Chat May 22, 2007

[Mambo Sam] Hello everyone! I will give everyone a moment or two to get settled. Good to see you all here.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, let’s go ahead and get started. I wanted to pick up with the ancestor subject again, how to serve them, etc.

[Mambo Sam] I am sorry it took so long to get the transcript up -- I lost my word processing program when I had to reformat my hard drive and well, you know how that goes.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, before we get started, did anyone have any questions about what we discussed last week, or what was in the transcripts?

[Destiny] ??

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead Destiny.

[Destiny] Last week you were booted in the middle of something

[Destiny] It was ancestor readings

[Destiny] You said it can be done

[Destiny] Is it done during a met tet reading or a reading in general?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, it can. And we will talk about that as we move along in talking about ancestors. But briefly, it is a different kind of reading from either of the ones that you mentioned. 

[Destiny] thank you

[Mambo Sam] Ttiger, go ahead please.

[TTigersbg4] before we really get going on tonight’s topic I have a favor to ask of the group... please send healing energy to my brother who is having triple bypass tomorrow.

[TTigersbg4] thank you

[Mambo Sam] Oh for sure... can you tell us his first name?

[TTigersbg4] Richard

[TTigersbg4] gratitude to all

[Mambo Sam] Let’s just take a moment and picture Richard with a healthy, working heart, a completely successful surgery - up walking around and the picture of health.

(Pause for energy)

[Mambo Sam] Okay, thank you all! Nice energy there.

[Mambo Sam] Landen, go ahead please.

[Landen] BTW - Hello everyone

[Landen] I know we were talking about ancestor work. This is new to me. What if you had a relative who wasn’t nice to you or wouldn’t approve of your work.

[Mambo Sam] Yep, we are going to cover that, that is a question similar to one that someone sent in, so I will get to that shortly.

[Landen] great thank you

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so we touched a bit on the ti bon ange and gros bon ange, the two parts to the soul in the Vodou religion. Ti bon ange — “little good angel” and gros bon ange “great good angel” - the ti bon ange is the part of the soul we are most concerned with for ancestor work.

[Mambo Sam] The ti bon ange is the personality of the person who lived on earth.

[Mambo Sam] The part that would “know” us, even if we did not know them.

[Mambo Sam] The gros bon ange, just to not leave that hanging out there, is the life force, the “cosmic consciousness” of a person - that which returns to the great energy which is life.

[Mambo Sam] So, Landen’s question, and another person sent in this question: My grandmother and grandfather were married for 41 years. I loved them both and want to call on them for my love spell work. The problem I see is that they fought all the time and did not seem to have a good relationship at all. So how can I feel comfortable in calling on the for love magick?

[Mambo Sam] So, with Landen’s question, an easy answer might be not to call on that particular ancestor.

[Mambo Sam] However, we have to remember that much of the prejudice, hate, and bad habits are left behind when a person dies.

[Mambo Sam] Both the ti bon ange and the gros bon ange represent what we call, in our spell work here, The Higher Self.

[Mambo Sam] There is a certain knowledge that comes to the dead. There are lessons to be learned and things are understood with a much greater clarity when one has passed on. This is why it is important to try not to call upon an ancestor who has been dead less than one year and one day.

[Mambo Sam] This is a time frame that is spent in reflection and learning, going over one’s life, what mistakes did I make? What was to be learned from my time on earth?

[Mambo Sam] So, depending upon Landen’s ancestor and their relationship with each other, it may still be fine to call upon them if they are somehow uniquely qualified to help.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway... so there could be things that a particular ancestor that you were not particularly fond of could still help you with.

[Mambo Sam] Landen, did that help with your question?

[Landen] Kind of - I was thinking you had to call on all ancestor and this particular person wasn’t every nice to me

[Landen] But all good now!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, good.

[Mambo Sam] Good point, and I will go ahead and address that: It is a good idea to do, perhaps once a year, a general ancestor feast.

[Mambo Sam] This is a feast for all of your ancestors to honor them, thank them for their presence on earth and in “Heaven,” etc.

[Mambo Sam] You needn’t name everyone, but you can, even the ones you aren’t particularly fond of. It’s okay!

[Mambo Sam] But for calling on specific ancestors, you don’t have to call on all of them. You can pick and choose upon whom you call for what purpose. If someone had a special skill or knowledge that you know of and you need help in that area, then that’s the one to call on.

[Mambo Sam] So, the fighting grandparents....

[Mambo Sam] Doggone those fighting grandparents, anyway! LOL. For sure, they had longevity in their relationship and that is something to work towards when petitioning someone like them to help you.

[Mambo Sam] And, of course, we know that they have learned what they needed to learn, and are probably uniquely qualified to help you with your relationship! They now know what they did wrong, what they did right, and how to help you avoid doing the same thing in your relationship. The main thing is YOU loved them

[Mambo Sam] and they loved you!

