Chat June 12, 2007 

[Mambo Sam] Hello everyone! Good to see you all here. My first “heads up” for everyone is that New Mexico is actually having “weather” - GASP! So my cable is a bit sketchy. If I disappear, I will be trying to get back on.     

[Mambo Sam] If you have questions about the exercise from last week, please do get them ready. I will first answer the ones that were sent to me by e-mail. (If you were not here last week, we worked on ancestor contact.) Just go ahead and have your questions ready and I will call for them here in a bit.

[Mambo Sam] First I wanted to touch base a little bit with some concerns that some folks had with their ancestor exercise.

[Mambo Sam] A few people asked about not knowing who their ancestors were and/or who they were ending up trying to get in touch with.

[Mambo Sam] This is especially true for people who are adopted.  And have no knowledge of their ancestors.

[Mambo Sam] This is a pretty common thing and actually can make the ancestor service/contact pretty exciting!

[Mambo Sam] It is a good way to find out who is there, who is helping you, etc.

[Mambo Sam] The automatic writing exercise can be a very “open” exercise if you want it to be.

[Mambo Sam] You can simply ask for the ancestors who are around you and helping you, to “identify” themselves through the automatic writing.

[Mambo Sam] NOW....

[Mambo Sam] that can get a bit tricky!

[Mambo Sam] Asking out and out for spirits to start identifying themselves could get a bit chaotic, so it is up to you to keep the control and ask, please, only one at a time - or separate it into categories. For instance, you might ask for your great-great grandmother.

[Mambo Sam] On your mother’s side... or something of that nature.

[Mambo Sam] That way you pinpoint someone, even without knowing their name. If you practice this, you can get them to tell you your name. I have found in the past that adopted people, or those who are estranged from their families seem to have their deceased ancestors even closer to them!!

[Mambo Sam] My hypothesis on that is that the ancestors feel that they need to keep an even closer eye on you if your blood family isn’t doing it here on earth.

[Mambo Sam] So even if you are adopted or estranged in some way from your biological family, you can definitely still do ancestor services, ancestor contact work, etc. You are just having to approach it from a different point of view - more of a treasure hunt to start with.

[Mambo Sam] This ancestor contact is NOT something that is going to happen overnight for most people.

[Mambo Sam] You do have to work at it. You do have to be patient with yourself and with them. Basically, you are trying to get a non-corporeal being to write you a note!

[Mambo Sam] This is going to take time and some effort. But it certainly something that is worthwhile and it is something that anyone CAN do, but you do have to be willing to work with it. And like I was mentioning last week, it puts such a great spin on doing ancestor service. Most people want to do some kind of honoring of their ancestors and cook them a meal, play music for them, but are left with an unsatisfied feeling of whether or not their efforts were appreciated - even though intrinsically we know that they are, we all like to see a little concrete evidence!

[Mambo Sam] Doing the automatic writing (and yes, I realize that sometimes it doesn’t seem very “automatic” since you do have to work at it) is a great way to put that extra touch on your ancestor service.

[Mambo Sam] Another question that people were e-mailing was “how long” should one expect it to take to feel proficient at this.

[Mambo Sam] Um...

[Mambo Sam] well...

[Mambo Sam] who knows???

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Seriously, it is very, very different for each individual person.

[Mambo Sam] Some people take to it right away and some have to work harder at it. In the long run, I haven’t seen a lot of difference between those who seemed to have a natural talent for it and those who had to work at it. In the end, it was as satisfactory for one as it was  for the other.

[Mambo Sam] So questions??

[Mambo Sam] Comments?

[Mambo Sam] Shared experiences from last week?

[Mambo Sam] No one???? Does anyone need help with the exercise, more information, anything like that?

[simonegreenewpp] Just more practice!

[ouanga_bottle] agreed!

[Mambo Sam] Yep.... That is the trick of it.

[Mambo Sam] Did anyone get anything that they didn’t know what it meant??

[ouanga_bottle] all of it

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, loads of gibberish!

[Mambo Sam] I find that happens sometimes.

[Mambo Sam] In a case like that, it is a good idea to keep those papers and then ask again, ask them, what did that mean?? Can you be clearer?

[Mambo Sam] That kind of thing.

