Chat January 30, 2008

[Mambo Sam] Okay, good![Mambo Sam] I will just give everyone a moment longer.

[happy] Hi Mambo hope you are feeling better

[waitingforastar] Hello, hope that cough and “crud” has gone.

[Mambo Sam] Ugh. Thank you. I am still sick, but I am better. Thank you all for the “remedies” and  warm wishes.

[ouanga_bottle] hugs and kisses Mambo!

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, back at you — I know you are sick, too. Best wishes to any of you who are sick right now.

[waitingforastar] Are you sure you’re not pushing yourself too much Mambo Sam?

[Mambo Sam] It really sucks. I am at that stage where I have coughed so much my abdomen and sides and chest hurt.

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks sweetie!

[Mambo Sam] LOL. WFAS. Of course I am! I always do. It’s what keeps me going!

[sohochat] Hey Mambo, at least you don’t have to talk in a chat room ;-)

[ouanga_bottle] That is terrible! Did you go see the doc?

[Mambo Sam] Doctor?  I am sorry, but what?

[ouanga_bottle] hehaahehhehe

[simonegreenewpp] Sounds like a special rum offering is in order...

[ouanga_bottle] No doubt!

[waitingforastar] Oh I’ve been there with the cough that made you feel like your ribs are broken.

[Mambo Sam] No, but I did call — “oh its a virus, if you had it more than 72 hours antivirals won’t help you, just take some stuff.”

[Mambo Sam] So there you have it.

[waitingforastar] Yeah, everything

[ouanga_bottle] I got prescribed a great tranquilizer when I went on Sunday.

[waitingforastar] Oops, everything is a virus to them if they don’t know. Hey I’m having malfunction problems here... What I was trying to say is, when doctors don’t know what’s wrong, it’s a virus

[ouanga_bottle] exactly

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so since I am not sure I am going to last two hours, I want to go ahead and get started talking about our upcoming ritual.

[waitingforastar] Hope you feel better soon too Ouanga

[Mambo Sam] Hopefully you all got the e-mail I sent out? If you didn’t get it, then please go into your chat profile and check that we have a valid e-mail address for you. Right now I mail to the e-mail address that you have in the chat profile; if that is no longer valid then you need to change it.

[Mambo Sam] So I did get to finally finish the index of the transcripts, so hopefully that will help you all find what you need in the transcripts. Also, I put together some of the information for the Simbi ritual.

[Mambo Sam] So did some of you get a chance to look at that yet? The ritual, I mean?

[simonegreenewpp] Yes!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, good.  Did any of the rest of you look at it yet?

[ouanga_bottle] Just logged in now...

[sohochat] No I haven’t

[waitingforastar] Not yet, haven’t had much of a chance yet. But I will

[Mambo Sam] That’s fine.

[lavender] Not yet

[simonegreenewpp] It’s really good. :-)

[echo868] Not yet. Just got home from work a little while ago.

[ouanga_bottle] I like that.... Team Simbi!!! heh heh

[sohochat] I just received my divorce paper a couple of days ago, so no mood to check out anything yet, sorry

[sohochat] but I will

[Mambo Sam] Okay, folks, that is fine. Just look at when you can.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so the way I have that laid out is that when you build the altar, you make three little separate spaces. So we are working with the Simbi lwa as a team, but still we want them to have their own space separately on the altar. I mention on that page, also, that this can be a very humble altar if finances are an issue. I give you the bare minimum that you need, but you are welcome to get more elaborate from there.

[Mambo Sam] Most of you have done a spell kit or two, so I am not really concerned about you understanding the rest of the ritual.

[ouanga_bottle] question

[Mambo Sam] What I am more concerned about is that you understand how to use Team Simbi to its best advantage.

[Mambo Sam] Yes Ouanga.

[ouanga_bottle] you mentioned whisky for Makaya, but what about rum for all three?

[Mambo Sam] It isn’t necessarily an offering that you need to have. You can.

[ouanga_bottle] Gotcha, thanks!

[Mambo Sam] I would suggest light/clear rum if you are going to use it for Simbi Dlo and Simbi Andezo.

[simonegreenewpp] Question & comment

[ouanga_bottle] And King cake for all three?

[Mambo Sam] Yes and yes, go ahead, please.

[simonegreenewpp] me?

[Mambo Sam] Yes Simone, Ouanga didn’t put her hand up.

[ouanga_bottle] awww sorry!

[simonegreenewpp] Hah! Ok, so cut three pieces of King Cake?

