Chat July 10, 2007

[Candelaria] Hey Everyone, Mambo will be back shortly.

[Candelaria] Hey Folks, sorry for the delay, but the Mambo Lady is having some “technical difficulties.” As is said... She will be here in just a minute. Hang in there with us! :-)

[Mambo Sam] Whew... hello everyone.

[Mambo Sam] Sorry I am late — we are having cable problems here in New Mexico (I am told it is because of fires in Arizona... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.)

[Mambo Sam] Anyway!!!

[Mambo Sam] So let’s get right into it and talk about our ancestor altars.

[Mambo Sam] And our prayers.

[Mambo Sam] :-}

[Mambo Sam] So, before we talk about our prayers (which please do get them ready to share if you decide to share them), let’s talk about one thing that was not on the list that you need for your altar.

[Mambo Sam] A bell.

[Mambo Sam] You need a little bell that you can actually ring, not just a decorative bell.

[Mambo Sam] It can be like the little miniature school bells (that’s my personal favorite and is kind of traditional). For those of you who have seen an actual asson (the voodoo priest or priestess’s rattle), there is a similar bell to what I am talking about attached to it.

[Mambo Sam] But there is no real “bell rule.” A bell that rings — that’s the criteria.

[Mambo Sam] Later on we will talk about what it is for, although I am sure you could pretty much ascertain that it is used for calling in spirits. 

[Mambo Sam] So now, open your notebooks for a minute, we are going to do a little writing.

[Mambo Sam] You DO have your notebooks, right???

[vodoukat02] yes

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so what I want you to do and we can share some of these thoughts here in a minute, is to write down what you want to accomplish by learning ancestor contact.

[Mambo Sam] Are your goals long term or short term?

[Mambo Sam] Are you learning this just to help your case (which is fine, there are no right and wrong answers to this)?

[Mambo Sam] Is this something you want to use for life? How? What do you hope to gain??

[Mambo Sam] So get a sheet going that you will use later on to focus on exactly why you are doing this.

[Mambo Sam] Sometimes we can get so caught up in the doing, we forget why we are doing it.

[Mambo Sam] And sometimes that “why” is crucial and key to the whole thing!

[Mambo Sam] And it changes! The longer you do this, the more times it will change; what you want today may not be what you want tomorrow.

[Mambo Sam] So let’s just take a moment and write down your goals for learning how to do this.

[Mambo Sam] I should say, learning how to do this correctly.

[Mambo Sam] Because it is a lot of work.

[Mambo Sam] And some of it, such as the automatic writing, can take some time to perfect.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, Mambo will be quiet for a moment while you write down some thoughts.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so does anyone want to share?

[simonegreenewpp] yes

[Mambo Sam] Hands up.

[ouanga_bottle] sure!

[vodoukat02] sure

[JamboJambo] me too if you need more?:)

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead Ouanga, then Vodoukat.

[Mambo Sam] Oh, Simone first, sorry....

[ouanga_bottle] I think Simone was first

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, my bad.

[Mambo Sam] She scrolled away on my screen.

[simonegreenewpp] My initial experience was that a friend’s daughter, Hope, came through. She was born very premature and did not survive.

[simonegreenewpp] So I realized it was a way to help other people with their pain.

[Mambo Sam] Awesome!

[simonegreenewpp] Healing, to a great extent.

[simonegreenewpp] Otherwise, I ask the ancestors to show me!

[Mambo Sam] Yes, definitely.

[Mambo Sam] Excellent.

[Mambo Sam] So this is a very good way to utilize this skill — using it to help others can be a big part of this skill.

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Simone.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, Ouanga, now.

[ouanga_bottle] Sure, I would like to get guidance and support on my case, and seeing as how all this love business was how I was introduced to you and to this whole spiritual transformation, it would only make sense to continue to focus on my case... But also and maybe even more importantly to get guidance on where and how to focus on my efforts on how I can contribute my talents back to the world. I tend to think that my ancestors would want me to focus more on utilizing my talents to benefit the world. Of course I am sure they would love to see me happy and in love too. I think my ancestors can play a guiding role in developing life-long skills and realizing my dreams.

[Mambo Sam] Definitely!

[Mambo Sam] So, of course, we want the help on our cases.

[Mambo Sam] As Ouanga says, that is how you all ended up here in the first place!