[Mambo Sam] Ask for clarification.

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[eager2learn] I think the more appropriate question would be if anybody got anything that they understood

[PATRICKinCALI] comment

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] You mentioned sacred geometry?* (See below for information on Sacred Geometry.)

[Mambo Sam] Yes. Can you show “hands” if you have any idea what that is?

[simonegreenewpp] hand - different context

[wondering] hand-symbols?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, we might want to actually do a whole session on sacred geometry one time.... The basics of it is this: patterns.

[Mambo Sam] All the patterns of existence - a very concrete display of “sacred geometry” is a snowflake.

[Mambo Sam] It is nature’s geometry. 

[Mambo Sam] A lot of doodles that people are do are said to be extremely sacred and spiritual, but they don’t even realize what they are doing. It is the doodling of the Higher Self. Spirals, cubes, circles.

[Mambo Sam] There are numeric patterns in sacred geometry, too.

[Mambo Sam] So, if you got a lot of doodling symbols in your automatic writing, you might want to take the time to look around on the internet - just do a search on sacred geometry. Certain symbols are interpreted as certain things (and this IS subject to some debate).

[Mambo Sam] So if there is enough interest in this subject, I will do a session on it - e-mail the e-mail address and let me know.

[Mambo Sam] If there are enough requests, I will be happy to do it.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so let’s have another show of hands, how many of you felt “disconnected” from the exercise and just didn’t feel like you were “getting it?” It’s okay! Don’t be embarrassed. I want to know so we can work on it more. Getting good at this can really help all your magickal and spiritual work, so I think it is important.

[JamboJambo] comment

[Mambo Sam] Yes, go ahead Jambo.

[JamboJambo] I didn’t so much feel disconnected as I felt like I wasn’t able to let go enough. Like maybe I’m too much of a control freak, so to speak.

[Mambo Sam] I totally get that!

[Mambo Sam] There are a couple of little tricks... one is to do it when you are tired!

[Mambo Sam] Another is to do it with your non-dominant writing hand.

[JamboJambo] But definitely what I got was more scribble than anything. I just let the pen “go” and do whatever... sort of Ouija board style.

[Mambo Sam] But see if you are getting “scribble” you are over half way there -- someone is trying to tell you something!

[Mambo Sam] And yes, you are supposed to just let the pen “go” like that.

[Mambo Sam] Another little trick is to use something to write with that you don’t usually use.

[JamboJambo] Ah okay. I thought we were supposed to doodle or write randomly and it would come when it did. I didn’t do that. 

[Mambo Sam] See you are trying to trick yourself a little bit... trick your muscle memory, and your control desires, etc.

[Mambo Sam] You can do it that way, but it is better to just let the writing implement go on its own, if you can.

[Mambo Sam] Some people need to “prime the pump” a little bit and start doing some random writing or doodling.

[Mambo Sam] Or just start writing stream of consciousness, whatever pops into your head - yes you are writing it, but “they” have a tendency to take over.

[simonegreenewpp] comment

[PATRICKinCALI] comment

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead Simone, and then Patrick.

[simonegreenewpp] That’s what I was about to say - I would doodle and suddenly jump into a stream of consciousness that felt like all me

[Mambo Sam] The stream of consciousness can be very tricky - it will “feel” like you, but if you go with it, you can find that you wrote 20 pages and didn’t even realize it. When you read back, you will start to pick out words and phrases that aren’t you.

[Mambo Sam] But it is definitely the best way to go - start writing what’s in your head, being mindful to just relax into the exercise.

[Mambo Sam] That’s another thing -- relaxing.

[Mambo Sam] We all have a tendency to get too uptight, expect too much or too little, get too impatient, all of that.

[Mambo Sam] It’s human nature.

[Mambo Sam] And that, of course, brings us back to the whole practice part of it!

[Mambo Sam] Was that it, Simone?

[simonegreenewpp] Exactly!

[Mambo Sam] Just work with it! I know you can do it!!

[Mambo Sam] We will do some sessions with this at the convention. It will be really great to do it there because I can guide you in person.

[godfaithful] question

[Mambo Sam] Patrick, then Godfaithful.

