Chat January 09, 2008

[waitingforastar] YAY :}
[Mambo Sam] Phew, there she is! You gave us a scare, Simone!
[simonegreenewpp] Sorry, I was burning some candles. :-)
[ouanga_bottle] Likely story!!! Snort  I bet you were actually drinking again
[simonegreenewpp] Ok, drinking rum.
[ouanga_bottle] ha ha!!
[simonegreenewpp] Sharing.
[Mambo Sam] Hi Lavender!
[Mambo Sam] I feel like Miss Jenny from Romper Room.
[ouanga_bottle] OMG I remember that show
[schweety] Looking through the magic mirror
[Mambo Sam] I see Sister Bridget and Sister Candi, and Destiny....
[Mambo Sam] And Lavender...
[Mambo Sam] Ouanga and Paris and Patrick..
[Mambo Sam] Rattle shaker and Redangel with Rowan, too
[Paris] Hi
[ouanga_bottle] You sound like Santa Claus
[Mambo Sam] Then Schweety and Simone and Waiting for a star.
[Mambo Sam] That was my favorite part of the show when she was looking
through the magic mirror. I am glad someone else remembers it!
[Destiny] Yes we are all here and ready to learn from your great wisdom!
All eager I am assuming!
[ouanga_bottle] Oh wow — blast from the past
[Mambo Sam] HAHAHAHAHHAHA. My great wisdom. (Mambo slaps knee and takes
another shot of vodka.)
[rattle shaker] Huh?
[ouanga_bottle] We wondered what fueled that great wisdom
[REDANGEL] My kind of girl Mambo!!!
[rattle shaker] Hahaha Mambo!
[rattle shaker] Citron?
[Mambo Sam] Absolut
[ouanga_bottle] With sprite?
[Destiny] Oooohhhh, it’s the VODKA! I have been drinking rum and gin! LOL!
[Mambo Sam] Oh I went to Sierra Mist.
[rattle shaker] 7-up
[simonegreenewpp] Absolut Mambo!
[ouanga_bottle] haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[Mambo Sam] So, I wanted to tell you all that people are already signing
up for the 2008 conference!!!
[rattle shaker] !!! Kool!
[simonegreenewpp] Yay!
[ouanga_bottle] I think we should come up with Crossroads (TM) brand rum —
we would make a fortune
[Mambo Sam] So I am thinking if you are a-comin’ you need to sign up so
that we can have our “time” together. LOL.
[ouanga_bottle] Awesome!
[Mambo Sam] I know that we didn’t get to use your coupons properly for
those of you who were there last time, so we can work that out so that you
can still use them. I was trying to get a special “pay” button so you
could use them, but I will work it out and let you all know. Right now we
have one person coming from Sweden and one from Ireland. !!!!
[simonegreenewpp] Wow!
[Destiny] Is that coupon good only if we pay in full or the first payment?
[ouanga_bottle] See if your merchant services allows for a gift
certificate input.
[Mambo Sam] If you were there, I will work out a deal for you. No worries.
[ouanga_bottle] That is awesome
[Mambo Sam] I will send out an e-mail — actually not so much worried about
the payment right now as the registration, so I will put a special page so
that those of you who were there can register. Early. I meant to say.
[PATRICKinCALI] Same Hotel? That place was great
[ouanga_bottle] Yes — you all MUST go
[Mambo Sam] Now as to the rest of you.... Better get on board! Same hotel.
They LOVED us — isn’t that funny? They were so worried we were gonna
sacrifice a goat or something
[ouanga_bottle] Snort
[Destiny] LOL!!
[schweety] Brings goat next time
[simonegreenewpp] We’re well-behaved voodoo people. :-)
[rattle shaker] Hahaha! Excellent!
[Mambo Sam] They booked us right away and were so impressed with everyone
and how much fun the staff had with all of us!
[rattle shaker] I Bet!
[ouanga_bottle] It’s because we are all so sexy, they especially liked
rattle boy
[rattle shaker] <blush>
[Destiny] Wow! We were polite drunk guests!
[Mambo Sam] I have made it much easier to pay this year and there is
plenty of time, so even if you were not there last year, there is plenty
of time if you start early to get this planned.
[REDANGEL] Do you accept IOU’s???
[Mambo Sam] LOL, RedAngel, sure!

