Chat May 29, 2007


[Mambo Sam] Hello everyone. I will give it a few minutes to see if more people are going to show up. I know a lot of folks were or are out of town.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so we covered a lot last week. After having a chance to think about it, are there more questions about what we already covered before we go on to more?

[nubis] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, nubis. Go ahead please.

[nubis] I was at my dad’s grave yesterday...

[nubis] I washed it with water, gave him a beer, and took some of the grave dirt.

[nubis] I put it on my shrine. Is that good?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, that is fine.

[nubis] I heard our favorite song two minutes after leaving the cemetery! Thank you...

[Mambo Sam] I am sure he was sending you a big hug and kiss!


[Mambo Sam] Any other questions, comments, experiences since last week to share?

[simonegreenewpp] comment

[Mambo Sam] Please go ahead, Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] You assigned us to talk about ancestors, so I did. I said “Since it’s Memorial day” and it lead into some nice sharing with friends.

[Mambo Sam] Nice- excellent timing! LOL.

[simonegreenewpp] It was your timing- thank you!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, Simone. 


[eveningstarmystic] comment

[ouanga_bottle] I have a question mambo...

[Mambo Sam] Evening Star, then Ouanga.

[eveningstarmystic] I went to my mom’s grave the other day. Only the second time since she passed. Wonderful time

 [Mambo Sam] Oh eveningstar, that is great! I am glad it was such a positive experience for you. Anything you want to share about the experience.

[eveningstarmystic] yes

[eveningstarmystic] It was odd that there were yellow flowers growing on her grave and on no one else’s, I figures she specifically asked for them

[eveningstarmystic] She told me to be brave and strong. I felt okay afterwards!

[Mambo Sam] And you ARE brave and strong. I think what she meant was for you to remember that you are that! 

[Mambo Sam] Very nice!

[Mambo Sam] Did you take any of the yellow flowers?

[eveningstarmystic] no I didn’t

[eveningstarmystic] I was afraid to pick them.

[Mambo Sam] I think they were actually for you, honey. 

[Mambo Sam] Doesn’t matter, as long as you enjoyed seeing them.

[eveningstarmystic] maybe so Mambo... thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.


[ouanga_bottle] I’m reading the notes from last week and you talked about how ancestors want to protect their blood line. How would they handle the whole gay issue then?    

[Mambo Sam] Okay, Ouanga. So, I am not sure exactly what you are asking me. Are you asking if they disapprove of the gay lifestyle?

[ouanga_bottle] right, they were born in a different era, for instance my grandma adored me, but I didn’t come out to her because I knew she would have a hard time with that. She was raised to be a “lady”, and the comment about protecting the blood line... I wonder how they would be supportive.

[Mambo Sam] I am sure that you didn’t get a chance to read all of the transcript since I just got around to putting it up (sorry guys, I have been sick this week - ugh.), but in there I discuss how the difference in what people “believed in” in life being somewhat changed after the transition of death.

[ouanga_bottle] anyway, I fully intend to have children! But not while single

[Mambo Sam] The basic personality of a person does stay intact, but better. This is the Higher Self of the person at its finest.

[Mambo Sam] The perfect part of them.

[Mambo Sam] And by protecting their blood line I didn’t mean necessarily perpetuating their blood line. I meant actual protection from harm.

[ouanga_bottle] ah I see

[ouanga_bottle] how do you know for sure if a particular ancestor would be supportive?

[Mambo Sam] I assume you mean someone that you knew in life?

[ouanga_bottle] right, I had a great relationship with my mom’s mom

[Mambo Sam] If you had an otherwise good relationship with them, even if they didn’t know about or would not have approved of your lifestyle, then you certainly should be calling upon them for their

[Mambo Sam] support, love, and help.

[ouanga_bottle] I think I’ll just have to try and find out, huh! Thanks mambo. Love you

[Mambo Sam] Love you, too!

[Mambo Sam] Read the transcript when you get a chance, there’s a lot more of that covered in there.


[Mambo Sam] Anyone else?

[Mambo Sam] Comments, stories to share, questions??

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I did get a couple of questions by e-mail that I wanted to address and clear up some minor confusions over.