[Mambo Sam] So for sure, I think they are perfect for working with towards your spell work.

[Mambo Sam] Doing work with your ancestors is very rewarding and powerful. You are calling upon them because they are part of your tribe. They now have wisdom that you do not have.

[Mambo Sam] They have certain powers that you do not have.

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead Redangel.

[REDANGEL] I’m still unsure on how to do a feast to the lwa or to ancestor, do we just make something, offer it to them and bury it afterwards

[REDANGEL] this is something I really want to start doing

[Mambo Sam] That’s next on the agenda. There are many ways to do it.

[Mambo Sam] We will get to that shortly here.

[REDANGEL] K thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Jambo, go ahead.

[JamboJambo] Is there any place in NOV (New Orleans Voodoo) or any vein of Voodoo for the use of “grave dirt” from our chosen Ancestors in spellwork?

[JamboJambo] To incorporate it in gris-gris etc?

[Mambo Sam] Yes.

[Mambo Sam] Now it depends on whose grave, what you want to accomplish, etc. Sometimes graveyard dirt is used in revenge spells.

[Mambo Sam] But it doesn’t have to be.

[Mambo Sam] If you have graveyard dirt from any of your ancestors, you can put it on your ancestor altar.

[Mambo Sam] It is a good representation of their death. And what happened thereafter.

[Mambo Sam] People always say that, well, Uncle Freddy isn’t really here at his grave.

[Mambo Sam] And that is true.

[Mambo Sam] BUT, there is the earthly form of Uncle Freddy, the emblem of his existence AND his passing.

[Mambo Sam] The energy of those who mourned and loved him is there, too.

[Mambo Sam] So graveyard dirt can be a very powerful amulet -- a very powerful NOV amulet is wearing some graveyard dirt of your loved one in a locket for protection.

[Mambo Sam] Did that help, Jambo?

[JamboJambo] Very much, thank you. I have a few other questions regarding how I’ve used it, but I’ll send those to my CM

[Mambo Sam] Cool!

[Mambo Sam] Nubis, go ahead, please.

[nubis] I have not fed my ancestors since before I moved in with a friend in February. I do have my shrine up though. Could this, not feeding them, be affecting my spellwork?

[Mambo Sam] Not necessarily, feeding one’s ancestors is not a “required” part of spell work — it is an enhancement. BUT in your case, I am understanding that you did feed them before and now haven’t, that could be affecting certain areas of your life because they have come to expect it.

[Mambo Sam] If nothing else, do spend some time just telling them why you haven’t.

[nubis] Ok. Thanks.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, please, Vodoukat.

[vodoukat02] What about calling upon an ex-boyfriend for aid in spell work with love, although we did not end things on a good note before he died

[Mambo Sam] Certainly I could see doing that. However, he is not your ancestor. There is a way to call on others that have gone before us that we know. But don’t mix it with your ancestors, do it separately.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I know your case, and I think he would be eager to help you, actually, do the things for you that he couldn’t do for you here. He is wiser now.

[Mambo Sam] But as we talk more about ancestors and how we feed them, call on them, etc., you can use that same information,

[Mambo Sam] just do it separately.

[vodoukat02] Thank you Mambo, love ya

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Mambo Sam] Happy, go ahead please.

[happy] what about an ancestor that did something that caused you the pain you have today

[happy] I am afraid that would hurt me

[Mambo Sam] Here again, you don’t have to call on them. You can pick and choose upon whom you call to help you.

[Mambo Sam] However, this person is probably very sorry for the pain they caused you and could end up being a very powerful ally. It’s a personal choice, honey.

[happy] thanks mambo

[PATRICKinCALI] Does a deceased sibling count as ancestry?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, indeed. That is a member of your tribe! I realize that we are talking about ancestors we tend to think in terms of grandmothers, grandfathers, in the great, great, great, etc. sense.

[PATRICKinCALI] Does age matter? If they died as a child do they evolve and gain adult wisdom after death?

[Mambo Sam] but this is ancestors in a broader sense of the word.

[Mambo Sam] How old?

[PATRICKinCALI] less than a year, 30 years ago

[Mambo Sam] There will definitely be some sort of energy even with someone that young. I would say more to honor them rather than call upon them for too much.

[Mambo Sam] Do you feel the sibling around you?

[PATRICKinCALI] I have in the past and have always decorated his grave, etc

[Mambo Sam] Okay, in that particular instance, yes, for sure. There is definitely some wisdom gained — it is hard to specify what, if you have been “taking care” of him for a long time, then he will know you, know your needs, etc. So in your case you certainly would want to call upon him.

[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[eager2learn] What if you didn’t know your ancestor? But you have heard they have a nice heart and personality. Can we use them for help? Also if an ancestor was bound by culture when on this earth is there a possibility that cultural differences between our hd and I can stop an ancestor from helping us? This particular ancestor I have heard is nice from my mom. She is my mom’s mother. Is there a possibility that we could also use for assisting with sending intruder away?