[Mambo Sam] So we are learning as we go.
[ouanga_bottle] I am loving what you taught us in ancient secrets
[Mambo Sam] Like I said, really this isn’t about making the money. People
who were there know that there were a lot of costs involved in what we do
at the conference. However, there is nothing like having that time
together where I can teach you face to face.
[rattle shaker] <— Has ancient secrets stories
[Mambo Sam] Thanks, Ouanga. Now that the holidays are over, we will have
some “after conference” classes so we can discuss those things further.
[ouanga_bottle] Heh heh
[Mambo Sam] Awesome. We will put that together here towards the end of the
[simonegreenewpp] I’m trying an ancient secret now. :-)
[Mambo Sam] Yummy!!! I just love those things you learned during that time
period. More goodies this year!
[Mambo Sam] So, I think we are probably ready to start now?
[Destiny] The conference was awesome! And I hardly EVER use that word!
[Mambo Sam] Anyone have anything before we start? Go ahead with it, please.
[Mambo Sam] LOL, thank you Destiny! YOU were awesome!

[rattle shaker] I have a lwa question
[Mambo Sam] Sure, Rattleshaker, go ahead.
[rattle shaker] Is there a lwa that deals with fog?
[Mambo Sam] Think about it for a minute.... What needs to happen with the
fog? I think you know who it is. You need to get through the fog, open a
[rattle shaker] I got ya. No, we had a major pile-up on I-4. 4 people died
and 32 injured.
[Mambo Sam] I know, I saw that!!!! It was awful. But yes, it is Legba.
[rattle shaker] And they are expecting more fog tonight
[Mambo Sam] Ask him to clear the road.
[rattle shaker] I see. : )
[Mambo Sam] Do you have Abre Camino on hand? Road Opener?
[rattle shaker] Yes, and a bunch of white candles
[Mambo Sam] That is the perfect thing to use, in a very literal sense.
[rattle shaker] brb
[Mambo Sam] Ask him to “open the gate” and allow safe passage through the
fog for all travelers.

[Mambo Sam] So for everyone: A Vodouisant can effect change for many
things. You should not think that because you are just one person that
there isn’t anything you can do for “the world.” Of course, we wish we
could stop all sickness and war and atrocities. Well, of course, we can’t.
[Mambo Sam] BUT
[Mambo Sam] Every little bit of prayer and petitioning helps. You may not
see the fruits of your labors, but believe me when I say they are out
there. Who can say that Rattleshaker might not save some lives tonight by
the simple act of asking.
[rattle shaker] Thank you. Had to ask Aida to help too.
[Mambo Sam] There isn’t one day that goes by that I do not ask for all
kinds of things that I may not see the results of. But I believe that when
I am doing it, many others are, too, and that makes the world a better
place. Thank you for doing that, Rattleshaker.
[rattle shaker] My pleasure!
[Mambo Sam] So that in and of itself is a little lesson tonight! Yes, you
as an individual can effect mighty change on a wide scale. I wish we could
solve all the world’s problems.
[rattle shaker] That’s what this is about, being able to help others in a
“different” way
[waitingforastar] True True
[Mambo Sam] But believe me, it truly does help.