[PATRICKinCALI] Asked my Grandma to talk to me. I got gibberish spirals with the clear word “Summer”

[PATRICKinCALI] Clueless as to what that means

[Mambo Sam] Okay, but that’s awesome. Did you try again on your own?

[PATRICKinCALI] No I have not yet. But it was my hand going on its own not conscious thoughts

 [Mambo Sam] I mean think about it -- if someone deceased even gets a word across to you - even if you don’t know what it means - that is awesome. It’s letting you know that she was there.

[Mambo Sam] That’s great!!!

[Mambo Sam] Keep trying. You are on the brink when you start getting clear cut words!

[PATRICKinCALI] She was my Grandma that taught us about New Orleans Voodoo! And to respect it as part of being Catholic. She was from Ireland

[Mambo Sam] Maybe she meant to take the summer and learn to talk to her!


[Mambo Sam] You are there... talk to her again, ask her what she wants you to know about the summer. And for everyone, when you get a bit of information, ask them what they mean. Remember, they are working hard at this, too. 

[Mambo Sam] Godfaithful.

[godfaithful] Mambo, would you be doing any other group activity on the same topic? It might help those of us who could not attend last week?

[Mambo Sam] We will be doing a number of group activities as time passes. I certainly could see doing this one again!

[godfaithful] thanks! That would be great

[Mambo Sam] You good folks are all welcome to write and let us know what you want to do with these classes. Yes, I do have plenty planned, but nothing is in stone. We can do whatever you guys want - this is for YOU not for me!

[godfaithful] Thanks Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. Anyone else with questions thus far?

[Mambo Sam] Now I know some of you had some experiences last week and good contacts, anyone want to share?

[Candelaria] I will.

[Mambo Sam] Cool - go for it, Candi.

[Candelaria] First of all, disclaimer (its the caseworker in me. lol) Mambo has given us the “tools” we need to do this and a way to do, which is fantastic and you should follow those guidelines until you get the hang of it. This was the first time I had ever done automatic writing, BUT something really cool happened. As most of you know, my mother has passed. Last week I was on chat from work because I got stuck working late at my job and didn’t make it home in time. It made it basically “impossible” for me to light a candle, get a glass of water etc. So, I thought I would just observe and help Mambo if needed. As the rest of you were in the middle of doing the exercise, all of a sudden a paper shredder behind me started going off without even being turned on. My first thought was, “I’m not alone.” And I knew it was my Mom. I didn’t have the set up for the ritual, but I took out a piece of paper and asked if that was my Mom and my hand started going. It didn’t stop for about 15 minutes. (Now, don’t feel bad if it didn’t work that well for you, as Mambo said, its different for everyone.) After that, I tired again and my I did get a bit stuck, but I relaxed into it and she started off again. The funny part is that the handwriting looked like a combination between mine and hers.

[Candelaria] I was astonished! I cried, I laughed. Haven’t talked to her in three years. It was really amazing!!

[Candelaria] I just kept asking questions and she answered them.

[eager2learn] wow!!

[Candelaria] Now, if you didn’t get that, like I said, don’t fee bad. 

[Mambo Sam] And this is definitely a testament to sometimes not trying too hard!     

[Candelaria] Mum has been in contact with Mambo and she was waiting to talk to me, so there was no way she was not going to get through.

[Candelaria] hee hee Well, there it is. I’m glad I could share.

[Candelaria] I didn’t try at all!

[Mambo Sam] Candi wasn’t expecting to do this -- just sort of grabbed the paper and let it go - maybe it would work and maybe it wouldn’t.

[Mambo Sam] So without expecting anything, she didn’t have a death grip on the energy! LOL.

[Mambo Sam] It’s a fine balance sometimes.

[Mambo Sam] And sometimes you will get things clear as a bell and sometimes you won’t. Thank you, Candi!!!

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else want to share their experience?

[ouanga_bottle] question

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I definitely think that we will work some more on this exercise. But in the meantime, do practice it on your own. Another good time to do this automatic writing is in your spell work sessions and/or adjunct work sessions. Go ahead Quanga!

[Mambo Sam] Damn it, I said Quanga again.

[Mambo Sam] Ouanga.

[ouanga_bottle] do you think it would be easier to start off asking your ancestor about a topic that isn’t so near and dear to you (e.g. love advice)?  Just because it’s hard to distinguish between wishful thinking answers... and real ones... ya know?

