongest way to cast this candle spell is to do Mind, Body, Spirit for all three. Now, the white image candles are much smaller (as one client told me when he first saw the red mummy... “You could use that thing as a door stop!” LOL), so those will burn down faster...

[Candelaria] So, if you really want a very, very strong spell, use your Red Mummy as a guide...

[Candelaria] what I mean by that is that as the white candles burn down, if the Red Mummy is still the MIND Red Mummy, then simply add more Mind white candles to it and keep going until the Red Mummy burns down, then move on to Spirit and do the same thing. 

[Candelaria] Do that for each one. You will go through two or three of each of the white candles, but it will give you a very, very strong spell.

[Candelaria] Questions about that, Destiny?

[destiny] What is it intended to do again? 

[Candelaria] It is basically intended to open up a pathway of love and communication. If you would like to use it for another purpose, ask your caseworker.

[Candelaria] Many times though, it is the communication that is lacking in relationships and what causes them to get stuck. This will work on that.

[Candelaria] Is that clear?

[destiny] Yes, that was very clear, thank you.

[destiny] How about the other one Mambo talked about, Black Mummy and brown image for a break up between HD and Intruder, should that be used the same way, MBS and more brown candles once they burn down?

[Candelaria] Yep! :-) You get a gold star for your forehead, my dear!

[destiny] Thank you! Yay!

[Candelaria] OK, I’m so sorry to ramble. Who was next?

[JamboJambo] comment/question when it’s my turn!

[Candelaria] Patrick?

[PATRICKinCALI] I got three small bottles of Holy Hyssop Bath oil per Mambo’s advice. It came with no instructions for use, amount to put in bath, what to day/say once bathing, etc

[PATRICKinCALI] Any advice?

[bridget] Just need to put a capful in the tub, and you can think about/ask that whatever is troubling/worrying you to be washed away.

[PATRICKinCALI] OK... Thank you! I was about to dump it all in!

[bridget] Oh, you can also say something like “Cleanse me with hyssop and I shall be clean, wash me and I will be whiter than snow”

[luke42] ?

[bridget] That is a pretty common verse that goes along with hyssop baths.

[PATRICKinCALI] To any certain Lois?

[bridget] No, its not

[bridget] Its just for a nice cleansing bath

[PATRICKinCALI] Thanks much

[bridget] sure!

[bridget] was there someone before luke?

[JamboJambo] Maybe me?

[Candelaria] yep

[bridget] Ok, jambo then luke

[JamboJambo] Trying not to get too case specific here, but going back to Luke42’s questions about Abre Camino? I don’t know if this is really okay to do or not, but I didn’t think it changed the session.... During the Deluxe Voodoo Doll session, I use the abre camino oil on my candles, but also before beginning I use a bit on the DVD itself, starting with ears... saying “HD’s name, your ears are open you hear me” then moving to eyes “your eyes are open you see only me”, then to head “your mind is open, you think lovingly of only me” and then to mouth “your lips are open, you speak only lovingly of me”. I do believe I’ve gotten results with this, but I don’t want to get even more case specific than I have lol... but am I overstepping the boundaries of the session by adding this? I don’t omit any of the session otherwise. What’s the boundary between making the adjunct work “your own” and getting too far away from the basics?

[Candelaria] No, you aren’t hurting anything at all, by doing that. Because you had already baptized the doll, you are using it in conjunction with other products. You can use it on your love doll, but it works really well on the candles, as well. Either way, I don’t have a problem with it. :-) 

[Candelaria] You did just fine!:}

[JamboJambo] Thank you! And sorry... that was WAY longer than it looked on my wordpad!

[Candelaria] No worries, at all. As you can see, I’m not a “cut to the chase” kind of person.

[Candelaria] OK, now, Luke?

[luke42] Sounds like I might need some of that bath... when is that recommended? Hyssop.

[bridget] That is something you can pretty much use anytime you feel like you need a little cleansing.

[luke42] For confidence or negativity?

[bridget] I always have some on hand! It’s really quite nice and it smells good as well.

[bridget] It’s for removing anything negative, or even for stress or confusion — anytime you feel like you would like to feel *clearer*.

[luke42] Is it on web?

[bridget] Its on the website.

[luke42] k

[bridget] I think its in

[bridget] next?

[Candelaria] So everyone is an expert Vodouisant? heehee

[JamboJambo] I have LOTS of questions, but I don’t want to be a CW hog... but if no one else REALLY has any... I do!