[Mambo Sam] It isn’t necessary at all to know the ancestors. Let’s face it, when we do a general feast, we are going to call on ALL of our ancestors to hear us and help us. We aren’t going to know all of them. Even though you did not know this particular ancestor in your life time, this is an extremely close and important ancestor to you.

[Mambo Sam] And you have the ability to learn some things about her, I assume. Perhaps even have pictures, etc. You can take the opportunity to know her and have a relationship with her now.

[Mambo Sam] Cultural differences fade away in death. Those things are unimportant. However, remember, no ancestor will bring you something that will harm you — no matter how badly you want it. It isn’t a “judgment” call on their part — they aren’t supposing that someone will harm you. They will have that knowledge. Ancestors are called on in most cultures for protection above all.

[Mambo Sam] It is inherent in their nature to protect their bloodline.

[Mambo Sam] Protection involves keeping away people who would harm you — it has nothing to do with whether or not they “like” your HD, or anything like that. If they know there is inherent harm coming to you, they will not help you with that cause. But would you really want them to?

[Mambo Sam] As to using your ancestors to get rid of an intruder, yes, they can help with all petitions.

[Mambo Sam] Now remember, they are part of the whole equation.

[Mambo Sam] You are doing all of your other things as well.

[Mambo Sam] Ancestors have somewhat limited capabilities, for the most part. But they can influence situation.

[Mambo Sam] It is always a good idea to have them working on your behalf.

[eager2learn] thank you mambo that helped a lot. So how do we start calling them and getting to know them?:) 

[Mambo Sam] (We’ll get their Eager2learn!)

[Spell Faithful] Thanx for this opportunity! What about calling on HD’s deceased ancestors (by whom HD is still troubled) to help when they may contribute to the reason s/he isn’t with you?

[Mambo Sam] Spellfaithful, certainly I could make a case for calling on the HD’s ancestors, but it won’t be as strong if you do it.

[Mambo Sam] Now that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have merit.

[Mambo Sam] Trying to send some petitions their way to “clean up the mess they left” can be in order.

[Mambo Sam] But these are not your ancestors. Again, you can use some of the same methodology, but do it separately from other ancestor work.

[Mambo Sam] Make sense?

[Spell Faithful] Yes, thanx!

[Landen] Is it possible to call on ancestors that you don’t know or have never met? For example what if want their help but are not sure who to ask so you ask for one that wants to help… can you find out who they are?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, that gets more into general ancestor service and/or ancestor readings. However, for most people I recommend working with who you know IF you know. Some people are adopted or otherwise don’t know their family at all — in that case, you are calling on your biological ancestors by their titles rather than their names (my great grandmother, etc.)

[Mambo Sam] You can spend a lot of time (and money) figuring out your blood line, or you can go with what you know and then do general ancestor feasts with the rest.

[Landen] Thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[nubis] If you are dreaming about your HD and other circumstances surrounding your spellwork, does that mean the lwa and/or your ancestors are giving you signs they’re working on the situation?

[Mambo Sam] Not necessarily. Dreams have a lot of different interpretations. Now if you were calling upon a specific ancestor and they appeared in your dream with your HD, then that would a much clearer sign.

[Mambo Sam] It’s hard to tell with dreams. 

[Mambo Sam] But dreams might be a good topic for the future here in the chat room!

[nubis] Ok. Thanks.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome, Nubis.

[Mambo Sam] Destiny, go ahead please.

[Destiny] Crazy thing happened, I NEVER thought or considered calling upon my ancestors, EVER. Last week after chat was over, I saw on the news that there is an ancestor kit you can buy for $100

[Destiny] you give a DNA sample and find out the history of your ancestors. Would that be beneficial?

[Destiny] I just thought it was funny they mentioned it after last weeks chat

[Mambo Sam] If it is legitimate, then yes, I could certainly see how that would be beneficial. And services that do your family tree, things like that would be very helpful. I would say that you got a pretty clear sign that there are some ancestors wanting to help you out!

[Destiny] Thank you.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome. Anyone else? Did I miss anyone?

[simonegreenewpp] comment

[Mambo Sam] Simone, please.

[simonegreenewpp] We all have ancestors going back to Adam & Eve, or the monkeys...  Many more than we can imagine or know.

[Mambo Sam] Definitely monkeys in my family tree!

[simonegreenewpp] It sounds like the closer ones are more helpful?

[Mambo Sam] For sure, mainly because they know more about us, they are more familiar with our “times” here on earth.

[Mambo Sam] Once we get beyond four or five “greats” we are moving into an area of them not knowing us as well. Now, that is not to say that we could not cultivate those relationships and some people do spend a great deal of time doing that.

[Mambo Sam] Which is great!  However, for the most part, our little prayer group here is looking to strengthen their spell work.

[Mambo Sam] For that, I do suggest the closer blood line unless you happen to love making a hobby out of figuring out your ancestors, which many, many people do, of course!

