Chat June 25, 2008

[Mambo Sam] I wanted to go over a few things before we move on to our next phase of Lwa lessons. I have gotten quite a few e-mails with questions about adjunct products and potential usage of them with things such as the Ogoun pack and items from the Ogoun pack. I don’t want people confused on how to use them, especially since the Ogoun pack is something relatively new. Quite a number of questions have been asked about using the items from the Ogoun pack with things such as love dolls, etc. And the Sisters might have some questions they have been asked and we can clarify them, too, as well as some of our lovely chat operators are here and might have questions, too, that they have been asked. I don’t want to run on to another topic and leave people floundering around wondering if what they are doing is okay, PLUS some people had really good ideas within their questions!  :-)

[Mambo Sam] So first off, one thing that people had been asking was if they could use the medal that comes with the Ogoun pack by putting it on their love doll. I say absolutely YES. Of course, it can be worn while you are doing any ritual to help strengthen the ritual, but putting it on your love doll while you are doing that session I could see being extremely helpful especially if you have a very stubborn HD. Sort of asking Ogoun to use his power to synthesize the message through the doll to your HD.

[Mambo Sam] So speaking of the medal, another person did something that I thought was extremely interesting  in that she used the medal to help her through a migraine headache! She was suffering like crazy and got the idea to just lay down and put the medal directly on her forehead. She asked Ogoun to defeat the headache! Within 20 minutes, the headache was gone and she said that usually her migraines will last 16-24 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Mambo Sam] So of course, I have been having trouble with my knees, so guess where my Ogoun medal has been sitting!

[Sister Candelaria] Um... on your head? 

[Mambo Sam] It is really powerful because sometimes it feels like it is heating up, and sometimes it feels like a cold pack.

[Aleck]  :-) Too easy!

[Sister Candelaria] heehee

[clairefalconer]  :-D

[Mambo Sam] Close, Sister C.... very, very close. (I will send the short bus for you, honey.)

[Sister Candelaria] Its already here.  :-D

[The3rdwish13] hahahahahahaha

[sister bridget] I’m driving!

[Mambo Sam] Tee hee.... Sister B!

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, I thought it was very, very insightful to ask Ogoun to “defeat” the headache. Definitely if you have something going on like that, give it a try. Certainly I am not saying that it is a cure all, obviously, but I was amazed at the fact that it did make me feel better. And, of course, just like any of our other talismans and charms, this is something that definitely gets stronger the more you use it. But you definitely need to do the ritual at least one time to help get it going.

[Mambo Sam] Okay... so any questions about any of that?

[Aleck] ?

[Mambo Sam] Aleck?

[The3rdwish13] ?

[Mambo Sam] Aleck, then 3rdwish.

[Aleck] How about using it to get people to pay up, kinda like having a “collector?”

[Mambo Sam] Yes, but you would have to use it with something. In your case, for instance, your money egg!

[Aleck] I see! Can I put it on my invoices and ask that Ogoun get them to pay up? :-)

[Mambo Sam] I think that could help, but in a case like that, I would say using it in conjunction with something like your egg or even using it with a money charm would probably be best unless you were to do the Ogoun ritual asking for that and then using the medal just for that for a few days. So yes, definitely, you could use it in that way, just that it would need a bit of work to push it more in the direction of that usage. Make sense?

[Aleck] Ok, that’s a good idea! Yes, it does.

[Mambo Sam] All right!

[Mambo Sam] 3rdwish?

[The3rdwish13] So, if I ask Ogoun to help me with back pain using the medal... I just ask him and talk to him, or I ask Papa Alegba to open the gate, etc... how about an offering for the help?

[Mambo Sam] Now remember everyone, we are assuming that this medal has already been used in a ritual

[The3rdwish13] ok

[Mambo Sam] well, the Ogoun ritual to be specific. So the medal is already charged and “paid for” in service.

[The3rdwish13]  :-)

[Mambo Sam] So, definitely I would say you could just use the medal in that way, by, if possible, putting it on your back. I would say just wear it “backwards” around your neck — I hope that makes sense — so that it is hanging down your back as much as possible it doesn’t have to be right on the spot. But then asking him to defeat your back pain!  :-)

[clairefalconer] quick silly little comment?

[Mambo Sam] Now, one thing that I would say is important to remember is that you want to next time you do the Ogoun ritual (because who can only do it once, right), you would want to make an offering for the help.

[The3rdwish13] Perfect... it’s the lower back.... I’ll figure it out! THANK YOUUUU so much!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome

[The3rdwish13] I will

[Mambo Sam] Yes,Claire, go ahead, please.

[clairefalconer] I’ve gotten into this nutty habit whenever I light a candle to Ogoun or light the incense I start singing — to the tune of Macho Man by the village people

[Mambo Sam]  :-D   :-D  :-D

[Mambo Sam] I like it!