[Mambo Sam] One was there seems to be a bit of confusion over angels, lwa, and ancestors -- oh my!

[Mambo Sam] I don’t want to get into a huge amount of discussion over this because I don’t want to side track us too much into getting into ancestor service and how that can help our spell work, but one person wanted to know if their great-grandfather was their guardian angel because they had been told that by a psychic.

[Mambo Sam] So she was having some problems discerning the difference between an angel, a lwa, an ancestor... etc.

[Mambo Sam] Your ancestors are not angels.

[Mambo Sam] We CALL them that all the time. But really it is a figure of speech.

[Mambo Sam] It is the “nice” way to refer to someone we love who has passed on.

[Mambo Sam] I refer to my father, mother, and grandparents that way all the time.

[Mambo Sam] But angels, and their counterparts, demons, were never living people on the earth.

[Mambo Sam] They are a different kind of entity. A different energy mass in the Cosmic Consciousness.

[Mambo Sam] This is sometimes difficult for us to grasp because of movies, books, and stories; the perpetuation through common speech of “angels” being great-grandma Bessie.

[Mambo Sam] But it is important, if you are going to continue your studies to know your entities. (I’ll take non-corporeal beings for $100.00, Alec.)

[Mambo Sam] Seriously, one does need to have this understanding to truly use these beings to your best advantage.

[Mambo Sam] Which brings me to another subject and I think we talked about this a bit before... and that is are you “bothering” the lwa, your ancestors, angels, whomever you are calling upon.

[Mambo Sam] You are not.

[Mambo Sam] That are uniquely positioned to help you and want to help you the best they can.

[Mambo Sam] All of entities and energies in the universe are there because we need them and they need us.

[Mambo Sam] If you have any familiarity of Cosmic Consciousness or a Unified Universe, then you know that none of us is alone. We all have a support system.

[Mambo Sam] We need teachers to help us learn these support systems, but from the simplest prayer to the most complex ritual, you are calling on that support system.

[Mambo Sam] We feed back into it.

[Mambo Sam] With our thanks.

[Mambo Sam] With our offerings.

[Mambo Sam] With our leading someone else into spirituality.

[Mambo Sam] It is a great perpetuation of energy, an endless wellspring that we are all meant to drink from.

[Mambo Sam] So, no, you aren’t bothering anyone.

[Mambo Sam] Questions?


[Destiny] ??

[Mambo Sam] Destiny. Go ahead please.

[Destiny] So if you spend time with them, you are not taking up too much of their time?

[Mambo Sam] No. Not at all.

[Destiny] Like with the Lwa’s who are spending cocktail hour with us, don’t they have to spend cocktail hour with others?

[Mambo Sam] They don’t have a schedule to keep like we do.

[Destiny] Won’t they get too drunk? hehe

[Mambo Sam] LOL. No, that’s me.

[Mambo Sam] Seriously. And a good question.

[Mambo Sam] So let’s talk about that for a minute because even though we are talking about Les Lois there, the same goes for ancestors.

[Destiny] What if time was cut too short, I spend 5 minutes and company showed up

[Mambo Sam] That’s okay.

[Mambo Sam] It is a good question, what about someone else’s cocktail hour - how can the lwa be at all of them?

[Mambo Sam] To answer that question, we have to work towards what we have been talking about with the ancestors.

[Mambo Sam] We have to get out of the box of thinking of ourselves and our bodies and our confinements.

[Mambo Sam] We also have to realize that with the lwa, there are thousands of patterns of Ogoun, Erzulie, Legba, and all of the major arcana of lwa.

[Mambo Sam] They have become so powerful and huge over the years and years that they are literally splintered into, for lack of a better term, copies.

[Mambo Sam] Now, of course, there are also thousands and thousands of “regular” lwa that you may get in touch with at one time or another.

[Mambo Sam] And that is a subject for another day -- all the “other” lwa there are out there!

[Mambo Sam] But those will not have as much “mass” to share with others. You would call on them separately and spend time with them separately. But if you are serving, having a cocktail hour with, or otherwise communicating with the lwa that you read about in books and on the internet, there is plenty of their energy to go around. That is why we “feed” them and give them energy from this world. To keep them big and strong. 


