Chat May 8, 2007

[riocorazon] Anyone know the topic for tonight..?

[ouanga_bottle] intro to the lwas

[riocorazon] Gracias...

[ouanga_bottle] no problemo

[Candelaria] Don’t make me get out the pointy stick, Everyone!

[ouanga_bottle] ha hahaaa

User Mambo Sam has entered this room.

[Mambo Sam] Hello everyone. Sorry, my AOL is acting very strange. If it continues, I will log out and just use IE.

[Mambo Sam] It’s being really slow for some reason.

[Mambo Sam] So I will give it a minute to see if it is just a bug. But if it continues to be as slow as it is right now, I will change over.

[Mambo Sam] Okey dokey, so tonight we are going to start our sessions with understanding about Les Lois and the Vodou/Voodoo religion in general.

[Mambo Sam] I am going to ask that you hold your questions until I ask you if you have questions.

[Mambo Sam] The same goes for comments.

[Mambo Sam] I promise that I will shut up periodically and have you ask your questions.

[Mambo Sam] Stop laughing, Berkeley, Bridget, and Candelaria!

[Mambo Sam] Anyway...

[Mambo Sam] So what I want to start with before we even get to Les Lois (the lwa) is the religion itself, the home and heart of the lwa.

[Mambo Sam] There is a school of thought out there in the “real world” that this is not a “real” religion.

[Mambo Sam] There is also a thought that this is a “pagan” religion.

[Mambo Sam] It is neither.

[Mambo Sam] Now, of course, there is nothing wrong with any pagan religion, OR, for that matter, any religion as long as it is not in the business of persecuting others.

[Mambo Sam] However, what sets Vodou apart from pagan religions is its belief in One God.

[Mambo Sam] A Universal Power.

[Mambo Sam] A great creator.

[Mambo Sam] Whatever you want to call that Universal Life Force that many major religions believe in.

[Mambo Sam] So basically, Vodou believes in the same “God” that every other major religion that believes in a Universal Power believes in.

[Mambo Sam] And, I don’t want to offend anyone, but for the sake of brevity, I am going to use the word “God” to talk about this power.

[Mambo Sam] It’s faster, most people know what that concept is.

[Mambo Sam] But whatever it means to you is what it means to you.

[Mambo Sam] Someone once asked me if they were an atheist, could they practice the religion of Vodou.

[Mambo Sam] My answer is no.

[Mambo Sam] There is an inherent belief that stems from thousands of years ago in Africa that there is a supreme being overseeing our lives.

[Mambo Sam] Without that belief, you cannot be a practitioner of this religion.

[Mambo Sam] HOWEVER...

[Mambo Sam] I have found that it made no difference in a person’s belief in God as to whether or not they could practice the “magick” of the religion.

[Mambo Sam] There did need to be, obviously, a belief in Les Lois for without them, you have NO magick in this religion.

[Mambo Sam] Additionally, you do not even have to be a practitioner of the religion to do the magick associated with it.

[Mambo Sam] Vodou, in that sense, is a very “open” religion. At peristyles in Haiti, all are welcome, you don’t have to be an initiate to participate in “public” rituals.

[Mambo Sam] No one cares if you are a Vodouisant or not.

[Mambo Sam] They hope that you will come, participate, benefit, etc.

[Mambo Sam] When someone comes into a peristyle (Vodou House) in Haiti, the first attitude you will find is one of warmth. You have to go a long way to get yourself tossed out of there!

[Mambo Sam] Now, most of you came into this “religion” for the magickal end of things. That is how most of you started.

[Mambo Sam] Now in New Orleans Voodoo, there is a great deal more emphasis on the magickal end of things for most people.

[Mambo Sam] So there is nothing unusual for New Orleans Voodoo practitioners to have come into their interest in the religion through magickal practices.

[Mambo Sam] In both Voodoo and NOV (New Orleans Voodoo) there is a hierarchy.

[Mambo Sam] God first.

[Mambo Sam] Ancestors.

[Mambo Sam] Les Lois.

[Mambo Sam] From an outsider’s perspective, God seems to play a very small role in Vodou practices.

[Mambo Sam] And in a way this is true.

[Mambo Sam] The belief, basically, is that God is just way to busy running the Universe to be bothered with our petty, day-to-day lives.

[Mambo Sam] So much like Catholicism, we have our intermediaries to run interference for us - thus, Les Lois.