[Candelaria] Just teasing! 

[ouanga_bottle] ha haar

[Candelaria] Go ahead, Jambo

[ouanga_bottle] I’m listening

[PATRICKinCALI] me too!

[JamboJambo] How about Patrick 1st then me.... I just had a long one!

[Candelaria] OK, Patrick My Sweet, you’re up.

[PATRICKinCALI] Is there a rule of thumb on Gris Gris work... how often, what all to say and do during a session?

[Candelaria] Well, not really. The basic rule of thumb is to use it every day and to leave 45 minutes between that and any other session. Let me explain a little bit about what the gris-gris bag...

[Candelaria] The gris-gris bag not only holds the energy from the spell work you’ve done, if in fact it is one that was created during spell work, as the ones that come with the 9 day Voodoo Spell Kits, BUT...

[Candelaria] It is also an open link between you and the spirit that you called on during that spell. OK, stay with me...

[Candelaria] Ever notice how you don’t have to ask Papa Alegba to open the gate when you use your gris-gris bags? The reason for that is that they are direct line of communication to say, Ogoun, if we are talking about the Leave My Man Alone spell. (Insert the proper lwa for the spell, but you get my meaning.)...

[Candelaria] So, your gris-gris bag is basically like the Bat Phone. No operators, no automated attendants... just the spirit you called upon, on the other end and your HD. Sooooooo, what this means, is that every time you use your gris-gris bag, you actually are putting the energy from that spell out there all over again. You are calling on Ogoun (or whomever) and telling him again that you still want that thing that you asked for. It is kind of a reaffirmation.

[Candelaria] Are you with me?


[ouanga_bottle] question

[Candelaria] OK, so it is to your advantage to use the gris-gris bag as much as you can. You can use it to talk to Ogoun or use it to talk directly to your HD. Let me touch on that...

[Candelaria] When you use it to talk to Ogoun, or whomever you called upon during that spell, you can say the call out to the spirit and say the chant as instructed, and then you can either talk to Ogoun (or whomever) and appeal to him again and tell him that you still need help. It’s nice to thank him for working on your case for you, as well, but you can tell him that you still want that thing....

[Candelaria] Or you can call out to Ogoun (or whomever) and say the chant and then talk directly to your HD and tell them good, positive things that you want from them, as well. Sort of guide them to you and toward the desired result of the spell work. Is that clear?

[destiny] ??

[PATRICKinCALI] Yes. I have specific rituals I do with GGB to Ogoun, Baron, Maman...

[PATRICKinCALI] With candles, incense, pictures, offerings...

[PATRICKinCALI] Music, etc. But I always include Papa

[PATRICKinCALI] And he gets rum, cigar, pennies, etc

[Candelaria] OK, that’s great. The gris-gris has many, many uses. As long as you treat it with respect, as it is a direct link to the lwa, then you can’t go wrong!

[Candelaria] And of course, keep 45 minutes in between your use of your gris-gris bag and any other sessions or products you might be using.

[bridget] Jambo, Ouanga, then destiny

[Candelaria] OK, Ouanga?

[ouanga_bottle] sounds good!

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[bridget] Jambo’s up

[sweety72] ?

[JamboJambo] I have certain Lwa that I feel very connected to, most of which I’ve been calling on in my case. I have been leaving offerings once a week on their day more often than not, but sometimes that has me sneaking around a park or the cemetery 4 days a week! Is it acceptable to leave an offering on a day that isn’t the LWA’s day? Also, I have been leaving offerings for two Lwa but I don’t know why. I mean, I don’t know why I’m drawn to them. I’ve not called on them for my case and I’m not really sure how they’d help me, but I leave offerings and sit and chat for a while anyway and say thanks for finding me and maybe help me know what I’m to learn or do from or for you. Is there any way to find out why I’m drawn to them? I plan on having a Met Tet reading but that’s only 1 LWA right?

[bridget] As Mambo would say, there is no bad service.

[bridget] So, yes, it is fine to leave an offering on ANY day that you like.

[JamboJambo] I feel guilty if I don’t do it on THEIR day LOL!

[bridget] Hang in there. I’m reading thru your question

[JamboJambo] Sorry... I ramble.

[bridget] Noooooooooooooo no need for that

[bridget] If you are feeling drawn to one lwa or another,, that is just fine.

[bridget] It means they are around you! And helping you.

[bridget] There was a Lwa once that came to me thru Mambo that I had never worked with at all

[bridget] And she was there for me all along, I just didn’t know it until she spoke up!