[Mambo Sam] Questions about that?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone, go ahead.

[simonegreenewpp] I’m guessing it’s like Jesus - there must be millions of people calling & praising at once, but not worried about taking up his time.

[Mambo Sam] Yep, and it just makes him more powerful! The more we send out there, the bigger and more powerful they become.

[Mambo Sam] In fact, the last thing we should be worried about is “bothering” them. 

[Mambo Sam] It’s why they exist.

[Mambo Sam] It is why we all at some time or another feel the pull to call on a Higher Power. 

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Simone. Destiny?


[Destiny] So we can spend as much time with them, whenever we want to? And if things were cut abruptly short due to somebody showing up (and to be discreet) we say, “gotta, go, thank you, you may now depart, papa legba please close the gate, etc” and then suddenly leave. Does papa legba open the gate for our ancestors? So they won’t get offended if we abruptly stop the session, I feel like that is rude and sending them away.

[Destiny] Sorry, I jumbled up all my questions.

[Mambo Sam] Papa Legba does not open the gate for ancestors.

[Mambo Sam] There is no need for that.

[Mambo Sam] Remember in the Voodoo/Vodou religion, ancestors are actually served before the lwa.

[Destiny] oh, ok, I get that part.

[Mambo Sam] As to being rude - stuff happens. They know that. Again, like I have reiterated before, it does take quite a bit to actually offend a lwa - you sort of have to work at it.

[Mambo Sam] For the most part, they get what is happening in the world. I kind of hate the fact that so many writers and “practitioners” are sort of making cartoon characters out of Les Lois.

[Mambo Sam] It just isn’t like that at all.

[Mambo Sam] Did that answer your questions, Destiny? Then Ouanga.

[Destiny] yes, thank you so much!


[ouanga_bottle] ok my turn?

[Mambo Sam] Yes.

[ouanga_bottle] I still have a very loose idea of what’s involved in the type of work that they (lwas, ancestors, etc) are doing to support us with our request? For instance, in the case of a request for support with a love situation, besides talking to your HD’s higher self, what are some of the things they do to help?

[Mambo Sam] It depends very much on your situation AND what they can do. Obviously, they can’t do everything. This is why we often end up taking many roads on the spiritual path.

[Mambo Sam] Getting help from as many resources as we can.

[Mambo Sam] However...

[Mambo Sam] if you know something about the ancestor that you want to help you, then you have some advantage.

[Mambo Sam] Did they love music? Ask them to have your HD hear a song over and over again that reminds them of you.

[Mambo Sam] Were they the life of the party? Everyone wanted to be around them?

[Mambo Sam] Ask them to use that magnetic energy to draw your HD to you.

[Mambo Sam] (I am just talking about HD’s here because most of you are doing love spell work - it could

[Mambo Sam] be anything else you are working on, too.)

[ouanga_bottle] these are great ideas!

[Mambo Sam] Were they a carpenter?

[Mambo Sam] Ask them to “build” your relationship.

[ouanga_bottle] this really helps to put clarity around our petitions

[Mambo Sam] So if you know something about them, then use that as a way to connect with them and a way to guide them as to what you want them to do for you.

[Mambo Sam] Make sense, Ouanga?

[Mambo Sam] And does it answer your question?

[ouanga_bottle] much more thanks, yes


[Mambo Sam] RedAngel, then Destiny.

[REDANGEL] Do our ancestors look at our family and see what they feel as well, like if my family doesn’t like my HD and actually told him to stay away from me with they take that into effect as well into how much they help us, no matter what we feel in our hearts

[Mambo Sam] Good!

[Mambo Sam] RedAngel, let me make sure I am clear on what you are asking: Are you asking will your ancestor take into consideration what your currently living family thinks about what you are asking for?


[Mambo Sam] No.

[REDANGEL] or the lwa for that matter

[Mambo Sam] Especially no on the lwa! They could give a fig what your family wants!

[REDANGEL] thank you that does make me feel better

[Mambo Sam] BUT, again....

[Mambo Sam] none of these entities is going to put you in danger or in harm’s way.