[Mambo Sam] It depends on how well you are doing with the session. For sure it might be a good idea to just get it going well enough so that you feel comfortable with it.

[Mambo Sam] I would say definitely that is an individual thing.

[ouanga_bottle] I got some answers but just don’t know if they were my answers or my grandma’s

[Mambo Sam] That’s common, but like I said, the more you do it, the more you will start to distinguish your own words from their’s. It gets pretty distinct over time.

[Mambo Sam] But for sure, you can use this way of contact to ask them for help, too. In that way, you are not so much relying on their guidance, or wondering if it is your own thought process, but rather, especially in doing something such as an ancestor feast, asking for their help.

[ouanga_bottle] practice!

[Mambo Sam] Yes, practice!

[ouanga_bottle] oh that’s a good idea

[Mambo Sam] Any other questions before we talk a little about that?

[Mambo Sam] So know we know a little bit about contacting our ancestors. And we will learn over the next couple of sessions about doing an ancestor service, or ancestor feast, etc.

[Mambo Sam] And we want to get them to communicate with us by writing us a letter, note, or somehow putting their words on paper.

[Mambo Sam] So let’s say you are doing a spell kit or some adjunct work.... And somewhere in that session you want to ask your ancestor for help in achieving the goal towards which you are working.

[Mambo Sam] Let’s use candle work as an example since many of you do the figure candles.

[Mambo Sam] Of course, you are going to follow the regular instructions for set up, dressing the candle, etc.

[Mambo Sam] When you get to the meditation/petition/asking for what you want part, you can do a little bit of the automatic writing exercise.

[Mambo Sam] If you have someone in particular you want to help, call them in, and ask them to just communicate to you that they are there.

[Mambo Sam] Relax, let go into it, just put your pen to the paper and let it move on its own if you can.

[Mambo Sam] Feel that they are there.

[Mambo Sam] Automatic writing is a tool of communication. But you can also feel them there - feel their energy. I have two important words for you. Write them down in big letters on your notebook.

[Mambo Sam] Ready?

[Mambo Sam] Okay.

[Mambo Sam] Suspend disbelief.

[Mambo Sam] That’s the two words.

[Mambo Sam] Just for a minute.

[Mambo Sam] Suspend disbelief.

[Mambo Sam] We can all go back to our mundane, I need proof of everything worlds later on.

[Mambo Sam] When you suspend disbelief you will begin to believe.

[Mambo Sam] When you begin to believe, things start to happen.

[Mambo Sam] And even suspending disbelief takes practice.

[Mambo Sam] Notice the word “work” is in spell work.

[Mambo Sam] Yeah... it is work.

[Mambo Sam] But the rewards are many.

[Mambo Sam] So anyway.

[Mambo Sam] There you are, in the middle of your candle work... pen and paper...

[Mambo Sam] Grandma Gertie is there.

[Mambo Sam] You do feel her energy.

[Mambo Sam] She let you know she was there by making her mark on your paper.

[Mambo Sam] Now get another paper.

[Mambo Sam] Write her a little letter. “Grandma Gertie, I am troubled. I need your help with____________”

[Mambo Sam] While those candles are burning and your in the meditation/petitioning phase of your work, you can be asking for this help from your ancestor(s).

[Mambo Sam] You can pick a different ancestor every session.

[Mambo Sam] You can use the same one.

[Mambo Sam] You can ask for help from unknown ancestors. Ask for who is protecting you?

[Mambo Sam] Who is looking out for you?

[Mambo Sam] One thing I can guarantee you is that someone is!

[Mambo Sam] No one has NO ancestors!

[Mambo Sam] Unless there is something about you that I don’t know.

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] If you sit in a session and ask outloud “Who is looking out for me? Where are you? Who are you?” You will eventually get an answer.

[Mambo Sam] At first you might not recognize it. You might need to remind yourself again and again to suspend disbelief.

[Mambo Sam] Logistically speaking, it doesn’t matter too much when or how you do this in a session.

[Mambo Sam] These are not the lwa.

[Mambo Sam] So you have some free range.

[Mambo Sam] Um, free rein.