[bridget] So its fine, follow your guidance! It wont steer you wrong, and no need for feeling guilty for anything , OK?

[JamboJambo] Good deal! I need all the help I can get! I’m so lost most of the time. Thanks Bridget!

[bridget] No prob!

[JamboJambo] I’ll work on the guilt thing. I went to Catholic school

[Candelaria] LOL, common problem, my dear!

[bridget] I hear ya!

[bridget] Ouanga, destiny, simone, sweety — is that right?

[bridget] OK Ouanga’s up

[bridget] destiny is on deck

[ouanga_bottle] More on time frames and how long the energy can last...

[ouanga_bottle] So as you prob know, I started the trio of spells two Februaries ago... and so over the past year and a half have done various adjunct work, services, etc. then did the deluxe spells in the fall/early spring time frame. Admittedly, I carry my gris gris bags everywhere, I slept with them in my pillow for nearly a year every night, and they are always there when I’m doing adjunct work. However I never really got into specifically using them as THE adjunct work and so don’t chant with them like that.

[ouanga_bottle] My question is in general, knowing the work I’ve done... at this point, how much energy would you guess still remains and is working? Are the initial trio gris gris bags still effective? (Especially knowing they’ve been through the wash). I guess it feels like I’ve been working on this case so long, the lwas KNOW and are still working. But thought I would ask about the gris gris and the initial trio and whether the energy from those are still out there. Or whether at some point I would need to do them again.

[ouanga_bottle] And... if I stopped working on HD and let it gestate while I focus on finances and possibly POI, can I rest assured the lwas are still working even now, though I’m not?

[Candelaria] Well, the general answer to that question is that the energy really doesn’t’ go anywhere. It’s still there and your spell work is still active...

[Candelaria] However, you might need to refresh it from time to time, which is where using your gris-gris bags and doing adjunct work can come in handy...

[Candelaria] Now, if you are still putting your energy toward your work that was done two years ago and you have bolstered it as time has gone by with more spell work and with adjunct work, as I know you have, then it is still out there and the lwa are still working on it. Now... the one thing that you should do though is be sure that your intentions are still strong and still the same...

[Candelaria] What do I mean by that, you ask?...

[ouanga_bottle] I know what you mean.

[Candelaria] Well, the lwa only know what you tell them. The only lwa that can read your mind is your Met Tet, so what you need to do is be sure that they still know that you still want that thing.

[Candelaria] OK, good. Wanted to finish that for the others. ;-)

[ouanga_bottle] They are, it’s just that I can’t do any more. At least right now. The feelings haven’t changed.

[Candelaria] Just make sure that your intentions are still very clear to the lwa and you can take a break from your case.

[ouanga_bottle] But it’s become too hard lately. I do wonder if they’re confused...

[Candelaria] That’s OK. Honestly, sometimes it is good to take a break, for you and for your HD, and not to get too personal with cases, but I do know that you have done a lot of work on it. Just let it simmer for a minute and concentrate on you.

[Candelaria] No, they aren’t confused. You have done a lot of work and they know your intentions. 

[Candelaria] I’m sure it would be fine to take a break. 

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks for the advice dear.

[Candelaria] Sorry, this is getting a bit too personalized. Your caseworker can finish this for me. :-)

[Candelaria] You’re welcome.

[bridget] OK, destiny is up, then simone, then sweety

[Candelaria] Destiny?

[destiny] I have four related questions.. 1) My nephew lost my LMMA gris gris bag (he dug into my purse). I was told I can use my St. John the Conqueror root bag for that, do I call out to St. John the Conqueror or to Ogoun Badagris as per the spell work?  2) I am now onto the Deluxe LMMA, I did not see anything in the kit to use after the spellwork is complete, did I miss something? What do I use to keep the deluxe LMMA continuing?  3) I have not used my gris gris bags AT ALL. I have many lapses in adjunct work sometimes for many days due to lack of privacy (some of HD’s family are all around me visiting me daily) will using the gris gris bags on a daily basis help with the progress? My progress is currently at a stand still at the moment.  4) Could my lapses in adjunct work and/or gris gris bag work possibly been the cause of the halt in my progress?

[bridget] 1- You want to use the St John Root in place of the LMMA GGB or to find the ggb?

[destiny] In place of it

[bridget] 2- there is no GGB for the deluxe LMMA

[bridget] I can’t predict how using the GGB will effect your case in the physical at all — all I can tell you is that they will lend energy and momentum to the spell energy.