[Mambo Sam] If you are doing a King cake, then you can put it in the middle and then cut three pieces — well, four — one for you!

[simonegreenewpp] Yes, one for me! And for the budget minded, I’m planning to get some cheese Danish and decorate it. I found the yellow, purple and green icing at the grocery store. :-)

[Mambo Sam] Sounds nice. 

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, thank you!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[waitingforastar] Love that king cake :p 

[Mambo Sam] Oh yeah.

[ouanga_bottle] Question

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Ouanga.

[ouanga_bottle] I ordered the king cake mix and plan to bake it myself, but I just made brownies for the first time in this oven, and I totally burnt them. If I end up not making the best cake, do I still offer it, or where do I draw the line on what’s ok to serve? It turns out there is only one setting on this oven — 400 degrees.

[Mambo Sam] I don’t know if there is really a line there.... I would say if you would eat it then offer it. I mean, I would eat a burned brownie. Unless it was a charcoal briquette. Or if you could eat, not necessarily would eat it.

[ouanga_bottle] yeah I did have some, and then someone came over and saw them and said “they’re so burnt!” So I know my palette is a little more flexible. Thanks Mambo

[Mambo Sam] Sure.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about petitioning and what we are asking for with this ritual. I am going to assume that the majority of you will be working on your love case. Or some form thereof.

[sohochat] hands up

[Mambo Sam] So, let’s talk about the part some of us were having a little bit of trouble grasping, and that is the silencing part.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Sohochat.

[sohochat] So we can petition for love and money matters?

[Mambo Sam] If you keep them totally separate.

[sohochat] not sure what you meant by separate?

[Mambo Sam] Do your love petitions and then wait some time — oh, maybe half an hour or so, and then do your money petitions. But remember, here again, you run the risk of spreading the ritual too thin by doing all that in one petition. I mean one ritual, sorry.

[sohochat] thank you

[eveningstarmystic] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Eveningstarmystic.

[eveningstarmystic] Is it possible to do two separate rituals?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, once you guys learn this ritual it is yours to do anytime you want.

[eveningstarmystic] cool thanks

[sohochat] hands up

[Mambo Sam] Sorry, I think the cold medicine has gone to my head.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Sohochat.

[sohochat] Can I use this same alter space as the one for my LMWA?

[Mambo Sam] You can use any space, but you will need to clean it and set it up as per the instructions on the webpage.

[bree] Question

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Bree.

[bree] This is my first time in the chat room, where can I get info from so that I can catch up?

[Mambo Sam] Did you just sign up for chat?

[bree] yes

[Sister Candelaria] E-mail me, Bree and I will forward the links to you for this ritual.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I just sent an e-mail today with all that information in it. Sister Bridget, can you get Bree’s information by IM and send her the stuff.

[Sister Candelaria] Oops

[bree] thanks...

[Mambo Sam] Or Sister Candelaria... either Sister works for me.

[bridget] Sister C beat me to the keyboard...

[Mambo Sam] Well, no one can say the three of us aren’t on the same wavelength.

[schweety] Dang did Sister Candelaria get sent to her room???

[Mambo Sam] no way! 

[bridget] She’s getting a refill...

[DestinyB] How cute all three of you are!

[simonegreenewpp] snort!

[ouanga_bottle] hey!

[Mambo Sam] Hey Sister Candi, they wanted to know if I sent you to your room!

[simonegreenewpp] SHHH, she’s back!

[waitingforastar] A refill of what??

[Sister Candelaria] Sorry, I was booted. Bree can e-mail me at 

[bridget] Candi, Simone Snorted! You missed it!

[ouanga_bottle] She did she did!

[simonegreenewpp] Did not!

[Sister Candelaria] OH yes! You have no idea! We are abused children. heehee

[Mambo Sam] Oh boo hoo — now back on your knees in the corner on those uncooked red beans and rice.

[echo868] You guys are so funny — true family

[ouanga_bottle] Snort!!!!!

[Sister Candelaria] Yes, Ma’am!

[Mambo Sam] That’s what the nuns did to us in New Orleans.

[simonegreenewpp] And then the spanking?

[Mambo Sam] No kidding.

[Sister Candelaria] (seeeeeeeee!) shhhhhhhh, that walls have ears! 

[sohochat] You guys!

[Mambo Sam] Spankings only once a year at the convention.

[Sister Candelaria] heehee That’s OK, I deserve them! 

[simonegreenewpp] I guess Metarie nuns were kinder & gentler.

