Chat May 14, 2008

[Mambo Sam] Hello everyone. How many of you have an assignment they want to present tonight?

[simonegreenewpp] Me

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else?

[waitingforastar] I don’t know that I would call it a full assignment but I have some ideas

[Aleck] Me

[Mambo Sam] Okay... I really want to first hear from those who actually did the assignment and have something to present.

[mamakate] I started the assignment and have an idea but it’s been a very stressful week and I never finished.

[nubis] I just have thoughts on some people who represent Ogoun.

[Mambo Sam] So right now we have Simone and Aleck only with an assignment to present?

[waitingforastar] I’ve had a crazy week too and have had a cold

[Mambo Sam] It isn’t that I don’t want to hear your ideas, but the point of the assignment was to figure out how to actually use the information that was presented. No worries, it was called an optional assignment for a reason; it was optional! :-D  Well, for some of you it actually wasn’t, but we will talk about that at another time.

[waitingforastar] I have answers and opinions to some of the questions to the assignment but some things I am not sure of.

[Mambo Sam] We will be continuing with this next week, so anyone who wants to have the assignment ready to present will be welcome to do so then and we will then also wrap up our discussion at that time, too. :-)

[waitingforastar] When you say, present, do you mean as in essay form? But posted here?

[Mambo Sam] It could be however you want, but you would do it here. Anyway, let’s please get started. Simone, then Aleck. If anyone else is ready we can see how we are on time.

[Sister Candelaria] MaMere, I have the assignment done, but I’m still at work and not sure if I can swing it right now. ;-)

[Mambo Sam] So the lovely and talented Simone, the floor is yours! Feel free to start your presentation, discussion, questions for the group, etc. , however you are doing it. (That’s fine, Sister C., you can always do it next week since we will be doing this again.)

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, first I had perhaps a different approach about researching historic figures. Many of my friends are reenactors, war gamers, and historians, so I asked them who some of their favorites were. I got a lot of really good suggestions, and learned different facts that I may not have known simply by reading a web page. Interesting how many were well educated, and how many were adopted into a different family, giving them a greater perspective of different classes of people in their society.

[simonegreenewpp] Then I ended up going with my first instinct, Genghis Kahn. :-) Who, I learned, was a champion of women’s rights, and passed an edict of no more kidnapping of women. Or stealing animals, either, but hey, it was a move in the right direction.... 

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[simonegreenewpp] Anyway, I did have a question — you said we did not necessarily have to feed St. George, so would we feed our historic figure? If so, I would look at Mongolian foods, lamb and such. They did have a fermented mare’s milk drink, but maybe an eastern drink would do, plum wine perhaps.

[Mambo Sam] It would not necessarily be mandatory, but for sure if you wanted to do the ritual in such a way that you really wanted to call on that power of three, then in that case I would say feeding everyone would be good.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, thank you! An altar would include some items from the Mongolian culture as well. I would have to research items a bit more. As far as calling on them (another question), would I have a candle for each one? Genghis Kahn’s perhaps having a picture of him on it, same as we do with Vevers.

[Mambo Sam] You tell me. ;-) That is what I want to know — how would you set up your altar? 

[simonegreenewpp] Silks, rich items, something horsey. I found that many warriors/leaders were expert horsemen, and also I don’t know of any vegetarians. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Like I said, there is nothing really wrong here.... This is quite subjective because we don’t know if any of these people were truly living embodiments of Ogoun. I think if nothing else, it is a fair shot to say Genghis Kahn and Ogoun would get along quite well and would want to work together.  ;-)

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, then, a candle for each, food for each, an item or two for each. When calling on them, I might even introduce them to each other — 

[Mambo Sam] Nice touch...

[simonegreenewpp] as if they were long lost relatives.

[Mambo Sam] Yes. Perfect.

[Mambo Sam] So if you were petitioning, would you change up how you talked to each of them? In what way?

[simonegreenewpp] I would probably ask them individually. Not sure if I should ask each for something different (a la the Simbis) or each for the same thing. But towards the same overall goal.

[Mambo Sam] Okay. Good. Anything else?

[simonegreenewpp] I had not gotten as far as writing it out, but sometimes it just ends up flowing, I think that’s it for me, thank you!

[Mambo Sam] Thank you! So let me ask you a few questions, Simone. And some of it may be rhetorical or a tickler for furthering your work...