[Mambo Sam] I know it is really hard to get out of conventional type thinking where this is concerned. It is so conceptual for us because we are living in this world and they aren’t!

[REDANGEL] its really hard for me to not take what my family thinks into my everyday life

[REDANGEL] we are all soooo close 

[REDANGEL] they mean the world to me but so does HD

[Mambo Sam] Yes, that is for you. It is hard for most of us to fly in the face of what our family wants.

[Mambo Sam] But you have to live your life for you at some point.

[Mambo Sam] NOT everyone else.

[REDANGEL] exactly, thank you sooooo much

[Mambo Sam] Okay, end of that lecture.


[Destiny] My grandma passed away last month, she was married to my grandpa for almost 70 years (he is still alive) she was the boss of him and he adored her the WHOLE time! (And she could be a mean witch sometimes)! She was very mean but sweet too. And he ADORED her. Now I know I can’t call upon her for another several months or so, what can I ask to give me some of that relationship power? (We were at odds for many years but made up a couple years before she passed).

[Mambo Sam] First of all, married 70 years.... wow, that’s just incredible.

[Destiny] yes, I’m jealous!

[Mambo Sam] What you can ask her is just what you just asked -- gimme some of that power, grandma!

[Mambo Sam] Seriously.

[Mambo Sam] And this is a good illustration of knowing what someone else had or did.

[Mambo Sam] You can relate to it, they can relate to it.

[Mambo Sam] (And condolences on losing your grandmother, by the way, honey.)

[Destiny] Thank you 

[Mambo Sam] If you are going to call upon an ancestor that you knew in life, then use what you related to with them in this life.

[Mambo Sam] In this instance, it isn’t that you need to be “mean” or anything like that... but tell her how much you admire that staying power they had and ask her for her “secret ingredient.”

[Mambo Sam] It may not be what you saw it to be - the secret ingredient, that is.

[Mambo Sam] So just ask her to give it to you - let you use it, put it into your relationship.

[Mambo Sam] And this goes for everyone: Use what you know if you are calling upon someone you knew in life.

[Mambo Sam] Does that answer your question, Destiny?

[Destiny] Yes, thank you.

[Mambo Sam] Good.


[Mambo Sam] Other questions about anything we discussed so far?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, before I forget, people have been asking a lot about graveyard dirt. I am working on a file that talks about it and I will post it when it is ready.

[Mambo Sam] So for those of you who e-mailed me, I am not ignoring you! I will definitely answer it for you and others.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so show me with a *** if you started a notebook this week.

[Mambo Sam] Or already had one.

[Mambo Sam] No one?

[Mambo Sam] Anyone?

[Destiny] *** 

[Destiny] nothing much in it yet

[JamboJambo] ***

[Mambo Sam] Whew... had me worried there.

[PATRICKinCALI] *** had one

[Mambo Sam] Cool.

[ouanga_bottle] margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; ">[nubis] ****

[Desiree’] margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; ">[eager2learn] does today count? ***

[Mambo Sam] Yep!

[eager2learn] :).. My parents on vacation.. So have to wait to get some information.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, next time, have a notebook, bring it to class because we are going to do a little “ancestor automatic writing.”

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, back to the notebooks.

[Mambo Sam] Here’s what I want you to have, if possible, by next session.

[Mambo Sam] Your notebook.

[Mambo Sam] A white candle.

[Mambo Sam] Something to light the candle with. LOL.

[Mambo Sam] And a clear glass with water in it. No designs on the glass, as plain of a glass as you can come up with.

[Mambo Sam] If you can’t do this or can’t participate, it doesn’t mean don’t come to class!

[Mambo Sam] If you have an ancestor that you know of that has been passed for more than a year, then plan on calling on them.

[Mambo Sam] Just choose any one that you want to do this exercise with.

[Mambo Sam] Is anyone not familiar with “automatic writing?”

[eveningstarmystic] me


[Mambo Sam] I don’t want to explain it if everyone knows what it is.


[Mambo Sam] Okay, good... I will explain it.

[Mambo Sam] There are several “versions” of it, but for our purposes next week, we are going to do a specific automatic writing exercise. In this exercise, we are going to try to get our ancestor to communicate with us through using us to write for them.