[waitingforastar] Ooh those are some mean nuns, and I mean creative mean which is scarey

[Sister Candelaria] I’m the bad Sister. Bridget is good as gold!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so, poor Bree is going, what the heck am I doing here??

[Mambo Sam] We will get the information to you, Bree!

[Sister Candelaria] Hahahahahha 

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so let’s talk about petitioning and how since there seemed to be a lot of confusion over that last time.

[Mambo Sam] So we know that Simbi Dlo is our “silencer” — Simbi Andezo is our “strategist” — Simbi Makaya is our “power house.”

[Mambo Sam] You will notice in the set up that I have Simbi Makaya in the middle. That is because I want his power radiating both left and right to help make the team cohesive.

[Mambo Sam] So let’s use a hypothetical situation of Poindexter, the HD. And if you HD is named Poindexter, then, no, I don’t mean your HD in particular.

[Mambo Sam] So you have been working on Poindexter for a long time, but there are still issues.

There is another woman.

He has a fear of commitment.

He was abused as a child.

He has mommy issues.

He has low self esteem.

His friends hate you.

His momma hates you.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so as we see above, Poindexter’s got a lot of issues. You are up against a lot of stuff. And there could be more, as you all know. Sometimes, the odds seem so insurmountable. Distance, lack of communication, you make more money than him, you are better educated, he has low self esteem and feels you are too good for him... the list can be endless sometimes.

[Mambo Sam] So, how on earth to petition for all of that?

[Mambo Sam] The first line of fire is going to be to write it all down. What is working against you in your case?? Make yourself a list. Try to keep the items in the list brief, such as I did above. You don’t have to wax poetic with the list. Just write down some keywords that are problems in the relationship; what is keeping your Poindexter from you???

[Mambo Sam] Once you have the list written out, go through and check off the ones that are “easy” to silence. Obviously, if his momma hates you, then we “silence” momma from talking badly about you. Some of them you are having to get more creative with such as 

Silencing” his inner voice that tells him that he isn’t good enough for you.

Silencing” his inner voice that tells him that he can’t make it work with you again.

Silencing” his inner voice that causes him to self-sabotage every relationship he is in because he was abused as a child.

[happy] ?

[Mambo Sam] But first, pick out the easy ones and see what you are left with, and there is where you probably will have to get a little bit creative with the request to “silence” that voice, behavior, or outside party.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Happy.

[happy] Well can you do something like making plans and then no follow thru like mine.

[Mambo Sam] Certainly I would say that you could “silence” him from making plans and then breaking them. That he actually asks and means it or stays silent. Remember, we still have to pull in the other two lwa, because that which we cannot “silence” we reach in another way with the other two.

[simonegreenewpp] ??

[Mambo Sam] So, you have a bit of an idea about “silencing” — let’s put the other two pieces together and see how it works for your own case and then we can ask specific questions.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Simone.

[simonegreenewpp] I can hold it till the end if that’s best.

[Mambo Sam] I don’t know, I don’t know what you want to ask! Just go ahead, you asked before I said hang on.

[simonegreenewpp] But you’re psychic! Ok, I’ll ask...

[simonegreenewpp] We said last week we can’t silence a large group. But what about silencing an inner voice in the HD and then what he hears from the group no longer resonates? Too complicated?

[Mambo Sam] Not necessarily. Here again, I think it is a matter of creative wording. But let’s say we have a laundry list of stuff like old Poindexter up there. Then we get into maybe spreading it too thin...

[Mambo Sam] So I think picking and choosing the main points would be really most helpful and I think the one that you have is one that could work if you didn’t put too much other junk in there that you need to get rid of.

[Mambo Sam] Worst case scenario — do the ritual again! 

[Mambo Sam] And that’s for all of you.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, I think I got that... Thank you!

[Mambo Sam] If you are on one of those super duper nightmare cases with stuff coming at you from all directions, I would say plan on doing the ritual more than once. It is a tool that you can use anytime.

[sohochat] hands up

[Mambo Sam] Yes, soho.

[sohochat] So we can do this ritual anytime... even if we are doing other spells?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can do this with other spell work. Just leave some time between this and a regular spell kit.

[sohochat] k thks

[Mambo Sam] And you can use some of your items, such as charms, dolls, etc., in this ritual — and I will get to that in a minute. Okay, so we have some grasp on silencing with Simbi Dlo.

[Mambo Sam] Now we want to bring in Simbi Andezo to help guide us.