[Mambo Sam] I must have been thinking about chickens.

[Mambo Sam] I am a little hungry.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway....

[ouanga_bottle] question

[Mambo Sam] Ouanga.

[Mambo Sam] Your question.

[ouanga_bottle] Is it always an ancestor or could there be others who knew you in the past before they died? Protecting you, looking out for you, that is

[Mambo Sam] You can definitely use this exercise to call on others if you feel like they were that close to you.

[Mambo Sam] Especially if they have something in particular that makes them uniquely qualified to help you with a particular thing.

[Mambo Sam] If your friend was a banker or stock broker in life, and you are doing money work, certainly you can call on them.

[Mambo Sam] Definitely you can call on good friends.

[ouanga_bottle] I went to a medium last year for fun with a friend, and the medium surprised me by telling me who was there. It was the former chief of my organization, we weren’t close but he did have a high regard for me, I was floored by her description, anyway, haven’t thought about this is a while and thought I would ask...

[Mambo Sam] With someone like that, I would suggest that you utilize the strengths that you know they had. Now if you get into automatic writing with them and they reveal that they have other things that they want to help you with, then definitely go for it. Which is another good thing about the automatic writing - it helps sort things out once you get going with it.

[Mambo Sam] So you do want to know who it is, why would you call on them vs. someone else, etc.

[ouanga_bottle] yes I imagine I would call on him for work and career and other things requiring ambition, exactly, not a bad idea!

[Mambo Sam] I mean some best friends that have passed might be much more likely to be called on than a close relative that one couldn’t stand! 

[Mambo Sam] Just remember, all of you, to always stay in your comfort zone with this.

[ouanga_bottle] and you also had suggested you should wait at least a year?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, in the Vodou tradition, the spirit is spending that first year learning and acclimating. It isn’t that something awful is going to happen if you call on them.

[Mambo Sam] But they are not yet as qualified to help you.

[ouanga_bottle] thank you for your supreme wisdom mambo    

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[simonegreenewpp] comment?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] My odd experience with the writing was that I heard from Hope, a friend’s daughter

[simonegreenewpp] She was born very premature and did not survive. And she asked to have my friend call her. So I do plan to talk to the friend about the writing technique

[simonegreenewpp] I felt like that scene with Whoopi Goldberg as a medium, where unexpected people jump in with a message!

[Mambo Sam] For sure.... Even though the spirit might seem very young, it might not be and might have a lot to say! (Oh yes, I love that scene!)

[simonegreenewpp] I’m not at all blood related to my friend.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, but you were OPEN to it!

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, that was the cool thing! :-)

[Mambo Sam] You see, you never know what the spirits have experienced, young or old at the time of their physical death.

[Mambo Sam] So, you might get help, advice, or guidance, even from a baby or young child. You will be able to tell.

[Mambo Sam] It is like Patrick was talking about.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, the family member was young. However... he could still be a very learned spirit and there might be things he could help with.

[Mambo Sam] Which is why this is also a good technique, once you master it, to know whether or not the spirit you are calling on (or is calling on you) has evolved enough to help you (in the case of a young person).

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so there you are doing your adjunct work.

[Mambo Sam] You wrote a letter to Grandma Gertie to help you with your troubling situation.

[Mambo Sam] Anyone want to guess what to do with the letter when you are done with it?

[simonegreenewpp] Burn it?

[ouanga_bottle] burn it!

[Mambo Sam] LOL. Oh my little ones are growing up so fast!

[ouanga_bottle] snort

[Mambo Sam] Tee hee.

[Mambo Sam] Yep. That’s spiritual mail delivery.

[Mambo Sam] I like to read it out loud before I do that.

[Destiny] no stamps needed!

[Mambo Sam] Lol. Right! 

[Mambo Sam] So, this can bring a new level to your spell work or adjunct work.

[Mambo Sam] It doesn’t supercede other things you are doing.

[Mambo Sam] But for sure it is a worthy addition.

[Mambo Sam] Definitely try it next time you are doing adjunct work.

[Mambo Sam] Questions on adjunct work with ancestor work?

[Destiny] ??

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Destiny, go ahead please.

[Destiny] What if we are getting the hang of it but nothing happens during the adjunct work? Do we still do our petitions?