[schweety] *blushes* I wish I could solve my own problems
[Mambo Sam] But that is often the very thing of it. And, no, it doesn’t
make any sense. A lot of the time we can end up doing more good for others
than ourselves! But that does us good, too.
[Mambo Sam] Most of us “want” something. If we don’t get it, then we feel
like our magick “didn’t work.” But that isn’t necessarily true. It didn’t
work the way YOU wanted it to. But that doesn’t mean that you didn’t do
something worthwhile and good. And it doesn’t mean that it will never work
for you.
[Mambo Sam] For all of you here, being here is something much bigger than
what you originally came for. I truly believe that.
[rattle shaker] Absolutely!
[REDANGEL] Thanks Mambo you know funny thing is that is exactly what I
needed to hear right now
[Mambo Sam] We now have two new sisters in our family — they didn’t come
here for that — not originally.
[rattle shaker] <— didn’t mean vodka
[ouanga_bottle] Oh fer sure
[Mambo Sam] We have a new prayer leader and perhaps sister-in-the-making —
she didn’t come here for that. I feel more than few “family members in the
making” that are here.
[Candelaria] Nope, I had no idea.
[Mambo Sam] And you didn’t come here for that.
[simonegreenewpp] Huh?
[ouanga_bottle] Snort
[Mambo Sam] Oh, sorry, Simone, you didn’t get the memo?
[rattle shaker] Never thought I would go to New Mexico, let alone know
about Vodou!
[simonegreenewpp] The spanky one? :-)
[ouanga_bottle] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[Mambo Sam] Yes, indeed.
[ouanga_bottle] Heck I was a die-hard atheist when I started
[Mambo Sam] So, you just don’t know. It depends on whether or not you
stay, whether or not you want these things, whether or not you have it in
[rattle shaker] Yeah, then you had a Lave Tet!
[Mambo Sam] My daughters never expected to be my daughters.
[ouanga_bottle] hehhehe
[Mambo Sam] — That’s the way of it Rattleshaker.
[Mambo Sam] But I am sure glad they ARE my daughters and accepted that
into their lives.
[bridget] AMEN!
[Mambo Sam] Because I love them so dearly.
[Candelaria] YEP! Love you too, MaMere!!
[Mambo Sam] XOXO
[Candelaria] I know neither one of us would have it any other way, right
[bridget] ;-)
[bridget] right!
[rattle shaker] Awww!!!!!!
[Mambo Sam] But if you would have told them that a few months into their
time with us, they would have been like — uh, wtf?
[simonegreenewpp] Sister Bridget — best blogger ever!
[Mambo Sam] Kisses to my babies.
[rattle shaker] You are so great Mambo!
[Mambo Sam] OMG — Sister Bridget is my total blog hero.
[Candelaria] Kiss back, MaMere!
[Mambo Sam] No you are!
[bridget] Sister Bridget has been snowed in for a while.
[simonegreenewpp] And clearing clutter?
[bridget] YES! So out with the old !!!

[bridget] making room for the new! Just wait — you’ll see!
[Mambo Sam] Wow, what a great segue into what I wanted to talk about
tonight! That’s my gals!
[Mambo Sam] So here we are with a bright, shiny new year. Now you all know
that as a family, the four of us have your prayer rituals going on. This
is an ongoing ritual that continues until Mardi Gras day. Even at this
point if you have not gotten requests in, please go ahead and send them.
It isn’t too late.
[waitingforastar] ?
[REDANGEL] Sorry is there a place I can get the instructions I think I
missed something
[Mambo Sam] This is a very special prayer ritual that encompasses a lot of
work with the Simbi lwa, as I explained in the letter. Sorry, Redangel,
did you not get the e-mails about this? I am sorry. You can just send any
requests that you want to and we are working
on rituals for you. Make sure that where you signed up for the chat that
we have the correct e-mail address for you. If not, you can modify your
[REDANGEL] Thanks, I just recently changed some setting on my e-mail since
my incident so I think I need to go back in
[Mambo Sam] Ok, that’s probably why you didn’t get it.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Waitinforastar? Go ahead, please.
[waitingforastar] Do we send in a prayer request concerning HD or just
[Mambo Sam] It doesn’t matter. Anything you want.
[waitingforastar] Okay, cool, thanks xox
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome! XOXO

[Mambo Sam] So we have been working with the Simbi lwa and I wanted to
talk to you all about that a little bit tonight. The Simbi lwa are a huge
family of lwa — you know some of the big favorites like Simbi Makaya,
Andezo, etc. Now there is some confusion about the Simbi lwa because
people often think that they are like the Ogouns, where “all Ogouns are
Ogoun.” The Simbis are a little more separated than the Ogouns. I was even
taught by a Haitian Houngan that Simbis get into terrible fights with each
other and have to be separated sometimes when two “dueling” Simbis possess
someone at a dance or ritual! I have not seen this for myself, but, well,
I cannot say that this Houngan had any reason to lie!
[Mambo Sam] I think some of the challenge comes in because often the
Simbis are portrayed together as a bunch of green snakes — where you
cannot tell them apart and they all seem to be springing up at once. So it
seems like a tangled family of “snakes” that could be “one.” But for our
purposes, even though we may choose to serve two or three together, as I
mentioned for our family ritual, I did want to clarify to you all that
they are very separate.
[Mambo Sam] Of course, one of our “odds on favorites” is Simbi Makaya
because he is so powerful with magick. He is the patron of the Sanpwel,
which is a loosely organized magickal group of Vodouisants in Haiti.
Which, by the way, the Sanpwel are NOT the Haitian Mafia as they are
sometimes referred to!