[ouanga_bottle] exactly!

[Mambo Sam] And that is awesome and something that we are definitely learning to do with our ancestor studies.

[Mambo Sam] And here again, finding a way to take this new found skill and meld it with your other skills in order to help others is a wonderful goal.

[Mambo Sam] Additionally, using it to find out more and better ways to attain other hopes and desires beyond your current cases is very important as well!

[Mambo Sam] Thanks for sharing, Ouanga!

[ouanga_bottle] thanks for being here Mambo

[Mambo Sam] Vodoukat, then Jambo, I think. (You are welcome!)

[vodoukat02] I hope to gain knowledge and get help for my case. I am not sure if I would want this to be long term or short term. I think, if I decide to use this long term, I would like to use this for life. I would love to keep in contact with my ancestors. They would guide me through life and I miss a lot of my family that has passed.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, definitely! This brings up another excellent point — we MISS them!!

[Mambo Sam] So using these studies to keep in contact with those who have gone on before us is perfect.

[Mambo Sam] Gaining knowledge for one’s case is also a good point. Sometimes our ancestors have ways of showing us things that we can’t see for ourselves, bringing us information that we might not otherwise get.

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Vodoukat!

[vodoukat02] Thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] JamboJambo!

[JamboJambo] An actual vocal, visual and physical road (connection) to my ancestors. To always keep them near. To petition when needed, but mostly to honor them in a more concrete, physical way — so they know and see I honor them in the physical world as much as I always have on a spiritual level... and so to help provide THEM an open road to ME so I will always know they still connect to ME through the spiritual world as much as they did in the physical world. So they know I’m open and listening and it’s more than flowers at their gravestones

[JamboJambo] the end   :-)

[Mambo Sam] Yes, yes... perfect. Honoring them is so important, and letting them know that you are there for them just as much as you want them to be there for you.

[Mambo Sam] That is so important.

[Mambo Sam] I personally believe they still need us (sorry guys, my connection is slow tonight).

[Mambo Sam] And that all of our ancestors want to be linked together in this way. 

[Mambo Sam] Thank you Jambo!!!

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else want to share what they hope to accomplish with our ancestor studies?

[Mambo Sam] Candelaria? What about you?

[Candelaria] Well, mine is pretty simple...

[Candelaria] Sorry, didn’t have this typed out ahead of time...

[Candelaria] I would like to have contact with those that I love and lost...

[Candelaria] and I want to broaden myself spiritually to help in my spiritual practice, thus helping all of you and any other that come into my life in this manner.

[Candelaria] I really feel that I can draw on the help of my ancestors to guide me in this way.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, and this makes a good point — those we loved. Many of you are working on love cases and those we love that have passed are most uniquely qualified to help us with this.

[Candelaria] tah-dah

[Mambo Sam] Sure, it is a different kind of love — but in the end all love equals love — no matter the level or “type” of love.

[Mambo Sam] So our ancestors are there, as Ouanga mentioned, wanting us to be loved.

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Candi!! (Thanks for being a good sport when the teacher called on you unexpectedly!)

[Mambo Sam] ;}

[Candelaria] No sweat. I happen to love the teacher. ;-)

[vodoukat02] Mambo, do you feel like sharing what you wanted when you first started

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Vodoukat, I am happy to share.

[Mambo Sam] My first real interest was when one of my grandmothers died.

[Mambo Sam] She wasn’t the “voodoo” grandmother.

[Mambo Sam] But I did love her so dearly.

[Mambo Sam] Without even knowing what I was doing... so to speak — I was 8, I started praying to her every single night.

[Mambo Sam] My OTHER grandmother, the voodoo grandmother (Samantha Kaye) heard me one night and started teaching me little bits about how to contact her, helped me with candles and pictures and things — pretty much building a little mini ancestor altar.

[Mambo Sam] So, that’s where it all started for me — I really just wanted to talk to my grandma again because I was so little and I missed her so much.

[Mambo Sam] It was a GREAT comfort to me, though, when my grandmother started teaching me all of this.

[Mambo Sam] Thanks for asking, Vodoukat!

[vodoukat02] Thanks for sharing

[Mambo Sam] So anyone else — hopes, aspirations, desires in doing ancestor work. Please do share because it is helpful to everyone else and may give someone an idea that they didn’t think of, that is only if you are comfortable.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about our altars and when we can do our service together.

