Chat June 11, 2008

[Mambo Sam] Good evening everyone! It is good to see you all here. I want to go ahead and get started because I cannot stay too long tonight. I had to schedule something this evening at 8:00 p.m. and I couldn’t get around it. But at any rate, I wanted to spend a little bit of time this evening talking a bit more about Ogoun. I realize that we don’t have the new assignment and information up yet, I am working on that. However, quite a few things have been happening with clients regarding usage of the Ogoun pack and some of the products within the pack. I wanted to share with you some of the things that have happened with people and share with you some of the results that they have been getting because I thought some of what they did was pretty innovative, some of it was pretty common, and all the things they reported worked out really well for them!! So I wanted to share those things before we move on from Ogoun for awhile (OF COURSE we will return to him!) LOL. How could we not?  ;-)

     But it might be a little while as we move on to other subjects and since we aren’t too far out from doing the Ogoun ritual and from a lot of using the Ogoun pack I thought this would be a good time to go ahead and fill you in on what some of the other clients have told me. But before I do that, did anyone here have anything they wanted to share about using the products in the Ogoun pack or doing the ritual? Certainly we would want to hear from you first and then I can go ahead with what some of the other people have reported. :-)

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Sure, I can tell something...

[Mambo Sam] Okay, go ahead, please.

[Aleck]  :-) I do! But it would take way too long!

[SimoneGreeneWPP] One funny thing that happens to me (start typing now Aleck)  :-)

[Aleck] :-)

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Is that I can hear the Lwa suggesting things when I shop.

[Mambo Sam] :-) — yep.

[SimoneGreeneWPP] I was looking for peppers, and walked past the tofu, and could hear Ogoun telling me move along, move alone, nothing to see here...

[Mambo Sam] No doubt!!

[SimoneGreeneWPP] I did a ritual including Genghis Kahn the other night —

[Mambo Sam] Oh good.

[SimoneGreeneWPP] and could really feel his presence! I thought he was maybe a bit flattered that someone would do that.

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[SimoneGreeneWPP] I had a job interview yesterday and answered one question that really surprised them, and I think it was an Ogoun-like way to respond. No, not running them through with a sword, :-) but something technical.

[Mambo Sam] Right and you are very right on with the idea that he would be flattered because when you think about it — in many cases, the people we are talking about honoring in our rituals — such as Genghis Khan, Wallace, etc., there is no one left from their time to honor them, or pray for them, or even think about them in a truly personal way.

[clairefalconer] Comment

[Mambo Sam] So while they are studied and not forgotten, they are also not feeling any personal love any more in a lot of cases, so I do believe it is flattering and uplifting for them, too.

[SimoneGreeneWPP] :-)

[Mambo Sam] For those just coming in, we are discussing some results from working with Ogoun and the products in the Ogoun pack.

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Simone.

[Mambo Sam] Claire?

[clairefalconer] Yes!

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, please.

[clairefalconer] I’ve been using the incense and oil when I use my power gris gris bag or when I’m exceptionally tired.

[Mambo Sam] Excellent!

[schweety] comment

[clairefalconer] Also I’m considering the ritual with Alfred the Great.

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[The3rdwish13] I want to share something too

[clairefalconer] As I’m an Anglo Saxon scholar

[Mambo Sam] Perfect.

[clairefalconer] I’m finished!

[Mambo Sam]  :-)  Thank you!

[Mambo Sam] Schweety, then 3rdwish. Oh wait just a minute... There are two people here that I have been e-mailing and cannot get a response from. I think there is an e-mail problem of some kind — Eveningstarmystic and Sunshine. Would you please e-mail me and/or call Berkeley and let’s see if we can communicate some kind of way.

[sister bridget] Please put me in line for a question :-) 

[Mambo Sam] Okay, sorry....

[eveningstarmystic] I e-mailed you earlier this evening.