[Mambo Sam] So, yes, Simone, that is correct.

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead, Nubis.

[nubis] Is there anything in NOV or VD that talks about what happens to unborn children — miscarried or aborted — in relation to the ancestors and spirit world?

[Mambo Sam] Yes. We actually do a ritual to baptize, name, and bless them in effigy.

[Mambo Sam] I think I have a picture on the forum of part of such a ritual.

[Mambo Sam] Miscarriages, and abortions are considered “unfinished spiritual business” in NOV.

[Mambo Sam] There is no judgment as to how the pregnancy ended, just that we don’t leave loose spiritual ends.

[nubis] Ok. Thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Someone else before we move on?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, by show of hands, did anyone want to tell a quick story of their ancestor? This is a way to get to breathe some life into our ancestors. Telling stories of ancestors has a rich history, a way of keeping them “alive.” So, anyone? We do have to keep it brief, but it serves a very great purpose.

[nubis] Yes

[simonegreenewpp] yes

[Mambo Sam] Okay, go ahead Nubis, and then Simone. The rest of you do feel free to share a little something. This is part of the process.

[vodoukat02] yes

[nubis] My dad knew magic. He told me if I ate my peas I could whistle. It worked.

[Landen] yes

[Mambo Sam] Lol, Nubis! 

[nubis] Thanks

[simonegreenewpp] Two years ago, before I found Spellmaker, I was at a fair and there was a palm reader there. I got a reading, and she was very accurate on a few things that she could not have known. I was interested in doing more past-life work, and thought she might be helpful. She had a storefront in my area, so I made an appointment and went back. Well, wouldn’t you know she discovered there was a curse placed on my family, and it would cost $10,000 to remove it. She showed me some “physical evidence,” claiming it represented the jealous woman who placed the curse. Except the things she was saying did not sound right, other solutions were coming to mind, and the “evidence” reminded me of my paternal grandmother. I realized at that point that both my grandmother and great-grandmother were together and looking out for me. They were ready to kick butt and take names. It’s funny that the palm reader lead me to this realization, even though it was not her goal. I didn’t bother going back — I knew there were better paths for me.

[Mambo Sam] :-} Awesome, Simone. It brings up such a wonderful point of how they are with us. Sure, it hurts when we lose someone close, but we have to remember that we never really lose them.

[vodoukat02] I was close to my Aunt all the way up to the day she passed and the day she passed my Uncle and I came home and the ceiling light flickered on and off

[vodoukat02] it never happened again

Mambo Sam] Yes, Vodoukat, that is a special kind of “see you later” message!

[vodoukat02] thank you Mambo, my Uncle and I thought the same thing

[PATRICKinCALI] My maternal 3x great Grandmother Julia, was widowed at age 42 with 9 children, youngest 9 mos. on the ice cold Wisconsin prairie. She raised them all to maturity. When I feel my life stinks I turn to her in prayer and thought

[Mambo Sam] Yes, and that is important, Patrick. And that is something to which to pay attention: When you feel your strength flagging, she can be a source of strength for you!

[happy] my Nana one Halloween was dressed up in a sailors suit that she borrowed from my uncle she was so silly and happy this little grey haired lady under 5 feet tall trying to scare people.

[Mambo Sam] Perfect, Happy! And that is such a precious memory to call on when thinking about her.

[Spell Faithful] Similar to Simone, but 2 different psychics have told me they can see my grandfather — ‘the one with the piercing blue eyes’ around me. Both my g’pas had blue eyes. I don’t know much of my extended family on my dad’s side, but my mom did her best to help me know her family.

[Mambo Sam] That’s great!

[Mambo Sam] It is good to know who is around you and is very useful information.

[Mambo Sam] It is important to remember that even though you may not have known them well, especially with grandparents, they are still the doting grandparents they would have tried to be if they were around.

[Mambo Sam] Whomever is ready, go ahead.

[Candelaria] This is not a story in life, but one in the afterward. My mother passed three years ago next month. I was her baby and we were extremely close. Well the day she passed was pretty awful and I had just flown from the west coast to the east coast, basically to say goodbye to her. So, the day she died, I was in bed in my parents house in the spare room and I was trying to sleep, but of course couldn’t, then suddenly I hear a bell ringing. I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from and then I realized there was a wall hanging that had a bell on the corner of it and it was ringing. There was no breeze in the room, yet the bell was ringing. So I called out to my mother and asked her if it was her. The ringing stopped. Then a few minutes later, it started again. So I said, “OK, Mom, thank you for letting me know you are safe and that you are with me. I love you.” And the bell stopped. It was a wonderful gift!

[Mambo Sam] Oh yes, Candi.... and bells are very powerful tools!! They are good for calling in our ancestors, too.

[Mambo Sam] There is just something so mystical about them.

[Mambo Sam] Beautiful story.

[Candelaria] Really, tell how?

[Mambo Sam] I will.