[simonegreenewpp] Ok :-)

[Mambo Sam] And for the rest of you, too, who are still working on this.

[Mambo Sam] So for our Saints and Lwa we have special prayers. Or invocations. Would you write something that could be put into use for calling on GK? Something that you would use over and over?

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, I would probably look up something from that area and adapt it.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, that would be good. The reason I bring it up is because almost all spiritual beings start to respond to repetition. That is why things like rosaries were invented. ;-) Some things in ritual are almost always the same. This is because the spirits involved have become used to those things, comfortable with them, and they sense a recognition there between you and them.

[waitingforastar] Interesting

[Mambo Sam] Thus, invocations, prayers, etc. are something like charms... The more you use them, the more powerful they become.

[simonegreenewpp] So that’s how it works! :-)

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[Mambo Sam] That’s how it works.

[Mambo Sam] There is giant communal spirit and almost every world religion has some form of song, prayer, chant, etc., that is known to their particular spiritus.

[Mambo Sam] spirits.  Sorry... must have been possessed by a Latin teacher for a minute there.

[simonegreenewpp] Romans guide you...  :-)

[Mambo Sam] ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Yup.

[Mambo Sam] You can take the girl out of the Catholic church... but... well, you know.

[Mambo Sam] Okay!

[Mambo Sam] Did anyone have questions for Simone?

[waitingforastar] Comment

[Mambo Sam] WFAS, go ahead, please.

[waitingforastar] That was really well done and interesting Simone

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[simonegreenewpp] Thank you!

[waitingforastar] You’re welcome :-D

[Mambo Sam] So any questions for Simone?

[simonegreenewpp] comment

[Mambo Sam] Yes, please.

[simonegreenewpp] I wonder if people were having a hard time choosing someone? Ok, that was a question...

[mamakate] comment

[Mambo Sam] Well, I think there are a lot of choices, but even sticking to the ones I presented would be fine, too. Like I said, I don’t feel there are wrong choices as long as you feel strongly about the connection. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Worst case scenario, you would be bringing a new friend to Ogoun to play with. ;-)

[waitingforastar] :-D

[mandee21] question

[simonegreenewpp] A new old friend!

[Mambo Sam] I mean pretty obviously you could figure out that these spirits would have something in common with Ogoun.

[Mambo Sam] Mamakate, then Mandee

[mamakate] I was having a very hard time choosing someone esp. since I’m no history fan, but then my choice just “hit” me.

[Mambo Sam] And I would consider that a good sign. Will you be presenting your choice tonight, after Aleck, or next week?

[mamakate] Probably next week — this week has been terrible and I didn’t get to finish.

[Mambo Sam] That’s okay, and I am sorry. :-(

[mamakate] thanks so much, I handle it okay and I’m excited to finish the assignment

[Mambo Sam] Mandee, go ahead, please. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Mandee?

[mandee21] sorry — Uhm, can I have the link again for the past chat transcripts, because I am very lost right now. The last thing I was in the chats for was the first night we started ancestor stuff.

[Mambo Sam] This was sent out as an e-mail to catch everyone up. If we don’t have the right e-mail address for you, you probably didn’t get it. Please e-mail Sister Candelaria at <> to catch you up. ;-)

[mandee21] ok thanks a ton

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome and it is good to have you back in class. We had an assignment syncretizing Ogoun with historic figures and how we would do a ritual for that — just so you have some idea what is going on. ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Okay, Aleck, are you ready?

[Aleck] Yes, I’m ready. : )

[Mambo Sam] The floor is all yours! 

[Aleck] Ok, mostly because of the “coincidence” I picked Crispus Attucks. 

[Mambo Sam] AWesome!!

[Aleck] I did some research, and, kinda like the Lwa, there is not much information on him. I looked at it like a Vodouisant, and I figured that the things that are remembered are the best connection to use. 

[Mambo Sam] :-D — right.

[Aleck] He was born of a black slave and an Indian woman. He was a slave on a Plantation around Boston, Mass until he was 16. Then he ran away. Sorry, jumped ahead of myself.