[schweety] I was just going to say that I had recently been using the Ogoun oil when I have been doing my healing egg/love doll, and I have felt very very powerful and more upbeat when I get done

[Mambo Sam] Plus you had a really good result!

[schweety]  :-D  yes I did  :-)  :-)  :-)

[Mambo Sam] Thank you!

[Mambo Sam] 3rd wish, then Sister Bridget!

[The3rdwish13] 1) Did you get my e-mail Mambo????? 

[Sunshine] Yes, Mambo Sam— thanks— my computer crashed last week and I so missed ALL OF YOU so much. Sorry.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, finally — it went to my spam folder but I found it this evening.  :-)  Oh, thank you Sunshine.... I was getting really worried.

[The3rdwish13] 2) I have been using the oil too, a lot... and one day I put it on just because and I had to face a friend that broke into my house and stole all my things.

[Mambo Sam] Oh dear!

[The3rdwish13] To make it short, he is aggressive and didn’t say a word

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[The3rdwish13] And my husband told me after that I looked like a warrior and scared him a little

[Mambo Sam]  :-D  :-D  :-D

[schweety]  :-)

[The3rdwish13] I can’t really remember anything.

[Mambo Sam] OH that happens — it is kind of eerie, even for me. I am like, “I said WHAT?”  ;-)

[The3rdwish13] All I could remember is feeling him behind me

[Aleck]  :-)

[The3rdwish13] kind of pushing me

[Mambo Sam] Nice!

[The3rdwish13] that’s it  :-)

[Mambo Sam] Thank you!!!

[Mambo Sam] Sister Bridget?

[sister bridget] I am getting a lot of oil questions, and since its very special, I would like to ask if any other oils can be added to it (a la Abre Camino) and can it be diluted for the folks with sensitive skin? I hesitate to answer without clearing it with you ;-) 

[Mambo Sam] You could use it in conjunction with other oils. ;-)

[she-wolf] Comment

[Mambo Sam] And yes, people could dilute it if they have sensitive skin, but actually they would probably be better off using it another way rather than diluting it. Such as, putting it on something they are wearing or even putting it on cotton and putting it in a pocket, something like that. I am not crazy about the idea of diluting it too much.

[Happy] ?

[Mambo Sam] Does that make sense?

[sister bridget] Ok, thank you ;-) I’m glad I asked .

[Mambo Sam] Most of the time I really don’t like mixing more than three oils, but it isn’t the law or a rule, I just find that it muddles things up a bit. And I don’t actually think it helps a lot.  :-)  Thanks for asking, sweet daughter.

[sister bridget] thank you, MaMere ;-) 

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[Mambo Sam] She-wolf, then Happy.

[she-wolf] I’ve been using the Ogoun oil and the incense with all my work, and repeated the Ogoun ritual twice, and I am having some AWESOME things happen... I really feel Ogoun’s presence a lot...

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[she-wolf] Like this weekend, I’d gotten some news that bummed me out, and a friend of mine & I were shopping when my buddy suggested we go to a restaurant we’d only been in once before...

[REDANGEL] ?????

[she-wolf] And I was looking out the window, depressed, most of the meal... when the check came, I happened to look up...  And discovered the restaurant was decorated with huge fabric BUTTERFLIES suspended from the ceiling! My bad mood cleared right away!

[Mambo Sam]  :-D

[Mambo Sam]  :-)  Wow, talk about a sign!

[Aleck] :D

[she-wolf] I tried a new use on Monday night, and had AMAZING results the next day... I did an extra-special ritual with the Love Doll... drew Veves for Alegba, Ogoun & Maman Brigitte, and offered gifts to all... And at the end of the ritual, I dropped 3 drops of Ogoun’s oil on the pin of the doll.

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[she-wolf] The next day, communication with my HD was WONDERFUL.

[Mambo Sam] Awesome!!!! Good creative use!  :-)  Thank you for sharing with us!

[Mambo Sam] Happy? Go ahead, please.