[Mambo Sam] What we want from Simbi Andezo is a plan, a strategy — we want him to give it to us, give it to our HD. So many times the HD is actually wanting to come back but feels like there is no way to make that happen. They are embarrassed, or feel like things have gone to far, they don’t see the concept of the clean slate, starting over. We want Simbi Andezo to help them see their way out of where they are and on the path to YOU. So when we are petitioning Simbi Andezo we want him to lay that path out for the person, help them make a plan, help them stick to the plan, help them know that they can even have a plan — so many people just don’t see it.

[Mambo Sam] So Poindexter really wants to come back to you. But he acted pretty awful. Has said some really hurtful things to you. There is a lot of bad blood between you. Poindexter cannot see that you really, honestly, truly want him to come to you. He just doesn’t believe it.

[Mambo Sam] So when creating your petitions for Simbi Andezo you want to petition him to create a plan in your HD’s mind and heart. And that it makes sense to the HD! That it is clear and even analytical (Andezo loves that!).

[simonegreenewpp] ??

[happy] ?

[Mambo Sam] So now you can write down a little bit about how the return to you might happen... you can just jot down some thoughts, ideas — just like the reflection part of the spell kits.

[Mambo Sam] Simone, then Happy.

[simonegreenewpp] So we don’t need to come up with the plan ourselves? Just an outline of it, sounds like?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, because really Andezo is coming up with the plan, but we are giving him some information and some idea of who we are and who the HD is; kind of a “get acquainted” thing in a way. However, we will also ask for his guidance for our own “plan” — especially if you are out of ideas about what to do next in your case.

[simonegreenewpp] Ok, cool! Even better, thanks!

[Mambo Sam] Good — happy?

[happy] I am trying to take notes but I cannot get everything in plus my browser does not let me copy and paste, will you be able to post this before the ritual all this great info? If not that is ok

[Mambo Sam] Yes, I will post it quickly.

[happy] Thanks 

[Mambo Sam] No problem.

[Mambo Sam] So, Simbi Andezo is there to bring reason and common sense and a plan. He likes to make things happen in a way that makes sense for everyone.

[bree] ?

[Mambo Sam] So that’s great — we silence our “intruders” — and then we have a plan to bring the person back to us.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Bree.

[bree] What if it is really difficult due to other circumstances such as drinking is that where the “power” comes in?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, although with any kind of addiction, you do want to ask to “silence” that inner voice of desire to drink, or whatever the addiction of choice is. But honestly, it is a tough, tough thing to deal with, but we do try!

[bree] k

[Mambo Sam] So, now, of course, both of these lwa are wonderfully powerful on their own. But we want to up the ante. And here is where we pull in Simbi Makaya.

[Mambo Sam] And here is where you can use your dolls, charms, eggs, gris-gris bags, etc. When you build your altar, choose a few things that you work with and put them in the space for Simbi Makaya. You don’t have to put everything you have there — choose a few of your favorites — though if you are working with a love doll, I would say definitely you want to put that there.

[Mambo Sam] What we will do in the ritual is ask Simbi Makaya to put all his mighty magickal power into our request. That he guide the hands of Simbi Dlo and Simbi Andezo; that he empower them ever further. That the three of them join as one for this ritual and combine their super powers. Yeah, I know, it sounds like Saturday morning cartoons.

[ouanga_bottle] snort

[Mambo Sam] And we will ask Simbi Makaya to imbue his magickal powers into the items you are already using.

[waitingforastar] ?

[Mambo Sam] All Spellmaker products are consecrated on the points of different lwa. But everything gets a little supershake with Makaya power — so he will already recognize what you are using. That is a bonus.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, WFAS.

[waitingforastar] Since we will all be doing the ritual at the same time, will they be able to listen to us all at the same time?

[Mambo Sam] Of course — thousands of people all over the world could be talking to them at the same time. We are bringing in our aspect of these lwa.

[sohochat] hands up

[Mambo Sam] Do you understand, WFAS? Or do you need me to elaborate? I don’t mind if you do.

[simonegreenewpp] comment

[waitingforastar] I see, but could you explain about our aspect or these lwas? I mean bringing in our aspect of these Lwas.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, and one moment Soho and Simone.

[Mambo Sam] The lwa have “aspects” — personalities from having lived so many lives. There is a theory that there are thousands upon thousands of aspects of these same “root” lwa that travel in light and move from place to place. A dance could be going on in Haiti and Legba is there and here at our dance in the USA at the same time. They are like fractures of light emanating from one prism. Does that make more sense?

[waitingforastar] Yes, I see what you mean.

[bree] it does 2 me

[Mambo Sam] Okay, good!

[Mambo Sam] Soho, then Simone.