[Happy] Plantations in Boston

[Mambo Sam] That’s okay, just continue on. :-)

[Aleck] Before he ran away... He was sold to someone else, and became a good horse/cattle trader (haha Mambo!). Then, when his owner wouldn’t let him buy his own freedom, he ran away. After he ran away, he was a whaler, and a ropemaker. He was the first African/Native American to be killed in the Revolution, in the Boston Massacre. He is looked at as a martyr for the Revolution. He was defending an young boy who was in an incident with a redcoat, who was then hit by the butt of a musket. And he had had enough and rallied Patriots to confront the redcoats. He is reported to having a stick that he used to hit a redcoat, to start the Boston Massacre. Other reports say that he was leaning on a stick when he was killed. He has been honored by being one of the first black/mulatto that was buried with whites, with a memorial in Boston. He was born in Farmington, BTW.

[Aleck] So I thought, what could I use from this information to call on him in Voodoo. He seems to be a champion of the weak and the underdogs. He was an American Revolutionist.

[Mambo Sam] Right.

[Aleck] In thinking about that, and what it was like in those Colonial days, I came up with a few things. I do have to add, BTW, that I almost saw more information about my High School than I did Crispus Attucks himself!

[Mambo Sam] Amazing....

[Mambo Sam] There were a ton of people that I was talking to about this and they never heard of him.

[Aleck] So, I thought, maybe the colors of the flag since he was fighting for the USA, or green and gold, my high school colors (Crispus Attucks High School) as what I would use for him. Then I found out that the usual food for the time and area was cabbage and corned beef with potatoes and carrots. It was called “boiled dinner”. 

[Mambo Sam] Uh huh.

[Aleck] Sounded like Lucky Penny Stew! : )

[Mambo Sam] ;-)

[Aleck] So, what would I put on my altar for him? I guess some rope, a harpoon and a walking stick. Green and gold candles and some “Boiled Dinner”.

[Mambo Sam] Lovely!

[Aleck] That is my Crispus Attucks presentation. : )

[Mambo Sam] Take a bow!

[Mambo Sam] Both of you — Simone and Aleck.

[simonegreenewpp] Bow

[Aleck] ::bow::

[waitingforastar] clap, clap clap

[Mambo Sam] Thunderous applause.

[Aleck] I forgot one thing!

[Mambo Sam] ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Oh, an encore — go ahead.

[Paris] :-P

[Aleck] From what I understand, one of the things that really stirred the pot was that the redcoats would sit outside church on Sundays, and play “Yankee Doodle”. That would probably get him fired up. 

[lavender] job well done! clap,clap,clap

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[waitingforastar] :-D


[Mambo Sam] Okay, so nicely done.

[Mambo Sam] And both of you, and I am sure many of the rest of you, are getting the idea of how to figure this into a ritual.

[Mambo Sam] So, like we were saying last week, if you take the actual Ogoun ritual that we used with St. George, the next thing you would do is plug in your historic figure that you feel is syncretized with Ogoun. You could also sort of “flesh out” the part of the ritual that has to do with St. George (with offerings, perhaps a song or poem about slaying dragons, etc.) The thing with the historic figure is that it is a bit more work because these historic figures are not generally used as spiritual figures.

[waitingforastar] ?

[Mambo Sam] But that is how we want to think of them in this context.

[Mambo Sam] Yes WFAS.

[waitingforastar] So how do we know they would be willing to do anything for us?

[Mambo Sam] You don’t. That is where that little thing called faith comes in.

[waitingforastar] :-D

[Mambo Sam] ;-)

[Mambo Sam] But seriously, sort of the point of these types of people are that they were people who helped others! They stood for something and believed in causes.

[Mambo Sam] So it is reasonable to think that their spirit is the same. :-)

[waitingforastar] Ahaa, I just meant because they are not Lwas and are not known for helping. But I see what you mean

[Mambo Sam] So Simone and Aleck, you definitely are on the right track. So now we are on the right track and here is what I want to see for those of you who wish to continue with this assignment:

[waitingforastar] It would be fun to figure what people would put on an altar to us if we were Lwas

[Mambo Sam] HAHAHAHAHA. We might have to do that one night. I bet Sister C. knows exactly what to put on an altar for me! LOL.

[waitingforastar] lol, Hey I bet some coconut layer cake to start

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[Sunshine] I have a dumb question

[Mambo Sam] Okay, Sunshine — there are no dumb questions. Go ahead.

[Sunshine] Would there ever be any rivalry when we are setting up our altars

[Mambo Sam] In what way?