[Mambo Sam] They are very much like Catholic Saints in that aspect.

[Mambo Sam] Now before we get into ancestors, are there any questions on what we have thus far (please stay on topic).

[Mambo Sam] Or comments.

[Mambo Sam] Just raise your hand, please.

[Mambo Sam] Okay.

[Mambo Sam] So we now have some basics under our belt. 

[Mambo Sam] There is a difference between doing NOV magick or Vodou magick and being a practitioner of the religion.

[Mambo Sam] Obviously, if you pay attention to doing some of the things that are involved in the religion, you will definitely strengthen your spell work.

[Mambo Sam] For many people who don’t really practice organized religion, this is a wonderful spiritual path.

[Mambo Sam] And for those who DO practice an organized religion, as most of you know, I always encourage you to continue with that.

[Mambo Sam] I believe that almost all religions can be practiced side by side with this one.

[Mambo Sam] Part of the reason for that is that Vodou/Voodoo is an extremely forgiving master! :-)

[Mambo Sam] This religion welcomes other religions.

[Mambo Sam] And that is on all levels.

[Mambo Sam] Most other practitioners welcome others, but the religion as an entity welcomes all.

[Mambo Sam] I don’t know if that is really clearly explained, but it is more of a feeling, a beingness within this.

[Mambo Sam] Most of the challenges that comes into this religion and practicing it are, and I am sorry, but I do have to address this, controlling Houngans and Mambos who are ego driven.

[Mambo Sam] Most of the time, that is where things go wrong within this religion.

[Mambo Sam] Many Houngans and Mambos want to control you.

[Mambo Sam] They want to make you dependent upon them.

[Mambo Sam] It is all about doing what they tell you to do, but with little or not explanation.

[Mambo Sam] There are many of them out there that don’t want you to make a move without getting their advice first.

[Mambo Sam] I feel this is an abomination of the religion.

[Mambo Sam] In my opinion, this religion is about setting you free.

[Mambo Sam] Making you independent.

[Mambo Sam] Giving you the tools to work with and teaching you how to use them.

[Mambo Sam] The free spirit of this religion is often squelched by these kinds of people.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I am done with that, except for just a small warning that as you travel through your life and continue on with this religion, remember that you should never be made to feel oppressed or guilty by anyone of status in this religion. If you do, get away from them.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so I addressed that!

[Mambo Sam] Questions thus far?

[rattle shaker] I wanted to go back to the hierarchy. 

[rattle shaker] How are saints viewed in the hierarchy? They are in the Priye early, but before the lwa and the ancestors.

[rattle shaker] Are they seen as closer to God?

[rattle shaker] Or more important?

[Mambo Sam] The Catholic Saints are called as “counterparts” to the lwa.

[rattle shaker] Are they seen as closer to God, or more important than some of the lwa?

[Mambo Sam] He is referring to the Priye Guinea, the opening prayer to many ceremonies.

[Mambo Sam] No, not at all.

[Mambo Sam] In fact, there are some practitioners who don’t even believe the Catholic saints belong in the religion.

[Mambo Sam] The reason for this is because they weren’t originally there.

[Mambo Sam] The Saints were added in to “cover” the practice of Vodou by the slaves.

[Mambo Sam] And by practitioners who didn’t want anyone to know they were practitioners for various reasons.

[Mambo Sam] The Catholic saints are not the lwa - they represent the lwa to us.

[Mambo Sam] However, they have become so much a part of the religion that we love them, too - especially if you were a Catholic to start with!

[Mambo Sam] So many NOV practitioners were Catholics to start with because of the large Catholic population there.

[rattle shaker] I see, so if I call out loud to Saint Lazarus, but to me it is Papa Legba, it is like that?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, sort of.

[Mambo Sam] If you don’t have anything to “hide” you don’t need to call on St. Lazarus.

[Mambo Sam] However... let me just address this for a minute.

[Mambo Sam] My particular family tradition really gets into calling on the Saints.

[Mambo Sam] And the lwa.

[Mambo Sam] It is the classic idea that two “saints” are better than one.

[Mambo Sam] And there is nothing wrong with that.

[Mambo Sam] So basically, in answer to your original question, the “Saints” are no higher in the hierarchy than

[Mambo Sam] the lwa.

[Mambo Sam] But one has to remember and keep in mind that they are not the lwa. And that they are completely separate entities. They have to be. They were different people. St. Isidore, for instance, since some of us will be working with Cousin Azaka this month, was a man.