[Mambo Sam] Now, this isn’t a particularly easy thing to do, and a lot of times it looks like a three year old got ahold of the paper and pen, but as with most magickal things... it takes practice.

[Mambo Sam] But we are definitely going to try it. It also helps to focus our energies on the ancestor and gives them an outlet to focus in on us.

[Mambo Sam] We will work on it, compare notes, and then talk about how to use that in petitioning for their help.

[Mambo Sam] Plus we will have the energy of the “group mind” - that is always helpful.


[Mambo Sam] Questions?


[Destiny] ??

[eveningstarmystic] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Patrick, then Destiny, then Eveningstar

[PATRICKinCALI] do we dress the candle in any oil? Can we use the shrine we use for Les Lois?

[Mambo Sam] If you have Spiritual Power Anointing Oil and/or Abre Camino that would be great.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can use your shrine.

[PATRICKinCALI] should we have an offering ready?

[Mambo Sam] Not necessarily. 

[Mambo Sam] You can, though.

[Mambo Sam] Offerings never hurt.

[PATRICKinCALI] in what manner do we dress the candle?

[Mambo Sam] Nothing fancy with the dressing, if you have done a spell kit, you can use that method of dressing the candle.

[Mambo Sam] A little oil in the hand and pull the candle through it. That is always a mainstay.

[PATRICKinCALI] thanks Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.


[Mambo Sam] Destiny, then Eveningstar.

[Destiny] Is it better to call on an uncle we knew in this lifetime, or someone we didn’t know much about that was several generations ago, or does it matter?

[Mambo Sam] If at all possible, since we are just starting out, I would say use someone from this lifetime. Obviously

[Mambo Sam] not everyone may have someone they can use that they knew. But if possible use someone you know.


[Mambo Sam] Eveningstar

[eveningstarmystic] answered. Patrick and I think alike

[Mambo Sam] Cool.

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else.

[Mambo Sam] With a question, that is?

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone, go ahead please.

[simonegreenewpp] I’m wondering, should I pick someone “safe.  I had issues with my dad, who died last year.  And I’m kind of curious but also reluctant

[Mambo Sam] Yes, if at all possible. Once we learn this exercise, you can use it later when you are feeling more comfortable with it.

[Mambo Sam] But I would say using the safer bet right now, while learning, will be more fulfilling.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, that helps, thank you!


[Mambo Sam] Now, I have to say this: Don’t be afraid, folks.

[Mambo Sam] I know that once word gets out of this exercise, I will get a bunch of e-mails from people, telling me that they want to participate but they are afraid.

[irishrose] I’m not afraid, I’m excited about this

[Mambo Sam] I promise you, great grandma Bessie is not coming to whip you with a switch.

[Mambo Sam] I am telling you guys this so that you can help me with everyone else! LOL.

[Mambo Sam] So do we have any questions about what we need for next week?

[Mambo Sam] Any questions about anything we discussed tonight?

[Mambo Sam] Okay. After we get this exercise down, then we will set a date to do an actual ancestor ritual together.

[Mambo Sam] I would like to do this sometime in June. I realize that we probably can’t accommodate everyone on the same date because some people won’t be able to be here, etc.

[Mambo Sam] So we might decide to do it twice.

[Mambo Sam] But be thinking a little bit about which Tuesday would work best for you.


[Mambo Sam] If you guys don’t have any other questions, and you don’t mind, since it is already 8:30 p.m. here, I don’t want to start a new subject and will call it early tonight. But if you have any questions, please do ask.


[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, RedAngel.

[REDANGEL] just one quick one, I was reading the forum about Marie’s book, just wondering where to get it. It sounds great

[Mambo Sam] You can get it on the website, it is at , then go to the link on that page that says Mambo Sam’s Amazon bookstore.

[REDANGEL] thanks mambo!!:

[Mambo Sam] Sure. No problem. It is definitely an interesting read!

[Destiny] I love it! It was very inspiring.

[REDANGEL] It does sound like!!

[Desiree’] You will love it- I already read it twice.....


[Mambo Sam] OH, I also wanted to mention that I put up a new shopping page for you guys -- you should get an e-mail about it. It is a return customer discount page.