[Sunshine] since Ogoun is so powerful would there be a resentment perhaps or perhaps I am on the wrong track with my thinking.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, good question. First off, remember, what we are starting with is a ritual to Ogoun. Not to someone else. The actual ritual is to Ogoun. So he is the main figurehead. We are calling in the others to help Ogoun.

[Sunshine] Would he feel competition? Gotcha.

[Mambo Sam] So he is the main man. But honestly, he would never view others as competition. He is Ogoun.

[Sunshine] That was what I meant. Thanks for clearing this up for me.

[Mambo Sam] Additionally, with some of these people, they are truly considered to have been living embodiments of Ogoun. An aspect, per se, of Ogoun. So, in that case, it is a little bit like being resentful of yourself. But it is important to keep it straight in your own mind, everyone I mean, of what you are actually doing here.

[Sunshine] Ok, thanks.

[Mambo Sam] It is really easy to get mixed up.

[Aleck] ?

[Mambo Sam] Ogoun is Ogoun, St. George is St. George, and your historic figure is the historic figure. BUT we are asking those of like kind to work together as a team.

[Mambo Sam] Aleck?

[Aleck] So, looking at the attributes of the person you are calling, is it good to call on Ogoun to.... Add to, or empower that person to help you?

[Mambo Sam] Sort of...

[Aleck] Like, call Ogoun, and say this person is for the underdog.

[Mambo Sam] right — explain to Ogoun why you are calling on this person to work with him.

[Aleck] I am an underdog, so can you work with them to help me?

[Mambo Sam] Yes.

[Happy] ? but can wait

[Aleck] :-) CA was a laborer too.

[Mambo Sam] :-)

[The3rdwish13] ?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, good.

[Mambo Sam] Happy, then 3rdwish.

[Happy] Hi Mambo I came late to class (tardy slip) will you be posting this soon? I feel like I cannot catch up

[Mambo Sam] Do you have the actual assignment? Because that is all we are talking about.

[Happy] I know but I have been taking another class and a little behind. Confession could not get to it that and work issues

[Mambo Sam] No, that’s fine, I just wanted to make sure you actually have the assignment page because there is no real “catching up” to do. ;-)

[Happy] oh yes have that

[Mambo Sam] We will be doing this again next week, but yes, I will post ASAP. Love ya!

[Happy] xo xox

[Mambo Sam] ;-)

[Mambo Sam] 3rdwish?

[The3rdwish13] So Mambo we can use the power of three when we do the ritual to ask Ogoun for help with something... but what about when we do the ritual just to honor Ogoun? Do we honor them too or we just dedicate it to Ogoun?

[Mambo Sam] If you are doing it just for Ogoun, then just do it for Ogoun. If you want to use it for Ogoun and St. George, you can do that. Or you can use it for a “power of three” Ogoun ritual like we are discussing here. The ritual itself is really aimed at Ogoun.

[The3rdwish13] ok....

[Mambo Sam] The rest of it is added.

[Aleck] comment

[The3rdwish13] Thank you!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Aleck?

[Aleck] Kinda like an extended or more involved cocktail hour.?.

[Mambo Sam] Not exactly.... You could do a cocktail hour. But a formal ritual is something very different and you do have to stick to the actual ritual. Ritual is written a specific way for a specific reason. Cocktail hour is certainly more free wheeling. You can’t really do too much wrong with a cocktail hour.

[Aleck] I see. I understand, like a hierarchy of helpers.

[Mambo Sam] But when I write out a ritual for you guys it isn’t done in such a way that is just because I want it that way. It is because it is the right way to do it. It isn’t even necessarily a hierarchy of helpers (although certainly within the ritual that is true), but rather doing things in a specific order for a specific reason to get a specific outcome. Never mistake a casual thing like a cocktail hour as being the same as a formal ritual. Nothing bad will happen, but you can sure waste a lot of time and get nowhere. ;-)


[Mambo Sam] Make sense, Aleck? Then Patrick.

[Mambo Sam] Aleck?

[Aleck] Yes, like calling the General, and below as helpers. Sergeants, Corporals... etc, but calling the head of the division first.

[Mambo Sam] Right. Deference always goes to him.  :-)

[Mambo Sam] Patrick?