[Mambo Sam] First of all, does anyone have any questions about what is needed for the altar?

[Monica] hands up — I do

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Monica, please go ahead.

[Monica] What exactly do we need for the altar? As I’ve always wanted to seek their help with my problems

[Monica] Many times I’ve been told I have the ability to connect with them, but how?

[Monica] Could you share how exactly?

[Monica] Because all I do is talk to them as if they’re beside me

[Mambo Sam] We have that information posted. I will have Candelaria send you the links to that information so you can catch up with what we have already done. 

[Mambo Sam] We covered it all in previous classes, but the transcripts are available to you.

[Monica] I’m sorry my first time here

[Mambo Sam] And that is fine — there isn’t anything at all wrong with that.

[Mambo Sam] Welcome!

[Mambo Sam] So just talking to them — there isn’t anything at all wrong with doing that. What we are trying to do is kind of what you are asking about — we are trying to refine it with more formalized procedures.

[Mambo Sam] So Candelaria will send you the links, Monica, and then by next class you will be all caught up!

[Monica] thank you Mambo Sam! 

[vodoukat02] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Vodoukat! (You are welcome, Monica!)

[Candelaria] I gotcha, Monica!

[vodoukat02] Could Candelaria please send me those links also

[Candelaria] Sure.

[vodoukat02] thank you

[Candelaria] You’re welcome, Darlin’! Anyone else?

[Monica] thank you Candelaria

[Candelaria] You’re welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, they have all been posted on the forum, but probably we should post them all again in one post! :-) Let’s see — maybe BRIDGET can do that for me?? (Since I have Candi already doing some jobs!)

[Mambo Sam] So Bridget, when you have time, could you make a post to the forum with all the transcript links?

[bridget] yes, Ma’am, will do

[Mambo Sam] Thank you!!! And maybe put it in the Files Section, too — so we can reference new folks there.

[bridget] sure can

[Mambo Sam] Love you! Thanks!!!! (And now back to our regularly scheduled program — sorry folks, I gotta do it when I think of it!)

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so back to any questions about what you need for your ancestor altar?

[simonegreenewpp] Yes

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] The four stones — I have a collection of crystals, but I’ve had them for a while and use/enjoy them in other ways

[simonegreenewpp] so I’m wondering if I should just find all new stones for the altar? Because otherwise I should not use them for anything else?

[Mambo Sam] Oh you can use them, no problem.

[Mambo Sam] You can switch stuff around on an ancestor altar.

[Mambo Sam] In fact, I really like to do that.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, so they would not be permanently “given” to the altar?

[Mambo Sam] No, not at all. 

[Mambo Sam] In fact, if you use them in other ways, certainly asking the ancestors to “imbue” some type of power in them is something you can do.

[Mambo Sam] Let’s say you use those crystals for healing...

[Mambo Sam] asking the ancestor to empower them more would be one way to do that.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, thank you!

[Desiree’] ?

[JamboJambo] question?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, Desiree, then JamboJambo

[Desiree’] Do we use incense with the ancestral altar? If so — which one?

[Mambo Sam] You can certainly use incense, it isn’t “required” but I do like to use it. There isn’t any one in particular, however, if you are calling on a particular ancestor who, for instance, you know loved roses, then you could use a rose-scented one. The other alternative is to use something with a “spiritual” consecration to it, like the Chango’s Magick Crysalis incense.

[Desiree’] Thanks Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Jambo?

[JamboJambo] I have a set of 16 “crystal” hearts I bought in an antique shop, however I’m not certain they’re actually CRYSTAL... I guess they could be because of the weight and the price. Could I at least use them (or some of them) decoratively? Or is “less is more”?

[Mambo Sam] Oh now, ya know I am from New Orleans right.... In decorating altars more is more! LOL.

[JamboJambo] Woohoo good, cuz i like more is more!!

[Mambo Sam] lol. Me, too! 

[Spell Faithful] ?

[Mambo Sam] Spell Faithful?

[Spell Faithful] Just signing on here... so sorry if this was addressed.  Good or bad to include other deceased relatives pics, etc., on the ancestor altar — especially if not necessarily close with them — if already answered I’ll review transcripts. I had no conflicts either with them

[Mambo Sam] Good question! Actually, it is fine, especially if they are ancestors — related to you, that is, by blood.