[ouanga_bottle] hand up
[Mambo Sam] Yes, Ouanga, go ahead please.
[ouanga_bottle] I did the Makayan service more than a year ago and it was
very powerful.
[Mambo Sam] Yes, it really is!
[ouanga_bottle] It really works
[Mambo Sam] And the more you work with Simbi Makaya, the more powerful he
will become in you. I have another service for him that I will share with
you guys next week. I was trying to type it out, but didn’t finish for
tonight. So in this way, you can all participate in what we are doing as a
family and work on your own ritual, too if you desire.
[ouanga_bottle] Slacker!
[Mambo Sam] That’s me.
[simonegreenewpp] snort!
[Mambo Sam] Snort.
[ouanga_bottle] rolling on the floooooor

[Destiny] ??
[Mambo Sam] Yes, Destiny.
[Destiny] What is a Makayan service?
[Mambo Sam] A ritual to Simbi Makaya.
[Destiny] or is that just to serve him
[Mambo Sam] Not exactly. It is to ask him for something.
[Destiny] is it in the files? Or will we learn that from you later?
[Mambo Sam] I believe Mambo Racine has one on her website and I will teach
you a different one, though it is similar.
[ouanga_bottle] (awesome!)
[Destiny] oh, ok, thank you
[Mambo Sam] You are welcome.

[Mambo Sam] Yes, Patrick.
[PATRICKinCALI] Is he the lois associated with the protection gris gris
that I got from SM?
[Mambo Sam] No.
[Mambo Sam] Wait.... I always confuse the protection and power gris-gris
bags. Okay, I can’t remember. You can e-mail me and ask me.
[PATRICKinCALI] Cobweb covered
[Mambo Sam] You guys know I have everything written down cuz I have that
CRS disease! LOL.
[Mambo Sam] Just e-mail me. I always confuse those two bags and don’t want
to give you the wrong info.
[PATRICKinCALI] Appreciate it! Not trying to play “Stump the Mambo” or
[ouanga_bottle] SNORT
[bridget] Ogoun is the Power bag
[Mambo Sam] Oh heck, I don’t care!
[bridget] Cymbie is the protection bag
[bridget] Mambo said I could say so!
[rattle shaker] Ogoun is for the power one.
[Candelaria] yep
[PATRICKinCALI] “Look deep into the bottle of Absolut...”
[Mambo Sam] You guys should know by now that I will not guess at the
answer and if I don’t know, I am gonna tell you.
[ouanga_bottle] Crystal bottle
[Mambo Sam] Sister Bridget knows the answer. Read above. Thank her nicely.
[Candelaria] Did anyone catch it? heehee
[ouanga_bottle] Thank you dear sister!!
[rattle shaker] Just ask the sista’s
[PATRICKinCALI] Thanks Sr. B!
[bridget] We affectionately call each other the gris gris bag twins
[bridget] You are very welcome
[Candelaria] We’ve got them all!
[ouanga_bottle] hee hee