[Mambo Sam] He lived, married, etc.

[Mambo Sam] He was later beatified by the Catholic church.

[Mambo Sam] The lwa lived once, too.

[Mambo Sam] They were people walking this earth.

[Mambo Sam] It is a little more challenging with most of them because they lived so long ago that we don’t have the clear records that we have with the Catholic Saints.

[Mambo Sam] It is important that this is clear.

[vodoukat02] So exactly where does one start? I know there are books and such, but, there isn’t any place around here that practices voodoo so there are no ceremonies to attend or any place that even approves of voodoo around here

[Mambo Sam] The simple answer is that you are in the place to start.

[Mambo Sam] You have started.

[Mambo Sam] Most practitioners end up being more or less solitary practitioners. 

[Mambo Sam] And that is fine.

[Mambo Sam] But it is a little bit sad because Voodoo is a community-based religion.

[Mambo Sam] So that is why I am wanting us to have this online community so that as we learn we will do some rituals together.

[Mambo Sam] Learn together.

[Mambo Sam] Etc.

[Mambo Sam] As to books — take a look at the website... um...  for the recommended reading.

[Mambo Sam] Most of our major religions here in the USA have a home base — and churches all over the place.

[Mambo Sam] We have a long way to go to get to that. 

[Mambo Sam] However, we are able to meet with each other and support each other.

[Mambo Sam] Does that make sense Vodoukat, and does it answer your question?

[vodoukat02] some yes

[Mambo Sam] My plan is to teach ceremonies and rituals as much as possible. 

[Mambo Sam] Is there more you want clarified?

[vodoukat02] no thank you, you just answered my question

[vodoukat02] thank you Mambo

[Mambo Sam] JamboJambo and then Patrick, you are welcome VodouKat.

[JamboJambo] My question is about practicing along side with your other religious beliefs? I was born and raised Catholic, however my religious and/or spiritual beliefs are a huge mishmosh of many different things I have learned from many different religions. I consider myself an eclectic solitary practitioner for sure. It’s been this way since childhood and even though I was brought up in a very devout Catholic background, it’s always “felt right” for me. With gathering so much from so many different spiritual paths, I find it becoming a bit more difficult in knowing how to remain respectful to the ‘rules” of all of them. I don’t want to pick and choose what suits me then discard the rules of one belief because they contradict another, if that makes sense? I try to just do what I think is best, ask for guidance and thank whoever or whatever energy/spirit (etc.) I’m trying to connect with. Do you have any advice on how someone like me... whose beliefs are based on a vast array of different “ways” can keep it all in line? p.s. I’ve started reading The Divine Horsemen and the Haitian Vodou Handbook.... both wonderful WONDERFUL books

[Mambo Sam] I really understand what you are talking about! 

[Mambo Sam] First off, you are on the right path with the what “feels right” for you idea.

[Mambo Sam] There is nothing wrong with doing some picking and choosing from different practices.

[Mambo Sam] What I feel you need to be a little careful of is that one should take the time to become at least somewhat educated in the practice. In this way, you will have a better chance of not making mistakes.

[Mambo Sam] Now Vodou, for the most part, is a very forgiving religion, as I mentioned above. People have a real tendency to worry about angering Les Lois. For the most part, your sort of have to go out of your way to anger them.

[Mambo Sam] Honest mistakes are honest mistakes and are generally viewed as such.

[Mambo Sam] As to other religions, I feel that it is so important to be respectful of them, but there is a great spiritual buffet out there.

[Mambo Sam] Keeping your manners about you and keeping your intention pure and respectful is paramount.

[JamboJambo] Yes there and I’m sort of like the person who goes to the “all you can eat” and makes the restaurant sorry they offer that lol.

[Mambo Sam] In all my years of studies I found that spiritual manners are very important. Just the fact that you are concerned about being disrespectful makes you respectful enough for most

[Mambo Sam] Keep doing what you are doing and I truly believe you will be fine.

[Mambo Sam] Your caring about it is going a long way for you.

[JamboJambo] Thank You Mambo, thank you so much! It means a lot to hear that. 

[JamboJambo] I’ll keep on 

[Mambo Sam] Good deal, JamboJambo.

[Mambo Sam] Patrick, waitingforastar, then Vodoukat again.