[clairefalconer] Nago Nago Man — I really love the Nago Man etc

[Aleck] hahahahahahahaaa! Excellent!

[phantodrac] haha!

[she-wolf] TOO COOL!

[Mambo Sam] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... I am sure he loves it! Now we are all going to be doing that, you know!

[Paris]  :-)

[phantodrac] That’s really creative!

[clairefalconer]  :-D

[The3rdwish13] hahahaha... yes! I will for sure...

[Sister Candelaria] Ok, this is going to sound funny, but that has been going through my head whenever I look at the bottle of oil on my altar.  :-D that same tune in that same way!

[Mambo Sam] See, I love sharing what other clients tell me and then having you guys do it here, too, because as a group everyone comes up with all these clever usages of things!  :-D

[clairefalconer] Kewl

[Sister Candelaria]  :-D I love it!

[clairefalconer]  :-D

[Mambo Sam] So very nice.... hmmmmmm... I feel lots of Nago Man singing and dancing coming up at the convention!  :-D  Thank you, Claire!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so I finally got the codes ready to put the Nago Man incense and the Ogoun oil on the website so you can order it separately. AND people have been really using that in a lot of different ways. First of all, at the heart of it, all the ways that you use the regular incense and oils, those can be used in all of those ways, too. One gal who has been around quite awhile went back and reconsecrated all of her dolls, charms, etc., everything she has, in the smoke of the Nago Man incense.

[Mambo Sam] Well, let me tell you.... she has been having some crazy stuff go on! Her HD is in the military for another country and sort of disappears for months at a time on covert operations. So half the time she doesn’t know where he is. BUT, since she has been consecrating things in the smoke of this incense, he has been finding all these strange ways to contact her and let her know things about what is happening, that he is okay, and all of this. And that was the main thing she asked for because she just goes crazy because she doesn’t know if he is okay or what.

[phantodrac] That’s so cool!

[Mambo Sam] So she asked that Ogoun use military stealth to help her HD get a message to her! Yeah, it is really cool! Again, I like the way she used what she knows Ogoun’s strengths to be and turned her petition into something that would stand a very good chance of working because of the way it was worded.

[Aleck] Military..... Ogoun...... :-)

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[clairefalconer] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Claire.

[clairefalconer] So, careful wording is very important.....?

[Mambo Sam] Careful wording CAN be important, although sometimes we end up just throwing ourselves on the mercy of the Lwa and shouting, “oh you know what I mean!” ;-)

[clairefalconer] right — thanks

[Mambo Sam] What I was saying was in certain cases, where we are looking at using a particular strength of a Lwa, then wording the petition in such a way that calls upon that strength can be very powerful. You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else, questions thus far?

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] Can caseworkers help us with the wording?

[Mambo Sam] Yes. Absolutely.

[happy] ?

[simonegreenewpp] Thank you, sometimes I need inspiration!

[Mambo Sam] Caseworkers can always help with petitions, etc. And it is true, sometimes we are so much “in” the case that we can’t spit out what we want to say.  :-) So, yes, your caseworker can definitely help you.

[Mambo Sam] Happy?

[happy] Ougon can clear the path, but what if you do not know what is in the way so you can ask what need to be cleared?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, very true. And I think that Ogoun can really help with that because he is very good with military strategy and stealth. So even if a blockage is hidden, then he can be petitioned to find and remove the hidden blockages, even if we don’t know what they are.

[happy] yeah that’s what I think I have: hidden

[Mambo Sam] Ask him to find and remove them.

[happy] thanks

[mandee21] ?

[schweety] ?

[Mambo Sam] I mean honestly, a lot of times we never know what the blockages are and it doesn’t matter because as long as they go away, we are good with it!  :-)

[happy] yeah mine are crazy, long

[Mambo Sam] Mandee, then Schweety

[mandee21] I was wondering... Can I do something like this with my GGB from LMMA since we petition to Ogoun?

[Mambo Sam] Yep — absolutely.

[mandee21] cause I thought I knew what HD’s blockages were but after talking to him last night... I am just lost and really confused

[Mambo Sam] I would hold the medal and the gris-gris bag together and use the GGB in the usual way. So does that make sense to you, Mandee?

[mandee21] yes thanks 

[Mambo Sam] Great! You are welcome.

[schweety] I came in late (I’ll take my tardy slip later :-) so maybe it was mentioned, but can Ogoun get rid of other’s fears?