[Mambo Sam] Although a game of “Stump the Mambo” might be fun sometime!
LOL.Except you guys would win.
[simonegreenewpp] Maybe at the convention.
[Mambo Sam] Then I would hex you. Oops. No I wouldn’t.
[ouanga_bottle] OMG
[Mambo Sam] Would I?
[rattle shaker] hahahah!
[Mambo Sam] Be nice to da Mambo.
[simonegreenewpp] Oh, I thought you said you would sex us.
[Mambo Sam] Spank you.
[ouanga_bottle] STOP
[Mambo Sam] okay.
[rattle shaker] enough!
[Mambo Sam] Sigh.
[rattle shaker] <—redirect
[Mambo Sam] And a silence fell over the room....
[Mambo Sam] spooky.
[Mambo Sam] chirp
[Mambo Sam] chirp
[simonegreenewpp] Laughing to much to type!
[ouanga_bottle] ROFL
[PATRICKinCALI] “angel passing through”
[Mambo Sam] Ah, it’s good to be back.
[Destiny] LOL!
[Mambo Sam] So anyhootie
[Candelaria] Sooooooooo, how about them Patriots?
[rattle shaker] Saturday night!
[Mambo Sam] So I wanted to tell you guys a little bit about the Simbis in
New Orleans Voodoo. Whereas in many other “cultures” of Voodoo it is all
about the Ogouns, the Erzulies, etc. New Orleans Voodoo has sort of its
own “secret” Voodoo society. Somewhat similar to the Haitian Sanpwel. I
cannot really say the name here. But there is nothing wrong with teaching
you about it.
[Mambo Sam] In this society, it is linked very much the honoring and
serving and calling upon of the Simbis. There is a lot of what is loosely
called “snake magick.” What’s really interesting about it, is that people
think that the society revolves around Damballah. And the society pretty
much leaves that thought process in place. But it doesn’t have a thing to
do with our dear Damballah.
[Mambo Sam] But there is very powerful magick involved and some serious
service to the Simbi lwa. To be initiated into this society it is one of
those things where you have to know somebody and be invited. If you “ask”
you will be told that no such society exists. And you will never get in.
This all goes back to original sort of “swamp magick.” However, there are
parts of what they do that I can teach you. There is a pretty fair amount
of it built into the spell kits and other products, especially the

[Mambo Sam] Anybody remember Aunt Fannie?
[rattle shaker] Yes!
[bridget] I DO!
[Candelaria] Loves Aunt Fannie!
[ouanga_bottle] yummy!
[Mambo Sam] So the potions are one thing that are sort of straight out the
bayou magick.
[bridget] Fleurette Beauchamp!
[Mambo Sam] I know a bunch of you have heard me tell how (right!!!!
Fleurette Beauchamp!) It took me a LONG time to get those potions to where
they are today! Since the way I got them was, “well, honey, you put some
of this in there, and oh, about a thimble full of that....” You get the
idea. Then figure out how to make a gallon of it. But finally I did it!
[rattle shaker] Hahaha!
[Mambo Sam] Which, by the way, we never make more than a gallon at a time
of that.
[Mambo Sam] It is supposed to be “fresh batch” for most efficacy.
[Mambo Sam] Yes, Patrick.
[PATRICKinCALI] Is Fannie still living?
[Mambo Sam] She passed away. I need to put a memoriam up on the potion page.
[Mambo Sam] I want to put her picture up there, but there is a little bit
of family problem with that.
[Candelaria] Dats OK. She’s still here. :-)
[Mambo Sam] But I think I am going to actually put a picture from when she
was really young, so I don’t think that will be an issue then. HER mother
used to sell potion and gris-gris and all manner of thing out of her back
door. People could not come to the front door. She sold it straight out of
her kitchen.
[Candelaria] I love that!
[Mambo Sam] But of course, she didn’t know what you were talking about if
you asked her about it! LOL. Honest to goodness I think that woman lived
to be about 105. Because I can remember her pretty well. Even though I was
pretty much a small child when she was alive.

[Mambo Sam] So the potions are made on the point of Simbi Makaya. And I am
sure that explains a lot about their power to you. So, for the next couple
of weeks, we are going to concentrate on the Simbis while we are doing
this ritual for all of you and that way we can put all of our collective
energy into it. Since some of you did not get the e-mail about the
rituals: We are working with three of the Simbis: Simbi Makaya, Simbi
Andezo, and Simbi Dlo.

[Mambo Sam] The reason that we started one of the phases of the work on
January 6 is because that is “three kings day” or “epiphany” and the
Simbis are often symbolized by a picture of the three wisemen.
[Mambo Sam] Curly, Larry, and Mo.
[Mambo Sam] Ooops. Sorry... too much vodka.
[simonegreenewpp] Those are wise guys!
[Mambo Sam] OH, darn it. I always get that mixed up! Anyway....
[Destiny] lol!
[Mambo Sam] So, the Simbis as a whole are often symbolized as the three
wisemen. And January 6 is often celebrated with Vodouisants as a general
feast day for the lwa and/or the Simbis in particular. So that is why we
chose to begin the middle phase of the work on that day.