[sohochat] did I miss something here? When are we doing the ritual at the same time?

[Mambo Sam] Next week. Did you get an e-mail from me today about class?

[sohochat] Is the time and day in the e-mail?

[the3rdwish13] I didn’t

[Mambo Sam] The links to the transcripts are in that e-mail, please refer to the last couple of transcripts. The e-mail came from . Check your spam folders, unless you changed e-mail addresses lately. Then you probably didn’t get it.

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, any of you who don’t know what is happening, where transcripts are, etc., please write to one of the Sisters and they will guide you. or . Like shining stars, they will light the path!

[Sister Candelaria] She’s lets us out of our room to answer e-mails.

[sohochat] I do have it

[ouanga_bottle] hee hee

[Sister Candelaria] heehee

[Mambo Sam] Anyway, so Simbi Makaya is going to add super power to the ritual.

[Mambo Sam] Lord, having a coughing fit over here..... sigh.

[echo868] hope you feel better soon

[schweety] mumbles drink dill pickle juice.

[waitingforastar] Oh no. Have you tried Mucinex. And keep your nose well blown

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I drank the damned pickle juice. Twice. Mucinex, yes. Chicken soup. I am still freaking coughing!

[ouanga_bottle] Alka Seltzer cold, Robitussin cf and Tylenol flu cocktail?

[Mambo Sam] But I am better.

[PATRICKinCALI] Menthol cigarettes

[waitingforastar] Good, and the nose (I know, gross) when backed up drips down the throat into the windpipes

[eveningstarmystic] hot Dr. Pepper

[ouanga_bottle] rofl

[DestinyB] How about Vick’s vapor rub at the bottom of your feet?

[Sister Candelaria] Vodka I.V. Then you don’t care that you’re coughing. heehee

[Mambo Sam] LOL. BRB  Seriously gotta go take some medicine.

[waitingforastar] You go take it missy

[echo868] I agree wholeheartedly with Sister Candi’s advice!

[waitingforastar] yeah, a fifth of Vodka and a straw?

[happy] homeopathic — flu reducer besttttt

[echo868] vodka will clear your sinuses

[Sister Candelaria] Of course I’ve never had vodka in my life, so it was just a guess. heehee

[waitingforastar] Chewing raw garlic is amazing, your tongue will burn but it works, kills any bacteria

[echo868] really? hmm. interesting.

[waitingforastar] Yep! Sicilian penicillin:} 

[happy] garlic is good and does not burn your tongue its a natural antibiotic

[echo868] guess vampires can’t take the remedy though...

[happy] ops garlique

[ouanga_bottle] a fever (especially when you get the chills) also totally kills bacteria from what I’m told

[waitingforastar] Nope, you will be vampire free for months

[ouanga_bottle] which is what I went through a few days ago

[echo868] well next time I get sick, I’m stocking up garlic

[happy] if you take flu reducer it will either stop or shorten the time of the cold works every time

[PATRICKinCALI] I’m just getting over the crud too, Ouanga. I swear by “Airborne”.

[bree] Went to South Carolina recently and had the flu bought something called rock & rye and it knocked it out immediately.

[waitingforastar] Can’t beat the fresh garlic, the others like the supplements have to go through the digestive track and the chemical in garlic that kills germs gets destroyed if not absorbed right through the mouth tissue

[ouanga_bottle] I seriously took the cocktail I described above, along with Zicam too. I laid flat for five days, and then yer up and running!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, I am back. That’s the whole deal of it... I am fine for like three hours and then back to coughing. But it is better. It looks like a Walgreen’s and herb store exploded in here.

[happy] and homeopathic

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so thank you all very much. Anyhoo — gotta move along because I still need to do castings tonight.

[happy] we love you Mambo feel better

[ouanga_bottle] oh geez! we should let you go so you can get some sleep!

[Mambo Sam] A Mambo’s work is never done. Sleep? WTF language is she speaking? Stop it, Ouanga.

[ouanga_bottle] snort

[Mambo Sam] Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...

[simonegreenewpp] Actually I find it feels more powerful when a number of people are doing a ritual or service all at once. And besides, on Sunday morning, bunches of people all pray to Jesus at the same time. I don’t think there is a worry about not being heard there, either. :-)

[simonegreenewpp] Oh, sorry, I thought it was my turn!

[Mambo Sam] Oh, I forgot, actually... Sorry.

[Mambo Sam] And yes, I agree, I do think it feels more powerful.

[simonegreenewpp] I’ll send my illness prevention advice later...