[happy] my Nana collected bells wow

[Candelaria] thanks

[Mambo Sam] Music, bells, etc. very nice.

[eager2learn] my grandfather has a bell that he calls when he wants us to come down for lunch or dinner     he is still alive

[Mambo Sam] Hey Eager, my grandpa had a bell, too, that he called us with!

[waitingforastar] About a year ago, my Dad was asking for my Mom, (deceased nearly 4 yrs ago) for a sign to know she was around, and a musical bear that needs pressing to play, just started playing

[Mambo Sam] Oh nice on the bear!!

[Landen] I was very close to my second cousin who passed early in life. He was like my older brother and the older I got the more we shared. He married and had 3 children but would often complain to me about his wife and how unhappy he was. Before he was married he would be at my house a lot with my Dad. One night he walked in on a romantic evening my friend and I were planning for our boyfriends. My boyfriend canceled at the last minute but my cousin showed up and stood in for me. We all laughed over dinner and he cousin was joking he wanted a foot massage. As I told him no and laughed he looked at us and said “I’ll give you a dollar”. The way he said it was so funny. To this day, almost 12 years later, my friend and I will look at each other say the line laugh and say how much we miss him. Randomly I can sometimes feel him around me, encouraging me in my love life. He wasn’t happy and I think he wants me to be. I have no idea if this is what you meant by stories…. But it was funny at the time.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, that is definitely a good story. And a “dollar” is a perfect offering for him!

[nubis] Right after my dad died, I learned I was pregnant. I was on vacation in Puerto Rico, woke up from nap, just to see him look at me and walk out of the room.

[Mambo Sam] Very nice, nubis!

[Mambo Sam] It’s so good to see them after they have passed.

[Mambo Sam] It’s rare. But good.

[nubis] Thanks. I still feel very close to him and I hear his voice in my head sometimes!

[nubis] The things he used to tell me... at crucial times

[Mambo Sam] That’s awesome!

[nubis] Thanks

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so obviously in a half an hour or so, we are not going to cover all we need to know about calling on our ancestors. BUT we are going to get going with it! LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Now, that little session we had with talking about our ancestors — it’s job one!

[Mambo Sam] For this moment, we are going to talk about the ancestors we know or can find out about.

[Mambo Sam] Patrick, go ahead.

[PATRICKinCALI] You have a story Mambo?

[Mambo Sam] Awww.... sweetie. Sure, let me tell a quick one.

[Mambo Sam] My father and I cooked together, and cooked, and cooked.... He taught me how.

[Mambo Sam] I don’t remember NOT being able to cook!

[Mambo Sam] God I miss him.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway.... A few Thanksgivings ago I was doing my cooking and I always put out a glass of Chevas Regal scotch for him and a pack of cigarettes.

[Mambo Sam] Most everyone in the family knows what it is for, even though some of them don’t approve of the scotch and smokes, well, whatever...

[Mambo Sam] so anyway, one of my distant cousins happened to be in town. We haven’t seen him in years and years.

[Mambo Sam] And, truthfully, don’t particularly care for him.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, he got drunk as a skunk at dinner. Nasty drunk.

[Mambo Sam] He got up to get something out of the kitchen. Next thing we hear is a screech out of him... and glass breaking.

[Mambo Sam] We run in and he is holding his wrist which is bleeding just a little bit. The scotch glass is shattered up against the wall.

[Mambo Sam] The scotch glass is shattered up against the wall.

[Mambo Sam] He swears to this day that it flew across the room and just missed his head.

[waitingforastar] awesome!

[Mambo Sam] I do believe Daddy did not like him messing around with our lovely Thanksgiving!

[Spell Faithful] lol, good one, Dad!

[Candelaria] Love It!!

[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Patrick!

[happy] wow

[Desiree’] Score one for Good Ole Dad !

[nubis] Cool!

[eager2learn] :D

[waitingforastar] Good for him

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, and he was NOT a violent man, but I guess he had enough with him!

[vodoukat02] did he ever come back....... lol

[Mambo Sam] Nope, haven’t seen him since!

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[PATRICKinCALI] superb

[Mambo Sam] Okay, thank you Patrick for calling on me! Now...

[PATRICKinCALI] a pleasure

[Mambo Sam] like I said, this is job one! Remembering them!

[Mambo Sam] Or re-telling a story you have been told.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, nubis.

[nubis] Are spiritual gifts “hereditary”?

[Mambo Sam] Some are. Some are passed on to a family member. But mostly I find that spiritual “gifts” are learned through hard work. Years of it, usually! LOL.

[nubis] My maternal great grandfather was a “root” man, and his wife taught my uncle a lot of what he knows spiritually.

[Mambo Sam] Yep, that is how it usually happens.

[nubis] Thanks

[eager2learn] can I add on one more story?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Eager, please do.

[eager2learn] My paternal great grandfather was an absolute genius. He could predict almost anything.. including deaths.. Of course he made a mistake in predicting his death, using astrology...