[PATRICKinCALI] I find since finding vodou/spellwork, it has brought me CLOSER to my Catholic faith. After Mass I go up to the altar, light a candle and do gris gris work and no one is the wiser! Is it OK?

[Mambo Sam] Absolutely, Patrick! Many people find that — it brings a new level to understanding the religion.

[Mambo Sam] Once you get the politics out of most religions they are all pretty beautiful.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, that is very much okay. 

[PATRICKinCALI] Thank you, gee me and the little old ladies with rosaries side by side!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, Waitingforastar then VodouKat.

[waitingforastar] With regard to respecting the lois, if you have to do certain offerings and parts of the spells a different way due to certain limitations, they will understand? this won’t anger them or cause the spells to be weakened? 

[Mambo Sam] No that is why we even have alternatives for most things.

[Mambo Sam] A lot of times people can’t do all that is requested in a spell.

[Mambo Sam] Intention.

[Mambo Sam] I mean, you aren’t setting out to purposely anger them.

[Mambo Sam] They aren’t that thin skinned.

[waitingforastar] So having to do alternate steps doesn’t cause us to lose favor with le lois and does it weaken the spells?

[Mambo Sam] No, it doesn’t. If you have to do a lot of alternatives for one spell kit, then you might want to consider some adjunct work. That is something your caseworker can help you decide.

[Candelaria] OK, while Mambo is gone...

[Candelaria] One very common misconception, and I am not singling you out, waitingforastar, is that les lois are just sitting there waiting for us to screw up on a step in a spell or on gift, so that they can rein terror down on us. That’s not the case at all. Les Lois are to be respected, yes, but there is no reason to fear them, when you come to them in the proper way and with the proper intent. They are your friends and they will help if you simply ask.

[Candelaria] It’s just that simple.

[waitingforastar] Thanks Candelaria

[waitingforastar] Okay, great, thanks, and thanks to Candelaria too for showing us the Lois are not waiting for us to screw up.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, thank you very much.

[Candelaria] you’re welcome.

[vodoukat02] So how is voodoo religion and other religion different such as for an example........ in most religions, everyone goes to church on Sunday, or Saturday, and holidays are celebrated. My question is, how is voodoo different and/or the same?

[Mambo Sam] Mostly it really is pretty much the same - there are holidays, ceremonies, prayers, rituals, all the same ingredients of most religions.

[Mambo Sam] Obviously there are differences, but unless there is something specific that you need to know

[Mambo Sam] We will be covering a lot of materials for as long as it takes over the coming weeks.

[Mambo Sam] Did you have something specific that you were wondering about?

[vodoukat02] what about Christmas

[Mambo Sam] What about it?

[Mambo Sam] I mean, what do you want to know about it?

[vodoukat02] lol..... well they believe that Jesus was born in a manger

[vodoukat02] you know the story, how is it viewed by voodoo

[Mambo Sam] Actually many people of that time period were born in a barn.  I love it when someone asks if someone was born in a barn — I am like, yeah, like Jesus.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway...

[Mambo Sam] that is sort of getting ahead of ourselves and I would really like to cover the basics first before we get into details like that.

[Mambo Sam] But I do want to discuss later on how some of the holidays coincide with feast days, voodoo holidays, etc.

[Mambo Sam] Briefly, most Vodouisants regard Jesus as a great prophet and consider him more of a Saint than a Saviour.

[vodoukat02] ok, thank you

[Mambo Sam] When we get into discussions about holidays, ask me again.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so we have gotten a little bit about the basics of the religion. So, now about your ancestors...

[Mambo Sam] Ancestors are of extreme importance in the Vodou religion.

[Mambo Sam] They are considered, and, well, are the reason you are here.

[Mambo Sam] Even the ancestors you did not know in your lifetime, know you.

[Mambo Sam] Your ancestors are literally considered more important than Les Lois.

[Mambo Sam] Now this in the practice of the religion.

[Mambo Sam] Remember in some of the discussion, we are separating the religion from the magick and vice versa.

[Mambo Sam] Calling on, feeding, and honoring your ancestors is something you must learn to do if you are truly going to practice this religion.

[Mambo Sam] And yes, it can strengthen your spell work, that is for sure.

[Mambo Sam] Many times people ask me about what if they are adopted... 

[Mambo Sam] or never knew much about their family history

[Mambo Sam] or hated their dead relatives...

[Mambo Sam] ALL of that is okay.

[Mambo Sam] Like I said, even if you did not know them, they know you.