[Spell Faithful] what about pets?

[Mambo Sam] If it is deceased friends, etc., that is okay, too... just remember that you are actually honoring your blood relations with an ancestor altar. Now about those pets...

[Spell Faithful] I guess when I think ancestors, I think ‘grandparents’

[Mambo Sam] No, all blood relatives.

[Mambo Sam] Your tribe.

[Spell Faithful] great clarification — thanks!

[Mambo Sam] Now there are those amongst my esteemed colleagues who will disagree, but I always have something on my ancestor altar for my deceased pets.

[Mambo Sam] So do it if you want to. Yes, we understand that they aren’t our blood relatives, but in some cases they are better!

[Mambo Sam] So that’s my opinion on that. 

[vodoukat02] ?

[Candelaria] ?


[Mambo Sam] Vodoukat, then Candi, then Patrick.

[Mambo Sam] I think.

[Spell Faithful] now if you have a child, can you pay homage to the child’s ancestors from ‘the other side of the family’ on the same altar — or is that just not cool?

[Spell Faithful] sorry — thanks!

[Mambo Sam] As a parent, you can definitely do that for your children — certainly to ask for the deceased relatives care and protection of your children. For sure!

[Mambo Sam] You might want to consider doing that at a different time — it depends on how much you need/want to accomplish in one service!

[destiny] ??

[Mambo Sam] Vodoukat, Candi, Patrick, Destiny — please go ahead Vodoukat.

[vodoukat02] Can you do that with High John Root bag

[vodoukat02] I mean to ask them to empower the bag more, or the mojo bags from our spellwork

[Mambo Sam] Vodoukat, yes — with any magickal item — asking for empowerment of it is certainly something you can do.

[vodoukat02] ty Mambo

[Mambo Sam] Especially if you happen to know if anyone was into magick — but even if not, asking for their empowerment and blessing of a magickal object is great.

[Mambo Sam] I will go ahead with Destiny, then Candi, then Patrick.

[destiny] How about if the child is the family of HD?

[destiny] What if the child’s family is the family of HD’s family. He can only help my daughter, not me, correct?

[Mambo Sam] Technically, yes, but it wouldn’t hurt anything to ask!

[Mambo Sam] I do find the spirits are happy to be honored, no matter who is doing it, if there is some kind of blood connection, such as through your daughter.

[Mambo Sam] If I am understanding you correctly.

[destiny] Yes, there is a blood connection

[destiny] HD has been distancing himself from our daughter and I know HD’s dad would not approve of this behaviour especially because she looks like HD’s dad’s clone

[Mambo Sam] Okay, that is what I thought. Definitely that is an okay thing to do and it is a close enough connection.

[destiny] cool, thank you!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, Candi, then Patrick (you are welcome).

[Candelaria] What if you have a picture of an ancestor that has someone else in the background that is not related to you and not deceased? Can you maybe block that person out with some black paper or something?

[Mambo Sam] As long as the person isn’t you, it is okay.

[Mambo Sam] But you can definitely use something such as black paper, which is a great idea, to block them out.

[Mambo Sam] It’s okay, I speak fluent Candelaria — I know what you meant.

[Candelaria] Yes, you do!  Thank you, Ma’am! :-)

[Mambo Sam] And a small caveat that I am not sure I mentioned before — don’t put a picture of yourself on the ancestor altar!

[Mambo Sam] It’s New Orleans Voodoo superstition, of course. 

[Mambo Sam] But I wouldn’t want to test it.

[Candelaria] Nah, not willing to go there, myself!

[Candelaria] Thanks!!!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome! Patrick?

[PATRICKinCALI] Can it be an aunt/uncle married to a parent’s sibling? Not blood, but by marriage

[Mambo Sam] That is definitely a gray area, but I feel if you were very close to them, then yes, it is fine. I have an Aunt Camille like that — she was married to my blood uncle (that is what you mean, right?)

[PATRICKinCALI] Yes, wife of a blood uncle

[Mambo Sam] This can be especially true if you grow up around “Aunt and Uncle” so and so — when you are a kid, you don’t know the difference and it makes a bond there. I don’t see anything wrong at all with including them.

[PATRICKinCALI] Thanks Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, Patrick! 