[Mambo Sam] It will always have 10% off on it PLUS some really good deals. Just thought I would throw that in there! LOL.

[REDANGEL] OOHHH I cant wait to go shopping!!!

[Destiny] cool, thanks Mambo!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.


[simonegreenewpp] comment

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] It looks like you have another link,

[Mambo Sam] in that e-mail?

[simonegreenewpp] not just Amazon, but for almost anything we might buy online

[simonegreenewpp] Search on just about anything and it’s there.

[Mambo Sam] Yep, that’s our shopping site - Gifts of Love. That link is on that page, too. Forgot about that! Thanks for mentioning it!

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, if you guys shop on the return customer page right now - you will be getting 30% off your order, at least. Some things are even deeper discounted right now. If you didn’t get the e-mail the page is at - thought I would make it easy to remember! LOL.

[REDANGEL] Already have it saved in my favorites!!!

[simonegreenewpp] lots easier than remembering the codes, thank you!

[Mambo Sam] So always shop on that page, okay! It will tie into the regular sales that we have. So right now, the “public” sale is 20% off - but if you go on “your” page - you get the 10% plus the 20% automatically.

[Mambo Sam] Thanks, Simone, that is what I was striving for. All those codes are a pain in the butt, so I was searching for a better way. Plus, you don’t have to wade through stuff you already know about, you can just go straight to the product. 


[Mambo Sam] Yes, Patrick.

[PATRICKinCALI] will you at some point in the future tell us how to say the rosary to Les Lois?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, I will. I have a big note on that for when we get to the lwa.


[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Any other questions... I am getting excited about next week!!!


[PATRICKinCALI] hope you feel better!

[Mambo Sam] Oh thank you, I have been having this lousy summer cold/flu thing. 

[Desiree’] I also hope you feel better Mambo

[Mambo Sam] I am better. But you know how that last little bit lingers on....

[Mambo Sam] and on....

[Mambo Sam] thank you!

[ouanga_bottle] hugs to you Mambo dear

[eager2learn] get well soon

[Mambo Sam] Wow, feeling better already! Now that’s a powerful group!

[PATRICKinCALI] We need our Mambo healthy!

[ouanga_bottle] and happy!

[Mambo Sam] Oh happy Mambo, for sure.


[vodoukat02] ?

[Mambo Sam] Vodoukat, go ahead please.

[vodoukat02] I just joined in, what is happening next week

[Mambo Sam] We are going to do an automatic writing exercise calling on ancestors. I will get the transcript up AND I will post what we are doing on the forum so people can prepare.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, anything else?

[vodoukat02] oh, ok, thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] All righty... I will see you all next week and I will post on the forum what we will be doing next week.

[Mambo Sam] Love you guys!

[REDANGEL] Your the best!!! Thanks Mambo!!

[irishrose] Thanks Mambo

[REDANGEL] Love you too

[Mambo Sam] See you next week.

[simonegreenewpp] Love you too, Mambo!

[PATRICKinCALI] Love you Mambo

[Desiree’] Love you too

[ouanga_bottle] lots of kisses and warm fuzzies

[Destiny] We love you too Mambo! Get well and get your rest!


[waitingforastar] Oh no, Have I missed it

[waitingforastar] Apparently I have missed it

[Destiny] Yes, we are getting out early today. You need a white candle, a clear glass of water for next week and a notepad to call on an ancestor next week 

[simonegreenewpp] Stay tuned for the transcript - Everything will be in it.

[Destiny] good night everybody!

[REDANGEL] Waitingforastar, ohhh you took the words right out of my mouth destiny!!!

[waitingforastar] Thank you :) 

[eager2learn] don’t worry waitingstar. Next week would be a really really great session

[waitingforastar] Thanks xoxo:


[REDANGEL] good night all!!

[Destiny] good night! Now that we know we have to log off when the sessions end huh waitingforastar?

[eager2learn] :D

[eager2learn] goodnight everyone..

[waitingforastar] Sorry I missed you Mambo Sam, I love you

[waitingforastar] Thankfully there will be a transcript:

[simonegreenewpp] :-D

[simonegreenewpp] Good night


© copyright, Samantha Corfield, 2007