[Happy] OK, mine is more of a comment about the oil bit. I was wondering if I should dump the entire bottle of Abre on HD’s head so he will stop blocking you and get the ball rolling for us to be together finally. Wait I am serious  :-D The cat and mouse games are getting old for me.

[Mambo Sam]  :-D  Well....... I don’t know about the whole bottle. ;-)

[Happy] What can I use to help me decide something

[vodoukat02]  :-D

[Mambo Sam] Maybe a couple of drops with a nice massage.

[Happy] I do not know if I need to move towards him (where he lives now) or stay here. I want to stay here.

[Mambo Sam] Do you have a Destiny egg? It is the best thing for decision making. And we can address that in your reading.

[Happy] ok

[Mambo Sam] I want to try to stick to the Ogoun things tonight.  ;-)

[Happy] Ougon Ferralle (oops spelling) rocks

[Mambo Sam]  :-) Yeah...

[Mambo Sam] Red Angel?

[REDANGEL] Just wondering if you have received my e-mail as well, I’ve been having lots of trouble getting e-mails back. I sent one for a 911 reading yesterday.

[Mambo Sam] Got it this evening — a lot of things somehow went to my spam folder and people were calling saying they hadn’t heard about a few things and lo and behold, there you all were. Sigh. So yes, I will contact you later on this evening or tomorrow morning.

[REDANGEL] Thanks, no worries!!!!

[schweety] We are spam!!!!!!!!! 

[Mambo Sam]  :-)  Naw...


[Mambo Sam] Okay, so I will get on with the stories since I have to leave early!  :-)

     Okay, so here is one — one gal always is having problems with her HD because he doesn’t think she has a sense of humor. She doesn’t get or like funny movies. She doesn’t tell or understand most jokes. She feels like God forgot to give her a funny bone. So it sounds kind of silly to say that this turned out to be a big issue in her relationship, but it DID. Her HD felt that it was sort of a telling feature that they weren’t compatible. And felt that if they couldn’t agree on a funny movie, then how would they agree on more serious issues. I have to say that he did have a point.

     So anyway — she did the Ogoun ritual. And she basically asked how could she resolve this problem. Three days later she had a dream that she had a self improvement doll and a white female candle and she was pouring the Ogoun oil all over them and laughing hysterically.  :-)

[schweety]  :-D

[Mambo Sam] What she took away from that was that she needed a self improvement doll and a white female candle. Here is where it gets really interesting....

[Aleck]  :-)

[Mambo Sam] So she got those things and decided to use the white female candle to remove whatever “blockage” it was that kept her from thinking things were funny. And she used the self improvement doll to improve her sense of humor. Three sessions in, she had a revelation of a repressed memory!!!

[Aleck] NO WAY!!!

[Mambo Sam] She remembered laughing as a child and being told to be quiet because her father was sleeping!!!

[she-wolf] Insert twilight zone theme here. 

[Mambo Sam] She suddenly had all this stuff come tumbling back at her about being shushed and being told to be quiet because her father worked the night shift and she and her siblings had to be quiet during the day when he was sleeping!!!! She thought she was making it up and so she called her mother who told her YES her father had worked the night shift when she was 2-4 years old! She didn’t even remember that!! She didn’t remember being shushed. But she said when she did her white candle she put the Ogoun oil on it and used the Nago Man incense and she got a strong sense of her father (who has since passed away, unfortunately). Anyway, long story short — she has been watching funny movies and NOW FINDS THEM FUNNY.  :-) That just blew me away.

[The3rdwish13] sooo cool

[vodoukat02]  :-)

[she-wolf] The Big Nago Man totally RAWKS!!!

[waitingforastar] Awesome

[Mambo Sam]  :-)  I think a lot of the time we get so wrapped up in our cases and trying to “change” things about our HD’s, we forget that sometimes we need some change, too.  ;-)

[Aleck] wow!