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so now, we know we need for the altar. It is pretty much very much up to you what ELSE you put on the altar besides those things that we mentioned as necessities.

[Mambo Sam] So what you will do is have this altar set up by the time we do our ritual together.

[Mambo Sam] You can start using it anytime as best you can, and then I will teach you all a ritual together when we do it.

[Desiree’] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Desiree, go ahead please.

[Desiree’] What if one has the ashes of a deceased love one?

[Mambo Sam] Oh definitely you can put them on the altar!

[Mambo Sam] Or nearby if the urn takes up too much room.

[ksig1998] ?

[Mambo Sam] Ksig?

[ksig1998] Do you need to have pictures of your ancestors on your alter?

[Mambo Sam] It’s great if you can. But if you don’t have any, you can leave them off.

[Mambo Sam] It is a nice connection to them, but there are many people who don’t have access to pictures.

[JamboJambo] question?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, JamboJambo.

[JamboJambo] Is it appropriate to honor and use pics of an ancestor who has not yet reached the one year and one day mark?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can, however, it is best to be gentle with them — don’t ask them for anything, just give your love and support to them.

[JamboJambo] tks!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so now we have some focus — we know why we are doing this. We know what we need (and make sure you plan on doing some automatic writing when we do the ritual — Monica, that is in the transcripts). 

[Monica] yes Mambo

[ouanga_bottle] Mambo, question?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Ouanga.

[ouanga_bottle] What’s your thought around using a pendulum for automatic writing?

[Mambo Sam] That isn’t automatic writing, per se, however, you could use a pendulum with a “yes/no” type of template with it.

[ouanga_bottle] What if you designed a chart with the alphabet, would that work?

[Mambo Sam] That is another type of connection you could use, we just haven’t covered how I would teach you to do that.

[ouanga_bottle] I’ve never used one, but someone just told me about how to do that.  Heck, I suppose even a typewriter would work

[Mambo Sam] If all you need is a yes/no answer to something or some short answer, then maybe, otherwise that is a really laborious way to do it.

[Mambo Sam] Kind of the point to automatic writing is to remain as organic as possible with the connection — pen to paper has a more grounded feel to it.

[ouanga_bottle] yeah, I think you would have to be a pro channeler to get good at that type.  It’s just that my scribbles aren’t going too far too fast

[Mambo Sam] I am not saying that the other ways don’t work — but with your “scribbles” you know that you aren’t “working it” in your favor — you are getting what you are truly getting. Word processor, pendulum, all of that — really easy to fool yourself with. 

[Mambo Sam] Pencil to paper — you are either writing it or they are. It gets really clear.

[ouanga_bottle] Honestly, same with my scribbles. I tend to write out words that I wonder aren’t just in my subconscious

[Mambo Sam] When you stop wondering, you will have it.

[ouanga_bottle] snort

[ouanga_bottle] thanks my dear

[Mambo Sam] X2 back at ya!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so as I said, we are getting close — now we need a date to do this fabulous ritual.

[ouanga_bottle] How about next week!

[Mambo Sam] It has been suggested by more than one of you to do it on a weekend.

[Mambo Sam] Not next week — I have a little surprise for you guys next Tuesday — I’ll tell you about it in a minute.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway.... How are Saturday nights — a lot of folks wanted to have the time during the day to prepare and all of that.... Any major objections to a Saturday night? I realize that some people won’t be able to do it no matter what night we set up, but thoughts?

[ouanga_bottle] I’ll make myself available for you

[Candelaria] How about the 28th?

[simonegreenewpp] What if we have a hot date? Just kidding...  :-P

[rattle shaker] <<-- Always ready for a family get together

[ouanga_bottle] date with Mambo!!!

[JamboJambo] LOL!!

[Desiree’] I’ll make myself available as well.!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I refrained from saying that I know ya’ll didn’t have a date!

[destiny] yes, me too.

[Mambo Sam] Tee hee... just teasing you.

[JamboJambo] If I have a hot date, it means my alter is working already haha

[Mambo Sam] I know all you hotties are just holding back for your HD’s!

[Mambo Sam] That’s okay — Mambo is happy to have a date with you!!!

[destiny] yes we are!

[destiny] But I would hold back even more for Mambo!

[Mambo Sam] I think I like the 28th.  It just has nice ring to it.