[Mambo Sam] Oh for sure.

[Mambo Sam] I mean you are still going to do your regular session, with the usual instructions. And if I were doing it, even if I wasn’t quite feeling it with the ancestor contact, I would go ahead and do the little letter anyway.

[Mambo Sam] Practice makes perfect.

[Destiny] yes, it sure does!

[Mambo Sam] And you know even if you aren’t feeling it, THEY probably are.

[Mambo Sam] Make sense?

[Destiny] Great! Thanks!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else?

[Mambo Sam] Any general questions about anything thus far?

[Mambo Sam] Okay....

[Mambo Sam] Next week, unless I get a million requests for something else, I want to go on to talk about ancestor service.

[Mambo Sam] So between now and then, start thinking about what you can and can’t do as far as a service.

[Mambo Sam] Some of you may be in limited surroundings.

[Mambo Sam] Or on limited budgets (well, who isn’t?).

[Mambo Sam] Or in some other feeling like you may be “short changing” your ancestors.

[Mambo Sam] We will talk about some creative ways to do ancestor service without breaking the bank or letting other people know what you are doing.

[Mambo Sam] Those kinds of things.

[Mambo Sam] I would also like you all to start thinking about when would be a good time to do this as a group.

[Mambo Sam] We don’t have to do it on a Tuesday night.

[Mambo Sam] We could this ritual whenever it is best for the majority of you.

[Mambo Sam] Like a weekend night if that is better, more people off work, etc., more time to prepare.

[Mambo Sam] I will put something up on the forum about it, too, so we can get at least some kind of general consensus.

[Mambo Sam] Then we will do an ancestor service together.

[Mambo Sam] My other plan is to also in a few weeks do another ritual where we work together on everyone’s cases.

[Mambo Sam] I know we talked about that before and I just wanted to let you know that I hadn’t forgotten about it!

[Mambo Sam] Another thing is I would like all of you to try to practice the automatic writing at least once before we meet again.

[Mambo Sam] With some of you, I can feel that you are holding back a little bit.

[Mambo Sam] Even though you believe, you are reticent.

[vodoukat02] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Vodoukat, go ahead.

[vodoukat02] Mambo, I wasn’t here last week, is there anyway possible I can get the directions on how to do automatic writing?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, write to Berkeley, she will send them to you.

[vodoukat02] Thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. I am sure we will do it again.

[Mambo Sam] Any other questions about any of this?

[Mambo Sam] Or comments?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, is there anything that anyone needs to talk about or ask about? We have a few minutes here and I am happy to open the floor for any questions about anything (well, anything that I have knowledge about - please, no trig questions - I am just too rusty!).

[eager2learn] ?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, folks, it is your chance to Ask a Mambo.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, eager, go ahead.

[eager2learn] Is it possible to combine deluxe love doll with deluxe love doll spell with figure candle or red mummy?  I mean after deluxe love spell is complete

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I am a little unclear on what you are asking. Are you talking about the dolls that are with the deluxe love spell or an actual deluxe love doll?

[eager2learn] To combine both... with the figure candle...

[eager2learn] I know we have talked about deluxe love doll with figure candle... and deluxe love spell doll with figure candle...

[Mambo Sam] So you want to combine the deluxe love doll, the dolls from the deluxe love spell, and a figure candle?

[eager2learn] Yes, I just wanted to know if we combine all three?

[Mambo Sam] It feels like too much to me. I know we talked a bit about combining the regular love doll and the deluxe love doll and that is fine. But it is better to stick to two things at a time with the adjunct work. Now this is something that could vary from case to case. It is best to ask your caseworker for specifics.

[eager2learn] ok thanks

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[waitingforastar] waitingforastar I have 2 questions. 

[Mambo Sam] Yes, waitingforastar.

[waitingforastar] First question: When you sleep with the love doll, do you need to have the symbol under his head?

[Mambo Sam] No.

[waitingforastar] Second question: Can you use a brown image candle to counteract or bind away any other person’s magic past or present or potential future?

[Mambo Sam] No.

[Mambo Sam] White candles.

[waitingforastar] Oh Okay, Thank you.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[JamboJambo] question

[Mambo Sam] JamboJambo

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, please.