[Mambo Sam] In this lady’s case — it wasn’t that anyone had abused or hurt her, it was simply that she and her siblings needed to be quiet so Daddy could sleep. But it just somehow triggered to her that laughing at things was a bad thing. And I think a lot of things could be like that — not that we were particularly traumatized, but we were shaped a certain way because of events that sometimes we don’t even remember!

[Mambo Sam] Okay... so my next story is another one of someone combining some things together... they had already done the Ogoun ritual when we did it all together. Their main concern was lack of communication with their HD to the point that they had actually lost touch and she didn’t even know where he was. So she asked during the Ogoun ritual, of course, for communication and that they would find each other, etc. So, about a week or so ago she decided that she would try the Quick Communication Spell from my blog (although she had tried it before with no success) and she combined it with the Pink Bubble Meditation. But during both of them she dressed some pink candles with the Ogoun oil and burned the Nago Man incense. She did her communication spell and ended it with the Pink Bubble Meditation and during that meditation, she actually “visualized” her bubble in front of her and blew some of the smoke from the incense “into” the bubble. She visualized her version of Ogoun in the bubble and sent him to search for her HD and asked him to find him and ask him to communicate with her.

     I bet you can guess the rest. Yep. She heard from him — he wrote her a letter! A real, honest to goodness, pen-to-paper letter!

[schweety]  :-)

[she-wolf] W...O...W.

[vodoukat02] sounds like I need to do that  :-D

[waitingforastar] ? 

[clairefalconer] Incredible

[Mambo Sam] He couldn’t find her phone number,

[The3rdwish13] oh God

[Mambo Sam] couldn’t find her e-mail address...

[sister bridget] awesome!

[Mambo Sam] but he had her address!

[Aleck] wild!

[Mambo Sam] They are meeting up in Chicago in August!  :-D

[vodoukat02] cool

[Aleck]  :-)

[Mambo Sam] Crazy stuff!!

[Mambo Sam] Yes, waitingforastar

[waitingforastar] That is so amazingly wonderful. My question is what is pink bubble meditation?

[Mambo Sam] It is on my blog.

[waitingforastar] Okie dokes

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[she-wolf] ?

[waitingforastar]  :-D

[Mambo Sam] Yes, She-wolf, go ahead, please

[she-wolf] Quick comment on the incense... In your 911 reading, you’d suggested I do the Red Mummy & White Candles ritual. Well, I burned the Nago Man incense during that...

[Mambo Sam] Oh good... that’s perfect.

[she-wolf] And, really wild, the smoke from the incense actually kept circling around the candles!

[Mambo Sam]  :-) I love that!

[she-wolf] There were no air currents in the room, it did that on its own!

[Mambo Sam] I love that the gal blew her smoke into the pink bubble! Smoke is a very powerful magickal tool. We will have to talk more about that on another night.  :-)

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so one more story then I have to wrap up. Sooooooooooooooooo..... here it goes. One of our dear and close clients who has been around for eight years (no, not working on the same HD!) Has always felt like she has missed the boat with her HD’s. She got them and didn’t want them... or didn’t get them... Something was never quite right. Well, way before she ever came to us she was in love with her “first love” who left her and married someone else.

[Happy] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes Happy, Did you have a question?

[Happy] Would the Ogoun ritual help me with my problem of shutting off my ability to visualize for myself

[Mambo Sam] Yes, probably. You would have to try it.

[Happy] I will 

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so when she came to us she was not working on this first love of hers. He was pretty much “long gone” so to speak. Anyway... she has been through a variety of HD’s during her time with us and I have tried over the years to counsel her to quit HD hopping so much, etc. But I guess it was all just part of her journey. BECAUSE... I know you see it coming...

[sister bridget] drumrolll...........

[Aleck] First Love came back!

[Mambo Sam] When she did the Ogoun ritual she asked to get off the roller coaster and please, please, please, please....  send her the right person. Just let her be happy with whomever she got.

[Happy] that’s beautiful Because she never was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yep, Aleck.... Mr. First Love came back. 20 years later.

[Aleck]  :-) That is wonderful!