[Mambo Sam] Must be a good night!

[Mambo Sam] So keep your dance cards open for me!!

[rattle shaker] always

[Desiree’] Its a date.!

[ouanga_bottle] I’m supposed to be in a conference, but I’ll make sure I get out early

[simonegreenewpp] I’m writing it in ink!

[ouanga_bottle] night time, yeah?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, I want to keep it basically at the same time, if we can.

[Mambo Sam] Same place.

[ouanga_bottle] same bat time

[Mambo Sam] Just a different day and we will still have our Tuesday chat before it!

[Desiree’] Woppee!!! Saturday nite with Mambo !:

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so the 28th it is! I cannot wait!!!!

[vodoukat02] day before my birthday

[Mambo Sam] OH awesome!!! How wonderful!!!  We will raise a glass to you!  Definitely a drink will be in order.

[vodoukat02] awwweee thanks Mambo

[ouanga_bottle] several

[Mambo Sam] Yep.

[simonegreenewpp] I think I have some rum around...

[Mambo Sam] Was that a joke, Simone??? LOL.

[simonegreenewpp] No, I use the rum very seriously! :-D

[Mambo Sam] Anyhoo...

[Mambo Sam] We have our date.

[Mambo Sam] Now before we take a look at those who wish to share their homework, let’s talk quickly about next Tuesday.

[Mambo Sam] You don’t want to miss next Tuesday.

[Mambo Sam] I won’t be here.

[Mambo Sam] But I am turning you over to my two lovely assistants, Bridget and Candelaria for a session with you!

[Mambo Sam] “Ask a Caseworker!”

[ouanga_bottle] oh wow!!!!!!!!

[JamboJambo] open forum??

[ouanga_bottle] I love you guys!

[Mambo Sam] All I am asking is that you keep your questions generic, if at all possible.

[vodoukat02] cool

[simonegreenewpp] Wonderful! “-)

[Mambo Sam] Obviously, you may want to ask something about your case.

[Mambo Sam] But what we would like for you to try to do is frame your questions in such a way that all can benefit from them.

[vodoukat02] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Vodoukat.

[vodoukat02] can you e-mail me the address to be put on the white prayer list? Not sure of the name of it

[Mambo Sam] It is the metaphysical healing list — you need to send in a letter to the office for that. There is no charge for it.

[vodoukat02] Ok, thank you for clearing that up

[Mambo Sam] No problem. Just send it in


[ouanga_bottle] Question about next week

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Ouanga.

[ouanga_bottle] What are some appropriate caseworker-like, non-case-specific questions as examples, so we know generally how to prepare questions?

[ouanga_bottle] Like if-then type stuff on what to do when in certain situations?

[Mambo Sam] What I would like you to do is, if possible, send in your questions ahead of time. Candelaria has graciously agreed to organize them for Bridget and herself. Of course, you will all still be able to ask other questions during the session. But if you could send them ahead of time to <> that would be great.

[Mambo Sam] So that will give you guys a “starting point” and then take it from there.

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks Mambo, thanks Bridget and Candelaria, can’t wait to chat with you!

[Mambo Sam] Now please let me say that there is no guarantee that they will get to answer every question, but they will try! And we will do it again in the future.

[Candelaria] Can’t wait either!

[vodoukat02] Thanks everyone, I will see you next week..... Good nite

[Mambo Sam] Also, please remember that sometimes the answer to a question might be different than what your caseworker told YOU personally. That was for you, at that time, for your case. This forum will be for general stuff!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, now who wants to share their homework?

[Mambo Sam] Hands up!

[JamboJambo] question?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Jambo.

[JamboJambo] I don’t mind sharing with the group right here right now, but can I ask that it be wiped off of the transcripts?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone, can you do that for us?

[simonegreenewpp] yes!

[JamboJambo] It’s general, but still personal to me

(Jambo Jambo’s Prayer)

[Mambo Sam] Beautiful!!!! I love it!!!  Thank you so much for sharing it.

[JamboJambo] Thanks Mambo

[Mambo Sam] Thanks, Simone, for taking it out — even though I wish it could stay! People could definitely learn from it. I understand, though!!

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else ready to share their prayer?

[ouanga_bottle] Mambo? Mine’s kinda long but happy to share

[Mambo Sam] Yes, please do.