[Mambo Sam] LOL. Yeah, what’s killing me is I usually don’t get sick. And I have been sick twice this year.

[sohochat] Can I suggest something here Mambo?

[Mambo Sam] I am all about the Airborne and preventive care — herbs and stuff.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Soho

[sohochat] It could be the dry air.... Use a humidifier

[Mambo Sam] Yeah, the dry air is really bad when we are sick. I mean it’s bad enough anyway, but yes, thank you. Okay, did I miss anyone else? 

[bree] no lets get started again

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so when you put your items there for Simbi Makaya he will have an instant attraction to them. Some of you may actually sense it. It’s very powerful.

[Mambo Sam] Just briefly, I will explain a little bit about why that is.

[Mambo Sam] So when one goes to Kanzo (get initiated in Haitian Vodou), there are a number of different

[Mambo Sam] things that you do. One of them is that you make a patchwork outfit from very humble materials. One reason for this is for you to be ever mindful of that fact that just because you are a Houngan or Mambo that doesn’t make you better than other people — we all have the same beginning and end. (Now if only some Hougans and Mambos could remember that!! Sorry, I digress.) The outfit is also worn during different herbal rituals and rituals where you learn magick.

[Mambo Sam] Those are rituals to Simbi Makaya.

[Mambo Sam] That dress hangs in the room where all of our herbs are and that is the dress I slip on to consecrate everything. So it brings forth all that power of Kanzo and those rituals. And a little bit of that goes into your products. So even though I suppose you didn’t need to know that, I thought you might like to know it. And if someone reminds me, I will take a picture and send it to you guys so you can see the “Makaya” dress.

[waitingforastar] cool

[Mambo Sam] So he is going to have this visceral recognition of your products. Now, the thing with Simbi Makaya is he is no fan of weakness.

[Mambo Sam] So when you are asking him to imbue more power into that item you want to hold it up in your right hand. Stand right in front of his part of the altar. Say, “Simbi Makaya, big powerful lwa, do you see this doll?” (Shake the doll around a little bit.) Stamp your foot. “This is my magickal doll. Put more of your power in it for me. Make it the most powerful doll. Do this for me! Thank you. Ayibobo.” (That’s pronounced “eye boh boh” — and means “yeah, all right, amen!” loosely...)

[Mambo Sam] So you can put that in your own words, but you should get the idea.

First you compliment him.

Then you tell him what you want him to do.

Then you thank him.

Then you affirm that it is good and done. “Ayibobo.”

[Mambo Sam] And if you can you should be loud! Hey Simbi Makaya!  Shout it if you can. Then if at all possible, wrap those items in a red cloth and leave them on the altar overnight.

[Mambo Sam] This kind of empowering of items is usually done by a Houngan or a Mambo and there are those who will tell you that you don’t have the power to do this. Don’t you dare believe them.

[ouanga_bottle] question

[Mambo Sam] You follow the ritual and you will have done everything that you need to do to help empower your items. Sure, it is great if a Houngan or Mambo does these things, but there are still things you can do for yourself with a great deal of success.

[bree] ?

[Mambo Sam] Ouanga and then Bree.

[ouanga_bottle] Can we/should we wrap personal items belonging to HD etc with the items to get supercharged?


[Mambo Sam] No. Just items you are going to use — especially if it is Spellmaker stuff.

[ouanga_bottle] Thanks

[happy] ?

[Mambo Sam] Bree, redangel, then happy.

[bree] This is new to me and I don’t really have any items just a talisman, what then?

[Mambo Sam] Do it with the talisman. And remember, if you need to later on, you can repeat this ritual. You will have access to all the instructions.

[Mambo Sam] I think the talisman is a great thing to use for this!

[REDANGEL] Would it be alright to use a red scarf I have and then wear it afterwards, its my favorite red scarf

[the3rdwish13] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, redangel, that is fine. 

[Mambo Sam] Happy, then 3rdwish.

[happy] If you have more than 1 doll can you do them all in one ritual or would you recommend one doll per ritual? 

[Mambo Sam] I don’t see a problem with doing more than one doll. 

[happy] Thanks

[Mambo Sam] Three or four things is fine.

[the3rdwish13] I have the conjuration of powers charm, and wear it all the time, what wording do I use? Same as the doll?


[Mambo Sam] Any items that you have you can use that same wording — and that wording is not set in stone... you can make up your own words, with the same idea, of course. Simbi Makaya likes a lot of compliments — he likes to be told he is a big powerful lwa. He has quite the ego. Feel free to stroke it.