[Mambo Sam] Basically, we have been talking about the different ways people have been using the different products in the Ogoun pack. People have been using the medal in a lot of different ways as well as the oil and incense. So, I would say, that yes, it certainly could not hurt to use them in that way, especially if you ask Ogoun to remind your HD, sort of using the man-to-man approach, that he doesn’t need to give in to his fears. I think that there are a lot of ways to ask Ogoun to approach a man with something, and especially asking him to be direct and also to give the man courage to act on his desires. 

[phantodrac] ?

[simonegreenewpp] ooooh! Nice!

[she-wolf] Oh, that hits my case right on the head!

[Mambo Sam] And that goes for anyone whose HD has fears that are a big part of his blockages!

[schweety] ty  :-)

[mandee21] a-freakin’ men to that

[Mambo Sam] Asking Ogoun to give that man courage would be a huge plus! Make sense?

[vodoukat02] I have to order this

[phantodrac] ?

[vodoukat02]  :-D

[schweety]  :-D yessss

[Mambo Sam]  :-D

[she-wolf] I’m so happy I made my friends go home so I could get online for class tonight!!

[Mambo Sam] See... I just wanted to point out that men HDs in particular have problems with fears. They don’t want to admit to their fears because it makes them seem weak. When they feel weak they feel powerless. When they feel powerless they won’t act on what we want them to act on. Then they degenerate into self esteem issues. And so forth and so on. SO... asking Ogoun to give the man to face those fears and beat them down... the man the courage, I meant, and asking him to do it man-to-man so that the man in question really feels like this courage is coming from a place he can relate to. 

[vodoukat02] yes, how well I know this Mambo..... lol

[Mambo Sam] Okay!

[Mambo Sam] So, thanks for waiting Phantodrac! Go ahead, please.

[phantodrac] No problem! This is so interesting! Could you use the oil on the white male candles to petition for loss of fear, etc? 

[Mambo Sam] Yep! And nice segue because candles was something that people are writing about.

[phantodrac] Sweet! Thank you! (and sorry for being away) 

[Mambo Sam] Missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[phantodrac] <3

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[Mambo Sam] So candles... Obviously, the candle magick kits come with their own oil, and some of you already use Abre Camino with the oil that comes with the candles... but, I think there is room for Ogoun’s oil!  :-)  I usually don’t like to mix up more than three things because I find they have a tendency to sort of just end up getting so mixed up in the energies that it sort of falls flat. But I feel like definitely Ogoun’s oil can strengthen just about anything you are using and it is fine to use it. Again, of course, with using petitions that he can relate to and using petitions that inspire him.

[mandee21] ?

[phantodrac] ?

[Mambo Sam] Ogoun is a Lwa that likes for you to appeal to him on his terms.

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[Mambo Sam] He isn’t being mean or difficult; it is just who he is.

[Mambo Sam] Mandee, Phantodrac, then Simone

[mandee21] Can you elaborate on petitions that inspire him? please and thank you

[Mambo Sam] Definitely.

[happy] ?

[Mambo Sam] By inspire him I mean petitions that make him want to work — petitions he can relate to. So, in the Ogoun ritual pack I mention in the directions that crying and begging don’t usually move Ogoun to want to work. He doesn’t respect it. So speaking to him in terms that he can relate to will inspire him to work much more. So putting things in “man” terms, military terms, etc. Does that make sense, Mandee?

[mandee21] like “help HD defeat his fears” or “conquer his emotional baggage”

[she-wolf] comment

[Mambo Sam] Sort of... “give HD the courage to defeat the fears that he battles”

[mandee21] Oh, I like that

[Mambo Sam] Use words like courage, defeat, battle, war, etc. “My HD is at war with his fears, help him win the war.” Oh and no “emotional baggage” — girls say that. Think of another way to put that.  ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Phantodrac, Simone, Happy, then she-wolf, please.

[phantodrac] Would you use all the oils (Anointing, Abre Camino, and Ogoun’s) on one candle before putting the lavender on? 

[Mambo Sam] Yes, for sure. And there are a couple of ways you could do that.

   Section your candle into three sections lengthwise and use one oil on each section.

   Coat them in layers.

   Do head, torso, and legs each with a different oil.

:-)  You can get creative with it.

[phantodrac] whoa! @,@

[Mambo Sam] ;-)

[phantodrac] Hehe, I’m all excited for my next candle session. :-)

[Mambo Sam]  :-D   Right on!

[Mambo Sam] Simone?

[simonegreenewpp] Does Ogoun like lamb? Or is it best to stick with beef? Lamb is good for Genghis and St. George (and SimoneGreene), but I don’t want to slight Ogoun if he would not like it.

[schweety]  :-D

[Mambo Sam]  :-D  Bloody. Rare lamb is fine. Don’t overcook it, and do pepper it heavily.

[simonegreenewpp] You can cook lamb other than bloody? Not possible!