    In the name and light of God, the Mother, the Universe, the Angels, and the Spirit Guides, I bless and honor my ancestors. I call on the wisdom and protection of the Universe to allow pure and clean ancestral spirits to join me to share their blessings and to help me, my family, and those whom I love.

    I offer light and pour libation with respect and honor for all my ancestors who I know — [names], and all the ones I don’t know. 

    I offer prayer, protection, and healing by way of the Divine Creator, the Angels, and Guardian Spirits, for my ancestors who may be in darkness, forgotten, or lost, or who may have been abused, afflicted, deceived, enslaved, hated, lonely, misguided, neglected, oppressed, pained, saddened, traumatized, or died tragically. I offer love, compassion, and comfort to all my ancestors. Let the light I offer lead you to the sanctuary of Light, Hope, Love, Peace, Understanding, Liberation, Faith, and Harmony.

    May my blessings give you the light to help you grow in your dimension, and uplift and liberate your souls, as you help me grow in my existence.

    I call out to you, my ancestors, to continue to lead and guide me to a higher understanding of my true greatness and purpose, and to help my soul grow and evolve. I ask that you please help guide my way to true love, happiness, peace, financial success, and excellent health, today and every day.

    May you help guide me to be continuously filled with loving kindness, to be always peaceful and at ease, and to make the best and right decisions at all times. Please guide me to have faith and patience when I am feeling troubled, impatient, or frustrated. May you assist me with speedy and loving resolutions to situations when I am feeling angst and despair — resolutions that serve the highest will of the Universe.

    I know that am blessed, and I ask that you continue to provide me with the tools to be happy, healthy, and successful as I travel through life and all of its spiritual dimensions.

    May the Light, Power and Peace of God be with us always. And so it is spoken and so it shall be!

[ouanga_bottle] the end

[ouanga_bottle] It’s not completely original, but I adapted many ideas and writings to me

[Mambo Sam] Very nice!

[simonegreenewpp] In or out of the transcript?

[ouanga_bottle] fine with me to keep it

[ouanga_bottle] Did you get it all? It’s already disappeared from my screen

[Mambo Sam] And it is fine to “borrow” from other prayers, thoughts, belief systems, etc.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, we got it all.

[simonegreenewpp] I got it! :-)

[Mambo Sam] Very nicely done!

[Mambo Sam] Two gold stars thus far, one for each of you!

[ouanga_bottle] (curtsy)

[Mambo Sam] Next person?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, no one else?

[Mambo Sam] I had hoped that more of you would share, but that’s fine. It is a personal thing. It is just that we can truly learn from each other and get ideas — things we might not have thought of. But on the other hand, it is a deeply personal thought process.

[simonegreenewpp] comment...

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] I was finding it difficult. I have some good images, but many of them have a negative side, too.  There was some abuse in my family, so it’s not easy to come up with positive, powerful things.  So I’m still working on it.

[Mambo Sam] I am not sure I am understanding, you mean negative images of your ancestors?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, that is fine. We definitely will have another chance later on to share if we feel comfortable. But as far as negative images, paint the picture with a broader stroke. Go beyond your immediate, known family.

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, it’s hard to think of protectiveness without remembering that we were not protected from within.

[Mambo Sam] Think overall, not focused right on who we know.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok. ;-)

[Mambo Sam] I know, I suffered from abuse, too, and it is VERY difficult to see beyond that sometimes, the best way is to start out imagining how wonderful your great-great-great-great-great grandparents were — how they would have loved you on earth if they could have!

[Mambo Sam] ;}

[Mambo Sam] So let’s think about it a bit more and generalize it more to those that we didn’t have the chance to know.

[Mambo Sam] Okay!

[Candelaria] Sorry folks, the room timed out on us!

[Mambo Sam] Oops, sorry, not sure what happened — I think the room timed out.

[Mambo Sam] I still don’t know how to work everything.

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, I was just saying that I will leave you in the capable hands of Bridget and Candi next week and see you the following week!

[Mambo Sam] No throwing of erasers or passing notes next week!

[Mambo Sam] Have fun!!!

[Mambo Sam] Good night! 

[simonegreenewpp] Thank you again for a wonderful session!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. Good night!

Copyright, ©, 2007, Samantha and Matthew Corfield