[bridget] And you don’t have to have privacy to use a GGB, you can slip in your pocket, or bra if you are female, and chant quietly to yourself, no one need see the bag or hear you chant

[bridget] As for #4, the GGBs do help keep lending energy to your case — but I cant predict if not doing them is what the holdup is — there is no way to know that. The best thing to do is start using them and see what happens.

[bridget] Back to #1 — you will have to write tech support on how to specifically do that, because I have no instructions on how to do that.

[bridget] Whew! Did I get them all???

[destiny] ok, thank you so much. Sorry so long. 

[destiny] yes, you did thanks!

[bridget] simone, then sweety

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, still on Gris Gris bags. :-) Patrick, I had no idea about doing anything more elaborate with them! Or even re-stating my intentions. I was just saying the chant on the instruction sheets as sort of a daily affirmation. Ok, so when Mambo Sam talked about GGBs a few weeks back, I learned to keep the black LMMA away from the three red ones. I would do the black one day, and the three red ones (one after the other) on another day. Should I be doing each one on a different day? Or at least the 45 minutes in-between. :-) But it pretty much comes down to one per day. 

[simonegreenewpp] In other words, separate the three red ones, too? MYLM, Dx Love and NOBM.

[Candelaria] Well, for starters, you can get as simple or as elaborate with your gris-gris bags, as you like. There really is not wrong answer, just use them to keep that all important energy flowing...

[Candelaria] As far as keeping them separate, yes, keep them apart from each other when wearing them, carrying them or storing them, BUT you don’t have to use them on different days. You can use them on the same days. What I always like to do, is use gris-gris bags in succession to how the spells were cast, so use your LMMA then wait 45 minutes, use then use your LMMA or LMA and wait 45 minutes, then use the NOBM. That just makes sense to my mind, but you can do it in whatever order feels best for you.

[Candelaria] But no, you should use them all every day, if you can. No need to wait and use on different days. Cool?

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, just for me several gaps of 45 minutes usually means I’m better off doing one each day.

[Candelaria] And forgive the typos, folks. Candi gets excited and types too fast.

[simonegreenewpp] Usually in the morning as part of my “waking up” rituals. :-)

[simonegreenewpp] I think I have a better idea now, thank you!

[Candelaria] OK, well, do what you can. That’s all the lwa ever ask of you. I mean, it is ideal to use them all every day, but if you can’t, you can’t. It just that simple. It won’t hurt your case.

[Candelaria] OK, so maybe space it out and do one in the morning, one at lunch and one at night before bed. ;-)

[simonegreenewpp] Lunch? You haven’t been to my office! :-D

[simonegreenewpp] Maybe I’ll try for two a day, at least.

[Candelaria] I hear ya. I have another job as well, and lunch doesn’t happen. Steal away in the bathroom. I’ve done that before. Or, as Bridget suggested, carry it with you close to your skin.

[Candelaria] I have even chanted with a gris-gris bag while driving. Not ideal and don’t get in an accident, but it has worked.

[bridget] Ok, sweetys up

[sweety72] I had been doing the chants and doing work with each of the ggbs concurrently with no break. I know better now, but is that bad? Also, I don’t know which of the three red ones is which now, so I just hold them together when working with them since they are all love related. Is that bad?

[bridget] Its not bad.... Do write your caseworker tho because I am pretty sure there is a way to tell the bags apart when that happens

[bridget] Spacing the products/ggbs apart just makes the signal *clearer* for lack of a better word.

[sweety72] ok, thanks!

[bridget] anyone else?

[JamboJambo] You know I do if no one else does

[Candelaria] Go ahead, Jambo

[PATRICKinCALI] alright one more here

[Candelaria] And then Patrick

[JamboJambo] Thanks. I’ll put two together. They’re not related but they’re pretty straight forward

[JamboJambo] If LMMA was done initially for a specific intruder, is the GGB only good on that one person or could I use it for that person AND for another that has popped up or other roadblocks? Or would LMMA need to be done again for each of those? What is the proper way to dispose of the MBS candles? Should they be buried individually as they are finished or buried all together after they’re all done? 

[Candelaria] OK, I will figure it out.

[Candelaria] OK, that first part is very case specific. Did you petition against all intruders, or just against a specific one? 

[JamboJambo] Just a specific one, who is still there in a roundabout way.