[JamboJambo] When burying a doll, do we take off all the identifying information like picture, tag etc and burn or bury that separately, or do we bury the doll with everything intact?

[Mambo Sam] Bury it intact. What you don’t want is anything that identifies YOU!

[JamboJambo] thanks!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome! 

[Spell Faithful] ?

[irishrose] ?

[Mambo Sam] SpellFaithful and Irishrose.

[Spell Faithful] Regarding the dolls from the dlx love spell, besides leaving them under the bed and doing the chant, is there anything else you can do with them? Are you supposed to take them out of their box and do stuff and if so, like what??

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can. You can reiterate your petitions, asking again for what you want to happen. Use them when working with candles, things like that.

[Mambo Sam] You can also leave them be!

[Mambo Sam] But it is good to pay them some attention.

[Spell Faithful] So I don’t HAVE to do stuff with them?

[Spell Faithful] Thanks!

[Mambo Sam] No, but if you have not yet achieved your goal, it is a good idea to rejuvenate your petitions with them every now and again. They are a good talisman/charm/reminder of your goal.

[waitingforastar] ? related to spell faithful’s question

[Mambo Sam] Irishrose, then Waitingforastar.

[irishrose] When burying the stubs of candles and there are no trees around, what do you do with them?

[Mambo Sam] Just do your best -- a bush, or anything like that is fine.

[Mambo Sam] If you can.

[irishrose] The ocean?

[Mambo Sam] If you live near the ocean, that is definitely a possibility!

[irishrose] 500 yds! Thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[vodoukat02] ?

[Mambo Sam] Waitingforastar, then Vodoukat.

[waitingforastar] Does the same apply to Love egg and Healing Egg dolls? (spellfaithful’s Deluxe love kit doll?)

[waitingforastar] I meant to say, this relates back to spellfaithful’s question

[Mambo Sam] Yes. You can definitely continue to use them or just keep them as a “lucky charm.” Most people continue to use their Eggs indefinitely, though.

[Mambo Sam] So, if you are keeping the Egg, you are keeping the doll. They are meant to be kept.

[waitingforastar] But the dolls, can they also be used to petition with between egg sessions?

[Mambo Sam] Those dolls actually are designed to use with the Egg. On their own, there isn’t a lot to do with them.

[Mambo Sam] Those two things go hand in hand.

[waitingforastar] Okay, I see, I just thought maybe a little added energy in between sessions. 

[waitingforastar] Thank you so much

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, waitingforastar

[vodoukat02] What candle do you light first when doing adjunct work? The St. Expedite? Do you have to say the prayer on the candle of the St. Expedite every time you light it?

[Mambo Sam] If you are using a St. Expedite, I like to get that one going first. You can say the prayer or you can just ask him to hurry things along for you. I like saying the prayer. I think it is very helpful.

[vodoukat02] ok, thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, my children!  More work to be done next week! 

[vodoukat02] Good Night Everyone

[Spell Faithful] awesome night, as always--g’night!

[irishrose] Thank you Mambo, see you next week

[Mambo Sam] You are all welcome. It is my pleasure to have you all as students.

[ouanga_bottle] thank you love

[Candelaria] Let’s hear it for the Mambo!!! 

[ouanga_bottle] yippeeee

[waitingforastar] Much appreciated as always Mambo Sam

[bridget] Three cheers for Mambo Sam!!!!!!!!!!

[simonegreenewpp] Thank you, this was wonderful as always!

[ouanga_bottle] really great session

[Destiny] Time goes so fast in this class!!

[waitingforastar] For she’s a jolly good Mambo, for she’s a Jolly good Mambo... which nobody can deny

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, darlings!

[bridget] Night, all.

[Destiny] Good night everybody!

[Destiny] We love you Mambo!

[Happy] could not be on tonight but wanted to say good night to everyone love you all Mambo/Bridget/Candelaria and Berkeley

[Candelaria] Thanks, Happy. Love you too, honey!

[waitingforastar] Good night all, xoxoxo

[Candelaria] Let me know when you have what you need, Simone, my dearest! ;-)

[simonegreenewpp] I think that’s it - thank you! :-)

[Candelaria] You’re welcome... THANK YOU!!!

[Candelaria] have a good night everyone. Shutting the chat down now.