[Mambo Sam] Wow. That’s awesome.

[eager2learn] yea I often I wished I could learn from him    

[Mambo Sam] And you actually probably can... we will talk a lot more about ancestors as time passes.

[Mambo Sam] So as I was saying, for now, we will stick to those ancestors that you know or can find out information about readily.

[Mambo Sam] We need to wake them up within ourselves — they are already awake! But we need to carry on those ancient traditions of story telling, bring their energy back to us.

[Mambo Sam] Now sometimes it is difficult to find a captive audience that wants to hear about your ancestors. But if you keep it brief, or if it is germane to a conversation, or if it will amuse someone, you can find someone to listen.

[Mambo Sam] And then, of course, there is us!

[Mambo Sam] Also encourage others to tell you about their ancestors. This opens up the door to telling your own story.

[Mambo Sam] I am giving you homework. Stop groaning.

[Mambo Sam] I want each and every one of you to either tell an ancestor story to at least three people or get at least three people to tell you an ancestor story.

[eager2learn] hahaha I love it ..its an absolute coincidence.. I was grilling my mom about my grandma just today

[Mambo Sam] Oh, there’s that “C” word. Coincidence? Never heard of it! 

[nubis] my daughters love to hear stories about our family

[waitingforastar] Me and my dad were talking about my Grandma, (his mom) yesterday.

[Mambo Sam] If you haven’t been keeping a notebook for these chats, now is the time to start.

[eager2learn] I guess my grandma was definitely telling me something that she wanted me to share for this group today

[Mambo Sam] Start writing down what you know about your ancestors, see what else you can find out.

[Mambo Sam] And those ancestors that caused you pain - you can choose to ignore them. OR you can choose to try to use this has a way to work through that pain.

[happy] can I cheat and steal my moms notes she does genealogy

[Mambo Sam] Happy, cheating is allowed and encouraged!

[Mambo Sam] As I was saying above, there are no coincidences — just sweet destiny. (And you, too, Destiny!)

[vodoukat02] I already started a binder:} 

[Mambo Sam] Good, Vodoukat!

[Mambo Sam] So, start your chapter in your notebook on ancestors.

[vodoukat02] will do

[Mambo Sam] So, I noticed that, I think, it was Simone, on the forum — forgive me, honey, if it wasn’t you... mentioned that there might not be much to know about likes and dislikes other than using some cultural clues — if you were a certain ethnic group, you might like certain things.

[Mambo Sam] And cultural clues are a good place to start.

[Mambo Sam] If your family was Italian, you are probably safe in cooking up an Italian feast, serving some good red wine, and playing some Pavarotti during your ancestor worship.

[Mambo Sam] So start doing the basics of what you already know and what you can find out about their likes and dislikes.

[waitingforastar] that’s me, all Italian background

[vodoukat02] this is off topic, but how can I e-mail an update to you

[Mambo Sam] Just e-mail me at or 

[Mambo Sam] About e-mailing — is the preferred e-mail address now.

[nubis] Can ancestors be born subsequently as children in your bloodline? For example, I was told that my oldest daughter was my ex-husband’s great grandmother, who always wanted to make sure the men in her family were ok.

[Mambo Sam] Nubis, now we are getting into the whole reincarnation thing.

[Mambo Sam] The short answer on this belief is that even though a soul may be reincarnated, there is still some of the personality trait left behind with the ti bon ange, but the NEW spirit develops their own ti bon ange.

[Mambo Sam] No need to table it. But it is fascinating and could lead to a big ole discussion! LOL.

[nubis] Thank you.

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Happy next?

[happy] first I want to thank Mambo and the group for the wonderful stories they made me smile and forget my major disappointment last weekend with my hd. Thanks. Now Mambo for the food what if you are a mutt (6 nationalities) can you have more than one type of food during this feast? 

[Mambo Sam] Oh for sure! And for most families, I think that we end up with a little bit of everything.

[happy] now I gotta learn to cook

[Mambo Sam] So we do the best we can with finding out some likes and dislikes. Obviously, if you knew the person in life you might know a little bit more about what they would want.

[Mambo Sam] Start to make your notes and see if you can get beyond food into even music, colors, hobbies, etc.

[Mambo Sam] I like to do a “living feast” for ancestors — not just food. But music, DOING something!

[Mambo Sam] You can “hide” an ancestor feast in a part for your friends.

[happy] oh see I am worried she was a diabetic but she loved bad foods

[Mambo Sam] She isn’t a diabetic anymore. She can have everything she loved but couldn’t have!

[Mambo Sam] That’s even better!

[happy] oh she would love you

[Mambo Sam] I am always on a freaking diet. Please, when I go, someone get me a bucket of Popeye’s and an In-N-Out double double thingy.

[vodoukat02] lmao

[nubis] oh my god!