[PATRICKinCALI] Do you have any plans in the works for Ritual Packs to other Lwa as well?

[Mambo Sam] Yep. ;-)

[PATRICKinCALI] Cool, thank you!

[Mambo Sam] All your major arcana and then some. :-)


[Mambo Sam] Yeehaw!

[clairefalconer] Way cool:}

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so here is what I want to see for next time:

[Mambo Sam] For those of you who want to participate in the assignment,

[Mambo Sam] Your historic figure.

[Mambo Sam] A prayer beseeching your figure’s help.

[Mambo Sam] Now, I am not asking anyone to worship an historic figure.... What I am saying is that you write something in the form of a prayer that asks for their help — a prayer that uses references to their time, place, and station in life.

[Mambo Sam] So, the historic figure and a prayer...

[Mambo Sam] And a song that you would sing or play for them. It could be modern. It could be from the past. Or you could write it.

[Mambo Sam] NOW, if you are really feeling creative — something in the form of a veve. :-)  I can post it on a web page for everyone to see if you can send it to me. Or you can describe it to us.

[Mambo Sam] So: song, prayer, veve (or, okay, some kind of picture from their time).

[Mambo Sam] Questions?

[Sister Candelaria] Nope

[Mambo Sam] Well alrighty!

[simonegreenewpp] Wow, that’s a cool assignment! :-D

[Sister Candelaria] You’re such an amazing teacher, MaMere, that there’s no need for questions. :-)  heehee

[Mambo Sam] Aw.....

[Aleck] Absolutely!

[The3rdwish13] yes you are!

[Mambo Sam] Love you, babies!

[waitingforastar] True

[simonegreenewpp] Love you too!

[simonegreenewpp] Love you too!

[Happy] We are a lucky bunch aren’t we

[waitingforastar] Love back atcha

[mamakate] I am truly grateful from deep in my heart for your teachings Mambo Sam!

[Mambo Sam] Thank you all so much. I really do love you all and am so happy to be able to teach you.  :-)  It really is a huge highlight in my life because all this knowledge in my head is meant to be shared, it just has to be shared with the right people. :-)

[waitingforastar] :-D

[Mambo Sam] You think about the hundreds of clients and only a handful show up to class.

[The3rdwish13] I’m truly honored to be here!

[PATRICKinCALI] And for free for cryin out loud! :-)

[Mambo Sam] It is because you are supposed to be here learning this and I am supposed to be here teaching you. :-)

[Aleck] comment

[clairefalconer] When the student is ready.....

[Mambo Sam] Oh yeah, I forgot — it’s FREE. :-D  — you just gotta show up!

[waitingforastar] What a comforting thought

[Mambo Sam] Yep, Claire.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Aleck, go ahead.

[Aleck] As soon as you said something about a prayer, my mind started going.

[Mambo Sam] ;-)

[Aleck] So I thought I would share what I thought of as a start for everyone to think about.

[Mambo Sam] Sure, go ahead.

[Aleck] O Crispus Attucks, revolutionary and defender of the underdog, I call on you for help. I am an underdog, and a revolutionary as well. I call on you for help.

[Mambo Sam] Very nice. And it starts out with a very standard (good) way to start a prayer — calling out the person’s name and stating what they are known for. So yes, that is perfect.

[Aleck] That is just what came to me as a beginning.

[Mambo Sam] Great, I look forward to see the rest of it!

[Sister Candelaria] Comment

[Mambo Sam] Yes, please.

[Sister Candelaria] About an earlier thing... sorry, I was running around... Yes, I do know a ka-jillion things to put on an altar for MaMere! :-D

[Aleck] Hahahaha!

[Mambo Sam]  :-D

[Sister Candelaria] heehee Delayed, reaction! 

[waitingforastar] :-D

[Mambo Sam] That’s okay. I thought maybe you ran to Popeye’s to get me an offering! Wait, I’m not a Lwa yet. Sorry, what was I thinking???  :-D

[simonegreenewpp] I was there earlier tonight!

[Sister Candelaria] NO, sorry to be so absent tonight. I’m still at work and of course I got pulled into a meeting.

[waitingforastar] For Sister Candi we would have sparklers on the altar

[Sister Candelaria] heehee I’ll get you the stuff BEFORE you become Lwa, MaMere. Promise!!  :-D

[PATRICKinCALI] And a wide variety of liquor...