[Mambo Sam] Patrick?

[PATRICKinCALI] May I use the red scarf I gave to Maman Brigitte?

[Mambo Sam] Yes.


[ouanga_bottle] ?

[Mambo Sam] Anything red is fine — no matter what you use it for. You can begin reusing it without any problem.

[Mambo Sam] Ouanga?

[smile4me] ?

[ouanga_bottle] may I use the red scarf I dripped candle wax all over during my service to Ogun?

[Mambo Sam] Sure!

[eveningstarmystic] ?

[Mambo Sam] If the lwa were put off by candle wax I couldn’t get a spell done!

[ouanga_bottle] snort!!

[Mambo Sam] Smile4me then Eveningstarmystic. Go ahead.

[smile4me] What do we do with everything once the ritual is over?

[Mambo Sam] That will be in the instructions.

[smile4me] ok thanks

[eveningstarmystic] Each item wrapped separately in red or all together.

[Mambo Sam] It depends on how big of a piece of red cloth you have — you can put them all together if you want.

[eveningstarmystic] thank you 

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Did I miss anyone?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, so of course I will write out the rest of the ritual for you.

[Mambo Sam] Ritual, as a rule, follows pretty much the same patterns over and over again — you always will recognize parts — light candles, present items, cleanse space, call Legba, call the lwa... etc., etc. What is unique to each one is who we are asking for what and how we ask them.

[Mambo Sam] So here we have a three part plan that culminates with infusing Simbi Makaya’s power into the whole thing. I realize that you might have small questions about the ritual itself, but we can address them before the ritual. I will be right here online while you are doing it, so no worries about that. But do you have questions about anything else to do with it? Feel free to ask anything.

[eveningstarmystic] ?

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Eveningstarmystic?

[Sunshine] ?

[eveningstarmystic] How will this work if computer is in different room than altar?

[Mambo Sam] You will have the instructions ahead of time. It does take some coming back and forth if you need to connect with me or the group. I will ask that we all meet before we begin and then each person can do their own ritual and Matt and I will do ours here, but we will be at the computer for questions.

[eveningstarmystic] okay. 

[Mambo Sam] So in that way we try to avoid you having to run back and forth too much unless you need to.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Sunshine.

[Sunshine] ?So if we are going to do money matters— will we do basically the same as if it were our H./D but concentrate on money matters instead?

[bree] ?

[Mambo Sam] Right. You might do petitions like silencing any inner voice that keeps you from having financial success, or removing anything that is in your  path, etc. But yes, basically the same.

[schweety] ??

[Sunshine] Ok— Thanks Mambo

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome!

[Mambo Sam] Bree, then Schweety.

[bree] What if you’re not sure if your HD is really the one but you want love to come into your life anyway?

[DestinyB] ??

[Mambo Sam] You can do this for a broader love petition — such as removing any doubts, negativities, etc., that might be blocking you from your true love. It is okay to paint the whole thing with a broader brush.

[sohochat] hands up

[schweety] I wont be able to start my ritual with you all, but if I have any ?s about it prior to can I e-mail you or my caseworker? I have kids that will be up and its also my birthday, so I am just wanting to make sure I can do this but if I have any ?s can plan it ahead of time prior to doing it.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, you can e-mail us.

[schweety] ty

[Mambo Sam] I know, it’s your birthday!! Happy birthday early!

[schweety] ty

[Mambo Sam] Destiny, then Soho. (You are welcome!)

[waitingforastar] Happy Birthday to Schweety

[DestinyB] Removing anything in my path, is Simbi Dlo “silencing” something? How can I word that. Or removing the intruder from my path, how do we word the “silencing” part?

[Mambo Sam] That is one of the tricky ones. Asking him to “silence” the “noise” of a blockage sometimes works. It gets pretty esoteric in that manner. But it doesn’t hurt to try it.

[schweety] Can we ask him to use duct tape?

[Mambo Sam] Voodoo duct tape — I smell a winner, folks!

[ouanga_bottle] awesome!

[smile4me] ?

[Mambo Sam] Soho, then Smile4me.

[sohochat] Can we say silence any hexes from me? Btw Happy B’day Schweety!

[Mambo Sam] You can’t silence a hex, but you can silence those who hexed you.

[sohochat] thks

[smile4me] Can it be just to silence communication between intruder and hd?

[Mambo Sam] Smile4me — yes, absolutely.

[DestinyB] I don’t really want to silence the intruder, her mouth is getting on his nerves! But do we silence his voice that says she is the one for him, maybe?