[The3rdwish13] Wow wow wow wow

[Mambo Sam] Exactly nine days after she did the ritual her phone rang. And it was him. He was in town, divorced for five years thought he would look her up.  :-D

[waitingforastar] Amazingly awesome and wonderful, and 9 days, gotta love it.

[Mambo Sam] They are taking it very, very, very, very slowly. ;-)

[Paris] mind boggling

[Mambo Sam] She is scared to death, but cannot help but think this was the answer to why she was never really happy with the other fellas. And that Ogoun is the MAN!  :-) Okay, so that ends my story telling, but I have to say that quite a number of people are writing to me with some small successes and larger successes, too.

[Aleck] The man!!!  :-)

[waitingforastar] Ogoun Rocks 

[The3rdwish13] sure HE is...  :-)

[Mambo Sam] I don’t think there would be too many things that you could do “wrong” with the Ogoun ritual, oil, incense, etc.

[sister bridget] ?

[vodoukat02] ?

[Mambo Sam] As long as your heart is good and your intention is clear, you are generally safe.  ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Sister Bridget, then vodoukat

[sister bridget] So it begs the question — will refill packs be available???  ;-) 

[Mambo Sam] OH yeah.... Just about every letter I have gotten has asked me the same question!  :-D

[Happy] ? (last one promise)

[Mambo Sam] So I will get that up there and let you all know really soon.

[sister bridget] coolio~

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[waitingforastar] ?

[Mambo Sam] Vodoukat, then Happy, the WFAS, then I have to run, babies.

[vodoukat02] Did you happen to e-mail me because I haven’t seen any from you.

[Mambo Sam] I think I did, yes. I don’t know what the hell is going on with the e-mail, but I am working on it.

[vodoukat02] can you please resend? sorry

[Mambo Sam] I will have to look for it — if you have an alternate e-mail address, send it to me, honey. Just in case.

[vodoukat02] what e-mail address should I use to send it to you

[Mambo Sam] 

[Mambo Sam] Sorry, got bounced.

[Mambo Sam] Happy, then WFAS.

[Happy] I cannot find my link to all the chats can someone post it for me? Thanks and xoxo

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[Aleck] comment

[vodoukat02] ?

[sister bridget] I will e-mail it to you happy

[Mambo Sam] Okay, we will.

[Happy] thank you my love

[Mambo Sam] WFAS, then vodoukat, then I have to go.

[waitingforastar] Will a Three Kings (Simbi) kit be made any time soon ?

[Mambo Sam] Maybe. ;-)

[waitingforastar] Hope so  ;-)

[Mambo Sam]  :-)

[vodoukat02] Thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] Sister Bridget, can you stay for about 15 minutes to wrap things up?

[sister bridget] certainly!

[Sunshine] Dear Mambo before you leave I want to say something— “you really touched me tonight by saying you were worried when you couldn’t contact me via e-mail. The fact that you remembered ( with all of us and all our problems always needing you) that recently I had experienced serious health problems. And you were concerned. Thank you Dear Lady— you are precious and a God send to each and every one of your clients. THANK YOU SO MUCH. LOVE YOU.

[schweety]  ;-)

[Mambo Sam] AW....... you are welcome, sweetie. I have to say that I was greatly relieved to see you pop up tonight!  ;-)

[vodoukat02] we love you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] Okay, don’t you guys keep Sister Bridget up too late! She is east coast.

[waitingforastar] Thank you Mambo, always wonderful to spend time with you. I love you xoxox

[Mambo Sam] Love you!!!! Love you all so much!  :-) Good night!

[eveningstarmystic] love you too Mambo

[sister bridget] Night , MaMere!

[Aleck] Night!

[vodoukat02] good night everyone; got an early morning

[sister bridget] night Kat!

[The3rdwish13] good night

[waitingforastar] Goodnight xo

[sister bridget] can ya all hear the Walton’s theme in the background???

[PATRICKinCALI] ??? for Sr. B!!