[Mambo Sam]  :-D

[simonegreenewpp] I mean, it has to be edible for me, too!

[Mambo Sam] But yes, I think it is fine for an offering to Ogoun.  :-)

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, thank you. 

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. 

[Mambo Sam] Happy?

[happy] I do not think my HD’s problems are baggage or fears/I think it is more that I do not fit his idea of who he sees himself in a long term relationship — can Ogoun fight that battle in HD so he stops looking elsewhere? It is just a thought I had, and sent you his profile so you know what I mean. 

[Mambo Sam] Certainly here is where Ogoun can help to do the man-to-man thing and help an HD see that he needs to broaden his horizons and see a person for who they are and think outside the box — definitely.

[happy] whew I thought it was a strange question

[mandee21] ?

[Mambo Sam] Not at all — um.... we teach voodoo — how the hell could there be a strange question!? :-D

[happy] you know me 

[Aleck] :D

[clairefalconer] :-D

[happy] I have tried everything else

[Mambo Sam] :-)  Keep at it!

[Mambo Sam] She-wolf, then Mandee.

[happy] trying

[schweety] :-D

[she-wolf] In petitioning, I find it helpful to get a good picture in my head of whatever Lwa I’m speaking to, imagining him/her as a unique character and what his/her personality would be — almost like I’m imagining a character in a book or movie… And to imagine exactly how that character would want to be spoken to… The information in the Lwa database on the Forum is really helpful for this! 

[Mambo Sam] :-) And definitely that is a very good strategy because it makes your petitioning stronger because the more real it is to you, the more real it is to them.

[she-wolf] Ogoun, for example reminds me of my best friend... he’s a no-BS kinda guy! Plus, he likes spicy food and loud music, too!

[Mambo Sam] Also, it shows a certain level of respect for the Lwa to put together a profile in your mind of a person. And give those attributes to that Lwa. Good job!

[simonegreenewpp] comment

[Mambo Sam] Mandee, then Simone.

[mandee21] what if you just got some new news that HD claims he isn’t with you just because he likes being left alone... He said he just doesn’t know if he has the time after he gets home from work and eats to do what he wants AND have a relationship... because I would want to hang out every night (not really true) Can Ogoun help show him it is much better with a woman in his life?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, this is pretty case specific, but it would all be in the wording of the petition. Ogoun can and usually WILL deliver any message if you make it make sense to him. Truthfully, Ogoun loves women; so using that in some way in a petition would be good. Appealing to Ogoun that as much as he loves women, then let your HD know that it is a good thing to have not just any woman in his life, but YOU in particular.  ;-)

[mandee21] great!!

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[mandee21] thanks

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. Definitely your caseworker could help you with the specifics on that. And I might suggest that might be something that warrants doing the whole Ogoun ritual on, because in that way you could really kind of explain to Ogoun why it is good for HD to have you in his life — your skills as a cook, a lover, a companion, whatever you feel are your strong points. 

[clairefalconer] ? 

[Mambo Sam] Simone, then Claire.

[simonegreenewpp] For a movie character. I see Ogoun sometimes as the Terminator, with that metal skeleton.


[Mambo Sam] Whew.... nice. Especially if you need him to kick the hell out of something!

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[vodoukat02] :-D

[Aleck] hahahahahha!

[simonegreenewpp] And protect Sarah Connor. :-)

[Mambo Sam] :-D  :-D  :-D

[Mambo Sam] Nice, Claire, then RedAngel

[clairefalconer] I don’t want to go way off topic, but since we’re discussing oils and candles I would like to segue briefly on to High John the Conqueror Oil and root — can they be incorporated into all this?

[Mambo Sam] Yep, and not really off topic at all.... Just that people have been crazy with questions about the Ogoun pack. LOL.

[clairefalconer] As have I!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I have said it a thousand times and will say it a thousand times more, if you don’t have a High John bag, why the hell not??? :-D  Okay, got that out of my system.

[she-wolf] Ok, ok, next paycheck....!

[clairefalconer] I use mine all the time with my gris gris bags and candles.

[Mambo Sam] High John root is the most widely used product in a lot of magickal practices to strengthen any and all magick.

[Aleck] <— always in my pocket.

[clairefalconer] and now I’m thinking of using the oil and Ogoun oil together, dressing a candle with both

[Mambo Sam] The longer you have it and “feed” it, the stronger it becomes. I have had mine for 30 years and one time it got “lost” and I freaked out. So, yes, definitely, you could use them together.

[The3rdwish13] mine got stolen :-(

[clairefalconer] thanks

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. The funny thing about the High John root is other than feeding it and keeping it around and just sort of fooling with it — kind of like a worry stone — you don’t have to do much to it. Keep it nearby with all spell work. Now the oil, yes, you can use it with the Ogoun oil. :-)

[REDANGEL] Can we still get the Ogoun ritual pack? 