[Mambo Sam] Rattle shaker, can I have your permission to speak about your parents for a moment? I will keep your confidentiality.

[rattle shaker] Absolutely!

[Mambo Sam] Thank you! They zoomed in the MINUTE I started talking about ancestors. LOL.

[rattle shaker] On me too : )

[Mambo Sam] Rattleshaker’s parents were taken several years ago. For all the time since I have “met” them through Rattleshaker, they “appear” to me as Gomez and Morticia.

[Mambo Sam] The reason I bring this up is because that, obviously, was not them, BUT it becomes very real for me.

[Mambo Sam] To the point where when I hear that song “The Way” by Fastball (look it up if you aren’t familiar with it) Rattleshaker’s parents appear to me.... no, I never knew them in this world.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway. My point here is that even if you don’t know your past ancestors, you can put some form to them, even if you don’t know too much about them.

[Mambo Sam] I really knew nothing about Rattleshaker’s parents except that they had been taken from us.

[Mambo Sam] Candi, can I reference your mother?

[Candelaria] yep, go right ahead.

[Mambo Sam] Candi’s mother is no longer with us. I never had the pleasure of knowing her.

[Mambo Sam] However, she always comes to me in a very angelic form.

[Mambo Sam] Ethereal, very gossamer.

[Mambo Sam] Now is this in my mind?

[Mambo Sam] Did I make it up?

[Mambo Sam] Sort of... I wanted to put mass and form to the spirit.

[Mambo Sam] If you honor your ancestors and don’t know them, you can start to get some “feeling” for them.

[Mambo Sam] You can start to have a frame of reference for them.

[Mambo Sam] I realize that conceptually this might not make much sense. It is one of those things that makes more sense in the practice of it rather than the talking about it. 

[Mambo Sam] So if you know your family tree, you are ahead of the game.

[Mambo Sam] Let’s say that you find out that great-great-great grandma Kate was a wonderful singer.

[Mambo Sam] You want to be a singer and you are pretty good.

[Mambo Sam] You don’t know much about granny Kate except that. BUT you can start to put form to her..

[Mambo Sam] feed her.. honor her, and call on her.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, it is part of your imagination, but believe me, imagery in this aspect is very powerful.

[Mambo Sam] So you can and should ask your ancestors for help in all areas of your life. And now that you are on your way to being practicing Vodouisants, you can incorporate this into your spell work.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, I will teach how, and that is probably where we will pick up next week.

[Mambo Sam] Not next week, sorry, the week after that.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Vodoukat.

[vodoukat02] I think you just answered my question. I was going to ask the proper way to call upon your ancestors

[waitingforastar] If you ask your ancestors for help with say a love situation, what if they have their own ideas about it as relatives often do, and are wrong, couldn’t they mess things up for you?

[vodoukat02] good question

[Mambo Sam] No, not at all. I will discuss the ti bon ange (little spirit) and gros bon ange (big spirit) next time.

[Mambo Sam] But the part of the person that lives on is the Higher Self in your spell work.

[Mambo Sam] Remember the Higher Self is the unspoiled part of all of us?

[vodoukat02] Thank you Mambo for your time and good nite everyone

[Mambo Sam] That is what you are appealing to. It would be highly unlikely that they would be doing something like that. HOWEVER, just like Les Lois they are not going to bring you something that is to your eventual detriment.

[waitingforastar] But what if they perceive it that way but they are wrong,? 

[Mambo Sam] Waitingforastar — the Higher Self doesn’t make those kinds of judgments. However, they are usually able to see if something is going to harm you in the long run.

[waitingforastar] Thank You

[PATRICKinCALI] I have been researching my genealogy for over 10 yrs. & have many ancestral pics up in my home. They know this and appreciate this? Can you honor deceased lovers, dear friends, call on them?

[Mambo Sam] Patrick, yes.

[Mambo Sam] Absolutely.

[Mambo Sam] However, friends are not your ancestors.

[PATRICKinCALI] Yes, I meant more like a deceased love partner

[Mambo Sam] But you can do something separate for them, they just aren’t called in the same way ancestors are and remind me when we get to that and I will cover it for you.

[PATRICKinCALI] almost like a spouse

[Mambo Sam] Oh absolutely.

[PATRICKinCALI] OK, thanx Mambo

[simonegreenewpp] Do ancestors count if they are not direct, like a great great aunt?

[Mambo Sam] Oh, yes indeed!