[Candelaria] As far as the other... dispose of each candle, individually, per the instructions on the blue sheet. ;-)

[JamboJambo] ah... instructions.... I get so involved, I forget about those lol. Thanks

[Candelaria] OK, well, since I’m not familiar with your case on a personal level, you show run this by your caseworker, BUT...

[Candelaria] if you named a specific intruder, then you would need to case that spell again to come against a different one, OR do a Black Mummy or some other type of work, such as that...

[JamboJambo] got it, thanks

[Candelaria] If you were generic in your approach, (which some are, if you don’t know the person’s name or something like that) then you can use that same gris-gris bag.

[Candelaria] OK, cool. And yes, instructions are important! ;-) heehee

[JamboJambo] Are you kidding? I’m like borderline OCD...I used first middle last AND nickname

[JamboJambo] tks

[Candelaria] Sorry, thought you were done. OK, so ask your caseworker about other things you can do.

[Candelaria] OK, Patrick?

[PATRICKinCALI] Any other good offerings for Papa, Ogoun, Baron and Maman?

[bridget] Patrick, in the files section of the forum — sorry , its in the database — is a HUGE list of offerings for each Lwa

[PATRICKinCALI] OK, Thank you!

[bridget] or you can always use what was given during a casting as well

[bridget] :-) 

[bridget] anyone else? Last call, I think -- 

[Candelaria] yeah, last call for now. And Patrick, just keep in mind that anything given with an open and loving heart is well received.

[ouanga_bottle] thanks so much to the both of you!

[ouanga_bottle] hugs and kisses

[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you for your time/knowledge Bridget and Candelaria!

[simonegreenewpp] Thank you so much!

[Candelaria] bye Ouanga.

[bridget] You are all very welcome! 

[Candelaria] You’re welcome, Patrick and Simone. It was our pleasure.

[JamboJambo] Can I comment to Patrick?

[Candelaria] Sure

[JamboJambo] If he’s still there

[ouanga_bottle] bye chickies, you’re the best!


[JamboJambo] I don’t know if this is appropriate or not, but I think it’s okay, but the Haitian Vodou Handbook by Kenaz Filan is an EXCELLENT resource for the LWA and how to serve them.

[Candelaria] It’s OK, Jambo. Go head and I will correct you if not. ;-) I’ll catch ya!

[JamboJambo] it’s been awesome for me

[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you much JJ, I, like you, take all the help I can get!

[Candelaria] Yep, Kenaz is great and she will be at our Conference. Who is coming?!

[JamboJambo] I found it at a local shop I frequent but I think it can be ordered though 

[bridget] I have that book, and it really is great

[Candelaria] Bridget and I will be teaching as well!

[ouanga_bottle] I look forward to seeing you both!

[bridget] Just remember that the book is written about Haitian Vodou not New Orleans.

[simonegreenewpp] I’ll be there!

[PATRICKinCALI] I’ve been saving up for October!

[bridget] So there might be a few different things here or there.

[JamboJambo] Is the serving of the lwa accurate though?

[Candelaria] GREAT!! Can’t wait to see all of you! 

[bridget] But no such thing as bad service!

[JamboJambo] I mean, applicable to what we are doing?

[simonegreenewpp] and the tap dancing...

[JamboJambo] good! Whew!

[PATRICKinCALI] Thanks Bridget...

[Candelaria] yes, it’s very, very similar. Haitian Vodou is the basis for New Orleans Voodoo.

[JamboJambo] I hope to, but the weather where I live is a crapshoot in Oct.

[Candelaria] Yes. And the tap dancing. Simone, you always remember that! (Remind me to give mambo a swat for suggesting it. heehee)

[destiny] oh yeah! hehe

[Candelaria] Well, try if you can! We would love to have you!

[JamboJambo] Thank you both so much for this tonight. I think those who didn’t come tonight definitely missed out.

[Desiree’] Thank you ladies — tonight was great ! Appreciate your time and your knowledge.

[JamboJambo] I’ll be bombarding my CW with questions now.... sigh.

[bridget] Ok, all, catch you back here next week! Same bat time, same bat channel!

[destiny] yes, thank you both sooooo much!

[Candelaria] OK, and don’t forget our ritual on the 28th!

[JamboJambo] Good luck to you too Patrick, I hope you like the book.

[Candelaria] You’re very welcome, to all!

[bridget] yesm, you are all very welcome! Night :-)

Copyright, ©, 2007, Samantha and Matthew Corfield