[Mambo Sam] Yes. It is now a permanent item. 

[she-wolf] AWESOME!!!

[clairefalconer] Yay!!!!

[REDANGEL] oh great!!! Thanks Mambo!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome! And other Lwa packs to come!

[The3rdwish13] can’t wait

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[Aleck] Woohoo!!!!

[clairefalconer] Thanks!!!!!

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[happy] Oh, Papa pack!

[Mambo Sam] It is really awesome to get to share this knowledge with all of you and put something specific and correct in your hands to serve the Lwa with.

[Mambo Sam] Definitely a Papa pack!!!!

[simonegreenewpp] Gran Bois Pack. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Yep.  Definitely!  :-)

[Sister Candelaria] Agwe pack?

[Mambo Sam] Heck yeah.

[mandee21] ?

[Sister Candelaria] YEAH!!!

[happy] See that is why we love you

[Mambo Sam] LaSiren and Agwe pack.  ;-)

[clairefalconer] Baron pack?

[Mambo Sam] Aw.... And I love you, too.

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, the Baron is already on my tail, “where’s my pack?”


[happy] :-D

[The3rdwish13] hehe

[clairefalconer] :-D  :-D

[Aleck] ?:)

[Mambo Sam] I mean seriously.... So I am sure I will have the puppy together by Fet Ghede!

[Mambo Sam] Mandee, then Aleck

[mandee21] I dunno if that made any sense as I am at my breaking point with processing

[Mambo Sam] :-D  Yeah, I know what you mean there.... here is the thing about processing, you could ask Ogoun to help an HD with processing BUT processing is actually what makes your spell work work.

[mandee21] throws hands up in the air....

[Mambo Sam] If your HD doesn’t process, or gets yanked out of processing before he or she is through, then what have you accomplished? Processing means that the your HD is working through the issues you have asked him to work through.

[mandee21] ...right

[Mambo Sam] Processing means that your HD is absorbing the petitions you have sent to him. So if you try too much to hasten or change the processing process, you run the risk of just confusing the whole issue. But yes, you can certainly ask with white candles or dolls, etc., to assist your HD in processing a bit more quickly or thoroughly. But you really don’t want to stop the processing because it is hard.

[mandee21] And that is why he seemed to be getting really close, and then just says he doesn’t see dating in the immediate future?

[Mambo Sam] I don’t know about your question above, again, really too case specific for this class.

[mandee21] sorry

[Mambo Sam] Definitely though you should discuss it with your caseworker.

[mandee21] I am just very stressed out

[Mambo Sam] Yep, I understand. And I am not trying to be a hard ass, just that we need to stay fairly general to benefit everyone.

[mandee21] no worries, I still love you

[Mambo Sam] But that is YOU being stressed out..... in that case you need to ask Ogoun to help YOU win the war of dealing with processing. ;-)

[mandee21] thank you

[she-wolf] ?

[Mambo Sam] And I love you, too. And everyone, remember, Ogoun can help you, too. ;-)

[sister bridget] in line for a ? please ;-) 

[Mambo Sam] Aleck, then she-wolf, then Sister Bridget. ;-)

[happy] ?

[Mambo Sam] Then Happy.

[Aleck] Just a suggestion, since we are connecting with Ogoun, how about lighting a candle in his honor tonight, since it is his day? And he has been so important to all of us. AND, tapping me on the arm.... :-)

[Mambo Sam] Those who can, please do. ;-)

[clairefalconer] :-D


[Mambo Sam] She wolf, Sister Bridget, then Happy.

[she-wolf] How about this idea?: Lately when I’m finished working the Love Doll and getting ready to put it away (I keep the doll, candles, etc. on a folding bed tray in my closet), I’ve been placing the butterfly from the ritual pack on the doll’s chest, asking Ogoun to give him strength & courage. I leave it there until the next day, or whenever I’m doing other work in which I may want to use it.

[Mambo Sam] Awwwwwwwwwww, I like that!!!!  :-)

[The3rdwish13] I do that too!

[Mambo Sam] And that is perfect. :-)

[she-wolf] Funny, I mostly ignored the butterfly for a while, but now I’ve been using it more & more.

[Mambo Sam] What good little Vodouisants you all are!  ;-)  Very nice.

[she-wolf] When I invoke Ogoun, my biggest dog sometimes looks up and seems to follow something in the air, like… butterflies!

[Mambo Sam] ;-)  Love it. I love that the animals really seem to connect with the Lwa. Thank you for sharing that, she-wolf.

[she-wolf] Well, of all my dogs, that one is the one Ogoun would like best... he looks like a warrior!

[clairefalconer] comment after the others?