[bree] ?

[Mambo Sam] Destiny — yes, exactly. Silence that inner voice that says she is the one for him.

[DestinyB] cool, thank you

[Mambo Sam] Okay yikes, did I answer everyone?

[simonegreenewpp] ?

[Mambo Sam] Oh, I missed Bree — Bree then Simone.

[bree] Can we have contact during this time?

[Mambo Sam] Yes. Try to make it as positive as possible.

[the3rdwish13] ?

[Mambo Sam] Simone, then 3rdwish.

[simonegreenewpp] How many ducks to we have to sacrifice for the tape?

[Mambo Sam] Um — 9?

[simonegreenewpp] Oh, I was hoping for 3. :-)

[bridget] Simone, you don’t have to sacrifice anything you can go to Walmart! ;-)

[simonegreenewpp] Nooooooooo!

[Mambo Sam] Hahahahahahahahhahahahhahahaha.... that’s your sacrifice, Simone! 

[ouanga_bottle] hahahahhahhahahhahahah

[simonegreenewpp] Peking Duck, perhaps?

[Mambo Sam] Maybe so.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, darlings....  3rdwish?

[the3rdwish13] I asked you before but I’m not sure how to word it... I want to silence myself... how?

[Mambo Sam] I have thought a lot about this. I think the best tactic is to ask Simbi Dlo to silence the negative inner voice within yourself.

[the3rdwish13] perfect!

[Mambo Sam] I think that is the best — even if there is manifestation of an “outer voice” usually that comes from the negative inner voice!

[the3rdwish13] it does, I know it...

[leigh01] wow! So awesome & true about that

[the3rdwish13] thank you

[Mambo Sam] So yes, that is a good petition for all of us — we all have that negative inner voice.

[Mambo Sam] Okay, did I miss anyone?

[the3rdwish13] it’s what’s killing me and I want to get rid of “her”

[Mambo Sam] Yep, we all have her or him.

[the3rdwish13] ty so much!

[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Anyone else?

[Mambo Sam] Okay, well, I will get the rest of that posted and off we go to another group ritual!

[Paris] thank you and hope you feel better

[Mambo Sam] These have all been awesome, so I am sure this one will be, too. Thank you all so much. I am glad I was able to do this. Two days ago I wasn’t so sure!

[ouanga_bottle] thank you Mambo Sam, I love you! Feel better, get some sleep! Sending you happy hugs

[simonegreenewpp] Yay, thank you! And perfect health to everyone!

[Paris] hugs

[sohochat] get well soon Mambo Sam

[the3rdwish13] Can’t wait... Thank you and take care of yourself (we need you)

[Sunshine] Feel better

[leigh01] ty M.S.! Feel better too :-) love

[DestinyB] Happy hugs from me to Mambo Sam! Hope you feel much better real soon!

[lavender] Love You Mambo praying for you.

[Mambo Sam] Love you, too! Thank you!!!

[waitingforastar] Yes, I know it’s a dirty word for you but try to get some rest and get well

[Mambo Sam] Good night, all!! Trying to rest........ Really, I am!

[mamakate] Love you Mambo Sam! Feel better!

[waitingforastar] Take EmergenC

[REDANGEL] good night all, feel better soon Mambo

[DestinyB] Good night everybody! Take Care!

[Sister Candelaria] Night everyone! Thanks for being here!! (Heads UP: I’m getting the pointy stick out in a few minutes. heehee)

[PATRICKinCALI] Good night all!

[simonegreenewpp] Ooooh! My favorite! Knitting, right?

[DestinyB] Love that pointy stick!

[smile4me] Good night....Crud b gone!!

[Sister Candelaria] No Simone my dear. Sadly, the pointy stick is much more than knitting (although I can fashion a lovely sweater with it, if need be). heehee. Time to close down everyone! I have to go home so I can do some epiphany ritual for all of you. :-)

[waitingforastar] Thank you xoxxo

[Sister Candelaria] You’re welcome WFAS. See you next week. ;-)

[simonegreenewpp] I think they’re all waiting to see if we have some secret extra stuff. Except I can’t think of anything.

[Sister Candelaria] Nope, nothing secret... Candelaria’s tummy is growling, but that’s not a secret if you are within three states of me.

[simonegreenewpp] Must be that demon you ate...

[Sister Candelaria] Yeah, could be. You can put ranch dressing on just about anything. OK, night folks. 

[simonegreenewpp] Love ya — see you next week! 

[Sister Candelaria] Love ya too, Baby!! Have a good week. ;-)