[Mambo Sam] By next week, I will have the ritual for you to all join in,
if you desire, for the last phase of the work. Now, since we will be
working for the “common good” I can set up a web page with everyone’s
petitions on them (with the names removed OF COURSE), if enough of you
feel that you want to work in that manner.
[ouanga_bottle] hand up
[Mambo Sam] The other way is that we can simply do a “blanket petition”
for “everyone in the group’s prayers.”
[Mambo Sam] Yes, Ouanga?
[ouanga_bottle] would you please also remove .... eh... certain details?
[Mambo Sam] Oh, of course — I would remove all “personal” data that could
give away who you are talking about.
[ouanga_bottle] (thank you my love)
[Mambo Sam] But I don’t want to do it at all if not enough people want to
work with all of that — as the Sisters can tell you, it is a pretty big
list of stuff.
[bridget] Its a long list, kids
[rattle shaker] Maybe a “for your eyes only” subject line
[bridget] :-) in a good way, of course!
[Candelaria] Yep!! :-)
[ouanga_bottle] you guys really are Santa Claus!
[Mambo Sam] I would put it on a web page, not an e-mail. You would have to
know where it is to find it. But it really is up to you guys, and I will
ask again next week and then we can decide.
[ouanga_bottle] Google can find anything unless you set it to deter robots
[Mambo Sam] But who would be looking for it? And all the password stuff is
programmed for “no robots text.”
[ouanga_bottle] there you go! You know the lingo!! haaaa
[rattle shaker] The names have been removed to protect the innocent...
[ouanga_bottle] hehheheheh
[Mambo Sam] Or the guilty.
[Candelaria] Right... they have to be searching for it, in order to find it.
[PATRICKinCALI] Most people wouldn’t know what they were looking at anyway
[Mambo Sam] Exactly.
[ouanga_bottle] I can’t wait! I think it’s a great idea
[PATRICKinCALI] It could be Aunt Ruth’s prayer chain for all they know.

[Mambo Sam] So right now, just by a quick show of hands, who wants to work
with all the petitions.?
[simonegreenewpp] Me too! I was hoping we could participate. :-)
[ouanga_bottle] Absolut
[rattle shaker] Hand
[Mambo Sam] God bless Aunt Ruth — I think I will name the page that!
[PATRICKinCALI] Ha Ha! Aunt Ruth would be proud!
[lavender] Hand
[Rowan586] hand
[Mambo Sam] Okay, actually that is enough to make it worth while!
[ouanga_bottle] I love group “prayer” rituals
[Mambo Sam] Yep.
[Destiny] me too!
[schweety] hand

[Mambo Sam] I do love the energy of it. And the sisters have been working
really hard on behalf of all of you. They have been shaking those ju-ju’s!
[Mambo Sam] Please give them a round of applause!
[simonegreenewpp] And this is our Wednesday night prayer group.
[Mambo Sam] Yes!
[ouanga_bottle] Thank you so much, Mambo, Matt, and Sister Bridget and
Sister Candelaria!!
[Mambo Sam] Thank you, Sisters!!!
[REDANGEL] Standing ovation
[Mambo Sam] Yes!
[Candelaria] You’re welcome. :-) It is our pleasure!
[lavender] Thank you, clap... clap
[Destiny] I love you guys! Thank you so much!
[Candelaria] Glad to be of service.
[simonegreenewpp] Thank you all!
[bridget] I just love to shake my Ju Ju!!!
[bridget] HAHAHAHA
[Candelaria] Me too! Hahahahahaha
[Mambo Sam] I heard that about you!
[Mambo Sam] And you, too!
[Candelaria] Bridgey and I are going to form a band. A very magickal band.
[Mambo Sam] The Ju-Ju Sisters.
[ouanga_bottle] what a great idea!
[Mambo Sam] That’s a hitmaker right there.
[Candelaria] Yep, dats us!
[bridget] as soon as we learn to sing and shake and walk at the same time
[Mambo Sam] Hahahahahaha.
[Candelaria] OMG!
[Mambo Sam] That’s the tricky part.
[bridget] this white girl got no rhythm!
[Candelaria] I am blonde. Let’s all keep that in mind.
[Mambo Sam] LOL.
[rattle shaker] hahahha! C’mon now!
[PATRICKinCALI] I like to watch you gals shake your Ju Ju’s
[rattle shaker] I know better!
[Mambo Sam] Patrick!
[PATRICKinCALI] voyeur
[Mambo Sam] Aw darn it, now I am missing everyone.
[Mambo Sam] October cannot come fast enough for me! Anyway....
[Candelaria] We miss everyone so much!!
[rattle shaker] Love you guys!
[Mambo Sam] So we will be working with our Simbis over the next couple of
weeks and getting our ritual in order.
[Mambo Sam] Love you, too!!!
[simonegreenewpp] Me too — I really missed the chat!
[ouanga_bottle] me too
[Destiny] me too!
[ouanga_bottle] You guys are my friends