[Mambo Sam] Sister Bridget?

[sister bridget] I often get confused about Ogoun and blood. I know we have to be careful about that, but can we ask Ogoun to help cleanse blood, as in healing something or someone? Can that be worked into the ritual pack? Is there a way to use this pack for physical healing?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, the only thing about blood is that you don’t ever offer Ogoun your own blood. But he is the Lwa of blood and can definitely be asked to cleanse blood, be curative with blood diseases, strengthen blood (such as someone with anemia, leukemia, AIDS, etc.) and while in some circles it is said not to work with Ogoun if a woman is having her menstrual period, honestly, I have never seen any problems with that. Where problems have ensued with people (in some stories) is people cutting themselves and offering Ogoun their blood. This is a huge mistake because Ogoun is a big powerful Lwa and he sometimes doesn’t know his own strength and so he can accidently sap your strength. I mean he isn’t going to kill you, obviously, but it is best just to never do that. But all in all, for sure, I would say that he could definitely help and using this pack for healing would be great.

[sister bridget] so petitioning to help with another’s blood issues is fine?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, and even if you had blood issues, asking him to heal them for you. You just don’t use your own blood as an offering.

[sister bridget] okie!

[light119] ?

[Aleck] comment to Sister Bridget’s question.

[Mambo Sam] I would say also if one had a love doll to use it in conjunction with the ritual pack for healing would definitely be a good idea. :-)

[sister bridget] awesome!

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[sister bridget] thank you ;-) 

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Mambo Sam] Happy, Light119, then Aleck

[happy] This is a strange one but it bothers me a bit. Before finding SpellMaker I used to visualize all the time and things would happen. But not the way I wanted or they would happen for someone else when I visualized it for me. Now I have a hard time visualizing and feel that I am hurting my spellwork. (Maybe that is why its taking so long) Now my strange question — do you think it would work/be ok to ask Ogoun before I visualize that he will make sure it happens only for me and keeps the scenario with the hd and not another person (I visualized something with my HD a few times and it happened with another guy instead — not good).

[Mambo Sam] Okay, this is really case specific and there are some issues within there that do need to be discussed. We have a consultation coming up, so we will discuss it then, if that is okay with you.

[happy] okie dokie

[Mambo Sam] Plus, magick does not happen for/with someone else when you mean it for your target. Sometimes things happen with another person for a specific reason. But not because your magick went haywire.

[happy] ew yuck

[Mambo Sam] Anyway... like I said, very case specific, sweetie.

[happy] thanks love you I will be quiet now

[Mambo Sam] Oh you don’t have to be quiet! :-D  Silly.

[Mambo Sam] Light119, then Aleck

[light119] quick and very naïve question... I was wondering how easy it is to upset the Lwa?

[Mambo Sam] You have to go out of your way. And really be quite specific in wanting to upset them. Contrary to some popular theories out there, they are quite forgiving most of the time, especially if one makes an honest mistake — for instance, if you don’t know that you are offering them something they don’t like. They are not going to throw a fit and do something to you. :-) But you see a lot of that crap in books, but don’t believe it. We have discussed this somewhat in the past here and there — so when you get a chance look over the past transcripts. I think it will help you a lot. And believe me, it is a good question. :-)

[light119] oh great I’ll look at old transcripts. thanks

[Mambo Sam] I know it is a lot to read, but I think you will learn a lot there. :-) You are welcome.

[light119] :-)

[Mambo Sam] Aleck?

[Aleck] Just a comment to Sister Bridget’s question about Ogoun and blood conditions. I had great results asking for Ogoun’s help with a blood problem I had. It caused me to have a seizure, but it hasn’t shown up on a blood test since I asked for help for it at the Lave Tet! : )

[happy] :-D

[Mambo Sam] Nice! I remember that!!!!!

[Aleck] :-)

[Mambo Sam] Yes, definitely asking Ogoun to heal any of your own blood disorders is fine — or those of another. Perfect!

[Mambo Sam] Well, okay, wow, time has flown!!!! Any other questions?? Speak up, chickadees!

[happy] nope just love to all

[Mambo Sam] OMG..... This is so weird. I cannot say the names, but my TV is on in the background and one of those reality show things is on.

[Aleck] ?

[Mambo Sam] And they just said three names... I can’t say them, but the three names are people who are in here tonight. And they are not the most common names in the world.

[happy] how neat

[luke39] I hope it is me! ha

[she-wolf] Insert twilight zone theme here. 

[Aleck] :-)

[The3rdwish13] or me ;-) hahahaha

[happy] I am common name so it is not me

[Mambo Sam] I don’t know what it means, but it was just crazy for a minute! :-D  Okay... LOL...

[Mambo Sam] Anyway so a hand up... Aleck’s I think?