[simonegreenewpp] Good to know, thank you!

[Mambo Sam] Aunts, cousins, etc.

[Mambo Sam] Any blood line.

[godfaithful] Does it matter if we are following a religion other than Christianity, or Vodou? Do our ancestors still play a big role in our lives? I know that in my religion ancestors are important. But I have not been taught to call upon them for help.... We just keep till our Gods :)....But, if we call upon them using vodou rituals, would that make any difference? Or would our ancestors still be happy to help and guide us?

[godfaithful] Did I ask that clearly ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, indeed. 

[Mambo Sam] Your ancestors are always important.

[Mambo Sam] But it is a personal choice as to whether or not to honor them.

[godfaithful] So it is ok if I want to do a ritual for them ...

[Mambo Sam] There is a theory that the whole “guardian angel” concept is actually ancestors watching over you.

[Mambo Sam] Yes.

[godfaithful] Thanks Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[cobalt] in speaking about ancestors. Are these ancestors like guardian angels? Do guardian angels play a part in this? I ask because I’ve gotten sign upon sign that my father is my guardian angel. I have also had a few readings over the years saying that there is a lady standing in front of him also watching over me. I just don’t know who this lady is and am wondering if this will help me figure out which of the lady relatives this is? 

[Mambo Sam] Wow, I’m psychic.

[cobalt] yes

[Mambo Sam] LOL.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, it is possible. When we get into ancestor rituals there are some ways to “see” who is around you.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, I will teach you.

[cobalt] yay!!! I’d like that. thank you

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Destiny] Is that different from a met tet? Why do we have a particular lwa for ourselves that is revealed in a met tet reading? Can we have any kind of reading that gives us more information about our ancestors?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, that is different from a met tet. Let me digress for a moment...

[Mambo Sam] I will start offering met tet readings again. Give me a couple of days to get it back up on the website. I will start taking appointments for that again around the third week in June.

[Mambo Sam] A met tet is different in that this is the lwa that is said to have your “head” — meaning you were born with them. There are some differing opinions about met tets — some say that they choose us, some say we choose them. And, yes, they are sort of “guardian angels,” too. But they are also accessible for all sorts of help.

[Mambo Sam] And it is funny that you should ask about ancestor readings because, yes, that can be done, too.

[Destiny] that can be done in a met tet reading or a reading in general? I wouldn’t know what to ask when I want more information about my ancestors. How do I address that in a reading?

[Destiny] thank you

User Mambo Sam has logged out.

[Candelaria] I’m sorry everyone, but Mambo lost her internet connection. One thing I want to address is that before the next session Mambo will have a lesson so that we will have time to talk about it in two weeks. She will post it on the forum. OK?

[Candelaria] We will not have chat next week, but the following week. Bridget or Berkeley, do you know that date?

[ouanga_bottle] thanks candi

[bridget] 22nd.

[Candelaria] Thanks Bridgey! 

[Candelaria] OK, so the 22nd is our next chat session and then Mambo will be back in all her glory that we love so much!! Okie dokie?

[eager2learn] will we be doing a ritual for Azacca together?

[Candelaria] She’s really sorry that she got dropped!!! 

[Candelaria] I am not sure Eager, but I will ask her and post the answer for everyone on the forum. Is that cool?

[eager2learn] thanq

[ouanga_bottle] I prob wont be able to participate on the 22nd, I’m at a conference in FL that week, very sad

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, who forgot to leave a Mounds bar for Papa Legba?

[Candelaria] Hahahahahahaha

[Candelaria] OK, folks.... thanks so much to everyone for coming tonight. Did we learn a lot?!

[godfaithful] YES

[ouanga_bottle] it was awesome as always

[bridget] Night Everyone!

[godfaithful] Night night

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, good info!

[cobalt] g’nite. Thank you. 

[REDANGEL] Definitely, now I’m gonna have to do some research on my ancestors, anyone have some good tips on where I should start

[Candelaria] Great, on behalf of Mambo and Matt and well... all of the family here... Thanks!

[Candelaria] Good night!

[Paris] thank you Mambo Sam

[JamboJambo] thank you!

[godfaithful] thank you

[Candelaria] You’re welcome. Have a good night, everyone!

[waitingforastar] Goodnight all... hugs and kisses 

[Destiny] Good night!

No pointy sticks were harmed in the making of this transcript.  :-D


copyright © 2007, Samantha and Matthew Corfield