[Sister Candelaria] Yep and a pointy stick for me too, please! 

[Mambo Sam]  :-D

[simonegreenewpp] tap shoes

[Sister Candelaria] OH YES, thank you, Patrick!

[Mambo Sam] Uh, yeah, don’t forget da booze.

[Sister Candelaria] oops, Patrick!

[Paris] you could be a living saint

[Aleck] Aaaa hahahaha! 

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[waitingforastar] YES

[Sister Candelaria] BTW, for those that don’t know, our entire family is pickled.  :-D

[Mambo Sam] :-D

[Happy] :-D

[waitingforastar]  :-D

[Aleck] :D

[Mambo Sam] There is no voodoo without alcohol. And you can quote me on that.

[Sister Candelaria] That way we won’t need embalming when the time comes. We have been doing it to ourselves slowly over the years! heehee

[waitingforastar]  :-D

[PATRICKinCALI] You told me that in October Mambo!! :-)

[Aleck] Hahahahahhahahhaaaaaa!!!! 

[The3rdwish13] there is no life without it either ;-)

[Mambo Sam] Tee hee. :-)

[waitingforastar]  :-D  :-D  :-D

[clairefalconer]  :-D  :-D

[Aleck] Absolute-ly!

[Happy] Omg I do not drink. Guess I am out of the loop

[PATRICKinCALI] We’ll drink FOR you Happy!

[Mambo Sam] Okay you crazy kids.... I guess I am going to have to get a glass of wine now. For health reasons, you know.

[Sister Candelaria] Yep, I don’t trust a Vodouisant that doesn’t drink.

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, no worries Happy. :-D

[Happy] ouch Sister Candi

[Sister Candelaria] heehee Sorry!

[waitingforastar] I’ll gladly have one for you happy  :p 

[Aleck] OMG! You are going to make me cry laughing! Hahahaha!

[Sister Candelaria] Except Happy! heehee

[Happy] whew

[Mambo Sam] Well, at least as long as you give it to the Lwa to drink!  :-D

[The3rdwish13] hehe

[Sister Candelaria] RIGHT! 

[Mambo Sam] Okay kiddos.... If there are no further questions...

[PATRICKinCALI] Go to the wine Mambo, it’s calling

[Mambo Sam] I shall blow you kisses....

[Happy] well I have question but its not class related :-D

[waitingforastar]  :-D

[Mambo Sam]  :-D  And send you hugs..

[Happy] love to you guys You make my night, and week

[Sister Candelaria] Will you blow me a wino kiss, MaMere? 

[Aleck] :-)

[waitingforastar]  :-D

[Mambo Sam] Consider it done. XOXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

[The3rdwish13] XOXO

[Sister Candelaria] heehee Awwwww, thanks!!!


[clairefalconer] Cosmo XOXO

[Happy] ditto xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

[Mambo Sam] Love you all and see you next week. I can’t wait to see all your prayers!

[waitingforastar] A kiss that peels back your eyelids from the vapors?

[Happy] bye guys

[Mambo Sam] :-)  Love you all!

[Sister Candelaria] Night MaMere! Love you!!

[PATRICKinCALI] “Go into the wine, all are welcome, all welcome!”

[Mambo Sam] Have a fabulous night and see you next week.  :-D Patrick!

[waitingforastar] Love you too Mambo Sam

[Mambo Sam] Love you!!!!!  Good night.

User Mambo Sam has logged out.

[Aleck] Night!

[mamakate] goodnight everyone!

[PATRICKinCALI] Good night my friends and family!

[The3rdwish13] good Night

[Sister Candelaria] Night Patrick!! 


[waitingforastar] Goodnight Patrick

[Sister Candelaria] Let me know, Simone my dearest!

[simonegreenewpp] Are you still at the office, Sister C?

[Sister Candelaria] So it’s time to wrap it up, if Simone is done. I’ve been at work now for almost 12 hours. time for Candi to go home!

[waitingforastar] yes, goodnight, Love you xoxxo
[Sister Candelaria] Love you too, Night!!

[waitingforastar] Goodnight Simone

[simonegreenewpp] Goodnight WFAS

[waitingforastar] xoxxo

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, that’s all folks! Love you!

[Sister Candelaria] Love you too, Baby! thank you!!!  Have a good night!