[Aleck] Where is Ouanga? I think we need a snort!

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, I miss her!

[Mambo Sam] Feel free to fill in for her.

[Aleck] snort!

[clairefalconer] Does she snort when she laughs?

[Mambo Sam] Sort of, Claire. Just in print, actually! :-D  She’ll be around. ;-)

[luke39] mine is a hee haw

[sister bridget] to hell with a snort, I need a whole glass!

[Mambo Sam] :-D  :-D  :-D Sister B.

[Sister Candelaria] :-D  That’s my Sister! :-D

[simonegreenewpp] I was getting worried, I tried calling her a couple of times. :-/

[happy] I normally do not drink but count me in

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[clairefalconer] Or do you mean snort as in a shot of something?

[she-wolf] Make mine Jameson’s!

[Mambo Sam] :-D — maybe both, Claire! :-D

[sister bridget] oh, Happy, ya gotta drink and Voodoo!

[clairefalconer] single malt girl here!

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[happy] why I just get stupid giggly

[Aleck] Hahaha!

[clairefalconer] me too

[Sister Candelaria] Giggly is good!

[mamakate] I just get in way too much trouble! :-D

[happy] Yeah but someone told me a sad story once and I was laughing

[Aleck] Very Fet Gede!

[she-wolf] Okay, I swear, I have GOT to get the money to come to the convention... you guys are my kinda people!

[clairefalconer] Sister Candi — I love your drink recipes on your site!

[vodoukat02] :-D Happy

[Sister Candelaria] Thank you!!

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[Sister Candelaria] I am a GOOOOOOOOOD Vodouisant! :-D

[Aleck] Hahahahahaaaaaaaa! 

[she-wolf] Mixin’ up those potions, huh?

[Mambo Sam] I am cutting down the tuition to the convention, by the way.

[The3rdwish13] Mambo I want to share something with you guys!!!!!

[happy] I must say, I love Wednesday no matter how bad or dull my week is 

[clairefalconer] Really????

[Mambo Sam] Just so the people who want to drive can have some gas money. :-)

[happy] I get a huge pickup from here

[clairefalconer] me too

[Mambo Sam] Those who paid full price already will get a refund.

[Aleck] :-) Heheehehee. Wait.....

[sister bridget] what about the ones who want to drink???? ;-) 

[REDANGEL] I was just checking the price of a flight as we speak!

[schweety] awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ty Mambo :-)

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead ****.

[vodoukat02] thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome! 

[simonegreenewpp] I wish you could discount the airlines! :-D

[REDANGEL] thanks Mambo

[clairefalconer] is it posted on the SM site?

[Mambo Sam] I am going to change it tomorrow.

[schweety] that’s awesome 3rd wish :-)

[vodoukat02] ?

[Mambo Sam] Right — I figured it would help with air fare, too, give people a little bit extra money.

[The3rdwish13] Since I bought that Met Tet teaching session a few things happened.... I won the lottery and today I sign the selling of my house (which was in the market for 9 months)

[clairefalconer] cool 3rd wish — thanks Mambo Sam!

[Mambo Sam] Oh shit.... sorry 3rd wish, I said your name.....

[The3rdwish13] You are funny Mambo... my name is not a secret any more.... HAHAHAH ;-) I don’t mind!  hahahahahaha

[Mambo Sam] God, though, I hate it when I do that! :-D

[happy] Maybe she was one of the names you heard

[Sister Candelaria] One Mambo Demerit for you!

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, that happens to people sometimes, their Met Tet is so excited that things start popping!!!

[simonegreenewpp] 3rd wish is ******* ****? Cool!

[The3rdwish13] Maybe :-)

[Mambo Sam] :-D  Well, she IS as cute, that is for sure.

[The3rdwish13] Hahahahahaha.... THANK YOU

[sister bridget] Night all — My JuJu is calling me!

[happy] can I have your autograph *******?

[vodoukat02] how long would it take from Ohio to drive there

[The3rdwish13] soooo.... with that said, you may see **** in the convention ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Good night, Sister B. Go shake that JuJu baby!

[sister bridget] Night MaMere — Love you!

[clairefalconer] Voudoukat — I live in **** — maybe we could hook up and ride together

[Mambo Sam] Shake it once for me!!! Love you, too. XOXO

[vodoukat02] sounds good to me

[happy] Night all — love you Mambo — everyone

[Mambo Sam] Good night, Happy.

[Mambo Sam] Well, I definitely want as many of you here as possible; like I said, if the tuition is a problem, there are ways around that!

[The3rdwish13] Mambo... I’m cuter ;-) hahahaha

[Mambo Sam] LOL, yes you are — in your crazy hats.

[Mambo Sam] Hey Sister C....