[Aleck] Let me just say that since the ritual, I have had great accomplishments on the job since the ritual~

[sister bridget] YO Patrick!

[she-wolf] LOL!!!

[waitingforastar] :-D

[sister bridget] hee hee

[SimoneGreeneWPP] So, Aleck, you’re going to PM me the story, RIGHT? :-D

[Paris]  :-D

[Aleck] I may post something, if not, then yes. : )

[PATRICKinCALI] Will you send me that link to the chat transcripts as well... pretty please?  :-)

[sister bridget] of course, my love!

[Aleck] Nite everyone!

[schweety] ?

[sister bridget] yes, schweety

[PATRICKinCALI] Thanks Sr. B! Miss you  :-(

[schweety] Just checking to see if you got my e-mail Sister Bridget  :-)

[sister bridget] mee too! drinking in October! be there!

[PATRICKinCALI] Promise!?

[sister bridget] yes, I am sure I have it somewhere. Yes, promise to the drinking — may even bring an extra liver on the plane ;-) 

[sexychicaferrari] ?

[PATRICKinCALI] carry on...

[SimoneGreeneWPP] And you can do that...

[waitingforastar]   :-D  :-D

[sister bridget] carry on! carrion! hee hee! yes, Ferrari ;-) 

[sexychicaferrari] Sister Bridget I have a dumb question...

[PATRICKinCALI] “we need to search that liver ma’am”

[Sunshine] Bridget Dear— Can I please be included in the list for the transcripts since I lost everything with my computer crash and virus? Thank you sooooooooooo much.

[waitingforastar]  :-D

[sister bridget] well. all they will find are my anti rejection drugs!

[sister bridget] certainly Ferrari girl

[sexychicaferrari] This Ogoun Ritual do you know if Mambo Sam is still offering the Ogoun Kit?!

[sister bridget] yes, the kit is still for sale.

[sexychicaferrari] Oh thank you 

[sister bridget] sure — Simone — how are you doing ?

[sexychicaferrari] hugs to you  :-)

[sister bridget] you too

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Dragging and dropping away!

[sister bridget] there might be a pill for that???

[SimoneGreeneWPP] See, this is why we SERIOUSLY NEED a section of the Forum just for the classmates. Who sets up that kind of thing, anyway? :-)  No pills — strictly physical therapy.

[PATRICKinCALI] Atta girl Simone!  :-)

[sister bridget] we can ask MaMere about it — I know it was run past her once.....

[SimoneGreeneWPP] And I realize we could all use a day stretcher. :-)

[sister bridget] ok, flickering lights, guys

[sexychicaferrari] Have a good nite Bridget — Good Nite Everyone!

[sister bridget] night all

[REDANGEL] Good night all!

[The3rdwish13] good night!

[PATRICKinCALI] Thanks Sr B! Love you. mean it!

[sister bridget] love you too! me too! and about the EtOH

[waitingforastar] Have a good night Sr. Bridget and thank you xox

[sister bridget] night WFAS

[waitingforastar] Goodnight Patrick  :-)

[PATRICKinCALI] Cool  :-) toast and 7 olives...  night all!

[sister bridget] 7 olives for 7 drinks?

[PATRICKinCALI] Amen! And a toast!  :-)

[sister bridget] or three!

[SimoneGreeneWPP] Sister C may have the pointy stick, but nurses are more efficient at torture. :-D

[sister bridget] Yes we are!

[Sunshine] For sure Simone

[waitingforastar]  :-D  Are you and Simone Nurses Sister Bridget?

[sister bridget] nurses control the pain medicine! we have the keys to the good stuff! I am a nurse.

[SimoneGreeneWPP] I’m not, nor do I play one on TV.

[sister bridget] Simone, are we up to speed?

[waitingforastar] How wonderful :-D

[sister bridget] Im going to close the room from the other side......

[waitingforastar] night y’all

copyright, © Samantha Corfield, 2008