[Mambo Sam] And actually Happy brings out a very good point... if you know your ancestor was restricted on something in life — but they loved it! NOW is the time to give it to them!

[Mambo Sam] Oh, Nubis, I hope I didn’t horrify you.

[nubis] no I was laughing

[Mambo Sam] Oh good!

[waitingforastar] What’s a In-N-out double double thingy? Is it edible?:p

[Mambo Sam] Oh Lord, if you haven’t had an In-N-Out burger you haven’t lived. We don’t have them here.

[Mambo Sam] Sorry vegans.... Gotta have my burger.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway.

[waitingforastar] Don’t have em in NY

[Mambo Sam] Nope just Cali, Arizona, and Nevada, I think.

[REDANGEL] no worries when you live in Canada you don’t get many things, in a small town anyway

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so now our dear ancestors. The whole point is making them as real as we can.

[Mambo Sam] Serve them.

[Mambo Sam] Ask the for stuff.

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Ask them, I mean.

[Mambo Sam] You will see how this all ties together. Next week, I would like to set some dates for doing ancestor feasts.

[Mambo Sam] So start getting things in order. We are gonna have a party!

[REDANGEL] sweet!!

[Mambo Sam] There are some differences in NOV and some other cultures who do ancestor service.

[Mambo Sam] In NOV we PARTY with our ancestors!

[Mambo Sam] So I think we should do at least one service together! And tell each other who we are serving and what we are serving.

[Mambo Sam] We don’t have to share petitions, but we can.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, waitingforastar.

[waitingforastar] Is an ancestor’s birthday a good day to do a feast to them, or give an offering to them?

[Mambo Sam] Absolutely! It’s a perfect time.

[waitingforastar] My departed and loving brother’s birtthday is may 25

[waitingforastar] Thanks Mambo Sam:}

[Mambo Sam] Very good time to honor him Waitingforastar.

[waitingforastar] Thanks:) 

[Destiny] My grandma love comic books of Spanish soap operas. She spoke Spanish, I don’t so she would try her best to explain them to me when I was little. I didn’t know what the heck she was saying, but it was still interesting to me. She would pray the rosary for 4 hours a day. Could I leave a Spanish soap opera comic book and a rosary as an offering? I don’t know what she liked to eat. But her Mexican cooking was always home made. I am not good at the home made foods! Especially Mexican. My grandma didn’t “party” will she party now?

[Mambo Sam] Destiny, yes, you can definitely use those things. And so what if you aren’t really good at making Mexican? You can try or buy something nice. This is definitely a time when effort counts big time!

[Destiny] thank you Mambo Sam. 

[simonegreenewpp] I don’t have a kitchen, so take-out is the best I can do, reverently and with care!

[Mambo Sam] nothing wrong with some take out!

[nubis] I just realized that my ancestors turned my petition around for my own good. I had a horrific boss; I petitioned them to get her out of the department. That was when she arrived two years ago; she was very nasty to me. Today, we had lunch — two years later — 9 weeks after I was promoted!

[Mambo Sam] LOL. 

[Mambo Sam] Very nice.

[nubis] To head my own department... away from her.

[Mambo Sam] Perfect example about how things can work. Probably she needed her job, so rather than ditch her, just move you into something even better!

[nubis] Right. Well, now she is pregnant and about to deliver! Thanks

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Bridget.

[bridget] Hi Mambo

[bridget] if we want to leave a gift/offering in a cemetery for an ancestor (not their cemetery) is there a special way to do it or not do it? 

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I like to find someone’s grave with the same first name.

[Mambo Sam] Now this is a personal preference.

[Mambo Sam] You know my Aunt Fannie (the potion Aunt Fannie)?

[Mambo Sam] I found a grave with the name Fannie on it and leave things for her there.

[bridget] famous aunt Fannie 

[Candelaria] Yep

[bridget] I should leave her something myself :-) 

[waitingforastar] We love Fannie

[Mambo Sam] So I like to do it that way so that we can have some frame of reference.

[Mambo Sam] Otherwise, a tree in a cemetery is fine.

[Mambo Sam] Also a grave with a cross on it.

[bridget] Great, thanks.

[bridget] OOps 

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[bridget] one more. Do we need to leave something for the Baron or Legba first as well?

[Mambo Sam] Not necessarily when you are doing just ancestor stuff. Remember, the ancestors actually take precedence over the lwa, in the vodou hierarchy anyway.

[Mambo Sam] However, you know me... I love to leave Legba something all the time!

[Mambo Sam] Personal choice.

[bridget] so if it feels right , its OK to do?

[Mambo Sam] Yes.

[bridget] :-) for this, anyhows

[Mambo Sam] Well, yes, in this case!

[bridget] Thanks very much

[happy] what if you have no access to a cemetery

[Mambo Sam] Then, you don’t need to go to one. She was just asking about doing to the cemetery. Not that everyone needs to do so! 

[happy] thanks

[Paris] I tried control V does not seem to work here got to write the old visioned way

[simonegreenewpp] Highlight, drag & drop.