What is Sacred Geometry?  This could take years of study to master, but simply put, it is architecture of the Universe.  The simple-turned-complex lines  and patterns of the Universe, cellular matter, etc., is Sacred Geometry.  We are talking about the building blocks of our world and all worlds as we know them.  Circles, hexagrams, straight lines, squares - all found naturally occurring and yet as perfect as if they had been measured and squared with architects' tools.  All the tools we use in today's world:  Protractors, levels, rulers were not invented to create nature, but were invented to understand and duplicate nature!


So how does this relate to our Automatic Ancestor Writing?  Many times we think we are just doodling!  But what is really happening is a message or guidance is in those doodles.  Obviously, we can only cover the basics, but doing some web searching on Sacred Geometry can unlock many mystical and spiritual keys for you!  Give it a try.  Just remember when you are interpreting your automatic writing "doodles" to take into consideration what else is on the paper - are there groupings?  Are there repetitive symbols?  Putting them all together is challenging but with practice you will start to see patterns and meaning.


I am giving you a little bit to work with here, but there is so much more than this.  It can only help your studies if you put a little bit of effort into finding out more about this fascinating subject.

In sacred geometry, the triangle represents the number 3.   As in all spiritual, magickal, and sacred practices, the number three has deep meaning.  Depending upon your practice or belief system it could have a Christian connotation - The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.  In many practices, including New Orleans Voodoo, it is a representation of "self" - Body, Mind, Spirit.  The triangle is the embodiment of balance and perfection - three sides, positive, negative, and neutral.   Especially in our spiritual automatic writing that we are learning, it can represent Mother, Father, and Child.  So if you are seeing triangles a lot in your automatic writing, this might be interpreted as you being guided to bring more balance into your life or situation that you are asking about.  You may be being told to look at your situation from all angles before making a decision.


It is no surprise that the circle is often regarded as the single most powerful symbol of all.   The circle is all of the universe:  Beginning and End, NO Beginning and NO End, Alpha/Omega, the endless quest for enlightenment, etc.  Considered so powerful that many rituals begin with "casting" a circle of protection.  The circle is considered ultimate wisdom, the all seeing eye, etc.  So if you are getting a lot of circles in your automatic writing, you may be getting guidance that your situation is coming full circle, that you are close to obtaining your goal.  However, be aware that you may also be getting guidance that you need to dig deeper, get more information, learn more about the situation.  With the circle, it is important to also see what else is around it to help you interpret its true meaning.



Although we now have a tendency to associate the cross with Christianity, it was in play long before Christ!  It has been used throughout the ages by mystics to represent the world of four:  North, South, East, West; Fire, Water, Earth, Air; Birth, Life, Death, Afterlife.   It can also represent male/female aspects of a subject.

"Spin" the cross and it represents energy in motion.   

 And, of course, for us Vodouisants it represents the crossroads. 


So if you are getting crosses in your automatic writing this may be representing a need to see all sides of a situation, or if you are getting multiple ones (or multiple X's) you may need to put more energy into your situation.




The diamond is a representation of two triangles joined together at the base.  This has been known to represent humanity and its relationship to the Universe (as in that they are joined together and inseparable - Man is in the Universe and the Universe is in Man.  This is also a representation of the ti bon ange and the gros bon ange that we have talked about in our Voodoo studies. 

It is considered a symbol of achievement and perfection and the lifestyle one must adopt to achieve perfection!  Therefore, if it is showing up in your ancestor automatic writing, this may be a symbol of guidance to continue to perfect your work OR a sign that they think you are already perfect!   Most often this symbol will mean that you are on the right track, that you are in the process of achieving the perfection of the situation.


The cube is the "square squared."  This represents the inner self and the outer self, the core of the Universe, the heart of the matter.  It also is often interpreted as a complication occurring - it can connect and connect and connect - the square within the square within the square and so on.  Many times in automatic writing this means that your view of your situation is too complex, that you are over analyzing it, that you need to get back to basics (sometimes back to "square one!") in order to see things more clearly.

Amazing site with a ton of information on Sacred Geometry.

Sacred Geometry in music.

A cool page about general symbols!


Copyright, © 2007, Rev. Samantha Corfield