[The3rdwish13] yes!

[simonegreenewpp] Love you Mambo, Thank you!

[PATRICKinCALI] That is a rare and beautiful name ****!

[vodoukat02] Claire, e-mail at Vodoukat02@***** 

[Mambo Sam] 3rdwish loves crazy hats!

[vodoukat02] love ya Mambo

[Sister Candelaria] Yes?

[Mambo Sam] Love you!

[The3rdwish13] I do

[Mambo Sam] 3rdwish loves crazy hats, I said!

[Sister Candelaria] You rang, MaMa?

[clairefalconer] Voudoukat: clairefalconer@***** 

[The3rdwish13] Thank you Patrick

[PATRICKinCALI] Don’t fret, Mambo says my name all the time :-)

[The3rdwish13] hahaha

[Mambo Sam] :-D  :-D  :-D — with it right there in your handle.


[luke39] Night... Love you Mambo... would like to hear from you

[Mambo Sam] OH by the way, Mr. Man Patrick — Happy Birthday! A little bit late.

[Mambo Sam] Luke, you will. Sorry.... I am not ignoring you, honey. Just swamped....

[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you none the less Mambo!

[Mambo Sam] I have a little sumpin’ sumpin’ for you — I will send it off to you. ;-)

[The3rdwish13] Happy b-day Patrick ;-)

[PATRICKinCALI] Gee whiz! Thanks!

[clairefalconer] We should end our session with a rousing chorus of Nago Nago Man......

[REDANGEL] Happy Birthday Patrick!!!!

[Sister Candelaria] yes, everyone, Patrick slipped that one in under the radar, but his birthday was on Sunday!!

[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you dears!

[REDANGEL] night all

[Mambo Sam] And Happy Birthday Patrick — a big ole Nago Man himself!

[Sister Candelaria] Happy Birthday, Baby!!!

[Mambo Sam] Nago Nago Man....  happy birthday Patrick

[Sister Candelaria] heehee 

[Mambo Sam] a swell Nago Man

[simonegreenewpp] Happy Birthday!

[Mambo Sam] ;-)

[PATRICKinCALI] Thanks Candi, and don’t dare say the age!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, whose doing the dance in their head?

[clairefalconer] I am

[simonegreenewpp] 29 again?

[Aleck] Happy birthday to you..... :-)

[Sister Candelaria] I have no idea what you’re talking about. 30 is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s the new 20!

[Mambo Sam] again, again, again....

[clairefalconer] and 50 is the new 30

[PATRICKinCALI] I know yours in December!! :-)

[vodoukat02] Claire, got your e-mail..... thank you

[Mambo Sam] Hey, mine too!

[Sister Candelaria] Ssssshhhhhhhhhh

[PATRICKinCALI] Ms Candi Thing

[clairefalconer] great Voudoukat


[Mambo Sam] Seriously people, if tuition is a problem for the convention, please let me know. We could use a few volunteers. ;-)

[Sister Candelaria] Hey, who you calling Ms Thing, Mr Patrick Thing??? HMMMM???  heehee

[vodoukat02] hey, I have two daughters

[The3rdwish13] I’ll talk to you Mambo about it....

[PATRICKinCALI] thing is right!

[Mambo Sam] Oh Lord, Queen Wars.

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[Mambo Sam] No hair pulling.

[Sister Candelaria] Princess and Queen wars! heehee

[Mambo Sam] Bitch slapping, however, is appropriate and even desired.

[PATRICKinCALI] Candi has a crew cut, that is impossible

[Mambo Sam] :-D  :-D  :-D

[Sister Candelaria] :-D

[clairefalconer] :-D

[Mambo Sam] She looks kewl.

[PATRICKinCALI] Oooo I’m dead! 

[Sister Candelaria] I’m so Ogoun now! heehee

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, er, dude, what are you thinking?  :-D

[clairefalconer] the new Nago Man?

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[Sister Candelaria] :-D  :-D  :-D

[Mambo Sam] Okay crazies!!!!! I am outta here! Much much love and hugs and kisses to all.

[clairefalconer] Love you!

[PATRICKinCALI] Good Lord... if you could see this chick!

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[The3rdwish13] Good night Mambo! XOXO

[Sister Candelaria] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

[Mambo Sam] Good night babies. Love you.

[mamakate] night everyone!

[Sister Candelaria] Night Mama!

[clairefalconer] Night everyone!!!!!

[PATRICKinCALI] Night all!

[The3rdwish13] Good night all

[Mambo Sam] Good night beautiful daughter.

[Aleck] Night Marran!

[Mambo Sam] See ya! Good night, Aleck! Keep that money box near by — I think something else might fall in it. Good night!

Copyright, ©, Samantha Corfield 2008