[Mambo Sam] Highlight, copy, then ctrl V, Depending on your system. Mac or PC.

[happy] are you using a mac its apple c

(SimoneGreene’s note: Cut, copy & paste — control or apple V — may not work due to your system and web browser.  In that case, try hilighting the text, then dragging it to the chat window.  That works for me, using Safari on a Mac.)

[Paris] I served my grandparents and mother and HD called after I served them and played French songs for them. They must have loved the matzo ball soup

[Mambo Sam] That’s awesome!

[Paris] and sang only one Hebrew song

[Mambo Sam] That’s the way to do it.

[Paris] right in the middle of my candles burning

[Mambo Sam] Perfect!

[Paris] and he was burning up like those candles

[Mambo Sam] Definitely working with your ancestors is powerful.

[phantodrac] No prob! I’m impressed you can keep track at all!

[phantodrac] I apologize if this was discussed already, but I’ve been wondering about it for a while. I was very close to my grandmother and would love to honor her, but she was terrified of witchcraft and would not approve of Voodoo. Is it alright to call on her? Would she be resentful about it?

[waitingforastar] Great question

[phantodrac] or am I just honoring her higher self?

[Mambo Sam] My short answer is that it is fine. It’s “you!” And it is answered earlier, you will see what I mean in the transcript. 

[phantodrac] thank you!

[Mambo Sam] Waitingforastar?

[waitingforastar] In re: to Happy’s no cemetery question, what do you do instead of the cemetery? [Mambo Sam] Okay, in ancestor service, you don’t need to go to the cemetery.

[Mambo Sam] It’s great if you can. But it isn’t necessary.

[Mambo Sam] Is that what you meant, Waitingforastar?

[waitingforastar] Yes, but what would you do instead? Just leave out an offering say, on the table?

[Mambo Sam] When we get into the actual service to ancestors we will cover that.

[Mambo Sam] Right now we are “getting ready!” 

[waitingforastar] Okay, thanks

[nubis] off topic but can you give me the name of the forum again? I lost the bookmark. 

[nubis] I didn’t wait to be called on, sorry. It’s late.

[Mambo Sam] The forum is Spellmaker Spirits. Candelaria, can you IM Nubis a link, please?

[Candelaria] Yep, got nubis. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Thanks.

[nubis] Thank you, Mambo. I love you!

[Mambo Sam] Love you, too!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, folks, anything else? We do need to wrap it up.

[waitingforastar] I have one more little story about ancestors

[Mambo Sam] Go ahead Waiting and then Happy.

[waitingforastar] I never knew my Mom’ mom, she passed decades before I was born. Well once when I was a teenager, I was lying in bed and not thinking anything to do with ancestors, just teen stuff and suddenly I felt this warm loving presence that I somehow knew was my grandmother and so much so I actually spoke out, “ I love you too Grandma”

[Mambo Sam] WoW, that is powerful! You definitely want to call on her some more!

[waitingforastar] I believe she must have wanted to see her granddaughter. Lovely.

[Mambo Sam] Happy?

[happy] I have a few vindictive type of ancestors and I am worried. Does them being deceased change their rotten (LOL) personalities? They were not nice people and never wanted anyone happy and I am kind of worried they would cause me damage as they did in real life to people. In fact one my niece never met and saw in a dream chasing her

[Mambo Sam] Then don’t serve them in particular. There is no need to call on them.

[Mambo Sam] Like I said, we do recommend that you do a once a year general ancestor feast, but you don’t have to name them. You don’t have to serve every ancestor. That would be impossible and too time consuming. 

[Mambo Sam] So don’t call on those ancestors.

[Mambo Sam] Make sense?

[happy] yup

[happy] thanks love you and Bridget/Berkeley and Candi and hope you all have a great week.

[Mambo Sam] Alrighty, take care all!

[Candelaria] Peace out

[Destiny] Aww, it has been over two hours?

[happy] night night 

[Destiny] ALREADY?

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[nubis] This was great. I will be here next week. Good night.

[Destiny] Good night, we love you Mambo!

[Mambo Sam] Yep.... see you all next week!! My love to all of you, sincerely.

[Candelaria] Thanks for stopping by everyone, but Mambos need to refresh and replenish

[waitingforastar] and I had to log in late due to a phone call (incoming)

[REDANGEL] Good night all

[Destiny] Was it Richard, having triple bypass?

[Paris] Good night all thank you Mambo

[bridget] Night All.

[Candelaria] Round of applause for The Mambo? clap, clap, clap, clap...

[simonegreenewpp] Hooray!

[Spell Faithful] g’night everyone! thanx to Mambo Sam

[bridget] Wooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooo!

[waitingforastar] clap clap yay Mambo Sam,

[phantodrac] Thank you so much, Mambo Sam! Love you!

[waitingforastar] Thank you Mambo Sam xoxo