[Mambo Sam] Well, I missed you all, too. But, I did get a chance to go
over some of the times where you all suggested what you would like to see
for classes.
[rattle shaker] mine too!
[Mambo Sam] So that gave me a chance to lay out some good stuff for this
year. There will be lotsa lurnin’ happening!
[Mambo Sam] MY friends! I claim them all as mine, mine, mine!
[ouanga_bottle] snort
[rattle shaker] You have a class, for sure! hahaha
[ouanga_bottle] this is real education
[Rowan586] this is my social time every week
[Mambo Sam] As it should be.

[Candelaria] It’s about time for MaMere’s meds everyone. Don’t be alarmed.
[simonegreenewpp] Liquid meds.
[Mambo Sam] — would one of my daughters please bring me my pills?
[Mambo Sam] I cannot get the child proof cap off.
[rattle shaker] Hhahahahhaaaa!
[Candelaria] Which batch? heehee
[ouanga_bottle] I’ll have some of what she’s got
[PATRICKinCALI] She’s “sundowning” folks
[bridget] I will share with you MaMere. Would you like the red ones or the
green ones?
[Mambo Sam] God, Patrick, I am.... I am tired!
[Mambo Sam] Bridgey, send me meds. MaMere neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds them! LOL.
[ouanga_bottle] definitely both
[Mambo Sam] All right, kiddos..... get ready to really get going next
week. I wanted us all to have a chance to get back together and blow off
some steam. Simone has to get back to her Fisherman’s Friend. (Sorry.....
Inside joke that has amused me daily for several days now.
[rattle shaker] Ma Mere!
[simonegreenewpp] Tee hee! Wish it was that easy. :-)
[Mambo Sam] That’s why you got the spanky smiley! You are such a bad girl,
but made me laugh so hard!
[simonegreenewpp] I’ll bring the ball gag in October.
[Mambo Sam] And here we were talking about PRAYING and you have to talk
about the Fisherman’s Friend.
[simonegreenewpp] What do you think I’m praying for?
[ouanga_bottle] Is that like the magazine rack?
[Mambo Sam] Okay folks, if you don’t know, a Fisherman’s Friend is a cough
drop, and there was a joke about sucking a cough drop. That is all I am
saying. Anyhoo....
[PATRICKinCALI] I thought it was code for a vibrator
[ouanga_bottle] me too
[rattle shaker] Hahahahaha!!!
[simonegreenewpp] No, that’s a “ladies’ home companion”
[Mambo Sam] LOL... no it really is a cough drop!! It is called the
Fisherman’s Friend. LOL.
[rattle shaker] We have them here in FL
[Mambo Sam] Actually they are pretty darned effective!
[simonegreenewpp] If not, you can try his other friend.
[Mambo Sam] And there it is....
[rattle shaker] I might be able to get them from Sam’s (sorry Simone)
wanna case?
[waitingforastar] We have Fisherman’s Friend here on the east coast too,
strong cough drop
[Mambo Sam] It really is strong.
[Mambo Sam] But it will stop a cough dead in its tracks.
[ouanga_bottle] I need a case
[waitingforastar] Yep
[schweety] *blinks* as she tried to catch up with the conversation.... Got
lost at vibrator
[simonegreenewpp] Don’t we all?
[Mambo Sam] But that silly Simone, here I am talking about her leading
prayers and she has to make a joke about the Fisherman’s Friend and I
honestly have been laughing for days. People think I am insane (more than
usual) because I am mumbling, “Fisherman’s Friend” and then laughing.
[PATRICKinCALI] that happens sometimes...
[rattle shaker] Hahahahahah!!!!!
[ouanga_bottle] OMG
[Candelaria] Notice how no one rushed to tell you that you aren’t insane.
[ouanga_bottle] Don’t forget to say bwahahahaaaaaa
[rattle shaker] Is that different from the little man in the boat?
[Mambo Sam] You did not say that, Rattleshaker!
[PATRICKinCALI] Oh, don’t go there!
[ouanga_bottle] RS!!!
[rattle shaker] sorry
[Mambo Sam] OMG now I really am going to be laughing my arse off since now
I have a whole new level to the Fisherman’s Friend.
[waitingforastar] *whip*
[rattle shaker] It must be a Gede invasion
[bridget] the tidy bowl man?
[Mambo Sam] It must be.
[Mambo Sam] And, oh, lovely daughter Candi, thanks for pointing that out!
[ouanga_bottle] hahaaaaa
[Rowan586] I have missed all of you so much I love chat nights
[Candelaria] That’s what daughters are for! heehee
[Mambo Sam] Okay, this part of the transcript is never going to see the
light of day!
[rattle shaker] hahahahahahahaaaaaa
[ouanga_bottle] haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[Mambo Sam] I love how Schweety doesn’t say a word all night until we talk
about vibrators!
[ouanga_bottle] haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[simonegreenewpp] It’s ok, I’ll correct any spelling errors.
[rattle shaker] Hahahahahahahaha
[Candelaria] Yeah, what’s that all about?!
[schweety] well YOU know where my mind is
[Mambo Sam] Then she gets all wide-eyed and blinky on us!
[schweety] *blushes*
[Mambo Sam] Tee hee.
[rattle shaker] Just like family!
[Mambo Sam] Paris is very, very quiet — Lavender, too! Love you both!

[Mambo Sam] Okay, my darlings.
[Destiny] hehe
[Mambo Sam] And with that..... I shall call it a night. I love you all.
Please do come back next week ready to work!
[simonegreenewpp] I love you, too!
[ouanga_bottle] (clapping)
[schweety] goodnight
[waitingforastar] I love you too
[Candelaria] Night everyone!
[Mambo Sam] Vibrators, Fisherman’s Friend, and the Man in the Boat and all!
[Mambo Sam] Love you all!!!!!
[ouanga_bottle] xo xo xo
[Rowan586] Sweet dreams all
[rattle shaker] Simbis are a group, while Ogoun is like “all-in-one”.
[Mambo Sam] Kisses and hugs. Good to be back!
[REDANGEL] Wait I think I feel a standing “O”vation coming on again
[ouanga_bottle] Congrats Rattleshaker!
[ouanga_bottle] Encore!
[Rowan586] Mambo ask Berkeley to show you the links I sent her last week.
[rattle shaker] Thanks!
[PATRICKinCALI] Here’s to prayers answered and dreams come true!
[Mambo Sam] Okay, I sure will. Rowan, I mean.
[waitingforastar] Amen
[Mambo Sam] Blessings to all. Much love.
[REDANGEL] Night all xoxox
[Paris] still waters run deep
[waitingforastar] Blessings to you and much love
[Mambo Sam] LOL, Paris, indeed!
[ouanga_bottle] wow that was DEEP
[Destiny] Yes, I second that PatrickinCali!
[Mambo Sam] Love you, Paris!
[Mambo Sam] Love you, Lavender.
[lavender] Good night Mambo and all
[Mambo Sam] Love you ALL!
[PATRICKinCALI] Miss you Destiny!
[Destiny] Miss you too!
[Destiny] Good night everybody!
[PATRICKinCALI] see you next week
[waitingforastar] Goodnight all, love you all xoxoxo
[bridget] Night all.
[simonegreenewpp] Good night, Bridget!
[waitingforastar] Good night Sister Bridget, xox
[Paris] Love you too, my dreams are coming true soon
[waitingforastar] Good night Sister Candelaria xox
[Candelaria] Night Anne!
[bridget] Night all!
[Candelaria] Simone my dear, let me know.
[simonegreenewpp] Ok, that’s it I think.